V9: Playtest Rules
- The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
- These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
- To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
- To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.
Rules of Play
đ Version 9A.6.240209 (February 2024)
Open Alpha Playtest
Design Credits & Acknowledgements.
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Table of Contents
- 1 Amtgard V9 Playtest Information
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Getting Started
- 4 Garb (Costume)
- 5 The Honor System
- 6 Safety
- 7 Core Combat Rules
- 8 Equipment
- 8.1 Equipment Basics
- 8.2 Equipment Use Terms
- 8.3 Weapons
- 8.3.1 General Rules
- 8.3.2 Construction Terms
- 2.5 Inch and 2 Inch Rule
- Core
- Covers
- Flex
- Handle / Unpadded Segment
- Incidental Padding
- Multi-Ended Weapons
- Non-Striking Tip
- Ownership Label
- Padding and Foam
- Stab-Only
- Strike-Legal Padding
- Striking Tip
- Total Length
- Weapon Segments
- 8.3.3 Melee Weapons
- 8.3.4 Projectile Weapons
- 8.3.5 Siege Weapons
- 8.4 Shields
- 8.5 Armor
- 8.5.1 General Rules
- 8.5.2 Natural Armor
- 8.5.3 Physical Armor
- Gameplay Rules
- Construction Rules
- Rating Armor & Calculating Armor Point Totals
- Armor Styles
- Cloth/Padded Armor
- Light Leather
- Butcher's Mail, Sharkmail, etc
- Heavy Leather
- Rigid Non-Metal Armor
- Chainmail
- Light Scale
- Heavy Scale
- Butted Plate (Splint, Kikko, etc.)
- Lamellar and Laminar
- Brigandine
- Plate
- Ambiguous Armor
- 8.6 Color Code
- 8.7 Visual Indicators
- 9 Classes
- 9.1 Credits and Levels
- 9.2 Combat Classes
- 9.2.1 General Rules
- 9.2.2 Picks-System Classes
- 9.2.3 Point-Buy Classes
- 9.2.4 Other Classes
- 9.2.5 Monster
- 10 Abilities and Effects
- 10.1 General Rules
- 10.1.1 Ability
- 10.1.2 Casting (How to use Abilities)
- 10.1.3 Chants
- 10.1.4 Effect
- 10.1.5 Enhanced Strikes
- 10.1.6 Frequency / Uses
- 10.1.7 Incantations
- 10.1.8 Line of Sight
- 10.1.9 Material Components
- 10.1.10 Meta-Magic
- 10.1.11 Name (Ability)
- 10.1.12 Offensive / Non-Offensive
- 10.1.13 Other Details
- 10.1.14 Power Strikes
- 10.1.15 Prerequisites
- 10.1.16 Range
- 10.1.17 Reminder
- 10.1.18 Resting
- 10.1.19 Specialty Arrows
- 10.1.20 Spellballs
- 10.1.21 Traits
- 10.1.22 Type
- 10.1.23 Verbals
- 10.2 Keywords
- 10.1 General Rules
- 11 Magic Items
- 11.1 General Rules
- 11.2 Garb Bonus Curios
- 11.2.1 Crafting Curio Phys-Reps
- 11.2.2 Curio of Aid
- 11.2.3 Curio of Friendship
- 11.2.4 Curio of Healing
- 11.2.5 Curio of Hope
- 11.2.6 Curio of Mending
- 11.2.7 Curio of Perseverance
- 11.2.8 Curio of Power
- 11.2.9 Profane Curio
- 11.2.10 Curio of Retrieval
- 11.2.11 Sacred Curio
- 11.2.12 Curio of Shadows
- 11.2.13 Curio of Spirit
- 11.3 Talismans of Renown
- 11.4 Relics of Antiquity
- 12 Combat Activities
- 13 Rules Authorities
- 13.1 Reeve
- 13.2 Head Reeve
- 13.3 Game Organizer
- 13.4 Equipment Inspector
- 13.5 Kingdom-Appointed Authorities
- 13.6 Best Practices for Resolving Issues
- 13.7 Discussing Rules During Live Gameplay
- 13.8 Master List of Abilities
- 13.8.1 Adaptive Blessing
- 13.8.2 Adrenaline
- 13.8.3 Aegis
- 13.8.4 Ambulant
- 13.8.5 Amplify
- 13.8.6 Ancestral Armor
- 13.8.7 Ancestral Shield
- 13.8.8 Ancestral Weapon
- 13.8.9 Assassinate
- 13.8.10 Banish
- 13.8.11 Barkskin
- 13.8.12 Berserk
- 13.8.13 Blade Mastery
- 13.8.14 Blessing Against Harm
- 13.8.15 Blessing Against Projectiles
- 13.8.16 Blessing Against Wounds
- 13.8.17 Blink
- 13.8.18 Blood and Thunder
- 13.8.19 Bravado
- 13.8.20 Break Concentration
- 13.8.21 Choreograph
- 13.8.22 Confidence
- 13.8.23 Conviction
- 13.8.24 Coup De Grace
- 13.8.25 Cowardice
- 13.8.26 Cunning
- 13.8.27 Curse Strike
- 13.8.28 Dark Pact
- 13.8.29 Decoy
- 13.8.30 Destruction Arrow
- 13.8.31 Discordia
- 13.8.32 Dimensional Rift
- 13.8.33 Dragged Below
- 13.8.34 Dying Breath
- 13.8.35 Elemental Barrage
- 13.8.36 Entangle
- 13.8.37 Equipment (from Point Buy)
- 13.8.38 Expose Weakness
- 13.8.39 Extension
- 13.8.40 Fear
- 13.8.41 Feel No Pain
- 13.8.42 Fireball
- 13.8.43 Firestorm
- 13.8.44 Flame Blade
- 13.8.45 Flight
- 13.8.46 Force Bolt
- 13.8.47 Giant Strength
- 13.8.48 Gift of Air
- 13.8.49 Gift of Earth
- 13.8.50 Gift of Fire
- 13.8.51 Gift of Light
- 13.8.52 Gift of Water
- 13.8.53 Harden
- 13.8.54 Heal
- 13.8.55 Hold Person
- 13.8.56 Ice Barrier
- 13.8.57 Iceball
- 13.8.58 Icy Blast
- 13.8.59 Incinerate Armor
- 13.8.60 Innate
- 13.8.61 Inner Fire
- 13.8.62 Insight
- 13.8.63 Inspired Soul
- 13.8.64 Lay Curse
- 13.8.65 Lightning Bolt
- 13.8.66 Mana Harvest
- 13.8.67 Meditate
- 13.8.68 Mend
- 13.8.69 Missile Block
- 13.8.70 Mulch
- 13.8.71 Pass Without Trace
- 13.8.72 Pestilence
- 13.8.73 Phase Arrow
- 13.8.74 Phase Bolt
- 13.8.75 Phoenix Tears
- 13.8.76 Pinning Arrow
- 13.8.77 Poison Arrow
- 13.8.78 Poison Bolt
- 13.8.79 Poison Weapon
- 13.8.80 Prepared
- 13.8.81 Raise Dead
- 13.8.82 Rally
- 13.8.83 Rebuke
- 13.8.84 Reforge
- 13.8.85 Release
- 13.8.86 Reload
- 13.8.87 Renew
- 13.8.88 Rest
- 13.8.89 Resurrect
- 13.8.90 Revitalize
- 13.8.91 Runic Armor
- 13.8.92 Safeguard
- 13.8.93 Scavenge
- 13.8.94 Sever Spirit
- 13.8.95 Shadow Step
- 13.8.96 Shake It Off
- 13.8.97 Shove
- 13.8.98 Shove Strike
- 13.8.99 Silver Tongue
- 13.8.100 Song of Battle
- 13.8.101 Song of Determination
- 13.8.102 Song of Freedom
- 13.8.103 Song of Power
- 13.8.104 Song of Survival
- 13.8.105 Sphere of Annihilation
- 13.8.106 Steal Life Essence
- 13.8.107 Stoneskin
- 13.8.108 Suppress Aura
- 13.8.109 Suppression Arrow
- 13.8.110 Suppression Bolt
- 13.8.111 Suppressing Strike
- 13.8.112 Swift
- 13.8.113 Taunt
- 13.8.114 Taunting Strike
- 13.8.115 Teleport
- 13.8.116 Temper Armor
- 13.8.117 Tracking
- 13.8.118 Transfer Life
- 13.8.119 Undead Minion
- 13.8.120 Undying Will
- 13.8.121 Vorpal Blades
- 13.8.122 Ward
- 13.8.123 Word of Mending
- 13.8.124 Wounding
- 14 Appendix
- 14.1 Equipment Inspection Guide
- 14.2 Weapon Competency Assessments
- 14.3 Glossary
- 14.3.1 Note About Unlisted Terms
- 14.3.2 Act
- 14.3.3 Affected
- 14.3.4 Amtgard Function
- 14.3.5 Amtgard International (AI)
- 14.3.6 Apprentice
- 14.3.7 Archery/Archer
- 14.3.8 Aggress
- 14.3.9 At-Arms
- 14.3.10 Authority
- 14.3.11 Boffer
- 14.3.12 Carried
- 14.3.13 Circle of Monarchs (AICOM/COM)
- 14.3.14 Class
- 14.3.15 Code of Conduct (COC)
- 14.3.16 Color Code
- 14.3.17 Comfort-Grade Foam
- 14.3.18 Contact Projectiles
- 14.3.19 Crossguard
- 14.3.20 Crushed
- 14.3.21 Curio
- 14.3.22 Damage
- 14.3.23 Death Count
- 14.3.24 Declarations
- 14.3.25 Destroyed / Destruction
- 14.3.26 Draw Length
- 14.3.27 Draw Weight
- 14.3.28 Dual Wield (Weapons)
- 14.3.29 Effect
- 14.3.30 đśď¸Experimental
- 14.3.31 Flat Blade
- 14.3.32 Foam
- 14.3.33 Forced Movement
- 14.3.34 Free Hand
- 14.3.35 Game Item
- 14.3.36 Gameplay
- 14.3.37 Gameplay Advantage
- 14.3.38 Graze
- 14.3.39 Half-Draw
- 14.3.40 Harmless
- 14.3.41 Healed
- 14.3.42 Heavy Padding
- 14.3.43 Hit
- 14.3.44 Hit Locations
- 14.3.45 Hit Test
- 14.3.46 Hold (Safety Call)
- 14.3.47 Hold (in hand)
- 14.3.48 Illegal
- 14.3.49 Immediately
- 14.3.50 Invalid Obstructions
- 14.3.51 In-Character
- 14.3.52 In-Game
- 14.3.53 Knights
- 14.3.54 LARP
- 14.3.55 Legal
- 14.3.56 Line of Sight
- 14.3.57 Loaner Gear
- 14.3.58 Magic Switching
- 14.3.59 Move
- 14.3.60 Non-Player Character (NPC)
- 14.3.61 Non-Striking Surfaces
- 14.3.62 Nullified
- 14.3.63 Offensive (Ability)
- 14.3.64 Omni
- 14.3.65 Ongoing Effect
- 14.3.66 Open Hand
- 14.3.67 Out-of-Character
- 14.3.68 Out-Of-Game
- 14.3.69 Owner
- 14.3.70 Padding
- 14.3.71 Page
- 14.3.72 Paragon
- 14.3.73 Phys-Rep (Physical Representation)
- 14.3.74 Player Character (PC)
- 14.3.75 Player Versus Environment (PVE)
- 14.3.76 Player Versus Player (PVP)
- 14.3.77 Pommel
- 14.3.78 Prime
- 14.3.79 Reeve
- 14.3.80 Relic
- 14.3.81 Repair
- 14.3.82 Respawn
- 14.3.83 Restore
- 14.3.84 ROP (Rules of Play)
- 14.3.85 Rules Representative (RR)
- 14.3.86 Rules Representative Organizer (RRO)
- 14.3.87 Rules As Intended (RAI)
- 14.3.88 Rules As Spoken (RAS)
- 14.3.89 Rules As Written (RAW)
- 14.3.90 Safety-Grade Foam
- 14.3.91 Slash
- 14.3.92 Spirit of the Rules
- 14.3.93 Squire
- 14.3.94 Stabbing Projectiles
- 14.3.95 Streamers
- 14.3.96 Stab
- 14.3.97 States
- 14.3.98 Strike
- 14.3.99 Strike Legal
- 14.3.100 Striking Surfaces
- 14.3.101 Super Heavy Padding
- 14.3.102 Tails (Spellball Construction)
- 14.3.103 Talisman
- 14.3.104 Target
- 14.3.105 Terrain
- 14.3.106 Trinket
- 14.3.107 Unattended
- 14.3.108 Unwielded
- 14.3.109 Use
- 14.3.110 Version
- 14.3.111 Visible
- 14.3.112 Walking Pace
- 14.3.113 Wield
- 14.3.114 Worn
- 14.3.115 Wounds
Amtgard V9 Playtest Information
General Disclaimer
The Amtgard V9 Alpha Playtest Program is the official playtest program for the Amtgard V9 ruleset.
This is a standalone product. These rules is not designed or intended to be used alongside the existing Amtgard V8 rules. Doing so may yield results that are not reflective of Amtgard V9 or the goals of its developers.
Alpha-level rules are not final. They are not supposed to look or feel like a finished product at this time. They are a work in progress and therefore subject to change. Changes may occur frequently. Consult the version number and the change log to ensure you are following the most up-to-date rules.
Construction Disclaimer
We sincerely appreciate anyone who chooses to spend their time and resources constructing equipment for the playtest. That said, if you choose to craft equipment for this playtest, please do so with the knowledge that it may become illegal as the ruleset continues to develop. If you are worried about wasting resources, please check with a V9 Team member and they can let you know how likely it is your project will see changes down the line.
When and Where Can I Playtest V9?
All parks and their players are invited to participate at this time. Alpha Playtesting is completely voluntary and should be done at the leisure of each park and its members. Playtesting these rough, unrefined rules may not be enjoyable for everyone. It is encouraged that players be given the choice and ample time to familiarize themselves with the playtest ruleset before use. This is still a completely new edition, even if many aspects are similar.
If your players are looking to play a more refined and polished version, we highly recommend waiting until Beta-Playtesting begins in summer 2024.
To help with advertising, you can use the the V9 logo or seal on any event banners or posters so players know it will be using the V9 rules.
Where Can I Contribute Feedback?
Any Amtgard player can join the Amtgard V9 Discord server to submit feedback and participate in discussion.
Only feedback submitted on the Discord server is guaranteed to be seen by the development team.
Images and Artwork
Images used in this document are placeholders to demonstrate the intent of the final work. If you are the creator or subject of an image in this document and would like it to be removed, or if you would like to help provide images and artwork for the final version, please contact v9@amtgard.com or connect with us on Facebook or Discord.
Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion
"It is the professed belief of the leadership of Amtgard that all people regardless of gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, or religious affiliation should find Amtgard to be welcoming and inclusive. To that end, we encourage all members of Amtgard to embrace an appreciation of diversity and to take actions that help those who face systematic discrimination find a home within our community.
The leadership of Amtgard recognizes that we must hold our organization to a standard of inclusion. This standard is not merely a required minimum, but rather one that makes us actively appealing to those people who have historically been discriminated against. As such, it falls on us to strive not only for equality in our actions towards our vulnerable membership, but also for equity in order to raise them up to a level of security and acceptance that so many of us enjoy as a matter of course.
Therefore, the leadership of Amtgard resolves to dedicate itself as a matter of official policy and public record to ensuring that our publications, communications, governance, and behavior promote and further these stated beliefs so that all of our members can have the Amtgard they deserve."
- - Amtgard International Circle of Monarchs 2018
What is Amtgard?
Amtgard is a free-to-join, fantasy-themed, boffer-LARP community with options for both combat and non-combat participation.
Amtgard meetups are typically hosted each week by local parks, with large celebrations and Kingdom events every 3 months or so.
Amtgard's flagship activity is Class Battlegames: live-action, team-based, arena-battles that take full advantage of our fantasy class system, including bow-wielding archers, spell-flinging wizards, and armor-clad warriors. Other popular combat activities include 1-on-1 tournaments and story-based adventures.
Amtgard combat is full-speed and medium-contact. Medium contact means that players will often make physical contact with each other using approved equipment but grappling, head shots, and most other forms of non-padded contact are prohibited.
Amtgard encourages all players to dress and present themselves in line with the heroic fantasy genre, however Amtgard as a whole is not an immersive roleplay LARP. Instead we support a casual, relaxed roleplay environment that allows each member or even groups as a whole to roleplay as much or as little as they wish, akin to what you might find between different tabletop RPG groups.
Roleplay is only expected when participating in dedicated roleplay activities, such as Quests and Scenario battles. Amtgard roleplay activities are typically episodic in nature, with the settings and narratives for each one driven by local-level organizers with no oversight from Amtgard International.
Amtgard also offers a wide variety of non-combat activities to explore and participate in. Our community boasts a diverse base of crafters, cooks, writers, performers, and visual artists, as well as game designers, roleplay organizers, referees (called reeves), and a multitude of other leadership & logistics volunteers. Many of our members develop and hone lifelong skills through the support and motivation offered within the Amtgard community.
Lastly, Amtgard has a robust award system designed to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our players across our all facets of the game, both in and out of combat.
Find your nearest Amtgard park and join us!
New to LARP and Boffer Combat?
For those who have never explored LARP or Boffer Combat before, welcome to your new favorite pastime!
What is LARP?
LARP stands for Live Action Role-Play and it encompasses a wide variety of games where the main connection is players assuming the role of a character and playing the game with their physical bodies and imagination (instead of digitally). If you've ever participated in an Escape Room, a Murder Mystery, or just 'played pretend' with a child, you've participated a form of LARP.
Different LARP activities have different levels of required roleplay. Whereas Escape Rooms typically require little or no roleplay on the part of the participants, conventional LARPs encourage players to create a character and embody them through their actions and appearance (costume).
Some LARPs, including Amtgard, allow participants to choose an occupation or "class" that grants access to equipment and special abilities. Abilities can be represented by physical objects, such as using yellow foam balls to represent Lightning Bolts, or they can be entirely imaginary, such as a spell of Healing that allows one player to aid another with only their voice.
More than anything else, Live Action Role-Play means using your body and imagination to have epic battles and adventures LIVE with other people who are just as excited about it as you are.
What is Boffer Combat?
Boffer combat refers to a specific style of safe combat where players engage each other with foam-padded weapons, often referred to as 'Boffers'.
Boffer Combat is a safe way to enact fast-paced fighting for large groups of players without the need for extensive safety gear such as helmets or pads. Most players can safely participate in Boffer combat wearing only their normal clothing!
What is a Boffer LARP?
Amtgard is a Boffer LARP. That means we combine the roleplay and imagination of LARP with the mechanics of Boffer Combat to form the basis of our rules. Participants can choose a class and use special abilities alongside full speed boffer combat to engage with other players and the game around them.
Join Us!
If all this sounds exciting to you, you're only pages away from joining one of the best fantasy Boffer LARPs in the world!
Getting Started
Getting started with Amtgard is quick and easy. Here's some essential information for any new player.
Minimum Age for Combat
You must be at least fourteen (14) years of age to participate in Amtgard combat activities. Some restrictions apply.
For full details please visit the ' Age of Combatants' section.
Characters, Progession, and the ORK
Setting Up Your Account
On your first day, you will be asked to choose a name for your player account on Amtgard's Online Record Keeper (ORK). This account will be used to store all the progress and milestones you achieve throughout your Amtgard career. Most people will use the name of their 'Main' character, however your ORK account name can be whatever you like and changed at any time without affecting your progress.
Your ORK account will be set up for you automatically after you sign in to your first Amtgard function. After that point you can reach out to the officer responsible for ORK Updates (usually called the Prime Minister or Chancellor) and they can provide you with your login information.
Character Creation
In Amtgard, progress is tied to the player, not the character. All levels and achievements listed on your ORK account are player-specific and can be immediately applied any to new characters you create. You do not need to level up each character individually. Because of this, creating a new character in Amtgard is as easy as picking a name.
