Arathamus D'Bois
Lord Squire Arathamus D'Bois, of Nine Willows, Golden Plains
"What'd I do?" - when someone calls his name at parks or events.
Motto "Semper Ascendens"
A traveling bard and mercenary, Arathamus's persona hails from France by way of countless localities. On one of his voyages, he got shipwrecked and washed ashore in Amtgardia. This resulted in his residing in the Kingdom of the Wetlands near Bloodwyrm Haven until his eventual migration west to the Kingdom of the Golden Plains. He enjoys A&S competitions, class battlegames, sparring with his friends, being helpful to others off the battlefield, and annoying to his enemies on the battlefield.
His colors are green and purple, and he can usually be seen thusly garbed and wielding flatblades and his signature small shield.
He has played stringed instruments for court events, A&S tourneys, and bardic circles. He also works in wood-burning, chainmaille, garbing, leatherworking, foam-smithing, and random forms of art with various degrees of success. He is most known for his chainmaille knight's chains, of which he has supplied knights throughout multiple kingdoms. He learns what he can, and eagerly shares what he does know with others. His personal goals are to become the best Bard he can be on and off the field, shamelessly pursuing paragon, and to become a great artist on par with kingdom level artistic leaders. He is happily married to Edune.
Arathamus Moved to the Golden Plains in summer of 2017, and has been significantly less active since, but still loves the game and tries to attend IK events when financially feasible.
Arathamus also participates in HEMA studies and competitions and has placed in dussack and steel longsword tourneys.
Fun Facts about Arathamus
- Arathamus has an uncanny ability to find himself in the center of truly horrific shenanigans.
- Arathamus' primary class is Bard, in which he has achieved 6th level and strives toward mastery. He also is a 6th level Monk, Scout, Warrior, and Healer.
- Arathamus dislikes ditching, but does it occasionally. He prefers sparring 1v1, as well as militia and class battlegames.
- Arathamus has made many shields and carries enough Amt-legal weapons to equip a squad of angry nerds to every park and event he attends.
- Arathamus built a Frikkin Catapult and used it to create even more chaos and confusion on the battlefield.
- Arathamus brought a PA system to multiple kingdom events to help provide amplification for music and announcements.
- Arathamus made a pair of legal throwies that were also wearable shoes: LA CHANCLAS! They won a park-level A&S competition at a kingdom visit to Dragon's Glen
- Arathamus is one of the few people to have been hunted by the House Draconis Hit Squad.
- Arathamus has made chains for many knights, including the Official Chain for Sir Harold, Sir Glen and chains for the first knight of Winter's Edge, Sir Loric. (other knights who have chains made by Arathamus include Sir Wanderer, Sir Renjara, Sir Distan, Sir Honeybadger, and Sir Vincent Landcrest.)
- Arathamus suffers a debilitating addiction to crafting. It has caused more than one domestic disturbance.
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Affiliated Groups
- Wardancers Company - Petitioner
- War Dragons (Company) disbanded -Lieutenant
- House D'Artiste Household -founder/council member
- Awesome Possums Household -Possum
- House Lore Keepers Household -lyric
Notable Accomplishments
- Tied for Dragonmaster of Nine Willows Midreign July 2019
- Provided feast for Nine Willows Midreign July 2019
- Court Bard of Golden Plains, Reign LIII (Spring/Summer 2018)
- GM of Bards, Golden Plains Reign LIII (Spring/Summer 2018)
- Dragonmaster of Irongate Jan 2018
- 3rd Place overall at GP Dragonmaster Reign LII (Fall/Winter 2017-2018)
- Provided feast for Nine Willows Midreign Jan 2018
- Made Fifty (50) Belt favors for Fight Card for Golden Plains MR LII (Fall/Winter 2017-2018)
- Amtgard Food Fight Representative, [Nine Willows]] 2017
- Second place overall dragonmaster Wetlands Reign XLII Spring 2017
- GM of Bards, Wetlands Reign XLII (Winter/Spring 2016-2017)
- Made Michael's Hammer relic for Wetlands Reign XLI (Summer/Fall 2016)
- Tied for 1st plate in Dragon category and tied for 2nd place overall @ Wetlands Quals Reign XLI (Summer/Fall 2016)
- Prime Minister of Bloodwyrm Haven, (Spring/Summer reign 2016)
- GM of Scouts, Wetlands Reign XL (Winter/Spring 2015-2016)
- Organized an impromptu rice drive for a local food bank in Bloodwyrm Haven that collected and donated 200 pounds of rice in time for Thanksgiving 2015
- Winner of the Wetlands Home-stone from Wetlands Summer Relic Quest '14 via A&S victory
- Handmade 5 award plaques for Creepy Hollow Dark Quest 2014
- 2nd place overall A&S at first competition entered: 2014 SPRING WAR
- First member of his first local park to reach 6th level bard, achieved in December 2014
Belted Family
Sir Michael Hammer of God (Crown 1991), (Sword 1992), (Flame 1995), (Serpent 2003)
I:Sir Chado (Sword)
- Sir Ta'Shi-iak(Flame)
- Sir Rook (Sword)
II:Squire Rhys
III:Squire Vlar
- Squire Loric
- Squire Gernot
- Squire Talon
- Sir Teth Bloodthorne (Serpent)
- Squire Trevor Hargrave
V:Sir Fnord (Crown)(Sword) (Flame)
- Sir Morgan Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown) (Serpent)
- Sir Redhawk Longwing (Flame)
- Squire Keldoran McKenna
- Sir Silvertip (Flame)
- Squire Lord Lasher
- Sir Zachry Ironwolf (Serpent) (Crown)
- Sir Redhawk Longwing (Flame)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown) (Serpent)
Sir Queball (Flame, 2014) (Crown, 2018) (Serpent, 2021) (Battle, 2023)
- Squire Steeeeeve
- Squire Duran Cannon
- Sir Kismit (Flame, 2023)
- Abir Shale Nfty (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Dillon (Serpent, 2022)
- Sir Zike McNasty (Flame, 2019) (Crown, 2024)
VI:Squire Peregrine
VII:Squire Hayden
VIII:Squire Maldread
IX:Sir Jabberwock (Sword)
X:Squire Kain-IM
XI:Sir Magnus Heartseeker (Flame)
XII:Ser Agustus (Crown) (Sword) (Flame) (Serpent) (Battle)
- Squire Jet Kindred
- Sir Bruin Valorn (Crown) (Battle)
- Sir Akyo (Crown)
- Equus Owen Glendwagon (Flame)
- Squire Lady Keladry
- Squire Wallus Russle IronTusk
- Man-at-Arms Jackal of Darkmoon
- Squire Iris of Darkmoon
- Man-at-Arms The Missing Link Kinderd
- Saint Aeris Lockheart Kinderd (Flame)
- Artifex Hero D. MacGregor (Serpent)
- Squire Sunshine
- Squire Morgana Redwolf
XIII: Sir Deathlilly Megatron Sunshine (Sword, 2020) (Battle, 2021)
XIV: Squire Nike Laurier
XV: Squire Merric