From AmtWiki
Sir Grand Duke Que Ironwolf, Paragon Warrior and Wizard of Wolfheim, in the Kingdom of Polaris
”When the only tool you have is a hammer, all your problems start looking like nails.”
Affiliated Groups
Former member of Roger's Raiders.
Acolyte of the Chosen
Belted Family
Formerly Squired to Grand Duke Sir Morgan Ironwolf, of the Emerald Hills, who was formerly squired to Sir Fnord Farthing, who was squired to Sir Michael Hammer of God.

A reunion of Michael Hammer of God's belt line, and was taken at Keep on the Borderlands IV, September 2013.
ExpandMichael's Belt Tree |
Notable Accomplishments
- Knight of the Flame- by 'Tyrant' Asche, Monarch of the Rising winds. 2014
- Knight of the Crown - Polaris 2018
- knight of the Serpent - Polaris 2021
- Title of Ambassador of the Wetlands by King Megiddo sel Esdraelon of the Wetlands, 2006
- Master Wizard by King Chewie Lightguard of the Wetlands, 2002
- Paragon Anti-paladin, 2021
- Paragon Druid and Warrior
- Master Rose by King Megiddo sel Esdraelon of the Wetlands, 2006
- Battlemaster, 2021
- Title of Baron by King Trelath Mourningwood of the Wetlands, 2003
- Second Team Drakknar MVP
- Prince of the Principality of Polaris, 4/2014
- First King of the Kingdom of Polaris, 7/16-7/17
- Title of Grand Duke given by King Broton for his service as king, 2017
- Master Garber by King Broton of Polaris, 2017
- Master Lion Awarded by King Michael Hammer of God 2019
- Grand Marshall of Polaris Awarded by Michael Hammer of God 2019
- Master Smith Awarded by King Akyo 2019
Personal Heraldry