Unlike immersive LARPs, having a developed character is not required to participate in most Amtgard activities. With that in mind, even though most activities can be played out-of-character, members are still encouraged to build their garb and aesthetics around a particular character concept or fantasy that excites them.
Can my character be permanently killed? / Can I lose my progress?
No. Only you can decide when your character is gone for good and since all your progression is tied to your ORK account, killing off or retiring a character is purely a roleplay decision with no effect on your levels or achievements.
Theme and Setting
The core theme of Amtgard is Heroic Fantasy.
Heroic fantasy is the name given to a subgenre of fantasy otherwise called "sword-and-sorcery". It is a story of action and adventure laid in a more or less imaginary world where magic works and modern science and technology have not yet been discovered. Such a story combines the color and dash of historical costume romance with the supernatural thrills of the weird, occult, or ghost story.
When done well, it provides the purest fun of fiction of any kind. It is escape fiction wherein one escapes clear out of the real world into one where all life is adventurous, all problems simple, and there's nothing that can't be solved with a good quest."
- - Paraphrased excerpts from Heroic Fantasy on Wikipedia
The shared fantasy setting of Amtgard is limited to just a few details, the rest of which are left up to local communities and roleplay organizers.
- All Kingdoms and Parks exist in the same plane, called "Amtgard" or "Amtgardia". Historically-inspired themes and garb are allowed, however this world is distinctly not Earth so players should act accordingly.
- All Kingdoms and Parks are geographically arranged similar to how their real-life locations are arranged on planet Earth, often with similar topography, landmarks, and/or water features (rivers, coastlines, etc.)
- There are 12 constellations that can be seen in the night sky no matter where you are in the plane. The orientation of the stars is always the same but the names, imagery, and mythology attached to them may vary from region to region.
- Phoenixes are sacred creatures, though like the constellations the nature of this sanctity may vary from region to region.
What to Expect From Amtgard Roleplay
Amtgard has a wide variety of game modes and ways to participate. Only activities specifically designated as "Roleplay Activites" will ask players to be in-character and roleplay. All other activities happen out-of-character but participants are more than welcome to roleplay just for the fun of it, so long as they don't expect others to play along.
Social spaces and non-game areas are also out-of-character, however some players will use these spaces for Sandbox Roleplay.
Since roleplay only happens during roleplay activities, your personal Amtgard experience may vary based on the activity preferences of your local Kingdom and Park. There are groups that roleplay every chance they get and some that rarely, if ever, roleplay. Check with your nearest park to see what kinds of activities they like to run so you can prepare and set your expectations accordingly.
When you finally enter a roleplay activity, you will notice that Amtgard roleplay is free-form, decentralized, and often episodic. Amtgard does not have a single unified story connecting all Kingdoms. Instead, local communities each craft their own stories, maps, and regional lore independent of one another, much like different tabletop RPG groups.
Last but not least, there are no penalties for accidentally breaking immersion or speaking out-of-character during a roleplay activity, although you are obviously encouraged to avoid impacting the experience of those around you whenever possible. Amtgard roleplay is generally easygoing and the rare high-immersion activities will come with proper notice so you know what you're walking into.
Check out the Roleplay section to learn more.
What to Bring On Your First Day
It is totally acceptable to show up to your first day with nothing but the clothes on your back. Amtgard parks will often have a small collection of basic loaner equipment and sometimes even garb (costumes) that new players can borrow during the day until they are able to craft or acquire their own. While there is no guarantee that these will be always be available, many of our members will often be more than happy to lend a new player some of their own equipment for the day.
That said, if you want to come prepared, connect with your park ahead of time to see what is available and/or check out the Garb and Equipment sections to learn more about building or buying your own costume, weapons, shields, and armor for Amtgard combat!
Who is Responsible for Helping New Players?
When you attend an Amtgard event or function for the first time, introduce yourself as a new player and ask to speak to one of the local Officers in charge of the group who's event you are attending. They will be best suited to help you learn the ropes or point you towards another capable member who can assist. Be honest about how much you know (or don't know) about LARP and Boffer Combat and you'll find yourself primed and ready for your first battle in no time!
Officers are also the best people to speak to if you have any other questions, issues, or complaints that you would like addressed.
Choose Your Own Adventure!
Amtgard is more than just a combat LARP. It's a vibrant community that offers a multiple of ways to participate whether your weapon of choice is a sword, a needle, a pen, or even a spreadsheet!
Now that you've finished with this section, follow these links to explore the various facets of Amtgard:
Garb (Costume)
Garb Requirements and Goals
All Amtgard participants are encouraged to wear a costume (colloquially known as "garb") that fits within the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard.
Garb is not required to participate in Amtgard activities; however all members are highly encouraged to wear garb when possible due to the many benefits it brings to the ever-growing Amtgard community.
- Garb ensures our participants are easily recognized and stand out from regular passerby.
- Garb presents an appealing and engaging image to the public. It shows that we are not just random friends in a park, but a community and organization that they can actually approach and join.
- Garb improves the overall atmosphere of the game and enhances the Heroic Fantasy experience for other players.
As a rule of thumb, any garments, accessories, and body-costuming are fair game as long as the pieces are incorporated together in such a way that the complete outfit is visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard. This can include prosthetics, tattoos, body paint, accessories, etc. in addition to traditional fantasy clothing and armor pieces.
Dress Accordingly
- Players should be encouraged to garb appropriately for their local weather and climate conditions. Safety always comes first.
- Players must always adhere to applicable, real-world clothing regulations and decency laws.
- Examples of Different Levels of Garb
Garments to Alter or Avoid
Amtgard seeks to limit the amount of obviously modern-looking items at any given function. We ask that players minimize their use of the following items unless they are altered or incorporated so that the complete outfit is visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard.
- Obviously modern clothing such as blue jeans, white shoes, camouflage patterns, baseball caps, sports jerseys, etc.
- Clearly mundane logos or fabric prints.
Prohibited Garments
The following items may never be worn, even if they are incorporated into the Heroic Fantasy theme.
- Inappropriate, disrespectful, and/or distasteful use of real-life cultural garments, symbols, and/or body paint.
- Real swords, knives, or weapons of any sort (even in sheaths or cases) may never be worn or carried during combat activities.
Personal-Protective & Medically-Necessary Apparel
Modern safety apparel (such as sunglasses/goggles, sport footwear, knee pads, gloves, etc.) and anything required out of medical necessity is extremely important to ensuring the safety and comfort of our players.
Participants are encouraged to wear their safety or medical gear whenever they feel it is necessary however we highly encourage participants to minimize their modern appearance where possible by altering, covering, or incorporating those items into their garb in such a way that the complete outfit is visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard (or at least more suitable than it would be without any action taken). Safety will always be our first priority, however we sincerely appreciate players who strive to be both safe and immersive.
More information about Safety Equipment can be found in the Safety section.
Reserved Symbols
Amtgard has a number of symbols or garments that are reserved specific purposes. Only players who meet the criteria below may incorporate these features into their garb or equipment. The reserved symbols are:
Phoenix Imagery | |
General | The Phoenix is the symbol of Amtgard and may only be worn in the following circumstances:
White or Black | Knights |
Gold | Masters. The background upon which the phoenix is placed represents the type of masterhood. |
Belts | |
White (with or without trim) | Knights. it is common to trim the white belt in the colors of the knighthood path(s) of the wearer. |
Red | Squires |
Black with Silver Trim | At-Arms |
Yellow | Pages |
Sashes | |
Mono-Colored | Classes. All class identifiers are reserved in combat and roleplay for players who are actively playing those classes. |
Mono-Colored with Silver Trim | Paragons of the associated Class. |
Light Pink | Special Accommodation: Light Pink sashes are universally reserved as an indicator for Non-Melee Participants. |
Other Symbols | |
Unadorned Chain | Knights |
Spurs | Knights |
Mono-Colored Belt Favor with Silver Trim | Apprentices of the associated Class. |
Vertical black-and-white stripes (invoking modern Referees) or black-and-white checkerboard patterns. | Reeves |
The Honor System
Before you ever step onto the field, it is important that you align your expectations for how Amtgard differs from traditional gaming and sports.
The brilliance of Amtgard happens when a field full of players can share the same imaginary experience together. A foam sword can sever Anneâs arm; a padded âfireballâ can immolate Alonaâs shield; a magical incantation can bring Val back from the dead. This unique gaming experience is only possible through the willing cooperation and honorable conduct of each and every participant, friend and foe.
Amtgard puts a lot of weight on the honor system to manage it's rules because it would be logistically impossible to do what we do otherwise. Our referees, called Reeves, will do their best to keep everyone on the right track, but they simply cannot oversee each and every interaction. As such, the bulk of responsibility for honest and fair play falls upon the players themselves.
To support and demystify the honor system within Amtgard, the following Honor System Responsibilities were created to guide our members and help set fair expectations for others and oneself. All players should strive to to embody these values as they participate each and every week.The Golden Rule: Participate Honestly & Act Good in Faith
By its very nature, an Honor System is extremely easy to cheat and exploit. Therefore it is crucial that all players be personally accountable, participate in good faith, and trust others to do the same.
Unlike a computer, Amtgard doesnât have a central processor to guarantee gameplay always runs as intended. Instead, each player must personally ensure the rules for their actions are executed correctly and in line with the spirit of the rules. Because of this, the execution of Amtgard rules is always going to be a bit sloppy. If you expect the accuracy of a video game or tabletop RPG, you will be disappointed more often than not.
It is up to each player to work with their peers to build better habits and positively influence the behaviors of those around them. It is only through this combined effort that we can continue to bring such a magical and memorable game to life.
Respect each other, Respect the game, and most importantly: Have Fun!
Tread Carefully in Gray Areas
Gray Areas are 'technically correct' applications of the rules that appear to sit on the border of intended and unintended. Unfortunately, since everyone views the game through their own lens, players may have different interpretations of where the actual line is. This is inevitable. As such, all participants should be open to respectfully discuss ambiguous rules and interactions when they occur and resolve them fairly in the moment until such a time that it can be reviewed by a rules authority or resolved by official rulebook update.Foster Clarity over Confusion
Unlike mundane sports, Amtgard draws on the imagination of its players to take "real world" actions and turn them into legendary battles and wondrous feats. Many aspects of our game are imaginary and therefore invisible to other players, such as grievous wounds or mystical protections.
Players are responsible to help each other perceive the imperceptible aspects of our game and prevent rules-related confusion, even when it would be advantageous to do otherwise. We all want to know what we're walking into, and so withholding or misrepresenting details makes it difficult for players to properly engage with the game, often resulting in interactions that feel âcheapâ or unfair. That said, despite our best efforts this type of confusion will still occur from time to time, and when it does we all share a responsibility to avoid exploiting it for advantage and instead help the confused individual realign their perceptions with what is accurate.Have Compassion in Chaos
Unlike a tabletop game, Amtgard is experienced in first-person and in real time. Whereas tabletop players can spend hours resolving a 30-second engagement (thoroughly examining the entire battlefield and several rulebooks during that time), in Amtgard those 30 seconds of combat are always done in exactly 30 seconds and different players will each see, sense, and understand those moments in their own way.
It is crucial to recognize that everyone will process this game differently. Some players will need extra time to process, acknowledge, or ask for additional information in the middle of battle. Wounds and effects may be delayed because of this and strategic timings will often be impacted. Ideally players should not suffer negative consequences nor gain an advantage from these delays, but the chaos of live combat means that sometimes these moments of real life lag will give an unintentional edge to one side or the other. While it may be frustrating at times, we must strive to be kind, compassionate, and patient; working cooperatively to resolve each engagement as it happens to the best of our ability.Expect Imperfection
To err is human. Every participant should expect there to be a multitude of honest mistakes made each and every battle. Estimated distances may be slightly off. Incantations may be slurred. Effects may be misremembered or misapplied. And so on.
Amtgard rules can be very complex, especially in the heat of battle, so all players share a responsibility to work through these mistakes with grace and respect.
It is important to note that this should not be taken as a license to seek advantage under the guise of âhonest mistakesâ, for we also share a responsibility to be cognizant of our mistakes and prevent repeated or egregious incidents.Lead by Example
All Amtgarders share a responsibility to not just embody these Honor System Responsibilities themselves, but to actively inspire others to do the same. If someone is new or having trouble, we must help them learn and grow. If someone is acting in bad faith, we must help them climb out of those bad habits without lowering ourselves to their level. If we can become beacons of honor for each other, then together our game will flourish.
Best Practices for Resolving Issues
In a free-form game like Amtgard there are bound to be interactions and situations that come up that were not imagined or considered by the developers. It is understandably impossible for them to have accounted for every potential interpretation of the rules that may arise.
With that in mind, please consider the following as you apply the rules in this book during live gameplay. This section is especially useful for our Rules Authorities and Game Organizers who will often be required to make judgment calls on these matters.
- Amtgard requires cooperation, honor, and fair play from all participants. Keeping the tenets of the Honor System in mind is a solid first step towards untangling any situation you may come across.
- Imperfection and honest mistakes will inevitably occur. Human error should be expected and played through in good faith to the best of everyoneâs ability. Don't punish the occasional honest mistake, especially if everyone involved is going along with it.
- For Reeves: If an error involves a lack of knowledge, show compassion and offer the correct information. If not, offer a warning and encourage the player to self-regulate. Do your best to acknowledge and recognize them when they succeed at correcting themselves. If an issue becomes a recurring or egregious then further action should be taken to prevent it from spoiling the experience for others.
- Read the rules thoroughly and consider the bigger picture. The more familiar you are with the rules, the better equipped you will be to handle situations and interactions that are not explicitly covered. Rules may give one impression when read in a vacuum, but make sense when viewed within the larger context of the game. When possible, use the spirit of the rule to guide your interpretation of the letter of the rule.
- If a specific rule contradicts a general rule, the specific rule should be favored. Abilities, magic items, and custom rules may allow players to do things that the general rules say they cannot. When this occurs, these more specific rules should always be seen as exceptions regardless of whether or not it is explicitly addressed in the general rule.
- Use common sense and follow the guide of Safety, Fairness, Flow, and Fun when determining how to navigate an ambiguous situation.
- Safety of all members should always be the top priority.
- Fairness is about ensuring a decision in line with common sense and the spirit of the rule.
- Flow is about ensuring a decision is easy to execute and doesnât needlessly encumber gameplay.
- Fun is about considering a decision's effect on the overall enjoyment of all participants.
- Discourage confusion when possible, especially anything that could misrepresent one game mechanic for another, such as a sword that looks like a shield; a player casting a helpful spell at an enemy in an aggressive way to scare them; or someone pretending to be affected by a state to gain the element of surprise. Amtgard gameplay can often be very difficult to track even when everything is represented accurately, so deliberate deceit and misrepresentation of the mechanics of play should never be encouraged or supported by Rules Authorities
- The rules only do what they say they do. Even though the game mechanics are presented with engaging and thematic names, they do not have additional powers beyond what is explicitly stated within the rules. For example, the ability called Fireball cannot light up a room or set someone on fire. With that in mind, inside the bounds of a Roleplay activity this type of thematic extrapolation may be encouraged, but only with permission from the Roleplay Organizer.
- If a term is not defined anywhere in this rulebook, the most commonly accepted definition of the term should be applied. If multiple definitions exist, use the one that makes the most sense.
- Keep Calm. Be Kind. It is important to be self-aware and personally accountable. Both players and reeves must work to resolve issues calmly and kindly without becoming over-reactive, dismissive, or condescending. If you feel yourself getting frustrated, take a step back or excuse yourself until you can address the matter with a cool head.
The most important rule when participating in Amtgard combat is to understand the priority of Safety. Safety considerations must supersede all other concerns in order to provide an environment that our players feel comfortable participating in week after week. For most people it is extremely difficult to relax and enjoy an activity while being legitimately concerned about your own safety or well-being.
That said, while these rules seek to mitigate potential hazards and unsafe behavior, each participant is ultimately responsible for ensuring their own personal safety while attending Amtgard functions.
Any action or equipment that could be described as dangerous, reckless, or unsafe to such a degree that it could risk lasting harm to anyone at an Amtgard function is expressly prohibited - regardless of its inclusion, or absence from, these Rules of Play.
Safety Authorities
Safety enforcement and oversight is a shared responsibility of all Rules Authorities.
Halting Gameplay
Gameplay will sometimes need to be halted to address a safety issue or some other out-of-game concern, such as a child running onto the battlefield. The following calls can be made to halt gameplay completely or in a localized area. These calls should be reserved for Reeves when possible but any player may use them if they feel it is necessary to ensure the immediate safety of themselves and/or others.
- "HOLD!" (Full Halt Of Gameplay): If it is necessary to stop play for the entire field, you should loudly announce "HOLD!". During a Hold, all players must immediately halt all gameplay, cease moving, and kneel if possible until the Hold has been resolved and a Reeve restarts the game.
- "SAFETY!" (Localized Stop): If an incident occurs and you need to direct combat away from an area without stopping the game entirely, remove yourself from play and loudly announce "SAFETY!" to get the attention of nearby players and direct combat away from the situation. You may need to repeat this several times if gameplay continues to flow around you. Nearby players should either shift combat away from the Safety area or remove themselves from gameplay altogether to provide assistance until the situation is resolved or they are relieved by a Reeve.
Specific Safety Issues
The following is a list of specific safety issues that players can expect to encounter from time to time.
- Unsafe Equipment or User: If you believe a piece of equipment on the field is unsafe or being used in an unsafe manner, address it politely with the user as soon as possible or notify a Reeve.
- Some examples include: Unreasonably painful strikes; Excessively forceful two-handed attacks (executioner chops and baseball swings); Reckless flailing; Aimlessly firing projectiles into a crowd; Oversized or unreasonably heavy weapons, etc.
- Rising Tempers:If you are concerned about the rising temper of another player, notify a Reeve as soon as possible. If you yourself become upset or angry, go take a break and come back when youâre able to continue for a cool head.
- Safety-Related Movement or Speech: Some game effects may prevent a player from moving or speaking in game. These effects can never prevent a player from moving or speaking when it is necessary to ensure the safety of themselves or other players. If you choose to ignore effects this way, it should always be done in good faith and you should never capitalize on a gameplay advantage that might become available as a direct result of doing so.
- Injury (Self): If you become injured during combat, immediately inform any player engaged with you and remove yourself from the battlefield if possible. If you need assistance in removing yourself, ask a nearby player or Reeve for help.
- Injury (Other):If a player becomes injured in your immediate vicinity but actively shows signs that they only need a moment to recover, move yourself a short distance away and continue playing. If a player becomes injured and is unresponsive or needs assistance on the spot, use the âSafetyâ or âHoldâ calls as appropriate to safeguard the area and get them help.
Developer Note: If thereâs ever a doubt about whether or not to stop gameplay to tend to an injured player, choose to stop the gameplay. We would rather see a thousand 'Holds' for minor bumps and scratches if it means we don't miss a serious injury when it happens.
Sport Safety Equipment
Amtgard does not require safety equipment to be worn in order to participate, however doing so is an ideal way to further reduce the risk of injury that should be expected from any contact-sport experience, especially if you know you are predisposed to injury or want to play harder than normal.
Here are a few suggestions that may improve your Amtgard experience:
- Sport Safety Goggles / Lacrosse Eye Cages: Protects your eyes and face from stray projectiles and strikes.
- Impact Resistant Gloves: Protects your hands and fingers, especially while holding a weapon and using it to block. With a little bit of effort, these can also be converted into Gauntlets to offer in game armor bonuses.
- Knee Pads: Protects your knees from rough terrain when you need to drop to the ground. Enables greater mobility in the kneeling position.
- Terrain-Appropriate Footwear: Wearing cleats, gym shoes, or snow boots as appropriate can help you maintain proper footing and reduce trips, slips, and falls as you work to reposition and outmaneuver your foes.
