
From AmtWiki
Odvarr Ironwolf
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Current Park Crimson Circle
Kingdom Polaris
Year Started 2007
Company Acolyte of the Chosen
Noble Title Baronet
Belt Status Knight of the Flame
Coming soon.jpg

Baronet Sir Odvarr Ironwolf Master Barbarian and Paragon Anti-Paladin of Crimson Circle, in the Kingdom of Polaris


-Work in Progress-

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

Kingdom Tournament Wins

  • Took second place overall at the Polaris West 6 and Over Tournament, June 2022
  • Took second place overall at the Polaris Weaponmaster Tournament, July 2022
  • Took first place overall at the Polaris West Tournament, December 2022

Belted Family

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif