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Lord Squire Wretch of Nine Willows, Golden Plains

Wretch's Personal Heraldry
Home Park Nine Willows
Kingdom Golden Plains
Year Started 2002
Noble Title Lord
Belt Status Squire

”No rest for the wretched.”


~ Wretch at Dark Oasis with his page, Jeyster ~


Pronunciation: \ˈrech\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English wrecche, from Old English wrecca outcast, exile; akin to Old High German hrechjo fugitive, Old English wrecan to drive, drive out
Date: before 12th century
1 : a miserable person : one who is profoundly unhappy or in great misfortune
2 : a base, despicable, or vile person

Wretch began playing Amtgard around late 2002 in the Stronghold of Dark Oasis. Initially a passionate roleplayer who never left a Gollum-inspired Monk persona, he is a well-rounded player that enjoys fighting, roleplaying, and the occasional A&S project. Wretch has been involved in many projects over the years including the co-founding of the second incarnation of the Unseen Hand fighting company, assisting the establishment of Golden Plain's floating crown system, and serving Dark Oasis during its journey becoming the first County and later a Duchy of the Kingdom. Now living in the Barony of Nine Willows with his fiancé Kismet Fyrechyld, Wretch is serving his new homeland by assisting with its stability and growth.

Affiliated Groups

  • None

Belted Family

Wretch is squired to Sir Drake Malkov, Knight of the Flame

Notable Accomplishments

  • Master Rose - Awarded by Monkey, King of Golden Plains, Winter 2010
  • Master Monk - Awarded by Sir Bearrug, King of Golden Plains, Spring 2011
  • Co-founded the second incarnation of the Unseen Hand along with Lord Sir Drake Malkov and Lord Sir Neorjin. He has since left its ranks.

Titles Earned

Positions Held

  • Prime Minister of Nine Willows - Spring 2011
  • Monarch of Dark Oasis - Fall 2004 and Fall 2010
  • Regent of Dark Oasis - Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, and Spring 2010
  • Champion of Dark Oasis - Fall 2009

More Information
