Alona Twotrees
Baroness Dame Alona "I believe it's pronounced Chupacablahblah" Twotrees, Onishi The NICE of the Shire of Windtree Keep in the Kingdom of Neverwinter.
I call her "DoubleTree" -Tanath
Alona started playing amtgard in 2001, in Galesburg, IL at the now defunct shire of Sawney Freehold Shire under Golden Plains(which changed its name Forsaken Lakes, and spent some time under Rising Winds) and was one of the 7 founding members, and first regent of the park. She then moved to Chicago area and played at the now defunct Shadow's Home under Burning Lands in Aurora, IL. Then she convinced the people of the now defunct Loch V'Naer which was at one point known as Oakshire in Chicago to merge with Shadow's Home. Then the not defunct but prospering maybe cause she left it (but really it's cause SH and NH merged) North Haven in Schamburg, IL and then changed parks to help out Fiery Nights in Waukeegan, IL. But failed miserably. Then she moved to Phoenix Tears under Rising Winds in Springfield, IL. Recently she has moved out of Illinois to Florida, and resides at Falling Fire, and has also dropped her squire belt from Katzu, with no hard feelings, she still remains in the belted family. More recently she started a local park that quickly died, Hawk's Shadow.
Alona is a graphic artist of some reknown in amtgardia; having created many beautiful and useful award templates, neat web sites, and a myriad of other cool things. Both former queens Clio (Emerald Hills) and Linden (Celestial Kingdom) have used her award templates, as have King Glavas (Rising Winds), King Firespitter (Burning Lands), and many other groups.
Held the following offices:
- Regent of Sawney Freehold
- Prime Minister of Sawney Freehold
- Regent of Shadow's Home
- Sheriff of Shadow's Home
- Duchess of Phoenix Tears
- Regent of Falling Fire
- Regent of Neverwinter
- Sheriff of Hawk's Shadow
- Prime Minister of Wyvern's Thunder Forest
Affiliated Groups
- Cofounder of House Ouroboros
- Alona is a Green Wench in the Warder Wenches
- A member of the House Onishi
- And an Elder of Shadow's Home the Shire for Hire.
- Ministers of Grace
Belted Family
In 2011 she became Squire to Dame Linden Tul. In January of 2012, she was elevated to the Peerage as a Flame Knight.
Dame Linden (Flame 2005), (Crown 2007), (Serpent 2010)
- Squire Kentigern of the Wetlands
- Squire Revell Armstrong of Polaris
- Dame Frú Ka'a of Westmarch
- Squire Cannon Tul of Tal Dagore
- Dame Trista Tulnata of Rivermoor (Serpent, 2024)
- Squire Noah of Rivermoor
Damn Alona Twotrees (Flame 2012)
- Sir Bunch the Drunk (Flame 2022)
- Squire Squire Overlord Osgiliath Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Metro the Drunk
- MaA Toast the Drunk
- MaA Japhy Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Raist Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Toastahpop the Drunk
- MaA Faust Silverscale the Drunk
- Page Arus Varen the Drunk
- Page Hyde Tepes the Drunk
- Page GobboPoP the Drunk
- MaA Chops the Redeemed Drunk
- MaA Alerow the Drunk
- Page Alara the Drunk-Inactive
- Squire Vincent Beche
- Squire Squire Overlord Osgiliath Bramhall the Drunk
- Eques Tye Dye (Flame 2015)
- Dame Scifee (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Brognar Stonepaw (Crown, 2022)
- Sir Gorovan Dramsson (Flame, 2022)
- Page Genevieve
Sir Corwyn Lindenson (Serpent) 2022
- Squire Gheldar Blackthorn of Tal Dagore
- Squire Momma K of Rivermoor
- Page Thire Wolfe
- WAA Ohrin
- WAA Bull Grimwulff
- WAA Leaf
Prior to her Squiring under Dame Linden, Alona was Squired to Sir Katzu, and is a part of his belted family to this day.
- Baron Sir Flynn
Notable Accomplishments
- Has made award templates that have been used by every amtgard kingdom.
- Has been deemed "The Nice"
- Helped foster many Illinois groups and can still find some of her things randomly floating around them.
- Is easily beaten by small children.
Additional Images
More Information
- Personal Website
- Award Templates
- Amtgard Clipart Project
- Library
- How to Start an Amtgard Park
- Newbie Disk