Current events
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This article may require cleanup. The specific problem is: very outdated. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article if you can. (April 2016) |
Last week in Amtgard
This Page is updated every Wednesday or Thursday, maybe Friday. Newer news can be found here, also see Upcoming Events.
Wednesday the 25th of March to Tuesday the 31st
- Blood games is to be held August 21-23. A meeting of LARPers from several different realms.
- Information for the upcoming clan has been released. If you are a Kingdom Monarch or a Rules Rep you attendance or that of proxy is required.
Emerald Hills
- In the future the EH PM mill be posting the updated eligible voter list to the kingdom website.
- Kingdom will also be holding an Althing this weekend. info
- Mourningwood Glen plans a bridge battle game for this upcoming weekend.
Celestial Kingdom
- New Corpora with changes is now published.
- Reign 50 calendar has been released and is now viewable on the Celestial Kingdom Page.
- We are accepting bids for Spring War 2016 due at Summer Midreign (August 21-23)
Golden Plains
Iron Mountains
- The Duchy of the Iron Mountains (IMD) has become the Iron Mountains Crown Lands and the forums and park info has been updated accordingly. The park location has NOT changed at this time. Please be patient with us through the transition.
- Cruz attempts to nail down the undefinable allure of Amtgard with a survey
- Prince Covus of Olympus calls for more input on the Principality's Corpora.
- The Duchy of Olympus recently held their Iron Man tourney Dayne won the day long tournament.
- The Principality of Rivermoor had their coronation on April 11th, Oderic stepped up as Prince, Jocelyn as Regent, and Raion no Kupe as the new Champion. A good time was had by all!
- Bowen seeks pictures for two former monarchs of Goldenvale; Astalon/Katon , Duke Sir Argus of the Seven Hills.
- Dragonspine seeks to take over the Celelstial Kingdom. Dubious Paladin at the head. [1]
- Kingdom Proper will hold an attendee drive today, Saturday the 28.
- Sir Crom Receives his third Belt At Spring War.
- Mushroom Shrine Reuninon Tour. When: Saturday, March 28, 2009. Where: Strawberry Park, Pasadena, TX. Why: Because awesome never dies.
- Emerald Wind looks to change it up a bit, looking for new and interesting battle games.
- Azurea of Crying Heavens reminds everyone to bring money for feast this Saturday.
- Joy calls for volunteers for Midreign Feast.
- The Autocrats of Rosewood Have refused to accept donated Live steel prizes, This spawns a debate on the mailing list about whether it is safe to have Live Steel at Amtgard. (Note from the autocrats: we did not refuse to accept live steel. We said we would prefer not to make all prizes live steel, as the general opinion of previous years' winners is that they would prefer "something more useful").
- Until very recently there was no part of the BS corpora that required people to be over the age of 18. Their current Champion is 17. There is also some confusion about having closed champions tourneys.
Rising Winds
- King Thorvald recently reiterated the qualifications for Class Masterhoods. Apparently many have been given with in the kingdom without the consent of the Prime Minister and Monarch.
- Trails End thanks Kat for putting on the "Loner Weapon Dinner".
- The free sword program is going on this event! If you bring a newbie to their first event, they can come to me and get a free sword. This program is to get new people out to our events. I think that if new people come to events then we usually "hook" them. This "program" does cost me a lot of money so please do not take advantage of me. If you know that the person has already taken a sword from past events please do not send them to me again.
Crystal Groves
Desert Winds
- Nidilap steps in to the office of Duke of Desert Rose.
- Drifting Winds is founded in Cottonwood, Arizona. The chapter is petitioning Dragonspine.
- Heaven's Abyss which was once known as Shining Dogs has changed their name to Darkwater.
- Iron Springs Restarts in a new location. Khazon reports good attendance and lots of newbies on the Amt Atlanta list.
Burning Lands
Emerald Hills
- Red Storm petitions Kingdom for sponsorship. The hypothetic Oklahoma principality now has a name, Dreadmoor.
- Flyers for the emerald Hills are released. link
Celestial Kingdom
- Photos from Celestial Kingdom Mid reign are released. Abi Becomes the new prime minister.
Golden Plains
Iron Mountains
- Ivory Tower holds an Althing.
