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Countess Dame Roslyn of Jupiter's Stones, Tal Dagore

Roslyn with Scions


In 2006, some of my friends in high school started playing this game with foam swords and shields and magic, which didn't sound like my kind of thing at all. After hearing about a lot of my friends going to these things called "events", I swore I would never get caught up in doing something so dorky...

Now, I'm completely hooked. I love Amtgard.

I began playing Amtgard at Madoc's Keep, an Amtgard park in Louisville and shortly after switched my parks to Five Oaks in Elizabethtown, KY. In 2009, however, I moved to St. Louis, MO to be with some boy (who I'm now married to) and finish college and I now play at Jupiter Stones.

Roslyn, my amtgard persona, aspires to be a warrior and an artisan. She's primarily a healer on the field, and a fighter on the ditch.

All flurbiness aside, I try to be a pretty well-rounded Amtgarder. I've co-autocrated an event and held positions as Prime Minister and Regent at Duchy level. I've also served as Kingdom Regent, Champion, and Prime Minister in Tal Dagore. I like to fight and I've placed in a few kingdom level tourneys. I also like to sew, and I've won a few honors in the realm of Arts and Science.


Belted Family

Dame Linden (Flame 2005), (Crown 2007), (Serpent 2010)

Damn Alona Twotrees (Flame 2012)

Dame Roslyn (Serpent 2015)

Ser Petra (Flame, 2017)

Sir Corwyn Lindenson (Serpent) 2022


Notable Accomplishments

  • Knight of the Serpent at Keep, in 2015 under Tal Dagore.
  • Master Healer
  • RW Best of the Best Winner March 2012 - Given by Heydeez, November 2012
  • Dragonmaster Kingdom of Tal Dagore, August 2012 - March 2013, March 2014 - August 2014, August 2014- February 2015, February 2015 - August 2015
  • Master Garber - Given by Sir Wisp Nemoralis and Sir Wyldecatt, June 2013
  • First female Champion of Tal Dagore - June 2013 - December 2013
  • Master Dragon -Given by King Razor and Regent Erewen, June 2014

Additional Images

Will Roslyn.jpg

Shown here fighting her husband Wilhelm in a tourney


"From Right to Left: Tusocks and Roslyn in court garb at WG Masquerade January 2009"

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif