From AmtWiki

Knighting Crest by Alona
AKA Evita Petrón
"Petra is 50% rainbows and 50% the f-word" - Randall
"A rainbow cactus. Gooey on the inside- but very prickly." - Casca
"Petra is filled with rainbows and glitter, but sometimes they are rainbows of rage and glitter of all-consuming hate." - Alona
Petra was knighted in the Order of the Flame on June 10th, 2017.
After a brief first contact with Amtgard in the early 2000's, Petra began playing in earnest at Boreal Dale in the summer of 2009. A couple years later, they moved to what was then the static kingdom seat at Goldenvale Proper. After several years of travelling to other kingdoms to be on various event staffs, Petra was knighted in the Iron Mountains Denver.
Affiliated Groups
- Logistics Seat, Olympiad Committee (Formerly Cultural Seat, 2015-2018)
- Creator of the A&S Anonymous Facebook group.
- ORK Admin
- Bellator Adamas
- Ministers of Grace
- Yarnies