- Rakis Promo
- Due to some date conflicts Centerpoint Coronation is being moved to June 6th at SMP. There will be a fee of $5 per person. Lily is the feast crat, if you want to help Quest, helping collect fees, and helping with food is all welcome.
- Coronation will be held Saturday March 7th. More information can be located at the Goldenvale forums.
- Squire Chekers is the incoming Monarch, Sir Elizabeth is the incoming Regent and Brother Fredrik is the incoming Champion
- Chekers announces the Recruitment Drive Ultra Fun Time Contest. The sub-group of Goldenvale with the most new players between 3/07 and 8/07 will recieve a special prize suitable to group size. The prize will be presented at Fury of the Northlands. New players must sign in atleast twice to count and not have signed in before 3/07.
- Sir Blackhawk announces the new monthly A&S challenge. More information can be had at the Goldenvale forums. under Arts and Sciences.
- Greetings from the Principality of Westmarch! The results of our spring Weapon and Dragonmaster are as follows: Dragonmaster: Leah of Seven Sleeping Dragons 1st Dragonmaster, Xiaho of Crimson Wood 2nd, and Brigade of Siar Geata 3rd. Weaponmaster: Deimos of Seven Sleeping Dragons 1st Weaponmaster, Nodule of Wavehaven 2nd, Feanix of Wavehaven and Grix of Wyvern's Spur tied for 3rd.
- Video of Ironwood Coronation
- Several new parks have sprung up in the Area. Regent Alona Twotrees Retools the Never winter Website.
- Squire Christiana 43 won the election for Monarch Of Blackspire with 43 votes. Aristiri will be stepping up as regent. Shyden will be the incoming champion and Moonshine is the GMoK.
Rising Winds
- Declarations for Office in the Rising Winds have been opened. Thorvald has declared for another term as Monarch, Heydeez has declared for champion.
Crystal Groves
- BoD meeting held on the 6th.
Desert Winds
- Midnight Coven is founded in Sulphur, Louisiana.
- Kurokawa is founded in Jacksonville, Florida.
Burning Lands
- Kurse announces the dates for this year's Gathering of the Clans July 22nd through the 26th.
Emerald Hills
- Photos of last weeks memorial are posted. Slyddur's Pics, Linden's Pics.
- I am opening declarations for the position of Kingdom PM. I will accept them until 11:59 pm on March 8th and voting will be on March 14th and 15th. PMs will have to have the votes in to me by 11:59pm on March 16th. The dues paid list of eligible voters will be run on March 2nd. -Forrest
Celestial Kingdom
- Midreign; The war of puppets is upon us, CK on Feburary 20 - 22, 2009 The event is the cost of 2 can goods per person to go to the Capital Area Food Bank. Abi Cross is elected kingdom Prime Minister. Alara becomes a Duchess. Sylvanista de’Ebonydaryth is created a Knight of the Crown.
- Pekannott Rois in Pleasonton, Texas joins the Celestial Kingdom
- Just 30 days to Spring War XVI. If you are interested in helping with gate please contact me or Gator ([email protected]). I'm not on the other kingdom list or the Amtgard list, so help sending this request to other lists would be greatly appreciated. For more information on Spring War XVI go to
Golden Plains
- February 21st - 22nd - Golden Plains Kingdom Qualls at Memorial Park in Amarillo Tx both days we will start at Noon please arrive safely and on time with everything you need prepared
Iron Mountains
- Raion no Neko becomes Guildmaster of Reeves of Ivory Tower in Lincoln, Nebraska.
- Febuary 21st - Mid-Reign of the Shire of Centerpoint held at Shawnee Mission Park in Shawnee, KS. Begins at 1pm.
- Bromos has Nominated himself for Principality of Olympus PM
- Bromos has slipped a disk in his back at throwdown and is bed ridden fr the next week
- The Shire of Paintedvale is formed in New York, New York and accepted under Goldenvale.
- Kingdom Crown Quals will be held February 21st. More information can be had on the Goldenvale forums.
- Kricket announces a Great Eastern fundraiser. Amtgear will be sold at with 100% of profits going to the Great Eastern coffers.
- February 21st - Qualification's tournament at Siar Geata
- February 21st - Westmarch Midreign held at Wavehaven
- February 21st - Elections in Pegasus Valley. Lila von Weiss and Beladonna with be the new monarch and regent. The Champion's Tournament was delayed due to sickness.