- Weather Appropriate Attire: Heat stroke, dehydration, frostbite, and hypothermia are all very real possibilities when participating in outdoor activities. Take precautions and adjust your attire accordingly.
Core Combat Rules
From basic strikes to powerful magic, most Amtgard mechanics involve the core combat rules to some extent.
Age of Combatants
Combat in Amtgard is reserved for players of at least fourteen (14) years of age. Additional details and exceptions can be found here.
Acceptable / Unacceptable Contact
Amtgard combat is medium-contact activity. Medium contact means that players will often make physical contact with each other using approved equipment but certain forms contact are prohibited. Due to the nature of live combat, some amount of incidental contact should be expected, however repeated or egregious offenses can result in suspension for unsafe play.
Regardless of how it happens, if unacceptable contact is made you should avoid deriving a gamplay advantage from it. If an affected player is staggered and needs a moment to recover, stop fighting them. If necessary, rewind the interaction to the point of unacceptable contact and resume gameplay if/when they are able.
Acceptable Contact
- Weapon into Valid Hit Location: Weapons may be used to strike valid Hit Locations using their Strike-Legal portions.
- Weapon/Shield into Weapon: Weapons and Shields may be used to block, deflect, or pin an opponentâs weapon.
- Weapon/Shield into Shield: Weapons and Shields may be used to deflect, turn, or manipulate an opponent's Shield so long as it does not force the opponent to lose their balance or fall over.
- Body into Weapon: Players may block, deflect, or swipe an opponentâs weapons with their body or limbs so long as the weapon is not trapped or grabbed. Interacting with a Strike-Legal surface this way results in a valid hit to the location used for contact.
- Body/Shield obstructing Body: Players may use their Body or Shields to passively obstruct an opponentâs body, whether it be their physical movement or an attempt to reach something with their limbs. âPassivelyâ means placing yourself between the opponent and their destination.
Unacceptable Contact
- Weapon into Head/Neck: Weapons cannot be used to strike the head or neck.
- Non-Strike Legal Contact: Weapons cannot be used to strike with portions that are not Strike-Legal.
- Body into Body: Players cannot use their Body to directly impact another playerâs Body. This includes: tripping, tackling, grappling, shoving, etc.
- Shield into Body: Players cannot use their Shield to intentionally manipulate another playerâs Body. This includes shield checking, shoving, etc.
- Body into Shield: Players cannot use their Body to intentionally manipulate another playerâs Shield. This includes: shield kicking, grabbing, shoving, etc.
- Garb into Anything: Players cannot use their garb to intentionally block, deflect, or restrict other players or their equipment.
- Forcing Instability: Players cannot intentionally use their body or equipment in any way that would force a static opponent to lose their balance or fall over. (Examples include: checking, shield bashing, hard strikes from excessively large/heavy weapons, reckless collisions, strong strikes to the back of the knees, etc.)
Hit Locations
Definitions and Diagram
In Amtgard combat, a player's body is divided into five (5) âHit Locationsâ which may be struck to inflict damage or effects in combat: Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg, and Torso.
- Arms (left/right): From the tips of the fingers to the shoulder socket.
- Legs (left/right): From the tips of the toes to bottom of the buttocks in the back; the crease between the hip and each leg in the front; and just below the hip bone on either side.
- Torso: Everything that isnât an arm or a leg, including the groin, up to the vertical rise of the neck.
- Illegal - Head and Neck: The head and neck are illegal targets for all Amtgard combat. Strikes to these areas will never count as a valid hit, nor will they be able to inflict any damage or effects. Players are not allowed to intentionally use their head or neck to block incoming attacks. If a player strikes an opponent in the head or neck and gains a gameplay advantage from it, they should stop fighting and allow their opponent to recover. If necessary, rewind to the point of the illegal strike and resume the fight if/when they are able.
Torso Priority
If a strike lands on the line between the torso and an arm or leg, the strike counts as only hitting the torso location. This supersedes Armor Priority whenever applicable.
Hand Protection (aka âHand on Weaponâ)
If a strike hits a hand below the wrist that is wielding a weapon or shield, the strike counts as hitting that piece of equipment instead of the hand. Equipment that cannot be used to block, such as bows and projectiles, will not protect the hand this way.
Foot on Ground
A foot touching the ground is unaffected by strikes below the ankle. All attempts to strike it are considered invalid. No effects can be imparted through this contact. A foot that is completely in the air is fair game and can be struck as normal.
Striking Your Opponent
Valid Strikes
Valid Strikes, also known as Legal Strikes, can only be delivered by the strike-legal portion of a weapon. A valid strike must make contact with enough forward momentum that an unaware opponent wearing basic garb could distinguish the strike as offensive rather than incidental contact. Players wearing thick or bulky armor/garments must still acknowledge a valid strike with sufficient momentum even if the blow is not felt.
Though firmer contact will occur from time to time, it is important to remember that our weapons are padded sticks, not actual swords, and we are not trying to cause any real injury. Special care should also be taken when striking with larger weapons such as greatswords, glaives, pikes, and rocks, as these weapons typically have more mass by their design and therefore require greater caution on the part of the wielder to ensure the safety of their opponents.
Valid Strikes are divided into four categories:
- Melee Slash: A melee slash is a strike with the side of a melee weapon. It must be percussive (contact with an audible pop) and be stopped by or noticeably deflect off the victim.
- Melee Stab: A melee stab is a strike with the tip of a melee weapon. It must strike with the tip and be stopped by or noticeably deflect off the victim.
- Projectile Stab: A strike from a Stabbing Projectile, such as an Arrow. It must strike with the tip and be stopped by or noticeably deflect off the victim.
- Projectile Contact: A strike from a Contact Projectile such as a Spellball. Contact Projectiles can strike with any part of their surface as long as it stops on or noticeably deflects off the victim.
Additional Rules
Invalid Obstructions
An Invalid Obstruction occurs whenever a strike is blocked by something that is not allowed block or otherwise affect gameplay in such a manner. This includes but is not limited to: hair (ponytails, beards, etc), loose garb, bulky or protruding armor & accessories, unwielded equipment, non-equipment items such as water bottles, and so on.
A strike that is prevented from making contact due to an Invalid Obstruction counts as a valid strike against whatever would have been hit if the obstruction was not there, as well as a strike against the obstructing object itself if it is able to be affected, such as a sheathed dagger being struck by a Weapon Destroying effect.
For ambiguous incidents where identifying what 'would have been' hit is not so easy, such as two projectiles colliding mid-air, the players involved should do their best to resolve the situation quickly and in good faith. In the example presented here, this is usually done by simply disregarding both projectiles; however, this is not a rule and each case should still be considered independently.
Friendly Fire
All strikes initiated with intent to affect a player will affect whomever they hit, regardless of the intended target. The only exception is that a player can never harm themselves with their own melee weapons unless they actually wish to do so.
Any contact that was not intended to be a strike may always be ignored if both parties agree.
- An Archer missing their target and accidentally striking an ally in the back.
- An Assassin sneaking up and backstabbing someone who they believed was an enemy but turns out to be an ally.
- A Barbarian's rock bouncing off an enemy's shield and rolling back to hit themselves.
- A Monk unknowingly striking an ally with the other end of their quarterstaff while making an attack.
Examples of strikes that can be ignored:
- A Warrior tapping an ally with their sword to get their attention.
- A Paladin resting their spear over their shoulder and accidentally hitting someone as they turn around.
- An Scout accidentally dropping their tomahawk onto their own leg.
- An Anti-Paladin with a double-ended weapon accidentally striking an ally behind them while pulling back from a big thrust.
Multiple Points of Contact
If an attack makes contact with multiple unique Hit Locations at the same time, it will inflict a strike against each Hit Location where contact met the requirements for a valid strike. Contact on the line between locations are affected as per Torso Priority. A single weapon cannot strike the same Hit Location more than once per attack, regardless of how many individual points of contact it makes.
Shot In Motion
If a player is wounded, killed, or otherwise prevented from attacking while they are in the middle of completing a striking motion, the attack is not interrupted and the motion can be completed before they suffer the negative effect. This should be a clear case of finishing an already-started attack, meaning that it requires no change of direction and the last motion required to finish the strike has already been started prior to being affected.
- Melee strikes must land within a half-second of the user being affected.
- Projectiles must be airborne within a half-second of the user being affected.
- Shot in Motion only applies if the attacker is affected. It does not apply if the defender becomes immune prior to contact, such as via an ability like Shadow Step.
Battlefield Etiquette
Everyone processes the game differently so it is important to communicate early and often with your opponents. Keep the Honor System in mind as you work with your opponent to execute the game rules as best as you can.
- If you have to think about it, take it. If you are unsure whether an opponentâs strike or ability against you was valid, give them the benefit of the doubt and take it. Only attacks which are clearly invalid should be treated as such, and in those cases it is common courtesy to announce to your opponent the reason you believe it to be so.
- It is the responsibility of the victim of an attack to determine the location of strikes against them. If the victim is unsure or didn't realize they were struck, the attacker may clarify and call out what they believe happened. If the attacker is unavailable, such as in the case of a run-by or long-range projectile, then the victim should take whatever they believe is most likely to have occurred.
- As long as you and your opponent(s) agree on the outcome, the exact details of any encounter are moot. It's okay to be slightly inaccurate if the alternative is wasting time in the middle of battle trying to sort out fine details.
- Do not call the results of other engagements unless the players involved are asking for your opinion.
- If you notice a player is repeatedly ignoring strikes or effects that you believe are connecting, ask them about it politely in the form of a question ("Did that connect?" "Where did that land?" "Was that hand or arm?"). If the behavior continues, bring the issue to the attention of a Reeve and they will seek to resolve it. Do not confront the player directly again after this point, even if you believe you have a good rapport with them. Allegations of misconduct are often better received when filtered through the proper channels and handled with care.
Combat damage is inflicted to players in the form of Wounds. Wounds are inflicted by striking a Hit Location with the Strike-Legal portion of a Weapon. The effect of a Wound is different based on the location wounded. Hit Locations can be wounded multiple times. When asked, a player must promptly declare any wounds they have.
Lethal Wounds
A player dies if they receive any of the following:
- A wound to the Torso.
- A second wound.
- A wound to an already-wounded Limb.
Arm Wounds
A player with a Wounded Arm cannot use that Arm to wield, cast, or carry anything, and it must be kept out of combat as best as possible (typically placed behind the back). If a player is required or otherwise allowed to carry an object in their wounded arm for whatever reason (such as special rules, accommodations, or non-equipment items), they must keep that item out of combat and may not derive a gameplay advantage from it. In all cases, objects carried by wounded arms count as Invalid Obstructions.
Leg Wounds
A player with a Wounded Leg (aka 'legged') must either Kneel or Post. Regardless of their choice, the wounded Leg may not be Wounded again for two (2) seconds after being initially struck or during the initial placement on the ground if the victim chooses to kneel, whichever is longer.
If the Wounded player chooses to Kneel, they must physically kneel as soon as possible. They may move around on their knees but must keep at least one knee on the ground at all times. The wounded leg cannot receive further wounds while its knee is touching the ground. -
If the Wounded player chooses to Post, they can remain standing but can only pivot around the foot of the wounded leg. It must remain in contact with the ground at all times. While posting, the wounded leg is still vulnerable to further wounds.
- Hobbling: If there are no living enemies within 20ft of a posting player, or the posting player is forced to move by some effect, that player may move at a slow walking pace while pretending to drag the wounded foot on the ground behind them.
Forced Movement Accommodation
If a player with a Wounded Leg is forced to move or dragged by another player, they may choose to stand and move normally as though they were not wounded. If they choose to move this way, they may not aggress, cast, or take any other action aside from fulfilling the required movement at a reasonable pace. Players may still block and dodge so long as they continue to fulfill the forced movement as above. Once the movement is complete, the player must immediately return to either Kneeling or Posting. -
Leg Wound Stance Switching
Players may freely switch between Kneeling, Posting, and the Forced Movement Accommodation (when applicable) by declaring it loudly and taking the new stance. The Wounded Leg does not receive any special protection during these switches. Switching stances cannot be done to gain an immediate gameplay advantage, such as diving towards an opponent while changing from posting to kneeling, or suddenly standing to catch an opponent by surprise.
Death is common in the game of Amtgard. While living players tend to have the most fun, dead players still have certain rules and responsibilities they must adhere to in order to keep the game running smoothly.
Declaring Death
Players may declare themselves dead at any time, not just when they are actively killed. Upon death, a dead player must loudly declare "DEAD!".
Death declarations are divided into two categories: Calling Dead and Taking a Death.
Calling Dead
Calling Dead is the act of declaring oneself dead due to natural gameplay causes, such as when it is caused by another player or effect, like a wound to the Torso. This is the typical form of death declaration.
- Players may also Call Dead before being engaged in melee if they wish to avoid being physically struck. The attacker who is most likely to have caused the death of the player will be considered to have dealt the killing blow, and allowed to activate any relevant abilities as though they had done so. This interaction should be conducted in good faith and cannot be done if the attacker isn't actually trying to kill the player.
- Players may call themselves dead when a strange interaction occurs and it is determined that the player should have died somewhere in the confusion but the specifics are muddy. If untangling the results of an engagement are too difficult, a player might simply call themselves dead to acknowledge the âworst case scenarioâ. Similar to the above, the attacker who is most likely to have caused the death of the player will be considered to have dealt the killing blow, and allowed to activate any relevant abilities as though they had done so.
- Lastly, players who are at risk of a real-life safety issue may call themselves dead to quickly leave combat without interrupting play.
Taking a Death
Taking a Death is the act of declaring oneself dead for any reason that does not fall under âCalling Deadâ. This typically refers to deaths taken for tactical advantage in games where dying would be more beneficial than staying alive in certain circumstances.
- Players who âTake a Deathâ are immediately severed and thus may only return to life by respawning. Further, this death does not count towards any prerequisites for the player or their allies.
- Any player who deliberately kills themselves in a self-inflicted manner will count as âTaking a Deathâ. This includes but is not limited to striking oneself or knowingly running into an non-player hazard (such as a lava zone) with the intent to die. Allowing a team-mate or other player to kill you does not count as 'Taking a Death'.
- Similar to Calling Dead, if a player 'Takes a Death' while another player is actively trying to kill them, the attacker who is most likely to have caused the death of the player will be considered to have dealt the killing blow, and allowed to activate any relevant abilities as though they had done so.
- For roleplay scenarios, a player is only considered to have âTaken a Deathâ if the death would break immersion or is otherwise only happening to exploit gameplay mechanics. A player who willingly sacrifices themselves to a volcano god would not count as 'Taking a Death' because it is in line with the roleplay.
Being Dead
Death is a unique condition. It is not a state or effect. It can only be removed by Returning to Life.
- The universal symbol for death is placing your hand or weapon over your head, and presenting the rest of your body in an obviously non-aggressive manner.
- This symbol is also sometimes used to indicate "Out of Game" or "Out of Character". The context at the time is usually enough to figure out the intended meaning.
- Upon dying, the player must declare âDead!â loudly and clearly, after which point they are affected in the following ways:
- The player gains the âDeadâ condition and is no longer considered a living player.
- Any chants they were maintaining are ended.
- Any primed spellballs that are not already mid-air cease to be primed.
- Enchantments on the player become inactive and do not bestow any effects.
- Any status effects except Severed are removed.
- The player may ignore any Wounds as long as they are dead.
- The player must remove themselves from the immediate vicinity of combat in the least disruptive manner possible. A dead player's first consideration upon dying should be to avoid obstructing any on-going combat around them. If you dropped your weapons or equipment, you may need to leave them on the ground and return to grab them once combat has moved on.
It is important to declare âDead!â loudly and clearly. A player who does not indicate their Death promptly is likely to be struck again under the assumption that they are still alive.
- While dead, players must adhere to the following rules:
- May move about the battlefield as long as they avoid obstructing combat or interactions between living players and do not create confusion about their status as a Dead player.
- Cannot further affect or be affected by gameplay unless explicitly allowed by another rule.
- Cannot communicate with living players unless declaring necessary game information or otherwise allowed by a specific effect.
- May collect their own discarded equipment.
- Cannot spy, distract, or otherwise generate a gameplay advantage for their team by using their Dead condition to move through or linger in locations that they have no reason to be in, such as an enemy base on the other side of the field. Use common sense and act in good faith.
Returning To Life
When a dead player is returns to life by one of these means they must loudly declare âALIVE!â, at which point they immediately lose their âDeadâ condition and become a living player once more.
There are two ways a dead player can return to life: Respawning and Revival.
Each Amtgard activity will have rules for when, where, how, and even IF players are able to respawn after death. Consult the rules for your particular activity or check in with the Game Organizer or Reeve during setup. Most commonly, players will have to wait a certain amount of time (called a âDeath Countâ) and then automatically return to life at a specific respawn location.
When a player returns to life by respawning, they are restored in the following way:
- All wounds are restored.
- All armored locations are restored to full value.
- All weapons, shields, and other equipment are restored.
- All uses of per-life abilities are restored.
- All enchantments are removed.
- All remaining status effects are removed, including Severed.
Revival occurs when a player is returned to life through a means other than Respawning, such as the use of an ability like the Resurrect spell.
See the Revive keyword for further details.
- Any player with a Free Hand may chant "Dragging" while within arms-reach of a legged or dead player to help that player move in-game (see below).
- Dragging a legged player allows them to move as per the Forced Movement Accommodation.
- Dragging a dead player allows them to move farther than 20ft from the location they died without becoming Severed. However if they move again from this point without being dragged, they will be Severed as normal.
- One free hand is required per player being dragged, however no actual physical contact is required.
- Dragging ends immediately if either player aggresses or uses an ability.
- Dragging does not supercede Stopped or other effects that may additionally restrict the movement of a legged player.
- Dragging is non-offensive and can always be refused.
Equipment Basics
General Rules
In Amtgard, the term âequipmentâ refers to any physical gear or functional items that are used to directly influence gameplay. This includes, but is not limited to, weapons, shields, armor, helms, magic items, and portable game objectives. It excludes garb, non-combat items, non-functional props (instruments, books, etc.) and containers (quivers, pouches, bags, etc.).
- All equipment is the personal property of the player that owns it.
- Players may never handle or fight with the equipment of another player without first having their permission. Players may assist with the recovery of expended equipment (often projectiles) without permission however this must be done with utmost respect and permission can be revoked by the owner at any time.
- Players should never knowingly behave in such a manner that would cause a reasonable player to fear for the safety of their equipment.
Universal Equipment Requirements
Every piece of equipment, regardless of type, must meet or exceed all of the following baseline requirements in order to be eligible for use in Amtgard combat. Equipment that does not meet or exceed all of these requirements cannot be used.
- All equipment must be physically safe for the user and other participants to engage with during the course of combat, including incidental contact, falls, and crashes.
- All equipment must be durable enough to survive the rigors of Amtgard combat.
- Equipment must not significantly degrade or fail during the course of combat, including incidental contact, falls, and crashes. Examples include: equipment so flexible as to risk failure; poor connection points; brittle materials; and so on.
- Equipment must be easily recognizable as the type of equipment it is trying to be and not easily confused for something else. It must also be visually appropriate for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard.
- Each piece of equipment must meet any construction standards relevant to its type.
- Each piece of equipment must be regularly inspected for all of the above, especially potential hazards and conditions that could risk injury, malfunction, or catastrophic disassembly.
- All weapons must also pass a Hit Test before their first use, and periodically thereafter.
Equipment Inspection
Each piece of equipment must pass an inspection before its use each day to ensure the Universal Equipment Requirements of safety, durability, recognizability, and any other type-specific construction standards are met.
Guidance for Equipment Inspectors can be found in the Equipment Inspection Guide. The following information is the essential knowledge that all players should have:
- Equipment is inspected by an Equipment Inspector. Since equipment inspection is mandatory, this task is often a listed responsibility of one or more Officer positions, traditionally the Champion and/or Guildmaster of Reeves.
- All inspectors are highly encouraged to follow the Equipment Inspection Guide.
