
From AmtWiki
A green tree on a white field: a common heraldry for Druids

Druid is a core class that casts magic to command the forces of nature.

From the Rulebook

Neolithic anthropological evidence indicates a strong tradition of matriarchy and mother worship in Central Europe, the origin of the proto-Celtic Beaker and Axe peoples. It is highly possible that many if not most early druidic-types were priestesses rather than priests.


Galadriel, Johnny Appleseed, Lady of the Lake, Tom Bombadil


Garb: Brown sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: 1 extra point of magic at the Druid’s highest level.
Armor: None
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger


Druids may purchase five points of magic from each level. Unused points from higher levels can be rolled down to lower levels. A list of all magic purchased must be carried at all times.

Spell List

Level Spell Name Cost Max Frequency Type School Range
1st Level - - - - - - -
- Barkskin 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
- Cancel 0 1 Unlimited Neutral Neutral Touch
- Entangle 1 2 2 Balls / Unlimited Magic Ball Subdual Ball
- Equipment: Weapon, Short 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
- Experienced 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
- Heat Weapon 1 - 1/Life Charge x3 Verbal Flame 20’
- Imbue Armor 1 - 1/Refresh Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
- Mend 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
2nd Level - - - - - - -
- Corrosive Mist 1 1 1/Refresh Enchantment Death Self/Touch
- Equipment: Shield, Small 4 1 - Neutral Neutral -
- Gift of Earth 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
- Heal 1 - 1/Life Verbal Spirit Touch
- Iceball 1 2 2 Balls / Unlimited Magic Ball Subdual Ball
- Innate 1 4 1/Refresh Meta-Magic Neutral -
- Poison 1 - 1/Life Enchantment Death Touch: Others
- Release 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
- Stoneform 1 - 1/Refresh Charge x3 Verbal Protection Self
3rd Level - - - - - - -
- Attuned 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
- Bear Strength 1 - 1/Refresh Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
- Dispel Magic 1 - 1/Refresh Verbal Sorcery 20’
- Extension 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
- Gift of Fire 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Flame Touch: Others
- Greater Mend 1 - 1/Refresh Verbal Sorcery Touch
- Icy Blast 1 2 1/Life Verbal Sorcery 20’
- Regeneration 1 - 1/Refresh Enchantment Spirit Touch: Others
- Stoneskin 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
4th Level - - - - - - -
- Equipment: Weapon, Long 4 1 - Neutral Neutral -
- Flame Blade 2 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Flame Touch: Others
- Force Bolt 1 2 2 Balls / Unlimited Magic Ball Sorcery Ball
- Gift of Water 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
- Golem 1 - 1/Refresh Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
- Lycanthropy 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Death Touch: Others
- Swift 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
- Teleport 1 2 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
5th Level - - - - - - -
- Ambulant 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
- Equipment: Weapon, Great 5 1 - Neutral Neutral -
- Essence Graft 1 - 1/Refresh Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
- Gift of Air 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
- Heart of the Swarm 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Spirit Self
- Ironskin 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
- Poison Glands 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Death Touch: Others
- Resurrect 2 - 1/Refresh Verbal Spirit Touch
- Troll Blood 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
6th Level - - - - - - -
- Avatar of Nature 1 1 - Archetype Neutral -
- Call Lightning 1 - 1/Refresh Verbal Flame 20’
- Imbue Weapon 1 - 1/Refresh Enchantment Death Touch: Others
- Naturalize Magic 1 2 1/Refresh Enchantment Sorcery Self
- Ranger 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
- Snaring Vines 1 1 1/Refresh Enchantment Command Self
- Summoner 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
- Word of Mending 1 - 1/Refresh Verbal Sorcery Touch

Previous Versions:



See also

Amtgard Character Classes
Core Classes: Anti-Paladin · Archer · Assassin · Barbarian · Bard · Druid · Healer · Monk · Paladin · Scout · Warrior · Wizard

Non-Standard Classes: Monster · Peasant
Alternate Sign-ins: Color · Undeclared