Liam Fitzdonal
From AmtWiki
Earl Liam Fitzdonal, of Crest Haven, Kingdom of Neverwinter - The Lost Bard of Silverwater
"As Per Corpora and In Accordance With Prophecy..."
Liam started in Silverwater in 1995 or 1996, having fun with bardics and feast-rules. He took several breaks from the game, and about a year after Crest Haven was formed, Liam returned to Amtgard "for realz." He served a term as Regent of Crest Haven, and two as Kingdom Prime Minister, during the latter of which he helped facilitate the re-working of the Neverwinter corpora.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
Dame Linden (Flame 2005), (Crown 2007), (Serpent 2010)
- Squire Kentigern of the Wetlands
- Squire Revell Armstrong of Polaris
- Dame Frú Ka'a of Westmarch
- Dame Cannon Tul of Tal Dagore
- Dame Trista Tulnata of Rivermoor (Serpent, 2024)
- Squire Noah of Rivermoor
Damn Alona Twotrees (Flame 2012)
- Squire Kuma
- Sir Bunch the Drunk (Flame 2022)
- Squire Osgiliath Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Metro the Drunk
- MaA Toast the Drunk
- MaA Japhy Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Raist Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Toastahpop the Drunk
- MaA Faust Silverscale the Drunk
- Page Arus Varen the Drunk
- Page Hyde Tepes the Drunk
- Page GobboPoP the Drunk
- MaA Chops the Redeemed Drunk
- MaA Alerow the Drunk
- Page Alara the Drunk-Inactive
- Squire Osgiliath Bramhall the Drunk
- Squire Vincent Beche
- Eques Tye Dye (Flame 2015)
- Dame Scifee (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Brognar Stonepaw (Crown, 2022)
- Sir Gorovan Dramsson (Flame, 2022)
- Page Genevieve
Sir Corwyn Lindenson (Serpent) 2022
- Squire Gheldar Blackthorn of Tal Dagore
- Squire Momma K of Rivermoor
- Page Thire Wolfe
- WAA Ohrin
- WAA Bull Grimwulff
- WAA Leaf
Notable Accomplishments
Performed Regulate at Neverwinter winter coronation in 2008. Wrote the foreword for Edition 3.0 of the Neverwinter Corpora