- All weapon inspections must include volunteer-assisted Hit Testing.
- Equipment that does not pass inspection cannot be used in combat. Using uninspected or unapproved equipment on the battlefield is grounds for immediate suspension from play.
- Equipment may be reinspected throughout the day as necessary.
- New or inexperienced players wishing to use a weapon type they have never used before must also demonstrate Weapon Competency to ensure safe use on the battlefield. Players who demonstrate unsafe weapon use during this demonstration or at any point thereafter may have those weapon privileges revoked by a Rules Authority.
Equipment Use Terms
The following terminology applies to all forms of equipment.
All equipment on a player is considered Carried. If something cannot be carried, it cannot be lifted by the player in any way.
Anything carried using one or more hands is considered Held.
Free Hand
Also known as an 'Open Hand', a Free Hand is the hand of an unwounded arm, which is not holding any equipment other than material components required by the action.
Free Hands are most often required to cast abilities and interact with game objectives.
- Bucklers, Small Shields, and Magic Staves will not count against a Free Hand, even while holding the handle.
- Medium, Large, and Tower Shields that are held in hand or worn on an arm will always take up the respective Free Hand, even if they are not actively being wielded or held in hand. The same is true for all sizes of Madu.
- Abilities marked with ⏠in class customization do not require a free hand for that class to use.
Equipment attached to or otherwise dressing the body in its intended manner is considered Worn. Physical Armor must be Worn to bestow protection.
Equipment is considered Wielded when it is being held in a manner appropriate for its use in the game of Amtgard.
- Equipment must be wielded in order to attack, defend, or otherwise be used for its intended purpose. Certain game types, classes, and special rules will limit the equipment a player is allowed to wield.
- If something cannot be wielded, it can still be held or carried, but cannot be used to perform any function and should not be presented in a way that would suggest it is wielded.
- Players can only wield one piece of equipment per hand. Shields are an exception (see below).
- Players may only ever wield a single Shield at a time, however shields can be wielded simultaneously in the same hand as any another piece of equipment except Bows and Crossbows.
- Medium, Large, and Tower Shields must be held by their handle to be wielded.
- Bucklers and Small Shields must be either worn on the arm or held by their handle to be wielded.
- Shields cannot be wielded while worn like a backpack or strapped to other parts of the body such as the torso, legs, hip, or head.
- Bows and Crossbows cannot be wielded with any other equipment in the same hand (besides arrows). Likewise, other equipment cannot be wielded while in the same hand as a bow or crossbow. A buckler or small shield may still be wielded on the arm so long as there is no risk of it interfering with the safe use of the bow.
- For gameplay purposes, reloading a crossbow does not count as wielding it.
- Thrown projectiles are only considered wielded during the throwing motion. They are considered unwielded equipment at all other times.
- Players may hold Unwielded equipment in the same hand as wielded equipment in situations where it is blatantly and visually obvious which piece of equipment is in use and which one is not. If a player ever visually appears to have more equipment wielded than they are allowed, all the equipment in question is considered unwielded.
- Bows and Crossbows are the only exception to this rule (see above).
Example 1: A player may wield a polearm two-handed while also holding an unwielded flail in one of their supporting hands. The pole can be used as long as the flail is obviously not in action. In order to use the flail the player would need to release the polearm from the flail hand.
Example 2: If a player holds two short swords in the same hand then both would be considered unwielded because it would be too ambiguous which one the wielder is intending to use and which one is just being held, regardless of their orientation. - Bows and Crossbows are the only exception to this rule (see above).
All equipment is considered unwielded unless it meets the conditions for being worn or wielded. In addition, the following rules apply:
- Unwielded Equipment will count as an Invalid Obstruction when struck.
- Unwielded Equipment cannot be used to block line of sight or impede the physical movement of other players or their equipment.
Unwielded Equipment that has been at rest on the ground or against terrain for at least 5 seconds is also considered âUnattendedâ until it is reclaimed by an intended user. Unattended Equipment cannot be destroyed or otherwise affected by gameplay. This has no effect on conditions the equipment had before it became Unattended (ie. a destroyed weapon will stay destroyed even while it is unattended).
Some effects may cause equipment to become Destroyed.
- Destroyed equipment cannot be wielded, used to perform an in-game function, or otherwise generate a gameplay advantage until it is restored.
- Destroyed equipment may still be carried or worn so long as the player notifies their opponents about the state of the equipment as necessary and avoids presenting it in a way that would suggest otherwise.
- Destroyed Armor is reduced to zero (0) armor points in the affected location.
Striking your opponent with a wielded weapon is the primary way to interact with them in combat.
General Rules
- Only weapons that meet the Universal Equipment Requirements can be used in combat.
- All Amtgard weapons are classified as either a âMelee Weaponâ or a âProjectile Weaponâ, as well as a specific classification or typing such as âShortâ or âLongâ. Weapons of the same classification have the same gameplay rules.
For example, a â Shortâ melee weapon made to resemble a fish will have the same gameplay rules as a âShortâ melee weapon made to resemble a Sword or Club. - Unsupported Weapons: In-Game representations of explosives, firearms, and chemical weapons (such as Alchemistâs Fire or Toxic Gas) are not supported by the Amtgard Rules of Play. If something of this nature is desired for a special scenario, a Game Organizer may design and implement custom rules on a game-by-game basis.
- Prohibited Weapons: For the safety and comfort of our players, Amtgard outright prohibits the following weapon styles and their variations. If you are unsure if a weapon design falls under these categories, consult a Reeve or other relevant Rules Authority.
- Entangling Weapons such as Whips, Lasso, Nets, and Bolas.
- Atlatls, Slings, Slingshots, and all other handheld projectile launchers that are not bows or crossbows.
- Punching weapons such as Foam Fists, Punching Daggers, and Tonfas. The experience of being punched is psychologically at odds with the safe, inclusive, fantasy-sword-fight atmosphere that Amtgard wishes to evoke.
Construction Terms
Amtgard weapons are typically made from a structural core padded with foam and a cloth cover. Below is a diagram of a few typical weapons with their component parts labelled. You can read the descriptions for each component below, which are listed in alphabetical order for ease of reference.
2.5 Inch and 2 Inch Rule
- No part of a weapon's striking surface, whether the tip, the edge, the face or any other part, may protrude more than 1.5" through a two-and-a-half inch (2.5") ring when uncompressed.
- No part of a weapon or shield's non-striking surface such as the ends of crossguards or pommels may protrude more than 1.5" through a two-inch (2") ring when uncompressed.
This refers to the structural base of the weapon to which padding is affixed.
- Rigid Cores
Melee Weapons require a rigid core to provide structural stability. Short weapon segments and small protrusions from a central core that are stable on their own do not require a rigid core within them. These segments and protrusions must not deform or fold over excessively during combat and must always return to their original position.- The best materials to use are carbon/graphite rods (such as from non-metallic golf clubs), kite spar, bamboo, PVC tubing, or fiberglass. Other materials will be assessed for safety on a case-by-case basis.
- Metal and wooden cores are prohibited. Metal may be used to counter-weight weapons provided it is permanently attached and not in a place that may inadvertently strike another player.
- The ends of any rigid cores should have a flat face and be securely capped with a layer of foam and tape at minimum to prevent the core from pushing through.
- Hollow cores should be sealed at the ends.
- Sharp edges should be blunted so as to not dig into the padding.
- Non-Rigid Cores
Contact Projectiles require a non-rigid, non-granunlar core.- The best materials to use are foam (any), denim, sweatshirt material, loose rubber bands, etc.
- Unacceptable cores include: Solid rubber, tightly-wrapped rubber bands, tennis balls, beanbags, seed packets, etc.
All striking surfaces must be covered in a durable, opaque cloth and be visually distinct from any non-striking surfaces. Incidental padding within 0.5" of a striking surface must also be covered in this manner. Non-abrasive cloth tape (not duct tape) may be used for Contact Projectiles but it is not an acceptable cover material for melee weapons or arrows.
This refers to how much a melee weapon can bend safely during normal use. Flex is measured by holding the weapon low on the handle for maximum length and striking a shield or padded surface. A second person can then estimate the flex.
- The maximum allowed flex for any weapon is 45 degrees.
Handle / Unpadded Segment
Refers to any completely unpadded part of a weapon.
- Unpadded segments cannot total more than 50% of the weapon.
- Surfaces that are likely to come into contact with other players during regular use cannot be left unpadded.
Incidental Padding
Incidental Padding, also known as 'Courtesy Padding', is a padded non-striking surface intended to limit injuries from incidental contact with parts that are not strike-legal.
- Must have at least 0.5" of safety-grade foam and provide enough cushioning to prevent any core from being felt during a typical strike, but it does not need to be as comfortable as strike-legal padding.
- Any portions of Incidental Padding that lies within 0.5" of a striking surface must be covered in the same manner as the adjacent strike-legal surface.
- Incidental Padding that is not within 0.5" of a striking surface may have a non-abrasive rubber coating (or non-vinyl equivalent) applied so long as it does not compromise the purpose of the padding by making it too firm.
Multi-Ended Weapons
Any melee weapon may have multiple segments and striking tips.
- Each segment that is intended to slash and stab must be Strike-Legal for at least 1/3 of the weapon's total length or 18", whichever is less, starting from the striking tip and moving continuously inwards. If the segment merges before the required amount is reached, the merged section that continues toward the handle counts for this total.
- Madu segments intended to stab and slash only require Strike-Legal padding for 1/3 of the weapon's total length or 12", whichever is less.
- Segments intended to be Stab-Only only require 6" of Strike-Legal padding.
- Segments must not be arranged in such a way that could create a high risk of a non-striking surface contacting a player when the weapon is used to strike normally. Any non-striking segments that are out of the way but could still reasonably come into contact with another player, such as crossguards, must be covered with Incidental Padding.
- If a weapon has both regular and stab-only segments, they must not be arranged in such a way that could risk a player being struck with the side of a stab-only segment when the weapon is used to slash.
- Multi-ended weapons must meet all other requirements for its weapon type.
Non-Striking Tip
This refers to the end of a non-striking weapon segment, such as a pommel or the end of crossguard. Weapon Segments with any amount of Strike-Legal padding cannot have a Non-Striking Tip.
- Must be securely capped with Incidental Padding.
- No part may protrude more than 1.5" through a 2" ring when uncompressed.
Ownership Label
All projectiles must be clearly labelled with their ownerâs name. It does not need to be large or visible during combat but should be easy to find and reference when necessary, such as when a Reeve is trying to return a projectile that flew into a bush, or in the instance where that projectile causes injury to another player.
- Projectiles without ownership labels may not be used in combat.
- Weapons designed explicitly to be shared, such as park loaner weapons, should be labelled with the parkâs name.
Padding and Foam
All Amtgard weapons and shields require some amount of padding to prevent player injuries. In this context, padding refers to either Strike-Legal Padding or Incidental Padding. The type required will determine which materials are acceptable to use for this purpose. If a piece of equipment simply requires "padding", "foam" or "cushioning" with no other description, then you can meet that padding requirement with either Strike-Legal or Incidental Padding.
Foam Grades
Foams can vary widely in terms of how they will act when used as padding so it is important to choose one that helps ensure your equipment will meet the universal equipment requirements - notably safety and durability. When in doubt, take the time to learn from an experienced player or study an online construction tutorial.
This rulebook may refer to two amtgard-defined categories of foam: Safety-grade and Comfort-grade.
Safety-Grade Foam
Safety-Grade Foams are sturdy and provide firm resistance to compression when tested with the pads of fingers, but are not rigid. The goal of Safety-Grade Foams is to provide the primary padding for weapons. Safety-Grade Foams should, when used in the specified thicknesses, prevent injuries and limit discomfort experienced by other players when they are struck with weapons during combat.
- Typical foams in this category include "blue camp pad", "pool noodle", and microcell foam.
Note: Safety-Grade foams sometimes come in multiple densities or stiffnesses and not all of them are safe for use on their own. Higher stiffness or density Safety-Grade Foams may not be suitable for use as the sole padding on a weapon but may improve the durability and striking comfort of a weapon when used as a base layer of foam closest to the core, with less stiff or dense Safety-Grade foam on top. Padding a weapon using multiple Safety-Grade Foams with different properties is referred to as building with "progressive resistance" or "progressive density".
Comfort-Grade Foam
Comfort-Grade Foams are squishy and less firm than Safety-Grade Foams while still being dense enough to provide some resistance to typical Amtgard weapon impacts. The goal of Comfort-Grade Foams is to provide greater shock absorption and further reduce discomfort from weapon impacts which may not be sufficiently mitigated by Safety-Grade Foams alone.
- Typical uses for Comfort-Grade Foams include additional padding on stabbing tips, arrows, and javelins.
- Comfort-Grade Foams should not be used on their own to pad a core.
- Typical foams in this category include "marine foam" and "high-density charcoal foam".
Extra Notes
- Very dense or rigid foam can be used as part of a structural core but it will not count towards any mandatory padding requirements. Polystyrene (hard TV packaging) is an example of a foam that is too rigid.
- Very soft and light foam can be used to add shape or extra comfort but will not count towards any mandatory padding requirements.
Any segment of a weapon may be built to be Stab-Only.
- As the name implies, weapon segments built to be Stab-only can only be used to stab.
- A Stab-Only segment requires 6" of Strike-Legal Padding. This padding must begin at the Striking Tip and extend down the length of the weapon on all sides of the core (A stab-only segment must be Omni.)
- This padding cannot be reduced by Heavy Padding or Super Heavy Padding.
- A weapon that is composed entirely of Stab-Only segments can replace all other Strike-Legal Padding required by its type with Incidental Padding.
- A weapon with both regular and stab-only segments must still meet the full padding requirements for its type.
- If a weapon has both regular and stab-only segments, they must not be arranged in such a way that could risk a player being struck with the side of a stab-only segment when the weapon is used to slash.
Strike-Legal Padding
Strike-Legal Padding is padding that is used to create striking surfaces that are safe to strike another player with.
- Weapons that require Strike-Legal Padding must be sufficiently padded to prevent injury if used to strike an opponent with the most force that could reasonably be expected in Amtgard combat. Combat contact with the strike-legal portions of a weapon must not be unreasonably painful, nor should it leave bruises or have the potential to break bones and teeth when used by an average player as well as its intended user.
- Regardless of the requirements listed below, Hit Testing will always be required to assess the more subjective aspects of Strike-Legal padding, such as impact force and player comfort.
- Since combat is chaotic and every participant has different pain tolerances and sensitive areas, occasional instances of uncomfortable contact should be expected, however repeated or egregious offenses from the same weapon should result in the weapon and/or the user being removed from play.
- No part of the weaponâs striking surface, whether the tip, the edge, the face or any other part, may protrude more than 1.5" through a two-and-a-half inch (2.5") ring when uncompressed.
- All Strike-Legal surfaces must have an opaque cover and be visually distinct from Non-Striking Surfaces on the same weapon.
Melee Strike Legal
In addition to the above, Strike-Legal padding on melee weapons must follow these additional rules:
- Strike-Legal Padding must begin at each Striking Tip and move inward along the core toward the handle. It must be continuous for the entire required length. Any forked segments that split from a Strike-Legal point must also be entirely Strike-Legal.
- Must have at least 1" of safety-grade foam over the weapon core.
- Must have a continuous cross-section of at least 2.5" from edge to edge.
- The entire circumference of the core does not need to be strike-legal, however any part of this circumference that is not strike-legal must be covered with Incidental Padding and cannot be used to strike.
- Striking Tips must be sufficiently capped to resist stab impact and prevent the core from pushing through. The foam should not deflect or fold over excessively when stabbing and always return to its original position.
- It is strongly recommended that weapons intended to regularly strike with a thrusting motion also include comfort-grade foam on the tip to further cushion the blow. Weapons designed for two-handed stabs, such as large pikes, may need even more padding than smaller, single-handed weapons. Hit Testing will help determine what is the ideal amount of extra padding for player safety and comfort.
Heavy Padding
A segment of a melee weapon is considered to have Heavy Padding if it meets the requirements for Strike-Legal padding and also has an edge-to-edge, cross-section of 4" or greater (instead of 2.5"). This extra padding must begin within 3" of the Striking Tip and proceed continuously towards the handle.
- Heavy Padding can apply to flat-blade weapons. The 4" cross-section does not need to be around the entire core.
Heavy Padding Substitution
For each inch of Heavy Padding added along the core, you may replace one (1) inch of required Strike-Legal Padding with Incidental Padding.
- Incidental Padding added in this manner must begin by replacing the padding closest to the handle and then proceed continuously towards the Striking Tip.
- A weapon cannot substitute more than 50% of its required Strike-Legal padding this way.
Super Heavy Padding
Super Heavy Padding follows the same rules as Heavy Padding except it requires a cross-section of 8" or greater. If both Heavy and Super Heavy padding are used together, the Super Heavy Padding must be closest to the tip.
Super Heavy Padding Substitution
This follows the same rules as Heavy Padding Substitution except for each inch of Super Heavy Padding added along the core, you may replace two (2) inches of required Strike-Legal Padding with Incidental Padding.
Striking Tip
The tip of any weapon segment that will be used to strike other players. All Striking Tips must have Strike-Legal padding.
- Must not protrude more than 1.5" through a two-and-a-half inch (2.5") ring when uncompressed.
- Must not end in an angle less than 90 degrees.
Total Length
The measurement used to determine weapon type.
- Straight weapons are measured in a straight line parallel to the core, from the furthest edge on one end to the furthest edge on the other end.
- All other weapons are measured by the largest straight distance between any two ends or edges.
Weapon Segments
A weapon segment is a portion of a melee weapon. Segments begin at the handle (or the shield, for Madus) and end at a striking or non-striking tip.
- Striking segments are segments that end with a Striking Tip.
- Non-Striking segments are segments that ends with a Non-Striking Tip.
- Segments may also branch or split to create new segments (like a trident or crossguard). These branching segments must meet or exceed the padding requirements of the point they branched out from. For example, if a segment branches out from a point that requires Strike-Legal padding then the entirety of that branched segment must also be Strike-Legal.
Identifying weapons segments is most relevant when dealing with Madus, Multi-Ended Weapons, and Stab-Only weapons.
Melee Weapons
General Rules
Melee weapons represent swords, axes, spears, flails, pole-arms and anything else that can be used to directly slash or stab an opponent in close combat.
- All melee weapons require a rigid core.
- Approved melee weapons may be used to strike with their Strike-Legal surfaces and block or parry with any portion of the weapon.
- Melee weapons can never be launched or thrown as a form of attack. Javelins are the only exception to this rule due to their ability to act as both as melee weapon and a projectile.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be at least 12" (1ft), up to 24" (2ft).
- At least 2/3 of the weapon must be Strike-Legal.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be greater than 24" (2ft), up to 36" (3ft).
- At least 2/3 of the weapon must be Strike-Legal.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be greater than 36" (3ft), up to 48" (4ft).
- At least 2/3 of the weapon must be Strike-Legal.
Two-Hand Armor-Breaking Variant
- Any weapon segment that has at least 6" of Super Heavy Padding gains Armor Breaking when the weapon is wielded with two hands.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be greater than 48" (4ft), up to 72" (6ft).
- Must be 50% padded and have at least 18" Strike-Legal.
Two-Hand Shield-Crushing Armor-Breaking (SCAB) Variant
- Any weapon segment that is Strike-Legal for at least 2/3 of the weapon's full length; or has at least 18" of Heavy Padding gains Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing when the weapon is wielded with two hands.
- Stab-Only segments require just 6" of Heavy Padding to gain this benefit. (Reminder: You cannot Shield Crush with a stab.)
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be greater than 72" (6ft), up to 108" (9ft).
- Must be 50% padded and have at least 18" Strike-Legal.
Two-Hand Armor-Breaking Variant
- Any weapon segment that has at least 18" of Heavy Padding gains Armor Breaking when the weapon is wielded with two hands.
- Stab-Only segments require just 6" of Heavy Padding to gain this benefit.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Pikes are Stab-Only. They cannot be used to slash.
