Man-at-Arms Takaffi Cold-Water, of the Freehold of Blüdfrost
”No matter how hard you try to honestly reflect a Native American, you just look racist.”
The player Hooper maintains two personas: one is a very simple basic garb for home park use, and a second is for special events and traveling that requires a bit more garb and RP.
Traveling Persona
Takaffi Cold-Water is a Native American from the late 1200s, and is a predecessor to the eventual Chickasaw tribe of later centuries. He traveled north where he encountered vikings, and over a long journey found his way to medieval Europe. This journey earned him the nickname Cold-Water from Europeans.
Home Park Persona
- Were you actually looking for Hopper? Probably, he is much cooler than Hooper.
”Amtgard's most original persona name.”
Hooper is the creative representation of Hooper - a real ancestor of the player Hooper. The Hooper family is a mononymous line hailing from Frome in SouthEastern England. The line is currently at 19 Hoopers - men who only had one name. This particular representation is that of a Hooper who lived between 1627 and 1698 and served as the King's Man - a local office roughly equivalent to a modern day game warden. Hooper is a woodsmen who can find his way anywhere and loves a good joke.
The heraldry of the persona Takaffi utilizes an Indian Arrowhead as the Shield in lieu of the more common European shields, and showcases a Thunderbird. The heraldry for the persona Hooper is yellow showcasing a blue falcon.
Affiliated Groups
Temple of the Vanguard - Acolyte
House of Ogswald - Ogre
Linden's Brute Squad - Brute Ninja
Belted Family
Dame Linden (Flame 2005), (Crown 2007), (Serpent 2010)
- Squire Kentigern of the Wetlands
- Squire Revell Armstrong of Polaris
- Dame Frú Ka'a of Westmarch
- Dame Cannon Tul of Tal Dagore
- Dame Trista Tulnata of Rivermoor (Serpent, 2024)
- Squire Noah of Rivermoor
Damn Alona Twotrees (Flame 2012)
- Sir Bunch the Drunk (Flame 2022)
- Squire Osgiliath Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Metro the Drunk
- MaA Toast the Drunk
- MaA Japhy Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Raist Bramhall the Drunk
- MaA Toastahpop the Drunk
- MaA Faust Silverscale the Drunk
- Page Arus Varen the Drunk
- Page Hyde Tepes the Drunk
- Page GobboPoP the Drunk
- MaA Chops the Redeemed Drunk
- MaA Alerow the Drunk
- Page Alara the Drunk-Inactive
- Squire Vincent Beche
- Squire Osgiliath Bramhall the Drunk
- Eques Tye Dye (Flame 2015)
- Dame Scifee (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Brognar Stonepaw (Crown, 2022)
- Sir Gorovan Dramsson (Flame, 2022)
- Page Genevieve
Sir Corwyn Lindenson (Serpent) 2022
- Squire Gheldar Blackthorn of Tal Dagore
- Squire Momma K of Rivermoor
- Page Thire Wolfe
- WAA Ohrin
- WAA Bull Grimwulff
- WAA Leaf
Notable Accomplishments
Offices Held
- Shaman of Blüdfrost, June 2012 - November 2012 Ref
- Chancellor of Blüdfrost, January 2012 - June 2012 Ref
- Chancellor Pro-Tem of Blüdfrost, October 2011 - January 2012 Ref
Additional Images
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