Damian "Dogboy" Coradren

Sir Damian "Dogboy" Coradren, of Inland Ocean, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Northern Lights
”Knowing is not enough, we must apply... Willing is not enough, we must do." ~Bruce Lee
“Kill a man, and you are a murderer... Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror... Kill everyone, and you are a god.” ~Jean Rostand
He started playing at the age of sixteen in 1997 when he first ran across a bunch of people hitting each other @ a place called Marymoor Park in Redmond, WA. Since he had enjoyed hitting his friends for as long as he could remember, the activity in front of him naturally needed further investigation... And here we are today many years later and Damian, now known as "Dogboy", has become a well known and respected member of his Kingdom Northern Lights and Amtgard as a whole.
He was first Man at Arms to Squire, now Sir, Kezgar in 1997. Dogboy was belted under Kezgar for 4+ years, before Kezgar moved out of state, and he still held his belt years after. Eventually, wanting to be belted under someone who was around, playing the game in his area and unfortunately not having much contact with Kezgar anymore, he was squired to a local Sword Knight named Sir Duncan in 2002, a belt which was dropped around a year later for reasons unknown. In 2003 he accepted a Man at Arms belt to his long time friend Warlord Sir, at the time Squire, Sho Obsidyn, one of the most lethal sticks in the game, holding that belt until September 2008 when he was bestowed his Knighthood of the Sword.
He first pledged the Golden Lions while still belted under Kezgar, a petition for more than 3 years, finally getting into the company @ Clan in 2000. Staying with the Lions for many years, he left them in early 2004 for what felt to be a better fit for him, the Green Dragons. The Green Dragons were (and many still are) his family, they are some of his closest friends in the game, but with all the distance and infrequency of contact, he chose to hand in his belt and leave the GD's for a more local option to him(2006). In 2006 he petitioned and joined the Pacific North West local fighting company, Alliance, a company started by Sir Maurice (The Force from the North). Alliance was a dominating force in the region, and when traveling, for over a decade before the majority of the members ended up going inactive due to mundane life taking precedence. Holding onto his Alliance colors for several years after the company was inactive, he eventually gave in and retired his membership.
Walked with giants and lived in the day that the Kingdom of Northern Lights was born...
Affiliated Groups

- Praetorian to Hybris Legion # IV
- Alliance Company (RETIRED)
- Member of the Kingdom of the NorthernLights
- Death Dealers - Master Drunk
Belted Family
Formerly Man at Arms to Warlord Sir Sho Obsidyn, who was squired to Sir Stefan del Sala
Upon his knighting he asked Cyric, his long time friend, to be his squire...
Notable Accomplishments
Dogboy has been an active member of Amtgard in the North West since 1997 when he started the game, while traveling to national events such as SKBC, Clan, Rakis, & Spring War as often as possible. In that time he has held the office of champion for his local land Inland Ocean numerous times as well as the position of Champion and Prince of the North West Principality the Northern Lights. He worked as an integral part of staging and development in preparing Northern Lights to become a Kingdom and was the Monarch at the time the Northern Lights was elevated to Kingdom Status @ Clan in 2012. For this, his Kingdom bestowed onto him the title of 'Ambassador of the Kingdom of Northern Lights'.
- SKBC Instructor - Seattle, WA - May 2015
- SKBC Instructor - Salt Lake City, UT - Apr 2014
- SKBC Instructor - Troy, MO - Apr 2013
- SKBC Instructor - Boston, MA - Apr 2011
- SKBC Instructor - King City, CA - Feb 2010
- SKBC Instructor - Colombus, OH - May 2009
100th Sword Knight created through the history of Amtgard
2nd Sword Knight produced by the Kingdom of BlackSpire
Creator of the Cortona Galdiatorial Games
- Ambassador of Northern Lights - Presented by Northern Lights - NL, March 2013
- Knight of the Sword - Bestowed by King Tseng - BS, September 14th, 2008
- Count - Given by King Christian Kendric - BS, March 2007
- Warlord - Given by King Christian Kendric - BS, January 2007
- Viscount - Given by King Moonshine - BS, July 2005
- Master Monk - Given by King Moonshine - BS, March 2000
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in Aug 2021
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in Dec 2018
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in Jun 2016
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in Dec 2015
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in Nov 2014
- Prince of Northern Lights, March 2012 - Clans, July 2012 when Northern Lights was elevated to Kingdom status
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in Jan 2012
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in Aug 2011
- Rosewood X Chivalric Tournament - Won, June 2011
- Champion of Northern Lights, September 2010 - March 2011
- Pacific War Bear Pit Tournament - Won, PacWar XII September 2010
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in May 2010
- Champion of Northern Lights, March 2010 - September 2010
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in June 2009
- Champion of Northern Lights, March 2009 - September 2009
- Champion of Inland Ocean, September 2008 - March 2009
- Baron of Inland Ocean, February 2008 - September 2008
- Prince of Northern Lights, September 2006 - March 2007
- Blackspire Weaponmaster - Won in July 2006
- Prince of Northern Lights, March 2006 - September 2006
- Blackspire Weaponmaster - Won in October 2005
- Champion of Northern Lights, September 2005 - March 2006
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in September 2005
- Champion of Northern Lights, March 2005 - September 2005
- Northern Lights Weaponmaster - Won in September 2004
Additional Images
(Left) Seen here with Sir, at the time Squire, Sho Obsydian, his former and always belted family; and Sir, at the time Squire, Cyric his brother from another family ~~ (Right) Getting punched by Sir Galrog