- Total length must be greater than 108" (9ft), up to 144" (12ft).
- Must be 50% padded and have at least 6" Strike-Legal as per Stab-Only.
Two-Hand Armor-Breaking Variant
- Any weapon segment that has at least 6" of Heavy Padding gains Armor Breaking when the weapon is wielded with two hands.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Is composed of a handle with a single chain and articulating head. It cannot be multi-ended.
- The total length of all three components cannot exceed 36" when gently pulled taut.
Flail Head
- Must be equal or larger than a 2.5" sphere.
- Must be entirely Strike-Legal.
- Cannot contain a rigid core.
- The combined chain-and-head portion may not exceed 18" in length when gently pulled taut.
- Must be constructed using soft, durable, non-abrasive materials, such as a cotton rope. Actual chains are prohibited. A rope-like core is not required as long as this section behaves like a chain and is not at risk of tearing apart under the stress of the flailing motion.
- If the chain portion is longer than 0.5", it must include small foam rings (or equivalent design) spaced no further than 0.5" apart along the entire length.
Flail Handle
- Must be at least 12".
- 50% of the flail handle must be padded.
- The top 1/3 closest to the chain must also be Strike-Legal.
- This padding must begin at point where the chain connects to the handle and extend down the length of the weapon on all sides of the core (i.e. it must be Omni).
- The amount of Strike Legal required cannot be reduced by Heavy Padding or Super Heavy Padding.
Flail Combat Rules
Only the head of a flail can inflict valid strikes, even though the handle segment also has strike-legal padding. This extra padding is intended to allow a player to strike the handle safely against other equipment so the flail can wrap around without damaging the struck equipment.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be between 18" up to 108" (9ft).
- Is a hybrid Melee Weapon and Shield.
- Any shield with weapons permanently affixed to it will be considered a Madu and must conform to these rules.
- Any weapon segments must be easily recognizable as weapons, and the shield portion must be easily recognizable as a shield.
- The division between weapon and shield segments must be visually distinct.
Madu Shield Portion
The shield portion must be a legal shield.
Madu Weapon Segments
Madu weapon segments are measured from the point where they extend beyond the shield.
- Must not extend outward from the face of the shield.
- Must not articulate or have a chain like a Flail.
- Must not mimic or offer similar protective coverage to that of a shield. If this is a case, the offending segments will count as part of the shield, not a weapon, and be forced to adhere to shield construction rules.
- Segments intended to be Stab-Only must be at least 6" long.
- Segments intended to both slash and stab must be at least 12" long.
- Segments that measure 18" or less must be entirely Strike-Legal.
- Segments that measure greater than 18" must have at least 18" of Strike-Legal Padding and have Incidental Padding for the remainder.
- Padding Substitution can only be used on segments greater than 18" and cannot reduce the amount of Strike-Legal to less than 18".
Two-Hand 'Great' Madu Variant
If the total length of the Madu is 72" (6ft) or less, the following variation can be used:
- Any weapon segment that is greater than 48" (4ft) and is at least 2/3 Strike-Legal or has at least 18" of Heavy Padding gains Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing when the weapon is wielded with two hands.
- Stab-Only segments require just 6" of Heavy Padding to gain this benefit.
Two-Hand 'Reach' Madu Variant
- Any weapon segment that is greater than 72" (6ft) and has at least 18" of Heavy Padding gains Armor Breaking when the weapon is wielded with two hands.
- Stab-Only segments require just 6" of Heavy Padding to gain this benefit.
Madu-Specific Combat Rules
- Madus do not have access to the variant options or gameplay rules of other weapon or shield categories, even if parts of the Madu are constructed to mimic those weapons or shields.
- Example 1: A Madu constructed with a small-size shield will still take up a free hand and cannot be strapped to the arm without a handle.
- Example 2: A super-heavy padded Madu that is between 36" and 48" will not gain Armor Breaking when wielded 2-handed because that variant is only available to Long weapons.
- A Madu can only be wielded if the player can wield both a non-staff weapon of the Maduâs total length (weapon portions + shield portions) and a shield equal to or greater than the Maduâs shield's size.
- The weapon segments can be struck and affected by weapon-specific effects such as Weapon Destroying, and the Shield portion can be struck and affected by shield-specific effects such as Shield Crushing and Shield Destroying. Once affected this way, the entire Madu is affected, for better or worse. If the weapon or shield portion is destroyed, the entire Madu is destroyed. If one part of the Madu is restored, the entire Madu is restored.
- Is a hybrid Stab-Only Melee Weapon and Stabbing Projectile.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be between 36" (3ft), up to 72" (6ft).
- Must have a straight core with at most one Striking Tip per end.
- Each striking tip must have at least 6" Strike-Legal as per Stab-Only.
- All other Non-Striking Surfaces must be covered with Incidental Padding.
- Must have an ownership label as per projectiles.
Javelin Hybrid Combat Rules
- By default, a Javelin is a Stab-Only Melee Weapon. It cannot be used to slash.
- When thrown, it becomes a Stabbing Projectile and does not count as a melee weapon again until it becomes Unattended or Carried.
- Javelins become Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing once they have travelled their length through the air.
- Destroyed Javelins cannot be thrown.
Magic Staff

- Is a non-striking Melee Weapon (see combat rules below).
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Total length must be at least 48" (4ft), up to 72" (6ft).
- Must have a straight core with exactly two non-striking ends.
- All core must be covered with Incidental Padding.
Magic Staff Combat Rules
- Cannot be used to strike. It can only block.
- Is a weapon. Can be destroyed like any other weapon.
- Does not take up a Free Hand when casting abilities.
- Players can only wield a single magic staff at a time.
Projectile Weapons
General Rules
Projectile Weapons represent anything that is launched or thrown to inflict damage or effects, such as arrows, kunai, chakrams, and tomahawks as well as magical blasts like fireballs and lightning. The following general rules apply to all forms of projectile weapons:
- May not be used to strike in melee.
- May not be used to parry or block.
- Cannot become destroyed by any means.
- May be carried in any number unless otherwise restricted, such as by class customization.
- All projectiles except Arrows and Bolts must be thrown by hand, one at a time, per hand.
- A player may hold a throwing weapon in each hand and throw both of them simultaneously, but cannot throw them together from the same hand.
- Arrows and Bolts must be fired from a bow or crossbow as appropriate.
- Each projectile can affect multiple targets in a single flight as long as each contact meets the criteria for a valid strike. Projectiles become harmless after their movement is completely halted.
- Batting, kicking, or otherwise applying significant force to a projectile in motion is prohibited.
- Arrows in flight must be blocked passively by placing an object in their flight path.
- Other non-arrow projectiles may be blocked, parried, or lightly struck out of the air.
- Players may not catch or grab projectile weapons in flight.
- Projectiles may be shared among players that are given explicit permission from the owner of said projectiles.
- The owner may retract their permission at any time for any reason.
- The owner is responsible for ensuring the safe use of their projectiles when shared with or used by another player.
- Players using shared projectiles should be respectful and treat the borrowed equipment with care.
- When sharing Spellballs, Specialty Arrows, or any other similarly restricted projectile, players must still adhere to the associated frequency rules and carrying limits.
- Players using shared projectiles must not hoard them or otherwise try to gain a gameplay advantage by deliberately obstructing the amount of projectiles that other sharing player(s) have access to. This is especially relevant when sharing Spellballs and Specialty Arrows.
- There are two sub-types of projectile weapon: Contact Projectiles and Stabbing Projectiles.
- Contact Projectiles can strike with any part of their surface.
- Stabbing Projectiles can only strike with their tip.
Contact Projectiles
Small Thrown
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Must have a non-rigid core.
- Must be between 2.5" and 6" in total length.
- Must be entirely Strike-Legal. There is no minimum thickness, however extremely thin projectiles may struggle to make valid contact so craft accordingly.
- Must not be constructed in a way that could be reasonably confused with a Spellball.
Large Thrown
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Must have a non-rigid core.
- Must be greater than 6", up to 18" in total length.
- Must be entirely Strike-Legal. There is no minimum thickness, however extremely thin projectiles may struggle to make valid contact so craft accordingly.
- Must not be constructed in a way that could be reasonably confused with a Spellball or Rock.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Must have a non-rigid core.
- Must be spherical, between 2.5" and 6" in diameter.
- Must be entirely Strike-Legal.
- Must have a visible tail or streamer between 1" and 6" in length.
- Every Spellball is associated with an ability and must be covered with the appropriate Color Code.
- Players can only use a Spellball projectile if they have a Spellball ability that allows it.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Must have a non-rigid core.
- Must be equal or larger than a 10" diameter sphere.
- Must be entirely Strike-Legal.
Rock Gameplay Rules
- Rocks are Shield Crushing, Armor Breaking, and Weapon Destroying.
Stabbing Projectiles
See Javelins under Melee Weapons.
Bows & Crossbows
Bows and Crossbows are used to fire arrows or bolts respectively. Only actual bows and crossbows may be used for this purpose. Other forms of projectile launchers cannot be used to represent a bow or crossbow.
- Compound bows are prohibited.
- Regular Bows must have a draw weight of 35lbs or less at a 28" draw.
- Crossbows are limited to no more than 450 inch-pounds.
Bow & Crossbow Gameplay Rules
- Bows and Crossbows cannot be destroyed.
- The physical bow or crossbow cannot be used to strike another player. They must be exclusively used to launch Arrows & Bolts.
- Cannot be intentionally struck nor used to block, deflect or otherwise defend against incoming strikes. A certain amount of incidental contact during the chaos of live combat should be expected, however repeated or egregious disregard for this rule can result in suspension from play or loss of archery privileges.
- If accidentally struck, it is treated as an Invalid Obstruction.
- Bows and Crossbows cannot be wielded with any other equipment in the same hand (besides arrows). Likewise, other equipment cannot be wielded while in the same hand as a bow or crossbow. A buckler or small shield may still be wielded on the arm so long as there is no risk of it interfering with the safe use of the bow.
- For gameplay purposes, reloading a crossbow does not count as wielding it.
- Bows may not be drawn beyond 28" at any time and must be half-drawn at ranges closer than 20ft. Crossbows are not required to half draw.
Arrows & Bolts
All forms of arrows and bolts follow the same rules.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Must be built to be fired from a bow or crossbow, as appropriate.
- Must be safe to strike other players with the tip (see construction guide below).
Developer Note: For accessibility purposes, playtesters may continue to use Amtgard V8-Legal arrows during V9 playtest games until such a time that we can guarantee the investment in reconstruction will not be wasted effort. That said, we are deeply thankful and appreciative of everyone who chooses to invest their time and resources to build and playtest the construction rules below.
Arrow Gameplay Rules
- All Arrows and Bolts are Armor Breaking and Weapon Destroying.
- Specialty Arrows (or Bolts) will impart additional effects based on their Color-Code.
- Players can only use a Specialty Arrow if they have an ability that allows it.
- Players may fire multiple regular arrows at once however Specialty Arrows must be fired alone.
- Multiple arrows fired simultaneously will count as separate strikes, even if they hit the same Hit Location.
Arrow Construction Guide
Before building your first arrows or bolts, take the time to learn from an experienced player or study an online construction tutorial. Poorly constructed, poorly repaired, or outright broken arrows/bolts can pose a serious safety hazard and may never be used for Amtgard combat.
Arrow Shaft Construction Rules
The shaft of the arrow or bolt is the stick portion to which the head is affixed.
- Must be carbon, aluminum, or fiberglass.
- Any real arrowheads or hunting tips must be removed.
- Shafts longer than 28" must have a drawstop around the shaft to physically prevent drawing the arrow past 28".
- The nock and any vanes/fletching present must be in good repair.
- The orientation of vanes/fletchings (or the lack thereof) must not cause chaotic or unpredictable flight.
Arrow Blunt Construction Rules
The blunt is the reinforced tip of the shaft upon which the striking portion, the arrow head, will be constructed.
- All blunts must be solidly built, stiff enough to carry anticipated loads without excessive deformation, and able to support typical Amtgard archery impacts repeatedly without failure or degradation.
- The end of the shaft must be securely capped with a circular, impact-resistant disc at least 1" in diameter.
- The disc must be centered over the end of the shaft.
- If a metal disc is used, it must be at least 1/16" steel or equivalent.
- Discs of any other material must be durable, impact-resistant, and at least 1/4" thick.
- The blunt must then be further built up to at least 1.5" in diameter.
- The non-disc portion of the blunt can be constructed from any material, including foam, so long as it ensures that the foam arrowhead built upon it is not able to move easily in relation to the shaft. This includes but is not limited to: plunging up and down, wobbling from side to side, twisting-without-return, etc.
- The entire blunt can be a single unit (such as a 3D-printed piece) as long as the resulting structure is equivalent or safer than the above requirements.
Arrow Head Construction Rules
The arrow head is the Strike-Legal portion at the end of an arrow or bolt, after the blunt.
- Must be Strike-Legal on all sides with a foam depth of at least 2" in front of the blunt.
- Must have a circular cross-section of 2" or greater throughout the entire head.
- Must have at least 0.5" of impact-resistant safety-grade foam immediately after the blunt. This foam must not deform around the arrow shaft or blunt on impact.
- The physical striking surface of the arrowhead must include at least 1" comfort-grade foam with a circular diameter of 2.5".
- Domed arrowheads are allowed but must be no sharper than a 2.75" hemisphere. The narrow tip of the dome does not need to meet the 2.5" cross-section as long as the head meets the 2" depth rule (see diagram).
- Any additional foam used to meet the 2" depth requirement should be chosen with the goal of making the arrow as safe and comfortable to be struck by as possible, specifically in regards to accidental strikes to the face and eyes. When in doubt, use safety-grade foam.
Arrow Head Cover
- Arrow heads must be covered in a durable, opaque cloth. Cloth tape may not be used.
- Specialty Arrows must be covered with the appropriate Color Code.
- Properly colored fabric strips may affixed to the shaft in lieu of colored head covers. These strips must be clearly visible from at least 20ft away and not impact the safe use of the arrow.
- Covers for regular arrows must be a color or combination of colors that cannot be reasonably mistaken for a specialty arrow.
Eye damage from accidental face strikes is the most common form on arrow-based injury in LARP. A safe arrow design must not damage the orbital bones or be able to put pressure directly on the eyeball. As a rule of thumb, arrows should be built to the point that their owners are willing to receive a straight shot to the face under test conditions without fear of serious injury.
Siege Weapons
Siege Weapons are extremely powerful tools of destruction. Examples of this type of weapon include historical siege engines like ballistas, catapults, and trebuchets as well as the teeth, claws, and clubs of massive monsters like dragons and titans.
- Siege weapons are designed to be incredibly strong and can quickly break a game if their inclusion is not planned and executed ahead of time. As such, they are reserved exclusively for use by Game Organizers during special occasions and planned scenarios.
- The physical representation of a Siege weapon along with its method of use and distribution is determined by the Game Organizer on a case-by-case basis for the activity where it is being used. Regardless of implementation method, it must still meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- The actual Strike-Legal part of a Siege Weaponâs attack must always be represented by a normal Amtgard melee or projectile weapon, as appropriate, such as a catapult launching rocks or a Dragon using daggers as claws.
- Strikes from Siege Weapons will inflict the 'Siege' hits instead of their normal combat effects unless instructed otherwise by the Game Organizer.
Developer Note: See the Game Organizer Guide for more details and guidance about running an activity that includes Siege Weapons.
General Rules
- Shields are used to block strikes from weapons.
- They can only be affected by strikes and effects that specifically affect shields, such as Shield Crushing and Shield Destroying.
- Players may only ever wield a single shield at a time, however they can wield a shield simultaneously in the same hand as any another piece of equipment except for a Bow or Crossbow.
- Shields with straps are only wielded when worn on a single arm or held in hand. They cannot be wielded while worn like a backpack or strapped to other parts of the body such as the torso, legs, hip, or head.
- If a player cannot easily remove or discard their shield when necessary, such as due to it being strapped to their arm, then they must do their best to keep it out of combat and must not derive an gameplay advantage from it. A shield strapped to a wounded arm counts as an Invalid Obstruction.
V8 Transition Note:The V8 âShield Drop Trickâ does not exist in V9. A shield in mid-air is an invalid obstruction and cannot be used to block attacks.
Construction Rules
- Shields must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- A shieldâs size is determined by the surface area of its largest silhouette, measured on a flat plane. It's height and width, when necessary, are based on the same silhouette.
- May be constructed in any style or shape but cannot be made in such a way as to mimic the function of physical armor (such as shields that excessively wrap around a limb or shields that are precisely shaped to a body part).
- Must have a sturdy structural core that will not break or bend significantly during the course of combat.
- Some acceptable materials are: plywood, high-impact plastics, aluminum, and sturdy, high-density, closed-cell foam.
- Easily breakable or low-density foams are inappropriate for use as the structural core.
- The rim and face of the shield must be padded with at least 1" of safety-grade foam.
- Padding should wrap around the rigid edges of the core.
- Shields made entirely of foam do not require additional padding but must be composed of closed-cell foam that is at least 1" thick.
- No part of a shield may protrude more than 1.5" through a two-inch (2") ring when uncompressed.
- All rigid or sharp-edged hardware must be rounded off or padded in such a way that there are no burs or snags which could damage objects or players.
- Hard edges may not be exposed on any surface which can reasonably come into contact with another player or their equipment.
- Curved/Domed shields (and similarly recessed shapes) may not curve or recess inwards more than half its width, measured on a flat plane.
- The rim and face must have an opaque, durable covering. This may be a non-abrasive rubber coating (or non-vinyl equivalent) so long as it does not compromise the purpose of the padding, such as by making it too firm.
- The face of the shield may not have holes that exist entirely within a silhouette of the shield.
- If the shield has a handle, it must be clearly identifiable as a handle.
- If the shield has straps, they must be sturdy, secure and not at risk of coming loose during combat.
Shields sizes are determined by surface area. Due to the sometimes tedious area math required for certain shield shapes, like a heater or kite shield, these measurements may be difficult to reconfirm during equipment inspection in a timely manner. You can help your equipment inspectors by keeping proof of your math handy in a notebook or cue card in case they need it. Most inspectors will trust you at your word but it is not unfair for them to want to check your math every now and then. Help them help you!.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Shield Size must be at least 1/4 square foot (6.8 inch diameter), and no larger than one square foot (13.5 inch diameter).
- Must have either a handle, an arm strap, or both.
- Does not take up a Free Hand when casting abilities.
Strap-Only Variant
Bucklers may be constructed without a handle. If worn on the arm, they can be wielded without holding a handle.
Small Shields
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Shield Size is no larger than three square feet (23.45 inch diameter).
- Must have either a handle, an arm strap, or both.
- Does not take up a Free Hand when casting abilities.
Strap-Only Variant
Small Shields may be constructed without a handle. If worn on the arm, they can be wielded without holding a handle.
Medium Shields
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Shield Size is no larger than five square feet (30.28 inch diameter).
- Must have a handle.
Strap Variant
Medium Shields may be constructed with straps. If worn on the arm, they must still be held by their handle to be wielded.
Large Shields
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Shield Size is no larger than eight square feet (38.3 inch diameter).
- Must have a handle.
Strap Variant
Large Shields may be constructed with straps. If worn on the arm, they must still be held by their handle to be wielded.
Tower Shields
- This is an đśď¸ Experimental size category.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Shield Size is no larger than fifteen square feet (52.44 inch diameter).
- Must have a handle.
Strap Variant
Tower Shields may be constructed with straps. If worn on the arm, they must still be held by their handle to be wielded.
General Rules
Armor grants an advantage in combat by protecting the wearer from physical strikes.
- Armor grants protection in the form of Armor Points.
- When armor in a Hit Location is struck, the victim loses one Armor Point in that location instead of suffering a Wound. If the location struck has no points to lose, the victim will suffer a wound as normal.
- Armor pieces do not track their damage individually. Instead, each Hit Location has an armor point total that is determined by averaging of all armor covering that area.