- Pictures from Wetlands Relic Quest Are posted. by Ladyhawk
- Falling Fire in Brandon, Flordia is having fighter practice again. All are welcome. We fight in the Mike E Sansone park off of Park rd in Plant City on Thursday between 6:30 and 9ish. As you enter the park we fight on the first base line of the first baseball field on the left. Link
- Falling Fire announces their "Pimp My Newbie" contest and invites players from other chapters to compete.
- Kingdom Elections for Blackspire will be held at Creston Park Mystic Seas, in Portland this coming saturday.
- Mithril Hills holds one last Jugging day for this reign on Sunday.
Rising Winds
- Madoc's Keep holds their Quals this weekend. Please one and all come out to the park and enter your things that you
have been working on.
- Feb 22nd Saytr's Crossing Holds their Crown Qualls.
Crystal Groves
Desert Winds
- I will be posting a list on who will be eligible to vote after this message. I will need those who do not plan on coming to the park this Saturday to send me your vote by midnight this Friday. General Kael (Ceowulf) and Archaeopteryx (Westerric) are running unopposed for Duke and Regent of Rivers End in Salt Lake City, Utah. Kahn faces Pancakes for the position of champion. No one has yet declared for the office of GMR.
- Fitz offers his home to those working in Quals at River's End
- NodRama, the shire of Weary Travelers held their first official meet in Orlando, Florida Last weekend. This chapter is a rebirth of the on again of again Shire of Bloodstone. For more information contact Nocturne at [email protected]. Closest chapters are Azure Coast, Falling Fire and Red Dawn.
- Sequoia Thunder will be meeting on friday at 4pm this weekend, instead of on saturday.
- Mid-Reign is Feb 21st. It will be held at the Apple Valley Community Center. Weapon Master and Dragon Master will be going at this event. We have indoor space from 2pm till 7pm. Please do not show up early, as we can't get in early and we wouldn't want to get on the Community Center's bad side. (Mists of the Dawn)
It's a sad week for Amtgard. We have been deprived of three members of our family. Our condolences to all those grieving the loss of these three men.
Burning Lands
Emerald Hills
- Sir Zigful Sai Yuk Passed away last week. Funeral services will be held at Tanglewood Forest in Corsicana, Tx on Saturday. At the Services, I will have a scrapbook with pages for everyone to sign. You can also add comments and memories, or poems, writings, drawings, photos, or pictures to the pages. I would like to give this scrapbook to Tammy and Dawn, Zig's sisters, and his parents, to express, in a creative way, how much we respect and love Zig. The scrapbook has 50 pages, so it will hold a lot of memories to share with them. If you would like to email me something to print, I will add it to the pages. You can then sign it on Sunday. Or you can bring something with you, and I will have my glue dots or photo glue to put things into the scrapbook. Even your signature and a few words will add a lot to this book. If you can't make the service, you can email me, and I will include your words. -Dame Tangeena
Celestial Kingdom
- Feb 13th to the 15th - Trollfest, Murcky Waters Midreign, At Camp Finnlayson on Ft Hood.
Golden Plains
Iron Mountains
- February 14th - Olympus's Throw in the Snow - Gate opens at 11AM at Horseshoe Falls Lodge at Pinicon Ridge outside of Central City, IA. Hosting Principality of Olympus's Coronation of Covus Helstaven, and the start of the Principality's first Pie-in-the-Face Fundraiser (to conclude at Principality Midreign).
- Video on Arrow Making by Raphael is posted on the Olympus List.
- February 15th - Hiemdell's Horn Quest - Ivory Tower
- Tsani declares for the office of Rivermoor GMR. Jazira steps up for Principality BoD.
- Ashen Spire has been accepted as a chapter under Dragonspine.
- Thank you to our judges that took time out of their day at the park to pick at everyone's cultural entries: Kaulick, F'lar, Silk, and Teliel. Thank you to our reeves that ran the war events even though they would much rather be fighting: Skywalker and Roland. And thank you to the large number of people that not only fought in the tournament but made all of the items for the biggest crown qualifications that I've seen in Pegasus Valley in a long time. There were 82 cultural entries and 19 people entering the war events. - Glenalth
- Sage declares for the office of Sheriff of Granyte Spyre.
