Collin the Red

From AmtWiki

Baron Squire Collin the Red of the Awesome Beard, of the Duchy of Thor's Refuge in the Kingdom of Westmarch

Lord Collin the Red of the Awesome Beard
Home Park Thor's Refuge
Kingdom Westmarch
Year Started 2008
Noble Title Baron
Belt Status Squire

Combat Ranking
Dust Dancer
A&S Ranking
Way Dancer
Dust.jpg Way.jpg


Joined Thor's Refuge in October of 2008. Soon after he and his wife Lady Tamara MacAbee helped build TR to a shire of 88. Then helped in the push for first Barony, then Duchy. During this time he wrote an article for E-Sam about promoting land growth.My article on land growth. During a tumultuous time for TR and a new local Freehold Mistyvale, Collin moved to MV to help promote and get the land to be more self sufficient. Bringing several of Clan MacAbee and his Faithful Page Spudmasher, they helped get MV rolling. During this brief time as a freehold member, he was Gate-o-crat at Gathering of the Clans, a job he repeated the next year while Regent of TR. After 2nd term as Sheriff, Collin returned to his home in TR with the intent to continue the past efforts at building TR back up to its former size. After two prior failed audits by other PMs, Collin with the help and cooperation of the monarchy and members was able to submit an audit receiving the coveted grade of EXCELLENT! Collin now continues on to a second term as PM and looking to other leadership roles in both TR and Westmarch in the future. (9/8/2016) After 3 consecutive terms as PM of Thor's Refuge and 1 new term as Duke of Thor's Refuge, Collin successfully ran for and became King of Westmarch (5/12/2018) (more to come)


Offices Held

Belted Family

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

  • Creator and original Organizer of Thor's Refuge Meetup Group
  • E-Artist of the Heraldry for Thor's Refuge (with lots of input from the other members)
  • Gate-O-Crat Gathering of the Clans 2014, 2015, 2017

Additional Images

Early photo of Collin and Tamara before Amtgard.


Collin at Mid-Reign March 7, 2010


More Information

Husband of Lady Tamara MacAbee.

Father of Link MacAbee.

  • Orkicon2.gif
  • Meetup.png
  • Facebook logo2.jpg