Raban Ethindale Harkonnen

From AmtWiki

Lord Sir Raban Ethindale Harkonnen of Slaughter Creek of Celestial Kingdom

Play the game to play, not to win, and you'll always win.



Belted Line

Sir Welrick Zircon (Crown 1992) (Flame 2000)

Sir Zodiac Darkjester - (Flame), (Crown)

Dame Linden (Flame 2005), (Crown 2007), (Serpent 2010)

Damn Alona Twotrees (Flame 2012)

Sir Bunch the Drunk (Flame 2022)

Eques Tye Dye (Flame 2015)

Dame Roslyn (Serpent 2015)

Ser Petra (Flame, 2017)

Sir Corwyn Lindenson (Serpent) 2022

Game Stats

  • Created a knight of the Serpent by King Weasel of the Celestial Kingdom February 2011.
  • Master Monk,
  • Master Warrior,
  • RW Weaponmaster Winner 04
  • CK Dragonmaster Winner 06
  • CK Weaponmaster Winner 11
  • Was once Squired to Sir Warblade




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