Bruin Valorn
From AmtWiki
Arch-Duke Battlemaster Sir Bruin Valorn Kokina Shidosha "Noble Leader" Defender of the Iron Mountains
- "I smell blue” said after any epic nose shot
- "It's what I do."

Tarot Card Image created by Dashell
Coerced into swinging foam back in 2012 and hasn’t left since.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
Sir Michael Hammer of God
XII:Ser Agustus (Crown) (Sword) (Flame) (Serpent) (Battle)
- Squire Jet Kindred
- Sir Bruin Valorn (Crown) (Battle)
- Sir Akyo (Crown)
- Equus Owen Glendwagon (Flame)
- Squire Lady Keladry
- Squire Wallus Russle IronTusk
- Man-at-Arms Jackal of Darkmoon
- Squire Iris of Darkmoon
- Man-at-Arms The Missing Link Kinderd
- Saint Aeris Lockheart Kinderd (Flame)
- Artifex Hero D. MacGregor (Serpent)
- Squire Sunshine
- Squire Morgana Redwolf
Notable Accomplishments
- Given the honorific Kokina Shidosha "Noble Leader" on Nov 30th 2024 by the founder of Darkmoon for carrying on the legacy of the park
- Elevated to Knight of Battle at Winter Coronation 2023
- Granted Battle Master in 2023
- Elevated to Knight of the Crown at Rakis 2019
- Imperial GMR Empire of the Iron MountainsSpring Reign 2019
- Pro-Tem Imperial GMR Fall Empire of the Iron Mountains - Reign 2018
- Title of Defender bestowed in Fall Reign 2018
- Imperial Champion in the Empire of the Iron Mountains - Spring Reign 2018
- Title of ArchDuke bestowed in 2016
- Imperial Regent in the Empire of the Iron Mountains — Fall reign of 2015
- Title of Count bestowed on the 9th of January 2016
- Title of Paragon Assassin bestowed on the 6th of February 2016
- Emperor of the Iron Mountains - Fall reign of 2016
- Imperial Regent of the Iron Mountains - Spring reign of 2017
Bruin has also been “Adopted” by 3 Amtkids Dashell, Morvai, and Theric in August of 2018.