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FreeMan, of South Gate

”Welcome to the Thunder Bowl, bitches!”



Taught to fight by Axgar, his Knight, FreeMan is known for being one of the few fighters left on the field who exclusively uses flat blades.

An accomplished archer, during battle games he is known for his aggressive, front-line archery tactics. It is not an uncommon occurrence for FreeMan to throw his hickory longbow aside and reach for his sword.

When off the field, Freeman can usually be found socializing with his pack mates at Wolf Camp.

Affiliated Groups

Currently a member of Wolves of Cernunnos

Belted Family

Squire to Axgar (2011)

Notable Accomplishments

Has held the office of Monarch of South Gate for 5 terms over the last 5 years.

Additional Images

FreeMan3_zps4e42575f.jpg FreeMan2_zpsf210f37b.jpg

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