Viscount Squire Merric the Fifteenth, Paragon Bard of Ethereal Tides, 'The Grand Illustrator' of the Kingdom of Polaris
"He’s our perfect tank-bred Krogan boy." - Nike Laurier
Starting in 2015, the then Shire of Ice Haven, Merric was brought to the game by Concordia, who heard about the game from Valduthain the Clanless. Shortly after Ice Haven became a Barony, Merric took up the position of Monarch for 2 terms back to back and a third separated by a single reign, being granted his lord Title by Broton
During this time Merric also Became a member of Tiger Clan. He still holds the record for fastest Cub to Full member in the group.
At the 2017 M.A.M.E. Merric approached Broton to become his apprentice Bard, with the promise he would be worthy of the title Paragon in one years time. What followed was a summer of travel with; Haj, Balder Highwind, Aggro and Timmit. To nearly every park and event in the Kingdom and a trip to Colorado for Rakis. Culminating with Keep on the Borderlands at which Merric along with a small group of Polaricans held a node for the entire duration of a 45-minute game. At the Dungeon day, 2 months prior to the 2018 M.A.M.E. Merric was awarded his Paragon Bard by vote of the Polaris C.O.M.
Late in 2018, Sir Michael Hammer of God took Merric to become his 15th Squire. From thenceforth Merric would be Merric, the Fifteenth.
At the 2019 M.A.M.E. Merric took on the role of Kingdom Prime Minister, following in the footsteps of Abhir Shale NFTY, and Cena Midoryia.
During the 2020 Covid shut down the Kingdom of Polaris and locked in all Officers until regular park and events could resume. Making Merric the first Pro-temp PM for the Kingdom with a current in-office time of almost 2 years.
During the 2020 covid lockdown Merric started the "On the Path" youtube channel. Currently, with over 100 subscribers and 2.5k views, he is just getting started with what the channel can do and bring to the game
In 2022 Merric ran the first MAME since the covid lockdown, with near 200 attendees and one of the largest profits in years, many guests eagerly await his next go at Autocrat
Known as PHOG by the Torches
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- Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Polaris
- May 2019 - May 2020
- Monarch of the Kingdom of Polaris
- July 2022 - February 2023
Notable Accomplishments
- Elevated to Paragon Bard by King Broton - 2018
- Given the Title of Lord by King Broton - 2018
- Given the Title of Viscount by King Leshil Ful An MacTire in 2021
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