N. A title.
Meaning In Amtgard

1. N. The fifth highest title in the Amtgard scale of precedence (after Grand Duke, Archduke, Duke, and Marquis), often awarded for service as a Kingdom-level Consort. The proper form of address is "Your Excellency" or "His Excellency (Name), Count of (Estate)." If appropriate, "Sir" may be inserted after "Excellency." It is also proper to refer to a noble just by their title and estate.
2. N. Also the title used by the highest officer (Monarch) of a County while they hold that office. If this is the case the Titles will be followed by the name of the 'estate' of which that person is a leader. 'Example:' Squire Wu Gem Fu, Count of Dark Oasis. If the person has a Titles of Nobility they would preceed his name. Count Squire Darken, Duke of Irongate.
Known Counts and Countesses
Count's Coronet
Counts are allowed to wear a Coronet. In heraldic representations the coronets of counts are 'Embattled'. That means they have dagged top resembling the parapets of castles.
Historical Meaning
A count is a nobleman in most European countries, equivalent in rank to a British 'Earl' (whose wife is also a "countess", for lack of an Anglo-Saxon term). The word count comes from French Comte, itself from Latin comes—in its accusative Comitem—meaning "companion", and later "companion of the emperor, delegate of the emperor". Alternative "Count" (Hakushaku) status are used in other countries with different names such as during the Empire of Japan.
Feminine Variants
Masculine Variants
Gender Neutral Variants
- Countex
Historical Variations
From the Latin Comes
Comes (genitive: comitis) is the Latin word for companion, either individually or as a member of a collective known as comitatus (compare comitatenses), especially the suite of a magnate, in some cases large and/or formal enough to have a specific name, such as a cohors amicorum. The word comes derives from com- "with" + ire "go."
- Albanian Kont Konteshë
- Catalan; Comte Comtessa Comtat
- English; Count (applies to title granted by monarchies other than UK) Countess (even where Earl applies) Earldom for an Earl; Countship or county for a count, but the last is also, and indeed rather, in Anglo-Saxon countries an administrative district
- French; Comte — cfr. the variation ?Comtor Comtesse Comté
- Irish; Cunta; Iarla Cuntaois, Baniarla Honorary title only; iarla does not derive from Latin comes.
- Italian; Conte Contessa Contea, Contado, Comitato
- Greek; Κόμης (Komes) Κόμισσα (Komissa) Κομητεία (Kometeia)
- Hebrew; Rozen (רוזן) Rozenet (רוזנת) Roznoot (רוזנות); these do not derive from Latin comes.
- Latin; (feudal jargon, not classical) Comes Comitissa Comitatus
- Maltese; Konti Kontessa
- Monegasque; Conte Contessa
- Old English; Hlaford Hlǣfdiġe These do not derive from Latin comes.
- Portuguese; Conde Condessa Condado
- Polish; Komes Komesa Comitates
- Romanian; Conte Contesă Comitat
- Romansh; Cont Contessa
- Scottish Gaelic; Iarla Ban-iarla Honorary title only; iarla does not derive from Latin comes.
- Spanish Conde; Condesa Condado
- Welsh; Iarll Iarlles Iarllaeth; iarll does not derive from Latin c
From the Germaic, "Graf"
Equivlant title to "Count" from the German, "Graf"
- Belarusian Граф (Graf) Графiня (Grafinya) Графствa (Grafstva)
- Bulgarian Граф (Graf) Графиня (Grafinya) Графство (Grafstvo)
- Croatian Grof Grofica Grofovija
- Czech Hrabě Hraběnka Hrabství
- Danish Greve Grevinde Grevskab
- Dutch Graaf Gravin Graafschap
- English Grave
- Estonian Krahv Krahvinna Krahvkond Butl
- Latvian Grāfs Grāfiene Grāfiste
- German Graf Gräfin Grafschaft
- Finnish Kreivi Kreivitär Kreivikunta
- Hungarian Gróf Grófnő, Grófné Grófság
- Icelandic Greifi Greifynja
- Lithuanian Grafas Grafienė Grafystė
- Luxembourgish Grof Gräfin
- Macedonian Grof Grofina
- Polish Hrabia Hrabina Hrabstwo
- Norwegian Greve Grevinne Grevskap
- Romanian Grof (also Conte, see above)
- Russian Граф (Graf) Графиня (Grafinya) Графство (Grafstvo)
- Serbian Grof Grofica Grofovija
- Slovak Gróf Grófka Grófstvo
- Slovene Grof Grofica Grofija
- Swedish Greve Grevinna Grevskap
- Ukrainian Ґраф (Graf) Ґрафiня (Grafinya)
Meaning two, from the Glossary
Synonymous with second. A 300 count requires 300 seconds to elapse.