Lady Ritter Renjara "Emay" DarkBlade, Keeper of the Pass of Hero's Pass, Celestial Kingdom
Suddenly all of my ancestors are behind me. "Be Still," they say. "You are the result of the love of thousands."
"Honor bespeaks worth. Confidence begets trust. Cooperation proves the quality of leadership."-James Cash Penney
Renjara calls Kaembryge her home as she started there in 2011. It is important here to note that she considers the denizens of Kaembryge who helped her get started to be her family and is loyal to them to a fault.
As there is no Amtgard near her bio family's home in northern Michigan, she went inactive for most of 2012. She visited a few CK events in early 2013 from Pasadena before reappearing in Nov 2013 at Traitor's Gate. There, she was immediately placed into the role of Shire Clerk with a succession of inactive sheriffs, leaving her more or less in charge of the park for a reign before she actually stepped up as Sheriff and then Baroness over the next year, ending in May 2015. She also served for one term as CK BoD Treasurer.
In September 2016, she began traveling to Slaughter Creek regularly and switched her credits there upon finally moving to Austin. Shortly thereafter, Nocturnis was restarted and she went there to help then rebuild. She took a step into Kingdom politics by becoming CK Prime Minister in 2017, a mistake she doesn't plan to repeat. She was the admin of the Celestial Kingdom website and this Wiki until incidents regarding the death of Selric showed her the true nature of the mob.
The highest honor Renjara will ever receive is being knighted along with her squire brother, Distan by their knight, Gekko and grandknight, Aurora. Being part of their awesome family means everything to her. As such, she has began to attend Hero's Pass to spend time with her belted family.
Renjara was born on a ship in the north Atlantic, the same ship where she spent nearly all of her early years. Her father was taken in a Viking raid from his home in Hamburg, Germany. His viking crew hailed mostly from the Vik. Renjara grew up learning to heal at sea and rescued the sailors from almost certain death. Her mother, whom hailed from Gothenburg, Sweden, passed away from scurvy and she was made the ship's only attendant at a young age.
A few years later, she and her crew found themselves set upon by pirates. Another merchant ship captained by Khazmylar Hotaru came to their rescue, taking many injuries. In gratitude, she traveled with Captain Hotaru for many years and nearly married him. She grew tired of life on the ship and could hear the trees calling to her whenever they would near land. Eventually, Captain Hotaru docked in Alexandria, Egypt for a leave period. Slipping into the mariut lake, she lost all track of time. When the call went out that the ship was leaving, she was not to be found and was therefore left behind.
She had very little to her name but soon found herself saved from a group of rabble by Gekko who soon became her adoptive father. She now tends to stay under the trees near the Nile but clings to a simple natural faith, as represented by the triskelion.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
Squire Renjara (Left) with her Knight, Gekko (right) and Grandknight, Aurora (center)
- Grand Duchess Dame Aurora Selene
- Countess Dame Maigread Mezzie Mezzelette (Flame Serpent Crown)
- Lord Ser Nella "Gekko" Darkblade (Flame 2013)
- Squire No Yoki
- Ritter Lady Renjara Darkblade (Flame 2018)
- Baroness Sirrah Surreal McCleod (Flame 2020)
- Dona Catrysa Trakand (Flame 2020)
- Sir Nocon Fidence
- Lady Squire Lunasaura Starcrest
- Page Raviana
- Sir Big T (Serpent 2024)
- Page Lónannûniel Mallorn
- Page Nicco the Anatide
- Lady Squire Ilex Darkblade
- Lord Squire Gundar Hammersmith
- Marchionesse Squire Criana DeLaflote
- Lord Squire Ronin Bloodrose
- Lord Squire Pirate
- Squire Knives Cutlery
- Squire Blight
- Squire xavier
- Squire Ch'Por
- Squire Hangman
- Man at Arms Shadow Stepper
- Sir Lailoken Du-Urden Lavedre (Flame 2014)
- Hertogi (Duke) Sir Darius Llewellyn (Crown 2017)
- Marquis Sir Psy Verrukt (Serpent)
- Baronetess Dame Bridgette of the Bazaar (Serpent)
- Lady Squire Torra Silvatine
- Luminar (Duke) Sir Requiem Darksun Giovanni Shadowbell Darkjester (Serpent)
- Archduke Squire Sirex Sunheart the Nomad
- Lady Squire Dragana DragonAngel
- Lord Squire Dovahyol
- Baronetess Ser Ellistrae Laitha Avur (Serpent)
- Lady Squire Kierra LilyAhna Darkblade
- Squire Tara Redgrave
- Lady Squire Mirrim Mac Cambuel (Inactive)
- Lady Squire Mindblast Cassi (Inactive)
- Squire Lady Xandryia Whitewolf Wyngarde (Inactive)
- Woman-at-Arms Rosewin Darkjester (Inactive)
- Man-at-Arms Cain (Deceased)
Positions Held
- Guildmaster of Garbers for Kaembryge Nov 2012-May 2013
- Baroness/Sheriff and Clerk of Traitor's Gate Nov 2013-Dec 2014
- A&S Crat for Spring War XXI in March 2014
- Amtgard Food Fight Representative for the Celestial Kingdom 2014
- Baroness of Traitor's Gate Dec 2014-May 2015
- Celestial Kingdom Board of Directors Treasurer Nov 2014-Nov 2015
- Autocrat for Celestial Kingdom Mid-reign Feb 2015 (canceled night before due to weather) and Coronation 52 in November 2016
- Gate Crat for Spring War XXII in March 2015, Coronation 51 in November 2015, and Midreign 51 in August 2016
- Celestial Kingdom Guildmaster of Bards Reign 51: May-Nov 2016
- Autocrat for Celestial Kingdom Coronation Nov 2016
- Traitors Gate Website Administrator Apr 2014-May 2017
- Gate Crat for Celestial Kingdom Coronation May 2017
- Nocturnis Records Keeper Jul-Aug 2017
- A&S Crat for Spring War XXV March 14-18, 2017
- Celestial Kingdom Prime Minister Aug 2017-Apr 2018
- Celestial Kingdom Website administrator June 2014-May 2018
- Amtwiki admin for Celestial Kingdom July 2014-May 2018
Notable Accomplishments
- Lady Title given by Regent Damn Tove of the Celestial Kingdom-May 2014
- Master Rose given by King Selric Stonereaver of the Celestial Kingdom-Nov 2016
- Knight of the Flame given by Grand Duchess Dame Aurora Selene and Sir Nella "Gekko" Darkblade under authority of King Watcher inn Rokia of the Celestial Kingdom on March 17th, 2018.
- Keeper of the Pass given by Lord Sir Nella J Darkblade, Sheriff of Hero's Pass on September 17th, 2022.