- Feb Sun. 15th - WL Relic Quest - TBA
- Aristiri has put in her intent to run for Regent of Black Spire, again. There is some discussion as to wether she should be allowed to run for the office with out an althing. Jerago and Christiana have declared for Monarch. If Jerago is reelected it would be his second term and a half, since he has been the steward of the crown of blackspire since Tseng stepped down abruptly. Moonshine and Shyden have put in for champion.
- February 14th -(Saturday) 6th Level Battlegame Fund raiser-Inland Ocean
- This Sunday February 15th there is another teaching day at Greenwood Keep. This month it is MaA Raven teaching basic single sword and basic Sword and shield. There is also a chili dog fundraiser for the Northern Lights.
Rising Winds
- Photos from the Frostlands are posted by Rilla.
- Sir Katzu's brother Ben was killed during a car jacking last weekend.
- A memorial For Brandon Firedrake, a son of Satyr's Crossing killed by a stray bullet last week, will be held this Saturday at noon His sister Moriah welcomes his friends to join her at her home in Michigan City, IN.
- February 14th - Port of Winter's Night King's Visit RW
- February 15th - Quals for phoniex Tears
- Ashen Hills raids Port of Winter's Night This is, of course, to ensure PWN's continued subservience to the king.
- February 15th - The Harrowing Citadel hold's their Midreign and the King's Visit.
Crystal Groves
- Sunday the 15th is BFE day. Most of the kingdom is converging on Bandit Flats East in a 'Pick on the new shire' day.
Desert Winds
- The Salt Wars Auction is gearing up, and calling for artisans to top their previous donations.
- Ceowulf has declared for the office of Duke at the River's End. Westerric has declared for Regent.
- Wintermoor announces their intent to form in Sheridan, Wyoming.
Burning Lands
- There is glicth in the payment setup that downs the Amtgard INC website. Kurse says that the problem will be resolved shortly.
Emerald Hills
- Tanglewood forest holds a work weekend to put up a tax reducing fence
Celestial Kingdom
- Requirements for the cloak contest are released.
- Slaughter Creek has a new Website
Golden Plains
- Heaven's Abyss is back up and looking to change their name.
Iron Mountains
- February 1 - Althing and Dragonmaster Weaponmaster Ivory Tower
- Town Hall this thursday at our house. With weapon/dragon master this sunday I would like to invite ya'll to bring your A&S you need to work on over. I have two sewing machines and a serger that is open for anyone to use. Also the kitchen is open to anyone who would like to make something and test it on the group. Any questions give me a call at (319)-550-5560 or e-mail me at [email protected] --Kimberly AKA Nanako
- The Principality of Olympus has a new website.
- A Mystery pie is delivered to Randall's house.
- Feb Sun. 1st - Invasion - Stormwall - Jack Brooks Park, 5700 FM 2004, Hitchcock, TX
- Alona, the New regent of Neverwinter, is looking to put together a regent's guide.
- Lost Woods talks about restarting.
- At Winterbash a Raccoon was killed by some players. Being called "Raccoon Gate"; debate about the legality and morality of the killing rages on the BS List.
- Photos from Winter bash are released by Falcon.
Rising Winds
- February 2nd - The Dark Tournament and RP A&S Get your monster lovin' on in this devilish tournament where anything and everything goes! Bribe the reeves, destroy the crowd, cheat the rules! Teams of monsters assemble to fight it out for supremecy and a tradional prize from Sherriff Tyroas. Complete rules to follow in January. Knoblands
- Western Gate holds an A&S night to make 150 favors and 10 to 15 tabards for WGers to wear to Spring War.
- Starting March 2nd FC and CuMorrigan are going to be hosting a fighter practice at Garfield Park here in Indy. I am waiting to start it March 2nd because by then the weather will have calmed down a bit. I chose Garfield Park since it is pretty central and a really cool park. The fact that my new house is near there may have had a tad bit to do with it. -Grumish
Crystal Groves
- Feb. 1 - CG BOD Meeting
Desert Winds
- Ballots for Kingdom Prime Minister go out in Desert Winds. Raisin Derge is running unopposed.
- The Freehold Gypsy's Hallow is founded in Everett, Washington.
- The Freehold of Sequoyah Thunder is founded in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Current Events 2008 Please mirror the most recent events Template:Current Events here, or at least the major ones for inclusion in the front page.