- Armor only protects what it physically covers. If your elbow is exposed and you are struck in that gap, you will suffer a wound but do not lose any Armor Points.
- Straps and other such material that hold the armor pieces on do not count as part of the armor unless they are specifically built to be as such. (A leather strap across your back holding on your breastplate will not protect you from strikes.)
- Armor Priority: If a strike hits the line between an armored area and an exposed area, the strike will count as only hitting the armor. In other words, if a player wants to strike a gap in your armor, their attack must cleanly hit inside the gap without touching any armor. Armor Priority is superseded by Torso Priority when applicable.
- Armor present on a wounded Hit Location will continue to function and protect against further blows as long as it has armor points to do so.
- There are two types of armor in Amtgard: Natural Armor and Physical Armor.
- A player can only benefit from a single armor type at a time.
- Rules that reference "Armor" in general apply to both types.
- Rules that reference a specific armor type will only affect that type.
Natural Armor
Natural Armor grants an armor rating to the bearerâs skin. A player with natural armor will always have full armor coverage no matter where they are struck. For example: A player with 2 points of Natural Armor will have 2 armor points protecting every inch of every hit location, even while wearing no physical armor pieces.
V8 Transition Note: Natural armor functions exactly like physical armor except that it does not require any actual armor pieces. It cannot have points restored with Heal and it does not have any other special rules that may have been present in previous editions of Amtgard.
Physical Armor
Gameplay Rules
- Physical Armor is represented on a player by actual pieces armor worn by the player.
- Each physical piece is inspected and given an individual Armor Rating which is used to calculate the armor point total for each Hit Location.
- The maximum amount of armor points a Hit Location can ever receive from Physical Armor is six (6). Some Classes will limit this amount further.
- Limits are only applied after armor point totals are fully calculated. Armor Ratings higher than 6 may be used to benefit averaging calculations before the limit is applied.
Example: Ariq is playing a class which has a maximum armor point total of 4pts. He is wearing armor pieces that average to 6 points on his torso, 2 points on his arms, and 1 point on his legs. Since his class has an armor limit of 4 points, Ariq's torso armor is reduced to 4 points for the duration of that game and his arm and leg values remain unchanged. - When worn, armor pieces must be at least partially visible in a way that does not misrepresent the wearerâs potential armor point totals and/or coverage.
- If it is necessary to add or remove pieces of physical armor after a game has started, new armor point totals should be recalculated and adjusted as soon as reasonably possible.
- If armor point values must be adjusted while the player is still alive (possibly with damaged armor), the damage to that location will persist through the equipment change. If the location had suffered 2 damage, the new total will also suffer 2 damage. If the location had zero points remaining, it will always stay at zero even if the new armor pieces increases the maximum point value. If the entire hit location is replaced with new armor that has not been worn during that life, then the current armor value may be restored to maximum value.
Example 1: Delilah is wearing a bracer and gambeson that grants her a total of 4 points on her arm. She suffers 1 damage which reduces her remaining armor points to 3. For whatever reason, she discovers she needs to get rid of the bracer. Her new armor averages to only 2 points so she sets her new maximum to 2 and then applies the 1 damage she has already received, leaving her with 1 point remaining on her arm. Example 2: Robin is wearing a 2pt leather chestpiece on their torso. They suffer damage and are reduced to 0pts remaining. They are then given a 5pt breastplate mid-combat. They remove the leather and put on the breastplate. Since they completely replaced the armor on their torso with new pieces, the don't have to carry over the damage and they can benefit from the full 5pts immediately. If they had some other piece on their torso that didn't get changed out, their maximum would still increase to 5pts but their current value would remain at zero.
Construction Rules
- Must adhere to the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Must not be easily mistaken as regular garb, nor be obviously synthetic in appearance, even if obscured or otherwise covered.
- Easily damaged materials (such as paper, cardboard, and tinfoil) and obviously modern materials (such as shin pads and chest pads) may never be considered armor on their own. Such materials and items may be used as components of armor but the final product must still meet all other requirements and construction standards in order to receive an Armor Point Rating.
- Armor that does not deform locally when struck must ensure all exposed corners are at least penny round (3/8" radius).
- Loose scales and similar components that move individually as part of piece that deforms locally do not need to be penny round.
- Rigid scales and similar components that are firmly affixed onto a shell must only be rounded if they protrude from the armor.
To Build or to Buy?
Armor construction is a lot more complex than weapon construction. This rulebook simply cannot provide all the information required to teach a novice how to build their own armor. We recommend taking the time to learn from experienced players or studying online tutorials and guides.
Alternatively, you can simply purchase pre-made armor from other players or online vendors. If you wish to take this route, make sure to do your research and ensure it will meet all the requirements necessary for Amtgard armor. Once again, we recommend taking the time to speak with experienced players or studying online discussions.
Rating Armor & Calculating Armor Point Totals
Rating Armor Pieces
Each piece of Physical Armor must be inspected and given an Armor Rating in order to be used for Amtgard combat.
- Physical Armor pieces must be examined and rated by an Equipment Inspector.
- Each piece of physical armor will be assigned to an Armor Tier based on its style that will outline its Base Armor Rating and Maximum Armor Rating. Armor that cannot be assigned to a tier does not count as armor and cannot be used as such.
- Pieces can be granted bonuses or penalties based on the quality of construction or appearance.
- The sum total of all modifiers cannot increase a piece's armor rating beyond the maxiumum allowable for its tier. Surplus bonuses confer no additional benefit.
- Armor with a final rating of zero or less (due to penalties) does not count as Armor and cannot be used as such.
- Armor Pieces are rated individually but will be averaged together when worn to produce an Armor Point Total for each Hit Location.
Armor rating can be subjective at times. To help mitigate this, it is recommended that players keep a reference sheet with a list of details for their physical armor pieces including descriptions, construction details, and previously assigned ratings to help Inspectors make quick and confident assessments. Keeping signatures and inspection dates from other Inspectors will add further credibility to your notes.
Reference Sheets are not necessary but they will greatly improve your odds of getting consistent armor ratings at every event you attend!
Armor Tiers
Armor tiers provide a base and maximum rating for physical armor pieces. Each tier includes a list of common styles that fall under that tier. Ambiguous armor pieces should be placed wherever they would be most appropriate.
T1 | 1 | 2 | |
T2 | 2 | 3 | |
T3 | 3 | 4 | |
T4 | 4 | 5 | |
T5 | 5 | 6 | |
T6 | 6 | 7 | |
Special | - | - |
Armor Modifiers
Armor pieces can be granted bonuses or penalties to their Armor Rating based on the quality of construction or appearance. Multiple points can be awarded and penalized simultaneously as long as they each correspond to each unique feature or collection of features that would warrant the bonus or penalty if viewed on its own.
Superior Appearance
Bonus points may be awarded to armor that displays an exceptional appearance above and beyond the typical appearance of similar pieces in its style. This includes but is not limited to: tooling, etching, gilding, and fluting, as well as notable use of colors, shapes, weaves, etc. These examples do not represent an exhaustive list and consideration should be given to any piece that obviously goes above and beyond the base construction requirements to create an aesthetically pleasing piece.
Inferior Appearance
Points may be deducted from armor that displays an appearance well below the typical standard expected for similar pieces in that style. Examples include tarnished/poorly-maintained armor as well as visibly inauthentic or degraded materials. This penalty does not apply when the piece is worn as a part of a complete outfit that is intentionally designed to look shoddy or battle-worn.
Superior Construction
Bonus points may be awarded to armor constructed with exceptional techniques that provide a meaningful increase in durability over the standard for the material being used. This includes but is not limited to: solid/riveted rings, hardened material, noticeably tighter spacing than required, etc. These examples do not represent an exhaustive list and consideration should be given to any piece that obviously goes above and beyond the base requirements to create a more durable piece. This bonus may also be granted to pieces that are at least 75% constructed from metal materials that are significantly more dense and/or durable than aluminum.
Inferior Construction
Points may be deducted from armor for inferior construction techniques or a meaningful reduction in expected durability when compared to the standard for the material being used. Examples include but are not limited to: obviously unfinished armor, brittle/cracked material, loose connection points, and shoddy workmanship.
Layered Armor Bonus
If multiple unique pieces of Physical Armor are layered on top of each other as part of a complete outfit, the rating of any overlapping area will be rating of the highest-tier armor piece plus 1, up to that armorâs maximum.
- A piece of armor already at max rating will not receive any additional value from layering.
- Each layered piece should be able to act as armor on its own if it were not layered. The layers may be affixed while being worn, such as metal armor attached to an arming doublet.
- Any part of layered armor that extends beyond the layering is calculated at its normal rating.
- All layered armor pieces must be at least partially visible in a way that does not misrepresent the wearerâs armor point total or armor coverage when observed by another player from 20ft away. This especially true in the cases where a lower-tier armor is layered on top of a higher-tier piece.
- There is no additional bonus for layering more than two pieces.
Material Thickness
Certain armor styles may require materials that meet a specific thickness. Multiple layers of material may permanently affixed to each other to increase thickness however extra thickness caused by adhesives or empty space should not be factored into the new measurements.
- One bonus point may be awarded or deducted for Superior or Inferior thickness according to the chart below.
- Armor pieces that do not meet these minimum requirements may be judged as Ambiguous Armor as long as they still meet the universal equipment requirements.
Inferior (Minimum) |
Standard | Superior | Notes | ||||
Cloth | Cannot be less than standard |
1/16" 1.60mm |
1/8" 3.18mm | ||||
Light Leather | 4oz 1/16" 1.60mm |
6oz 3/32" 2.39mm |
8oz 1/8" 3.18mm | ||||
Heavy Leather | Cannot be less than standard |
10oz 5/32" 3.96mm |
12oz 3/16" 4.78mm |
Less than standard is Light Leather | |||
Rigid, Non-Metal | 1/8" 3.18mm |
3/16" 4.78mm |
1/4" 6.36mm |
Material Density at least 0.9g/cm3 (equivalent to HDPE) | |||
Aluminum | Steel | Aluminum | Steel | Aluminum | Steel | ||
Round Rings | 18ga swg 16ga awg 0.048" 1.219mm |
20ga swg 18ga awg 0.036" 0.914mm |
16ga swg 14ga awg 0.064" 1.626mm |
18ga swg 16ga awg 0.048" 1.219mm |
14ga swg 12ga awg 0.080" 2.032mm |
16ga swg 14ga awg 0.064" 1.626mm | |
Flat Rings | 20ga swg 18ga awg 0.036" 0.914mm |
22ga swg 20ga awg 0.028" 0.711mm |
18ga swg 16ga awg 0.048" 1.219mm |
20ga swg 18ga awg 0.036" 0.914mm |
16ga swg 14ga awg 0.064" 1.626mm |
18ga swg 16ga awg 0.048" 1.219mm |
Measure along thinnest axis. Punched rings should be comparable thickness. |
Sheet Metal | 18ga 0.040" 1.024mm |
20ga 0.036" 0.911mm |
16ga 0.051" 1.291mm |
18ga 0.048" 1.214mm |
14ga 0.064" 1.628mm |
16ga 0.060 1.518mm | |
Scales | 20ga 0.032" 0.812mm |
22ga 0.030" 0.759mm |
18ga 0.040" 1.024mm |
20ga 0.036" 0.911mm |
16ga 0.051" 1.291mm |
18ga 0.048" 1.214mm |
Supplemental Armor Bonus
When calculating a player's Armor Point Total, armor worn on the head (above the neck), hands (above the wrist), or feet (below the ankle) do not contribute a normal rating towards calculations. Instead, pieces that meet the construction criteria below grant an additional +1 bonus to their respective location (torso, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg) after all Armor Point Totals have been calculated.
- Supplemental armor pieces must cover at least 50% of the surface area of the head, hand, or foot, not including space between fingers and toes.
- They meet the Universal Equipment Requirements, as well as be constructed in a way that would place them in Tier 3 or greater.
- To ensure safety in the cases of accidental hand contact, hand armor cannot include metal or similarly rigid materials on the tops of knuckles or fingers, including fingertips. To offset this, Hand Armor can also be constructed as a Tier 2 armor so long as the final piece still looks like armor.
- This bonus can cause the armor point total to exceed tier maximums, however it will still be affected by armor point limits imposed by class or game modes.
- If hand or foot armor is the only armor piece worn on that location, then it should be compared to the normal armor tiers and assigned a normal rating as best as possible.
Calculating Armor Point Totals
Once the pieces are rated, Armor Point Totals are calculated for each Hit Location based on those ratings and the approximate physical coverage that each piece bestows.
To calculate this total, average the ratings of all physical armor pieces in the hit location based on the percentage of coverage they provide, rounding the result to the nearest whole number.
- Areas not covered by any armor whatsoever, such as gaps or garb, are not factored into this averaging.
- You do not need to be precise when determining the coverage. "Eyeballing" it is perfectly fine and is even encouraged as long as it is done in good faith.
Once the point total has been calculated, any extra points from Supplemental Armor should be added.
Lorathana is wearing a cloth bracer (rated 2pts) on her right forearm, a chainmail tunic (rated 4pts) with sleeves covering some of her arms, and a leather gauntlet. The two pieces together cover about 70% of her arms, leaving a gap at the elbow.
To make their calculations, the Equipment Inspector only has to focus on the area covered by armor. Looking at her arm, they determine that the bracer takes up about 40% of the armored area and the chainmail sleeve takes up about 60% of the armored area. The Gauntlets are Supplemental Armor so they are ignored until later.
[Bracer] 2pts x 40% = 2 x 0.40 = 0.8
[Sleeve] 4pts x 60% = 4 x 0.60 = 2.4
0.8 + 2.4 = 3.2 rounds down to 3.
Now that the total has been calculated, Lorathana can add the Supplemental Armor bonus for her Gauntlets, granting an additional +1.
Therefore, Lorathanaâs right arm has an Armor Point Total of 4pts in the areas covered by armor (the bracer, the sleeve, and the gauntlets) and an exposed gap between them.
Still confused? More examples can be found here.
Armor Styles
Each Armor Tier includes a list of common Armor Styles that fall under that tier. Those styles are presented here in greater detail to help players and inspectors more accurately assess their armor. Ambiguous armor pieces should be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
T1 | 1 | 2 | |
T2 | 2 | 3 | |
T3 | 3 | 4 | |
T4 | 4 | 5 | |
T5 | 5 | 6 | |
T6 | 6 | 7 | |
Special | - | - |
Cloth/Padded Armor
This style includes armor made of fabric, padding, and/or synthetic equivalents.
- Is a Tier 1 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Minimum Material Thickness of 1/16" (1.60mm)
Light Leather
This style includes armor made of thin leather, hides, furs and their synthetic equivalents.
- Is a Tier 2 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- The standard Material Thickness is 6oz (3/32") (2.39mm).
Butcher's Mail, Sharkmail, etc
This style includes armor composed of machine-made weaves of very small rings.
- Is a Tier 2 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Only welded Butcher's Mail, Sharkmail, Ringmesh, or similar chain mesh may be used. Because of this, there are no specific Material Thickness requirements or modifiers.
- Any weave is permitted but it must not allow a 1/8" dowel to pass through
- Does not gain a bonus for being made from Steel or similar metal.
Heavy Leather
This style includes armor made of thick leather, hides, furs and their synthetic equivalents.
- Is a Tier 3 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- The standard Material Thickness is 10oz (5/32") (3.96mm).
Rigid Non-Metal Armor
This style includes all predominantly rigid non-metal armor that would fall under Tiers 4/5/6 if they were made from metal.
- Is a Tier 3 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Must meet the requirements for the tier/style it is mimicking, other than material thickness.
- Material density must be at least 0.9g/cm3 (equivalent to HDPE).
- The standard Material Thickness is 3/16" (4.78mm).
This style includes flexible armor consisting of a weave of interlocked metal rings.
- Is a Tier 3 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Any weave is permitted but it must not allow a 1/2" dowel to pass through.
- Rings must have Aspect Ratio (AR) of 8 or less.
- Metal must be at least equivalent to Aluminum in density and durability. (2.7g/cm3)
- The standard Material Thickness for rings is based on the metal used:
- Aluminum Round Rings: 16ga swg (0.064") (1.626mm)
- Aluminum Flat Rings: 18ga swg (0.048") (1.219mm)
- Steel Round Rings: 18ga swg (0.048") (1.219mm)
- Steel Flat Rings: 20ga swg (0.036") (0.914mm)
Light Scale
This style includes armor created with overlapping scales secured to each other along one edge using rings or a flexible backing. Scales are individually mobile and are not held into firm contact with the others. Scale armor with rigid or immobile scales is classified as Heavy Scale.
- Is a Tier 4 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Scales must overlap by at least 10%.
- Any backing material must not be visible through the scales.
- Scales must be a metal at least equivalent to Aluminum in density and durability. (2.7g/cm3)
- The standard for Material Thickness is based on the metal used:
- Aluminum Scales: 18ga (0.040") (1.024mm)
- Steel Scales: 20ga (0.036") (0.911mm)
- For rings and backing materials, consult the Material Thickness chart.
Heavy Scale
This style includes armor created with overlapping scales secured to each other along one edge against a backing to create a rigid shell rather than individually mobile scales. Scale armor with loose scales is classified as Light Scale.
- Is a Tier 5 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Scales must overlap by at least 10%.
- The backing material must not be visible through the scales.
- Metal must at least equivalent to Aluminum in density and durability. (2.7g/cm3)
- The standard for Material Thickness is based on the metal used:
- Aluminum Scales: 18ga (0.040") (1.024mm)
- Steel Scales: 20ga (0.036") (0.911mm)
- For rings and backing materials, consult the Material Thickness chart.
Butted Plate (Splint, Kikko, etc.)
This style includes armor that consists of numerous metal plates attached to a backing or linked by cord, chain, or by some other method. This armor is often flexible with numerous seams and joints between plates. This armor will deform locally when struck rather than spreading out impact over a large area
- Is a Tier 5 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Plates spaced no more than 0.5" apart.
- Plates must cover at least 75% of the armor.
- Metal must at least equivalent to Aluminum in density and durability. (2.7g/cm3)
- The standard for Material Thickness is based on the metal used:
- Aluminum Plates: 16ga (0.051") (1.291mm)
- Steel Plates: 18ga (0.048") (1.214mm)
- For rings and backing materials, consult the Material Thickness chart.
Lamellar and Laminar
This style includes armor that is constructed from numerous metal plates, connected to each other in an overlapping fashion by cord, chain link, or similar methods. Examples may include lorica segmentata, manica, okegawa-dĹ, anima, and other styles. Unlike Heavy Scale, the plates of this type of armor are firmly connected to each other. Mobility is provided by the small amount of flex and slack in the attachment between the individual plates.
- Is a Tier 6 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Plates must overlap by at least 10%.
- Plates connect directly to each other without any backing for support.
- Metal must at least equivalent to Aluminum in density and durability. (2.7g/cm3)
- The standard for Material Thickness is based on the metal used:
- Aluminum Plates: 16ga (0.051") (1.291mm)
- Steel Plates: 18ga (0.048") (1.214mm)
This style includes armor that is constructed from numerous shaped and fitted metal plates solidly connected along a supporting shell of heavy cloth (such as canvas, denim, or velvet) in such a way that when worn all plates are held together firmly and follow the general contours of the body. The plates are typically placed on the inside of the shell, presenting only fabric and rivets to the observer for a very clean and customizable appearance.
- Is a Tier 6 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- 75% of plates must overlap by at least 10% of their surface.
- Plates need only be attached along one edge but must be held firmly against each other when the armor is worn.
- Metal must at least equivalent to Aluminum in density and durability. (2.7g/cm3)
- The standard for Material Thickness is based on the metal used:
- Aluminum Plates: 16ga (0.051") (1.291mm)
- Steel Plates: 18ga (0.048") (1.214mm)
This style includes armor is constructed from large pieces of metal connected together to form a solid shell that spreads impact over a large surface area. Plate armor will not deform locally when struck, and will instead behave as a single contiguous whole. The individual metal pieces are shaped and fitted to articulate together and follow the contours of the body.
