Archduke Sir Harold of Mordengaard
”"Worst Achilles ever..."”
Started amtgard in July of 2000 with an invitation from Fellwin and Backstab.
He is the founder of the Seekers of the Abyss, and last playing member of the great newbie explosion of Mordengaard.
Azure, in pale a pair of compasses Or and two hammers in saltire argent.
Affiliated Groups
He was a founding member of the Seekers of the Abyss before they subsiquently became a household. Since then Harold became a member of the OK Cavalry until he found himself the last active member within Amtgard. Founder of Scurvy, the most excellently lackluster jugging team ever devised by mankind. A founding member of the Circle of Pages. Harold was a founder and the first Chief Registrar of the College of Heraldry.
Current affiliated groups include:
- Household of the Seekers of the Abyss
- House Honor Spire
- House Greyseer
- F. O. O. K.
- Scurvy
- Werewolves of Mordengaard
- House Bus
- College of Heraldry
- Roger's Raiders
- Tide
Belted Family
Sir Michael Hammer of God (Crown 1991), (Sword 1992), (Flame 1995), (Serpent 2003)
I:Sir Chado (Sword)
- Sir Ta'Shi-iak(Flame)
- Sir Rook (Sword)
II:Squire Rhys
III:Squire Vlar
- Squire Loric
- Squire Gernot
- Squire Talon
- Sir Teth Bloodthorne (Serpent)
- Squire Trevor Hargrave
V:Sir Fnord (Crown)(Sword) (Flame)
- Sir Morgan Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown) (Serpent)
- Sir Redhawk Longwing (Flame)
- Squire Keldoran McKenna
- Sir Silvertip (Flame)
- Squire Lord Lasher
- Sir Zachry Ironwolf (Serpent) (Crown)
- Sir Redhawk Longwing (Flame)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown) (Serpent)
Sir Queball (Flame, 2014) (Crown, 2018) (Serpent, 2021) (Battle, 2023)
- Squire Steeeeeve
- Squire Duran Cannon
- Sir Kismit (Flame, 2023)
- Abir Shale Nfty (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Dillon (Serpent, 2022)
- Sir Zike McNasty (Flame, 2019) (Crown, 2024)
VI:Squire Peregrine
VII:Squire Hayden
VIII:Squire Maldread
IX:Sir Jabberwock (Sword)
X:Squire Kain-IM
XI:Sir Magnus Heartseeker (Flame)
XII:Ser Agustus (Crown) (Sword) (Flame) (Serpent) (Battle)
- Squire Jet Kindred
- Sir Bruin Valorn (Crown) (Battle)
- Sir Akyo (Crown)
- Equus Owen Glendwagon (Flame)
- Squire Lady Keladry
- Squire Wallus Russle IronTusk
- Man-at-Arms Jackal of Darkmoon
- Squire Iris of Darkmoon
- Man-at-Arms The Missing Link Kinderd
- Saint Aeris Lockheart Kinderd (Flame)
- Artifex Hero D. MacGregor (Serpent)
- Squire Sunshine
- Squire Morgana Redwolf
XIII: Sir Deathlilly Megatron Sunshine (Sword, 2020) (Battle, 2021)
XIV: Squire Nike Laurier
XV: Squire Merric
Notable Accomplishments
- Founder of the Interkingdom College of Heraldry heraldry registration project.
- Kingdom of the Wetlands Dragonmaster of reign XXXVI
- Kingdom of the Wetlands Dragonmaster of reign XL
- Kingdom of the Wetlands Dragonmaster of reign LIII
- Kingdom of the Wetlands Dragonmaster of reign LIV
- Elected as Kingdom of the Wetlands Regent of reign XXXVII
- Confirmed as Kingdom of the Wetlands Monarch of reign XXXVII
- Elected as Kingdom of the Wetlands Prime Minister of reign XXXIX/XL
- Elected as Kingdom of the Wetlands Prime Minister of reign XL/XLI
- Was asked to suspend corpora to be allowed to seek a third consecutive term as Prime Minister for reigns XLI/XLII, but graciously declined.
- Elected as Kingdom of the Wetlands Monarch of reign XLIII
- Held office of Monarch of the Duchy of Mordengaard once.
- Held office of Regent of the Duchy of Mordengaard twice.
- Held office of Regent of the Barony of Mordengaard three times.
- Held office of Sheriff of the Shire of Mordengaard once.
- Creater of Coat on Pole who won the election for baron of Mordengaard over Micah Helstaven but was later found to not be a contributing member and was disqualified from the election.
- Has sacrificed more eye glasses to Mordengaard than any other member.
- Harold has been labeled a "Heraldic detriment to Amtgard" for his various pushes to inspire people to design and display personal heraldry.
- Granted the title of Lordlet by Megiddo at Clan XXIII.
- Granted the title of Duke by Limbo at Kingdom of the Wetlands Coronation for Reign XXXVIII.
- Granted the title of Archduke by TERMUS at Kingdomf of the Wetlands Midreign for Reign XLI.
- Known online as the Thingmaker for his heraldry designs.
- Declared to be a "Heraldic Muse" for bringing about heraldry themed inspiration.
- Once heralded so hard that he was asked to remove himself from an online chat group for debating the merits of poor design choice.
- Recipient of Amtgard's first Order of the Art which was issued by Rayne DeLoki
- Maintains a series of weekly lessons on heraldry known as Heraldry with Harold (https://www.facebook.com/heraldrywithharold)
- Maintains the leadership articles for the Facebook presence of Crown & Flame (https://www.facebook.com/crownAndFlame)
- Knighted at Spring War in 2017 as a Knight of the Crown by his knight Sir Megiddo using a laser mace.
- Champion of Hats (Prince) of the Golden City of reign II
- Nine time Champion of Hats (Prince) of the Golden City including an unprecedented eight consecutive unopposed terms (Reigns XI-XVIII).
- His hat gained sentience and won the Champion of Hats (Prince) of the Golden City for reign IX.
- Recipient of The Gold Standard of the Golden City for reign IX.