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Paragons or Class Masterhood is an award given to a player for consistently being an excellent example of their class in full-class battlegames.

In Amtgard

Sometimes referred to as a ‘Class Masterhood', this is an award given to a player for consistently being an excellent example of their class in full-class battlegames. A player should look like, role-play, and be highly effective at playing their class to be bestowed a Paragon title. A Paragon should take the lead in teaching new players how to play their class, assist them with getting the necessary equipment, etc. A player may receive multiple Paragon titles, one for each class. The reserved symbol of a Paragon is silver trim on their class sash. Paladins may trim their Class Symbol phoenix in silver, and Monsters use a silver eye. Anti-Paladins use gold trim instead of silver for their sashes and Class Symbols.

The title of Master is generally awarded based on the discretion of the Monarch for service to the club or also awarded for six months service as Champion of a Duchy, Prime Minster of a Barony, or Regent of a Shire but the particulars depend on one's kingdom corpora.

Class Masterhoods are given for the obvious reason, excellence in the named class. For instance, Paragon Archer would be given for excellence in playing of the Archer class. Every class has one of these and in most corporas to achieve this award, something like this must happen; You behave excellently in class 'X', the Guildmaster of the Class recommends you to the Monarch for your masterhood, then jointly the Monarch and the Prime Minister decide if you are worthy or not. To some people these don't mean anything, to others they are the coolest thing ever, it's all about perspective. After the adoption of the V8 RoP, all new class masterhoods are named "Paragon" in order to alleviate confusion between class masterhood and Order Masterhood.

Class Masterhood

Examples of Paragon include:

Alt-class Masterhood

A Masterhood Achieved in a non-standard classes

Corpora Example

An example from the Burning Lands Corpora:

4.2 Masterhood in the Service Guilds and Orders:
  • 4.21 As per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.22 Denotes excellence in contributions to the group in the area listed (see explanations of the orders themselves).
  • 4.23 Specific types of Masterhood:
  • 4.231 Dragon- Per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.2311 Hydra- 10 orders of the Hydra.
  • 4.232 Garber- Per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.233 Lion- Per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.234 Owl- Per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.235 Reeve- 12 weeks experience as a reeve.
  • 4.236 Rose- Per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.237 Smith- Per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.238 Warrior (designated title: Warlord)- Per the current Award Standardization.
  • 4.239 The Monarch may create other titles and forms of Masterhood that do not conflict/compete with the existing ladder awards.