- Is a Tier 6 armor style.
- Must meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- 75% of the plates used must be large enough to cover at least 10% of the full Hit Location. Joint articulations are exempt from this requirement.
- Metal must at least equivalent to Aluminum in density and durability. (2.7g/cm3)
- The standard for Material Thickness is based on the metal used:
- Aluminum Plates: 16ga (0.051") (1.291mm)
- Steel Plates: 18ga (0.048") (1.214mm)
Ambiguous Armor
For armor pieces that are ambiguous, the equipment inspector should compare it to each tier as a whole and do their best assign to the tier they feel is most appropriate based on factors such as materials, weight, flexibility, and visuals (see guide below).
- Inspectors should reference similar styles and materials to help gauge what bonuses or penalties may be appropriate.
- Ambiguous Armor must still meet the Universal Equipment Requirements.
Below is a simple guide that inspectors may use to gauge the best tier for an ambiguous piece of armor. Use this knowledge alongside existing styles to help place the armor in a tier that is fair for everyone.
- Non-Metal Tier Cap: Non-metal armors should not be placed higher than Tier 3, regardless of the factors below.
- Weight: Heavier armor should be placed higher, but only to a limit. The lowest tier armors are quilted cloth (0.03 lbs/sqft) and the highest tier armors are 14ga aluminum plate (approx. 1 lbs/sqft). Extra weight beyond these bounds should receive no additional consideration, however steel-like materials may receive a separate construction bonus afterwards. Weight added for no reason other than to add weight should likewise be disregarded.
- Flexibility: The more rigid the armor is, the higher it should be placed. The lowest tier armors are fabric and the highest tier armors are reinforced metal plates.
- Tiebreaker - Visuals: If there is difficulty deciding between two tiers, visual appearance can act as a tiebreaker to nudge the decision one way or the other.
- Helpful Benchmarks: Consider using these benchmarks to help peg an initial placement and then fine tune it using the other criteria above.
- Ambiguous armor that meets the universal equipment requirements is always eligible for Tier 1 at minimum.
- Ambiguous armor that is primarily rigid and non-metal should be placed roughly around Tier 2 or Tier 3.
- Ambiguous armor that is primarily metal and primarily rigid should be placed roughly around Tier 4 or Tier 5.
Color Code
We encourage playtesters to attempt to adhere to the Color Code and Color Blind Aids if possible, however we understand that this might not be reasonable for all players at this time. Since we don't want to see people left out of playtesting, organizers may allow participants to forego the Color Blind Aids (the extra color stripe) for now.
That said, if your park has members with color blindness or other visual impairments, we encourage you to try to create a proper set of Color Coded equipment so that we can get feedback about whether or not it helps their experience in the way we are anticipating.
Thanks for your understanding. Happy Playtesting!
- The V9 TeamSometimes a certain color will be required in order to convey additional information about an effect on the battlefield. This is commonly required for sashes, spellballs, and specialty arrows.
In an effort to improve visual recognition and provide better accessibility for our players with visual impairments, Amtgard V9 uses a Color Code system to regulate these mandatory colors.
All equipment that requires a specific color must adhere to the following Color Code rules:
- Color Swatch: The color used must be visually similar to the corresponding swatch shown above. It is not required to match the color exactly so long as it does not create confusion during gameplay. Occasional confusion in the chaos of battle should be expected however repeated incidents will require the color to be replaced with something more appropriate.
- If there is ever confusion, a color belongs to whichever swatch it most closely resembles. If a color appears to be equally similar to multiple swatches then it should not be used at all.
- Color Blind Aids: All Color Coded equipment must also include a secondary color to assist with identification for those with a vision impairment. This color must be included in a way that is clearly understood to be the secondary color, be easily identifiable from 20ft away, and be placed in a conspicuous location on that piece of equipment. We recommend the following:
- For Arrows and Spellballs: a thick line across the front face.
- For Sashes, place a thick line across the narrow portion of the sash, roughly at heart-level. Adjust the placement as needed to avoid obstruction by shield or garb.
- Use double-lines if the sash has other designs that might pull focus.
- Use double-lines if the sash has other designs that might pull focus.
Developer Note: Color Blind Aids do not need to be permanently integrated into the object. They can be affixed separately by tying a strip of the appropriate color via any safe means. This is especially relevant during playtesting where the colors themselves may change frequently.
Visual Indicators
Visual Indicators are a functional piece of garb that serves to provide at-a-glance information to other players on the field. While Amtgard uses a number of standardized Visual Indicators, custom indicators can also be created for specific events, such as Team Headbands.

Sashes are primarily used to denote a player's Class. They must be worn from the shoulder to the opposite hip across the body in a manner that not obscured by garb or other equipment.
Construction Rules
- Must be at least 2" wide.
- Every sash is associated with an class or custom rule and must match the appropriate Color Code.
- Color blind aids should run across the sash short-ways (see image). We recommend placing the lines on either side of the player, roughly at heart-level; however you can adjust the placement to suit your kit and avoid obstruction by shield or garb. Use double-lines for better visibility or if the sash has other designs that might pull focus.
In Amtgard, your chosen class or classes will help define your play experience and signal to others how you are looking to participate on the battlefield and/or within the community.
Amtgard classes are divided into two categories: Combat Classes and Non-Combat Classes.
Combat classes are designed for use in combat activities.
Non-Combat classes are designed around non-combat activities, such as roleplay, crafting, service, or leadership.
Credits and Levels
General Rules
In the game of Amtgard, players are able to earn experience (called Attendance Credits or just Credits) and use that to gain levels in the classes of their choice. Both combat and non-combat classes are able to gain levels this way.
Combat classes will gain extra combat abilities and unlock access to roleplay abilities as they level up, whereas levelling non-combat classes will only unlock access to roleplay abilities.
Players can earn one or more Attendance Credits each time they attend and sign-in to an Amtgard function. By logging into your Online Record Keeper (ORK), you can spend your accumulated credits to level up your classes as you see fit.
Levels are gained by the player, not the character
In Amtgard, class progress is tied to the player, not the character. All class levels listed on your ORK account are player-specific and can be immediately applied to any new characters you create. You do not need to level up classes for each new character. Likewise, you will never lose any progress if you stop playing a character or class for whatever reason.
Do I need to play a class to gain levels in it?
It is highly recommended, but not required, to actually play the combat classes that you are gaining levels in. Players are expected to know their own class rules on the battlefield and Rules Authorities may temporarily reduce a playerâs level or ability selection if they demonstrates that they have not learned their own rules enough to participate and are actively placing that burden on others.
To support all this, Kingdoms and Parks will often have Class Guilds and Guildmasters who can help guide players as they learn the ins and outs of their chosen class.
Lv. 1 | 0 credits | 0 |
Lv. 2 | 2 Credits | 2 |
Lv. 3 | 3 Credits | 5 |
Lv. 4 | 4 Credits | 9 |
Lv. 5 | 5 Credits | 14 |
Lv. 6 | 6 Credits | 20 |
+1 Devotion | 20 Credits | 40, 60, 80 100, etc. |
Maximum Level
The maximum level for each class is six (6). Any credits invested in a class after that point will go towards earning Devotion ranks (see below).
Devotion Ranks
Devotion ranks can only be earned after attaining level 6 in a class. For every 20 credits invested thereafter, the player gains 1 rank of devotion towards that class. Devotion ranks offer no in-game benefit other than showcasing your commitment to a certain class.
Devotion Favors
Players with at least one rank of devotion may carry a personal devotion favor, a belt favor, garment, or other item designed to represent the class they are devoted to. This favor may be adorned with a number of gold symbols to indicate the amount of favor the player has. For example, a player with 3 devotion ranks in bard might carry a musical instrument with 3 gold music notes. A player with 5 devotion in warrior might have a sword with a purple crossguard and five gold stars.
To keep the presentation options open for customization, devotion favors are not reserved symbols - players may still use gold symbols freely for other purposes, and it is up to the designer of each devotion favor how much or little they want it to stand out from normal garb and accessories.
Credit Distribution Limits
Only one (1) regular Attendance Credit may be given on a single day, although Kingdoms may empower certain authorities to award bonus attendance credits according to their Corpora. Kingdoms may only award a maximum of four (4) bonus attendance credits per player in a single month and no more than one (1) bonus credit may be earned per one (1) regular attendance credit.
Developer Note:The above format for credit acquisition and level purchasing is pending further approval of the V9 ruleset and additional work from the ORK development team. As such, the ORK website will not be able to reflect the above changes to credits and leveling at this time.For the time being, use the âTotal Creditsâ column from the chart above to easily calculate your V9 levels from the data that already exists on your ORK page.
If you have any questions about this, please contact the V9 Team or your Kingdom Rules Representative.
Combat Classes
General Rules
Combat classes are designed for use in combat activities.
Playing an activity with combat classes will introduce special abilities and powerful effects into the game, including enchantments, healing, fireballs, and a slew of verbal magic, which allow players to affect each other at a distance without making physical contact.
Each combat class brings a unique set of abilities and equipment limitations to the battlefield. These classes are designed to be played alongside each other as part of a team or adventuring party. While each class offers a flexible playstyle, there will always be some classes that are better tailored to certain tasks than others. Take the time to read the playstyle summaries, talk with veteran players, and try a few out on the battlefield to help you find the class that is best suited for your preferred playstyle.
Players may change their combat class freely between activities. You can play Scout during your first game, switch to a Wizard for some roleplay, and then finish the day as a Paladin. You can choose to play each of these as the same character or change it up at your leisure. Since progression is tied to your ORK account, you can play any character as any class, up to the highest level you have unlocked in that class.
Description | ||||
Playstyle | ||||
Class Identifier | ||||
Weapons | ||||
Shields | ||||
Armor | ||||
Garb Bonus |
Class Name
This is the name of the class.
The names used to describe the classes do not define how you must play and portray them. Your character and persona are defined through your actions, garb, and roleplay choices, not the name of the class or the abilities it gives you. The classes exist here in this form to support the execution of game mechanics; it is up to you to give them life, substance, and personality.
- For example, you can choose to play the Barbarian class as a Samurai, or the Healer class as a Cultist. With a little flair and creativity, the Druid class makes an excellent Alchemist.
With that in mind, the class name listed in each class profile is the universal term all players must acknowledge regardless of whether they are playing that class with a stereotypical presentation or something different.
- For example, someone playing Barbarian to represent a Samurai must still acknowledge that they are the Barbarian class and respond appropriately when they are identified as a Barbarian during gameplay.
Class Description
This briefly describes and explains the inspiration for the class in Amtgard, as well as provides some typical examples of the class in history and/or pop culture. While players are free to roleplay any class in any manner, you will find that the abilities and presentation are generally centered around the themes presented here.
Class Playstyle
This briefly explains the intended playstyle for the class by providing some keywords to crystallize their role on the battlefield. As with the class descriptions above, this text does not force a player to fight a certain way, nor does it prevent experimentation, however the equipment and abilities for each class are generally intended to support the playstyles expressed here.
Class Identifier
This lists the visual indicator that is required to denote you are playing the class, usually a Sash. This identifier must be worn at all times during combat activities. A player without a class identifier can only play the Peasant class.While not required, players are also encouraged to dress in thematic garb in addition to wearing the class-specific identifier.
Class Weapons
This will denote the weapon types available to the class. If the weapon types are presented as a list, players may freely switch between available weapon types over the course of the activity. If the player is required to âchooseâ one or more options, then the choice must be locked in with the rest of class customization and cannot be changed during the course of the activity.
Class Shields
This will denote the shield sizes available to the class. If the shield size is presented as "up to X size", players may freely use any shield equal or smaller than that size and may switch between available shield sizes over the course of the activity. If the player is required to âchooseâ one or more options, then the choice must be locked in with the rest of class customization and cannot be changed during the course of the activity.
Class Armor
This denotes the maximum armor point value the class may receive from Physical Armor. This limit is only applied after armor point totals are fully calculated and averaged.
Low Armor Compensation
Some classes may be offered compensation in the form of extra abilities whenever the player is wearing fewer armor points in each hit location than the total available to them. The compensation gained depends on the combined total of all armor points gained from physical armor across all locations.
- Armor point totals are calculated and compensation is locked in at the start of the game. Players may choose to play with less total armor points than they are actually wearing in order to receive compensation, as long as it does not create a situation where two visually similar hit locations have different maximum armor values.
- For instance, a player might choose to play with a reduced torso armor value in order to meet a 15pt threshold and get compensated; however if both their legs are similarly armored, they couldn't reduce one without also reducing the other.
- Damage and enchantments during gameplay will not affect this compensation.
- If physical armor must be added or removed mid-game, bonuses are recalculated between lives and the player should do their best to inform Rules Authorities and other players about the change.
- For example, A Warrior player wearing 4 points on torso, 2 points on each arm, and 3 points on each leg would have 14pts total (4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 14) and thus gain +1 use of Shake It Off as compensation for wearing less armor than what is available to their class.
Example Armor entry from Warrior. Armor May wear up to 6pts of physical armor in each hit location. May gain đśď¸Low-Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 21-30pts = No compensation.
- 11-20pts = +1 use of Shake It Off
- 0-10pts = +2 uses of Shake It Off
Garb Bonus
The Garb Bonus is a reward for players who wear garb and present a visual appearance that evokes the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard.
There is no minimum amount of costume or covering required as long as the overall appearance is clearly costumed or decorated in some way beyond a normal mundane appearance. This can include prosthetics, tattoos, body paint, accessories, etc. in addition to traditional fantasy clothing and apparel.
The Garb Bonus is a game-by-game bonus, assessed and awarded at the discretion of the Game Organizer or an associated Rules Authority. The following points should be always considered when assessing players for the Garb Bonus:
- Players should be encouraged to garb appropriately for their local weather and climate conditions. Safety always comes first.
- Players must always adhere to applicable, real-world clothing regulations and decency laws.
- Modern Shoes, necessary medical gear, and relevant safety apparel may be worn without forfeiting the garb bonus as long as their quantity and/or design is not unreasonably obtrusive to the overall fantasy appearance, as determined by the Game Organizer for each activity. For example, sunglasses should be allowed but novelty "Happy New Year 2023" glasses should be rejected.
Basic Garb Bonus

Requirements: Appropriately garbed "Top" and "Bottom" with no visible mundane garments.
- "Top" refers to the area a T-shirt would cover. "Bottom" refers to the area that shorts would cover.
- These areas do not need to be completely covered, they just need to be visually appropriate for the theme. A shirtless player or someone with a sleeveless tunic can still meet these requirements as long as their lack of coverage contributes to their overall garb look.
- For monsters specifically, all garb worn must align with any additional monster garb requirements and reflect the specific monster being portrayed.
Reward: Choice of Magic Item from the Garb Bonus Curios list.
Superior Garb Bonus

Requirements: Awarded by the Game Organizer in addition to the Basic Garb bonus for having a reasonable amount of additional garb or costuming above and beyond the basic requirements listed above. This includes but is not limited to: fantasy headwear, fantasy footwear, facepaint, prosthetics, accessories clearly visible from 20ft away, etc.
Reward: The curio chosen for the basic garb bonus receives +1 use.
Note: There is no exact amount of extra garb or costuming required. Rather, this bonus should be awarded in good faith to those who have clearly made some effort to go above and beyond the basic garb bonus requirements outlined above.
Class Customization
Players have the ability to customize their class based on their current level in that class.
The Game Organizer decides when players are required to finalize class selection, as well as when to lock in any customization choices.
There are three types of class customization:
In addition, some classes may have access to Archetypes (see below).
Archetypes are special customization options that provide rare and powerful benefits in exchange for limiting class customization and/or additional drawbacks.
- When present, archetypes may be chosen after achieving level 3 in the desired class.
- A player can only choose to have one archetype at a time.
- Archetypes cannot modify or restore abilities granted by enchantments and magic items. For example, a magic item or enchantment that grants Shake It Off cannot be restored by the Guardian or Juggernaut archetypes.
This customization method is used for melee and equipment-oriented classes.
- At level 1, you will receive a preset list of abilities.
- For levels 2-6, you will make picks from a list of rows and options within those rows. The higher level you are, the more picks you can make.
- If you are level 3 or above, you may also choose an archetype that offers extra benefits in exchange for restricting your picks and possibly other drawbacks.
See below for a visual example with further details
When viewing on mobile, rotate horizontally or 'view as desktop' to avoid resizing issues.
â | ||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
Level 1 abilities No Options - Gain everything here | |||
â | ||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW A | Row A No Options - Gain everything here | ||
ROW B | Row B No Options - Gain everything here | |||
ROW C | Row C Option 1 |
Row C Option 2 |
Row C Option 3 | |
ROW D | Row D Option 1 |
Row D Option 2 |
Row D Option 3 | |
ROW E | Row E Option 1 |
Row E Option 2 |
Row E Option 3 | |
â | ||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Row A and B are part of all 3 columns. |
Archetype 1 Row A and B are part of every archetype |
Archetype 2 Row A and B are part of every archetype |
Archetype 3 Row A and B are part of every archetype |
This is the customization method used for ranged and ability-focused classes.
You are given a number of customization points based on your level which can be used to purchase abilities from a tiered list (see example below). The list is divided into three tiers: Expert, Adept, and Novice. You will receive a number of Expert points equal to your level, and then LV+1 for Adept and LV+2 for Novice. Unspent points in a higher tier can be âdropped downâ and spent at lower tiers.
- Cost is how many points you must spend to purchase the ability.
- Max is the maximum amount of times you may purchase the ability.
- Your total uses may be greater than this maximum if the ability grants multiple uses per purchase (see below).
- Frequency is the frequency and amount of uses you receive for each purchase.
- For example, if something is Cost: 1, Max: 4, and has a Frequency of 1/Life, you could spend 4 points to purchase it 4 times and your total amount of uses would be 4/Life.
- As another example, if something is Cost: 1, Max: 3, and has a Frequency of 2/Life, you could spend 3 points to purchase it 3 times and your total amount of uses would be 6/Life because each purchase grants 2 uses.
- The Archetype columns show which abilities are part of which Archetypes. The available Archetypes themselves are listed underneath the main list of options.
- Range and Type are just providing quick references to the Range and Ability Type for the ability. They do not impact class customization.
Lv. 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Lv. 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Lv. 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Lv. 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Lv. 5 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Lv. 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
See below for a visual example of the ability list with further details.
â | Archetype | Ability Name | Cost | Max | Frequency | Range | Type | ||
EXPERT Points Available = Your Level Unspent points may be used at a lower tier. |
â | ||||||||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | ||
A | B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
A | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
B | C | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
C | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
ADEPT Points Available = Your Level+1 Unspent points may be used at a lower tier. |
â | ||||||||
A | B | C | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |
A | C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | ||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | ||
A | B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
A | C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | ||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
NOVICE Points Available = Your Level+2 Unspent points at this tier are wasted. |
â | ||||||||
B | C | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
A | C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | ||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
B | C | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
C | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | |||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | C | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | ||
B | C | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
A | B | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment | ||
B | Example Name | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
A | Example Name | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 5ft Other | Enchantment |
â | |||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype. |
Archetype A Gain Benefit Suffer Drawback |
Archetype B Gain Benefit Suffer Drawback |
Archetype C Gain Benefit Suffer Drawback |
Monster Selection
This customization method is exclusive to the Monster class. Instead of choosing specific abilities, you choose a preset monster from the list of Standard Battlegame Monsters in this rulebook or from a supplementary document (with permission from the Game Organizer. Each specific monster will have little, if any, customization options themselves, however some abilities will gain more uses based on your Monster level.
Symbols and Extra Notations ⏠❠đĄď¸ â
There are three types of symbols you may encounter during class customization:
- ⏠This symbol is related to casting. See Free Hand requirements.
- âť This symbol is related to resting and restoring ability uses.
- đĄď¸ This symbol and other emojis are related to archetypes or class-specific abilities.
- â
This symbol means that this class or archetype gains this ability for free.
