From AmtWiki
===Countess Master Squire Mokushi Aria Cross Korwin Desmodious Dentiata P. Morley Monster Shadowblades of Slaughter Creek, Celestial Kingdom===
Mokushi can shoot her bow with only one arm. The author would like to note that she is being completely serious. This woman can shoot ARROWS with her FEET. See it sometime. It's epic.
She also happens to run most of the CK's Kids' Quests, can often be found in med-tent, or taking a well earned break by partying with some of the more awesome people in the tri-kingdom area.
Affiliated Groups
- Ascendant - Member
- Church of the Apocalypse- Saint of Corruption
- Amazons
- House Lore Keeper - Cloaked
- House Lionesse
- Dreamweavers
- Angelus Mortis - Recorder of Names
- House Kripple
- House WOB - Lord
- House Heathen
- House Fairy Tail
- Anyanka Armory - Celestial Kingdom - House Representative
- Republic of Harley - God
- Head of House Boobs 'n Booze (Clan XXIX Shenanigans)
- Kid-o-Crat aka The Official Amtgard Babysitter
- Captain of Team Abikushi - 3rd Place at Banner Wars 2008
Belt line
Squired to Sir Kane. Former Squire of Sir Slyddur, formerly Squired to Sir Cabal
- Sir Boots - Sword, Serpent, Crown, Flame
- Sir Warblade - Sword, Crown
- Sir Lith Galahd a.k.a. Ashe - Flame
- Squire Triplett (inactive)
- Squire Ocean of Western Gate
- Countess Sir Nakita
- Baronet Squire Torbjorn Kegslayer belted June 2008
- Man-at-Arms Mannanan belted March 2010
- Baron Squire Niveus belted March 2010
- Man-at-Arms Drenth belted March 2011
- Woman-at-Arms Gale StrongHammer belted March 2012
- Page Shadobi belted 2008
- Woman-at-Arms Lady Courtenay belted December 2011
- Baronet Squire Torbjorn Kegslayer belted June 2008
- Sir Boots - Sword, Serpent, Crown, Flame
Notable accomplishments
- Winner of the masked ball costume contest for CK reign 33.
- Dragonmaster of the Celestial Kingdom for Reign 33, February 2007 - August 2007
- Dragonmaster of the Celestial Kingdom for Reign 49, February 2015 - August 2015
- Baroness of Talonfield, May 2007 - November 2007
- Celestial Kingdom Guildmaster Scouts, May 2007 - November 2007
- Mistress of Heraldry, May 2007 - November 2007
- Regent of Slaughter Creek, November 2008 - May 2009
- Regent of the Celestial Kingdom for Reign 42.
- Prime Minister of the Celestial Kingdom August 2014-May 2015
- Celestial Kingdom Guildmaster Archers, November 2014 - May 2015
- Master Scout - November 2011
- Master Rose given by King Selric_Stonereaver-Nov 2016
Stalked By
- Is one of many people being stalked by Doom.
- Possibly being stalked by Pollux but who knows.
- May be trying to elude being stalked by disguising herself as Itsari.
More Information
- More Commonly known as Ninja
- God had to kick her out of Clan XXVI
Additional Images