Harold Badger
Thane Squire Harold Thundervoice, of Granite Spyre, Wetlands
Credit to Sinew "The Hot Biscuit" End'Oh for the picture
Known and beloved by his subjects at the Barony of Granite Spyre, Thundervoice uses his skills to best effect by leading the park and attracting new members. He is well known for his ability to make any new player feel welcomed and at home as well as for his enthusiasm about the game itself. Whether torturing the ear drums of those players on the field or holding court for the masses, one can rest assured that he has a smile and the time for any question.
Every Lion he receives is one he's earned.
Affiliated Groups
Member of the Sentinels
Belted Family
Sir Michael Hammer of God (Crown 1991), (Sword 1992), (Flame 1995), (Serpent 2003)
I:Sir Chado (Sword)
- Sir Ta'Shi-iak(Flame)
- Sir Rook (Sword)
II:Squire Rhys
III:Squire Vlar
- Squire Loric
- Squire Gernot
- Squire Talon
- Sir Teth Bloodthorne (Serpent)
- Squire Trevor Hargrave
V:Sir Fnord (Crown)(Sword) (Flame)
- Sir Morgan Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown) (Serpent)
- Sir Redhawk Longwing (Flame)
- Squire Keldoran McKenna
- Sir Silvertip (Flame)
- Squire Lord Lasher
- Sir Zachry Ironwolf (Serpent) (Crown)
- Sir Redhawk Longwing (Flame)
- Sir Crom Ironwolf (Flame) (Crown) (Serpent)
Sir Queball (Flame, 2014) (Crown, 2018) (Serpent, 2021) (Battle, 2023)
- Squire Steeeeeve
- Squire Duran Cannon
- Sir Kismit (Flame, 2023)
- Abir Shale Nfty (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Dillon (Serpent, 2022)
- Sir Zike McNasty (Flame, 2019) (Crown, 2024)
VI:Squire Peregrine
VII:Squire Hayden
VIII:Squire Maldread
IX:Sir Jabberwock (Sword)
X:Squire Kain-IM
XI:Sir Magnus Heartseeker (Flame)
XII:Ser Agustus (Crown) (Sword) (Flame) (Serpent) (Battle)
- Squire Jet Kindred
- Sir Bruin Valorn (Crown) (Battle)
- Sir Akyo (Crown)
- Equus Owen Glendwagon (Flame)
- Squire Lady Keladry
- Squire Wallus Russle IronTusk
- Man-at-Arms Jackal of Darkmoon
- Squire Iris of Darkmoon
- Man-at-Arms The Missing Link Kinderd
- Saint Aeris Lockheart Kinderd (Flame)
- Artifex Hero D. MacGregor (Serpent)
- Squire Sunshine
- Squire Morgana Redwolf
XIII: Sir Deathlilly Megatron Sunshine (Sword, 2020) (Battle, 2021)
XIV: Squire Nike Laurier
XV: Squire Merric
Notable Accomplishments
- Became Baron of Granite Spyre in December of 2012, and again a year later.
- Awarded his Bard Masterhood at Wetlands Coronation, Summer 2014.
- Awarded Paragon Monster by Draggo Vindictus, July 2016
- Awarded Count by Sir Harold, December 2017
Additional Images
Credit to Mishka Thundervoice for the picture, and Juju Hex Mojo for the edit
- Link to image 2