Events in 2011
From AmtWiki
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- February 26/27th - Wetlands Circle of Knights voted to remove Silvertip from the peerage. This decision was appealed to the Althing the next day, where it was upheld by the populace of the Wetlands.
- Febuary; Raban a sitting regent of the Golden Plains, was knighted by the Celestial Kingdom. The legality of the knighting was disputed, but later dropped.
- The former seat of the static crown of the Kingdom of the Golden Plains voted in an emergency allotting to leave the kingdom from which they took their name. The shire would later join the Burning Lands.
- The principalities of Westmach and Northern Lights present pre-bids to the Circle of Monarchs.
- Contact is established with the Croatian group, Bloodhoney.
- The Principality of Stormhaven moves from a static to a floating crown structure.
For a week by week breakdown of events see the Current events 2011 page.
- Annwyn (Chapter) Fredonia, New York
- Aegir's Hall Lodi, California
- Alderwood Choloe, West Virgina
- Black Widow Lake Point Pleasant, West Virginia
- Bloodsteel Valley Granite City, Illinois
- Blüdfrost Paducah, Kentucky
- Constantinople Carbondale, Illinois
- Darkmoon Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Darkwater (New Mexico) Portales, New Mexico
- Dolarad Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
- Dragon Glen Spring, Texas
- Eternal Wolf Reno, Nevada
- Falcon's Eyrie Elkhart, Indiana
- Frost's Grim Camas, Washington
- Iron Hold Orem, Utah
- Jotunheim Brandenburg, Kentucky
- Obsidian Gate Tucson, Arizona
- Obsidian Grove Vancouver, Washington
- Raven's Nest Mankato, Minnesota
- Rising Sun Station Alexandria, Virgina
- Serpent Valley Boise, Idaho
- Serpent's Hollow Anderson, Indiana
- Siren's Rest Tricites, Washington
- Sky Harbor New Albany, Indiana
- Tempest Vale Florence, Alabama
- Terra De Votum Las Vegas, Nevada
- Two Rivers Point Binghamton, New York
- Valley of the Forgotten Giants New Carlise, Ohio
- Viper's Court Farmington, Missouri
- White Owls Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada
- Wolf Glen Seguin, Texas
- Wyvern Valley Rome, New York
- Siobhan Uaine Dragon : Knight of the Serpent : Crystal Groves
- Squire DaPage : Knight of the Flame : Neverwinter
- Cyric : Knight of the Sword : Blackspire
- Raban Ethindale Harkonnen : Knight of the Serpent : Celestial Kingdom
- Colonel Macleod Darkjester : Knight of the Flame : Celestial Kingdom
- Monkey : Knight of the Serpent : Golden Plains
- Leonardo : Knight of the Flame : Golden Plains
- Killashandra : Knight of the Serpent : Celestial Kingdom
- Porthos De Monterrey : Knight of the Flame : Celestial Kingdom
- Thorvald Penitant-del Khahli : Knight of the Crown : Rising Winds
- Saphira Odinson : Knight of the Serpent : Rising Winds
- Malfurion : Knight of the Flame : Rising Winds
- Kaadiart AnaMayn : Knight of the Crown : Rising Winds
- Patch Of CK : Knight of the Serpent : Celestial Kingdom
- Shadow Dragon : Knight of the Flame : Celestial Kingdom
- Khanar Ekorn Svarta : Knight of the Crown : Iron Mountains
- Caliana : Knight of the Crown : Burning Lands
- Lorell Nemoralis : Knight of the Flame : Tal Dagore
- Celdic Fitz Caliston : Knight of the Serpent : Desert Winds
- Vexx Furia : Knight of the Crown : Desert Winds
- Kamal Mustafa : Knight of the Sword : Golden Plains
- Folcwine : Knight of the Sword : Iron Mountains
- Casca Eruoy : Knight of the Serpent : Iron Mountains
- Tosc : Knight of the Flame : Crystal Groves
- Monkey : Knight of the Sword : Golden Plains
- Anubis : Knight of the Crown : Golden Plains
- Weasel : Knight of the Crown : Celestial Kingdom
- Shaggy : Knight of the Sword : Celestial Kingdom
- Azkar Raintree : Knight of the Crown : Celestial Kingdom (Posthumously)
- Duffer Cole : Knight of the Flame : Desert Winds
- Cervantes SpiritPaw Ironfist : Knight of the Flame : Golden Plains
- Aphaydren Stormchaser : Knight of the Flame : Blackspire
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