Picks-System Classes
â | ||||
Anti-Paladin | ||||
Description | Anti-Paladins are armored fighters who use dark magic to harm their enemies and control the flow of battle. | |||
Playstyle | Frontline, Hybrid, Melee, Shield User, Crowd Control, Damage, Durable | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin | |||
Shields | Any | |||
Armor | May wear up to 4pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | Immune to Afraid (T) Fear đą 2/Life âť20 | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | âŹSteal Life Essence 2/Life âť10 Dark Pact (Unlimited) | ||||
ROW C | âŹPoison Weapon (Self) 1/Life âť10 | |||||
ROW D | Wounding đ 1/Life âť20 |
OR | âŹCurse Strike đą 2/Life âť20 |
OR | Fireball đĽ 1 Ball | |
ROW E | Raise Dead đ 1/Life âť20 |
OR | âŹDying Breath đą 1/Life |
OR | Incinerate Armor đĽ 1/Life âť10 | |
ROW F | âŹUndead Minion đ 2/Refresh âť60 |
OR | Cowardice 3/Refresh âť30 |
OR | âŹFlame Blade (Self) 3/Refresh | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
Dark Revenant đ
Whenever you use Dark Pact, you may declare and restore one đ ability instead of choosing one of the other options. |
Dread Bladeđą
Whenever you use Dark Pact, you may declare and restore one đą ability instead of choosing one of the other options. |
Dragoon đĽ
Gain double uses from abilities with đĽ. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Archer | ||||
Description | Archers are long-range, bow-users that use precision shots and specialty arrows to strike down enemies and create advantages for their allies. | |||
Playstyle | Backline, Bow User, Damage, Evasive, Ranged, Shield User, Versatile | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Bow | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | May wear up to 2pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | đŻReload 1/Life âť20 Custom Quiver (3) | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | Custom Quiver (3) | ||||
ROW C | đŻPhase Arrow 1 Arrow | |||||
ROW D | đŻTeleport (Self) 1/Life âť20 |
OR | Custom Quiver (2) | OR | Heal (Self) 1/Life âť20 | |
ROW E | đŻIce Barrier 1/Life âť20 |
OR | Custom Quiver (2) | OR | Mend (Self) 1/Life âť20 | |
ROW F | đŻPhase Arrow 1 Arrow |
OR | Custom Quiver (2) | OR | May use a Buckler. | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
Picks with đŻ grant double uses. Any arrow acquired through Custom Quiver may be exchanged for 2 Poison Arrows each during class customization. Cannot use Pinning Arrows. |
Mystic Archer
May have up to 8 arrows of the same type using Custom Quiver. Cannot use Short weapons. May only wear up to 1pt of physical armor per hit location. |
If Buckler is picked, may wield any size shield. May wear up to 3pts of physical armor per hit location. Cannot use Reload. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Assassin | ||||
Description | Assassins are mobile, opportunistic fighters that excel at slipping in and out of enemy lines to take out targets with deadly efficiency. | |||
Playstyle | Bow User, Evasive, Melee, Ranged, Skirmisher, Versatile | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Small Thrown, Large Thrown, Bow | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | May wear up to 3pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | ⏠Shadowstep đť 2/Life âť10 ⏠Assassinate (Unlimited) | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | ⏠Blink đť 1/Life âť20 ⏠Cunning (Unlimited) | ||||
ROW C | ⏠Poison Weapon (Self) 1/Life âť10 Coup De Grace | |||||
ROW D | Poison Arrow & Poison Bolt Any combination of 2 Arrows/Balls |
OR | ⏠Blink đť 1/Life âť20 |
OR | Hold Person 𧨠1/Life âť20 | |
ROW E | ⏠Pass Without Trace đť 1/Life âť20 |
OR | ⏠Decoy 1/Life |
OR | Dimensional Rift 𧨠1/Life âť30 | |
ROW F | ⏠Suppressing Strike 1/Life âť20 |
OR | ⏠Teleport đť 2/Life âť20 |
OR | Lay Curse𧨠2/Life âť20 | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
If Poison Arrows/Balls are picked, it grants any combination of 6 instead of 2. Poison Weapon, if picked, becomes Vorpal Blades 1/Life Can only use Daggers, Bows, Poison Bolts, and Poison Arrows (Cannot use regular arrows). |
đť abilities become âť10. May use đť abilities on themselves while Insubstantial, replacing the existing insubstantial effect. Cannot wear more than 1pt of armor in each location. Will still receive the extra ability from low armor compensation. |
𧨠abilities become âť10. Hold Person, if picked, may be replaced with Entangle 1/Ball during class customization. May wield a Buckler. Cannot Dual Wield melee weapons. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Barbarian | ||||
Description | Barbarians are relentless melee brawlers that use might and aggression to crush their opponents before them. | |||
Playstyle | Damage, Durable, Frontline, Melee, Shield User, Skirmisher | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin, Large Thrown, Rocks | |||
Shields | Up to Medium | |||
Armor | May wear up to 4pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | Immune to Stopped (T) | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | âŹAdrenaline (Unlimited) | ||||
ROW C | âŹBlood and Thunder 1/Life | |||||
ROW D | âŹFeel No Pain 1/Life |
OR | âŹShake It Off 1/Life |
OR | âŹBlood and Thunder 2/Life | |
ROW E | âŹCurse Strike 1/Life |
OR | âŹShove Strike 1/Life |
OR | âŹSuppressing Strike 1/Life | |
ROW F | âŹUndying Will 3/Refresh |
OR | +1 use of an already picked Power Strike | OR | âŹBerserk (Any) 3/Refresh | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
Gain Berserk (Self) 1/Life Undying Will, if chosen, becomes 1/Life. Cannot use shields. |
Shake It Off, if picked, becomes Unlimited. Cannot receive enchantments from other players. |
Blood and Thunder and Adrenaline become Range: 5ft (Any) Cannot use projectiles. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Monk | ||||
Description | Monks are mystic skirmishers that are hard to pin down. Their special arts allow them to support their allies and challenge sorcerous foes. | |||
Playstyle | Effective vs Abilities, Evasive, Melee, Ranged, Skirmisher, Support | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Large Thrown | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | May wear up to 1pt Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | Immune to Verbal abilities (T) Missile Block (T) | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | Heal 2/Life âť10 | ||||
ROW C | Transfer Life (Unlimited) | |||||
ROW D | âŹTaunting Strike 1/Life âť20 âŹInner Fire (Unlimited) |
OR | âŹShove Strike 1/Life âť20 âŹInner Fire (Unlimited) |
OR | âŹSuppressing Strike 1/Life âť20 âŹInner Fire (Unlimited) | |
ROW E | +1 use of an already picked Power Strike | OR | Banish 1/Life âť10 |
OR | Shove đŽ 1/Life âť10 | |
ROW F | âŹFlight 1/Life âť20 |
OR | Rebuke 1/Life âť10 |
OR | Break Concentration đŽ 1/Life âť10 | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
Eternal Challenger
Gain Fireball Cannot use Large Thrown. |
Gain Meditate Cannot wear physical armor. May still gain Low Armor compensation. |
Mage Hunter
Whenever you use Inner Fire, you may declare and restore one đŽ ability instead of the normal effect. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Paladin | ||||
Description | Paladins are armored guardians that wield formidable equipment alongside sacred magic to support and protect their allies. | |||
Playstyle | Durable, Frontline, Hybrid, Melee, Shield User, Support | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin | |||
Shields | Any | |||
Armor | May wear up to 5pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | Immune to Afraid (T) | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | âŹAegis (Self) 1/Life âŹConviction (Unlimited) | ||||
ROW C | Rebuke đĄď¸ 2/Life âť10 | |||||
ROW D | âŹAdaptive Blessing (Other)⨠1/Life |
OR | âŹSafeguard đĄď¸ 1/Life âť10 |
OR | Taunt âď¸ 2/Life âť10 | |
ROW E | Resurrect ⨠1/Life âť20 |
OR | âŹBlessing Against Harm (Any) 3/Refresh |
OR | âŹRally 1/Life | |
ROW F | Swift ⨠1/Refresh âť10 |
OR | âŹShake It Off đĄď¸ 1/Life âť10 |
OR | âŹShove Strike âď¸ 2/Life âť20 | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
Gain double uses of abilities with â¨. Weapons are limited to Dagger, Short, and Flail. Cannot wear more than 3 points of armor in any single location. |
Whenever you use Conviction, you may declare and restore one đĄď¸ ability instead of the normal effect. Cannot bear enchantments that grant offensive abilities or strike enhancements (such as Armor Breaking). |
Whenever you use Conviction, you may declare and restore one âď¸ ability instead of the normal effect. Can only use up to small shields. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Scout | ||||
Description | Scouts are versatile combatants that take advantage of a versatile skill set to improvise, adapt, and overcome any obstacle. | |||
Playstyle | Bow User, Evasive, Melee, Ranged, Shield User, Skirmisher, Support, Versatile | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Great, Large Thrown, Bow | |||
Shields | Up to Small | |||
Armor | May wear up to 4pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | Prepared (T) Level/Life âť20 Heal (Prepared), Release (Prepared) âŹInsight (Unlimited) | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | âŹAdaptive Blessing (Self) (Prepared) | ||||
ROW C | âŹTracking (Prepared) | |||||
ROW D | Hold Person (Prepared) |
OR | Mend (Prepared) |
OR | Pinning Arrow 1 Arrow | |
ROW E | âŹShadow Step (Prepared) |
OR | âŹSuppressing Strike (Prepared) |
OR | Suppression Arrow 1 Arrow | |
ROW F | âŹSafeguard (Prepared) |
OR | Expose Weakness (Prepared) |
OR | âŹPass Without Trace (Prepared) | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
Gain the following: Cannot use great weapons. |
Gain âŹBarkskin (Self)(Prepared) May wear up to two enchantments from other players and only one from themselves. Total limit is still two. Cannot use projectiles. |
Specialty Arrow picks grant 2 arrows instead of 1. Gain Reload (Prepared) Cannot use shields. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Warrior | ||||
Description | Warriors are consummate fighters who use their martial skills and superior equipment to forge a powerful presence on the field. | |||
Playstyle | Damage, Durable, Equipment Focus, Frontline, Melee, Shield User | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin | |||
Shields | Any | |||
Armor | May wear up to 6pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||||
Level 1 You always get these abilities when you play this class. |
ROW A | âŹScavenge (Unlimited) âŹShake It Off | ||||
â | ||||||
Levels 2-6 For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within. If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option. |
ROW B | âŹHarden (Self) 1/Life | ||||
ROW C | Taunt đ¤ 2/Life âť10 | |||||
ROW D | âŹSafeguard đ¤ 2/Life âť20 |
OR | âŹUndying Will 3/Refresh âť60 |
OR | âŹTaunting Strike 2/Life âť20 | |
ROW E | Reforge đ¤ 1/Life âť20 |
OR | âŹTemper Armor (Self) 3/Refresh âť30 |
OR | âŹRunic Armor (Self) 3/Refresh âť30 | |
ROW F | âŹAncestral Shield (Self) 3/Refresh |
OR | âŹAncestral Armor (Self) 3/Refresh |
OR | âŹAncestral Weapon (Self) 3/Refresh âť60 | |
â | ||||||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetypeâs column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns. |
đ¤ Ironheart
Whenever you use Scavenge, you may declare and restore one đ¤ ability instead of the normal effect. |
Whenever you use Scavenge, you may declare and restore one use of Shake It Off, if picked, instead of the normal effect. Shake It Off becomes âť20 instead of âť10. |
Taunting Strike, if chosen, is replaced by Blade Mastery 2/Life âť20 Whenever you use Scavenge, you may declare and restore one use of Blade Mastery instead of the normal effect. Cannot use shields. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
Point-Buy Classes
â | ||||
Bard | ||||
Description | Bards are dashing hybrid spellcasters that use martial bravado and verbal magic to inspire allies and hinder foes. | |||
Playstyle | Crowd Control, Hybrid, Melee, Shield User, Support, Versatile | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons | ||||
Shields | Buckler | |||
Armor | May wear up to 2pts Physical Armor in each hit location.
May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||
Level 1 | May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level. |
â | Archetype | Ability Name | Cost | Max | Frequency | Range | Type | ||
EXPERT Points Available = Your Level Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đş | Berserk | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |||
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | Cowardice | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 20ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đ | đş | Discordia | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť30 | Self | Verbal | ||
đ | đş | Inspired Soul | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đ | đş | Revitalize | 1 | - | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đ´ââ ď¸ | ⏠Song of Battle | 2 | 1 | Unlimited | Self | Verbal | |||
đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | ⏠Song of Survival | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť60 | Self | Verbal | ||
đ´ââ ď¸ | ⏠Suppressing Strike | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | Strike | Power Strike | |||
ADEPT Points Available = Your Level+1 Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | Fear | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đ | Hold Person | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Mend | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
đş | Silver Tongue | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |||
đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Small Shield | 1 | 1 | - | - | Equipment | ||
đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | ⏠Song of Determination | 2 | 1 | Unlimited | Self | Verbal | ||
đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | ⏠Song of Freedom | 2 | 1 | Unlimited | Self | Verbal | ||
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | Suppress Aura | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
NOVICE Points Available = Your Level+2 Unspent points at this tier are wasted.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
â | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Ambulant | 1 | - | 1/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | |
đş | Amplify | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |||
đ | đş | Break Concentration | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đ | đş | Choreograph | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Confidence | 1 | - | 1/Refresh âť10 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | |
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Extension | 1 | - | 1/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | |
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Innate | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť10 | Self | Verbal | |
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Release | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
đ | đş | Renew | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Shove | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft (Other) | Verbal | |
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Song of Power | 0 | 1 | Unlimited | Self | Verbal | |
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | đş | Swift | 1 | - | 1/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | |
đ | đ´ââ ď¸ | Taunt | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đ´ââ ď¸ | ⏠Taunting Strike | 1 | 4 | 2/Life âť10 | Strike | Power Strike |
â | |||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype. |
CoryphĂŠe đ Gain Ambulant (Unlimited). Can only purchase abilities with the đ tag. |
Swashbuckler đ´ââ ď¸ May dual-wield weapons and cast spells without a free hand. Gain Bravado (Unlimited). Can only purchase abilities with the đ´ââ ď¸ tag. |
Troubadour đş Purchased uses of Renew are not expended when used on allies bearing your enchantments. Can only purchase abilities with the đş tag. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Druid | ||||
Description | Druids are control mages and enchanters that specialize in bolstering their teamâs armor and granting offensive boons. | |||
Playstyle | Bow User, Crowd Control, Damage, Ranged, Support | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons |
| |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||
Level 1 | May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level. |
â | Archetype | Ability Name | Cost | Max | Frequency | Range | Type | ||
EXPERT Points Available = Your Level Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đż | Berserk | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |||
⥠| đ | Blessing Against Harm | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | Self | Enchantment | ||
đż | ⥠| đ | Bow or Short Weapon | 2 | 1 | - | - | Equipment | |
⥠| Firestorm | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť30 | Self | Verbal | |||
⥠| Iceball | 2 | 2 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | |||
⥠| Icy Blast | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đż | đ | Stoneskin | 2 | 2 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đż | đ | Temper Armor | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đż | đ | Word of Mending | 1 | - | 1/Refresh âť30 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | ||
ADEPT Points Available = Your Level+1 Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
⥠| Flight | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | Self | Verbal | |||
đż | đ | Giant Strength | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đż | ⥠| Gift of Air | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đż | đ | Gift of Earth | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đż | ⥠| Gift of Fire | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
⥠| đ | Hold Person | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đż | ⥠| Incinerate Armor | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
⥠| Lightning Bolt | 1 | 2 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | |||
đ | Pass Without Trace | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | Self | Verbal | |||
đż | đ | Poison Weapon | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đż | Reforge | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |||
đż | ⥠| đ | Teleport | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
NOVICE Points Available = Your Level+2 Unspent points at this tier are wasted.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đż | ⥠| đ | Ambulant | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | |
đż | đ | Barkskin | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đż | ⥠| đ | Entangle | 1 | 4 | 2 Balls | Strike | Spellball | |
đż | ⥠| đ | Extension | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | |
đż | ⥠| đ | Gift of Water | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |
đż | đ | Heal | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | ||
đż | ⥠| Ice Barrier | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | Self | Verbal | ||
đż | ⥠| đ | Innate | 1 | 4 | 2/Refresh âť10 | Self | Verbal | |
đż | ⥠| đ | Mana Harvest | 1 | 4 | 2/Life | Self | Verbal | |
đż | ⥠| đ | Meditate | 1 | 4 | 1/Life | Self | Verbal | |
đż | ⥠| đ | Mend | 1 | - | 2/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
đż | ⥠| Poison Bolt | 1 | 4 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đż | ⥠| đ | Release | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
đż | đ | Renew | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đż | đ | Safeguard | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
⥠| đ | Shove | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đż | ⥠| đ | Swift | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic |
â | |||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype. |
Shaman đż Purchased uses of Mend and Renew are not expended when used on allies bearing your enchantments. Can only purchase abilities with the đż tag. |
Tempest ⥠Gain Elemental Barrage (Unlimited) May not use a bow. Can only purchase abilities with the⥠tag. |
Greenwarden đ Gain Mulch (Unlimited). Can only purchase abilities with the đ tag. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Healer | ||||
Description | Healers are team-oriented spellcasters with a variety of spells to support their allies and harm their foes. | |||
Playstyle | Backline, Crowd Control, Melee, Ranged, Shield User, Support | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons |
| |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||
Level 1 | May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level. |
â | Archetype | Ability Name | Cost | Max | Frequency | Range | Type | ||
EXPERT Points Available = Your Level Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đĄď¸ | Blessing Against Harm | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Any) | Enchantment | |||
đ¨ | đ | Gift of Light | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 5ft (Any) | Enchantment | ||
đ¨ | đ | Iceball | 2 | 2 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Medium Shield or Short | 1 | 1 | - | - | Equipment | |
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Phoenix Tears | 1 | - | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Runic Armor | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đ¨ | đ | Sever Spirit | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Temper Armor | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
ADEPT Points Available = Your Level+1 Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Blessing Against Projectiles | 1 | 4 | 2/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đ | Expose Weakness | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Harden | 1 | 4 | 2/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đ¨ | đ | Hold Person | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đĄď¸ | Inspired Soul | 1 | 4 | 2/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |||
đ | Lay Curse | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Resurrect | 1 | - | 1/Life âť20 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đĄď¸ | â | đ | Small Shield | 2 | 1 | - | - | Equipment | |
đĄď¸ | đ | Teleport | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | ||
đ | Undead Minion | 1 | 2 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Ward | 1 | 4 | 2/Refresh âť60 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
NOVICE Points Available = Your Level+2 Unspent points at this tier are wasted.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đĄď¸ | Adaptive Blessing | 2 | - | 1/Life âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | |||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Ambulant | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | |
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Banish | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Blessing Against Wounds | 1 | - | 2/Life âť30 | 5ft (Other) | Enchantment | ||
đ¨ | đ | Entangle | 1 | 4 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Extension | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | |
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Heal | 0 | 1 | Unlimited | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
đĄď¸ | đ | Ice Barrier | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | Self | Verbal | ||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Innate | 1 | 4 | 2/Refresh âť10 | Self | Verbal | |
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Mana Harvest | 1 | 4 | 2/Life | Self | Verbal | |
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Meditate | 1 | 4 | 1/Life | Self | Verbal | |
đ¨ | đ | Mend | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | ||
đ | Raise Dead | 2 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | |||
đ¨ | đ | Rebuke | 1 | 2 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Release | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Renew | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | Safeguard | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Other) | Verbal | ||
đ | Shove | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft (Other) | Verbal | |||
đĄď¸ | đ¨ | đ | Swift | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic |
â | |||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype. |
Warder đĄď¸ Purchased uses of Release and Renew are not expended when used on allies bearing your enchantments. Cannot wield Short or Flail weapons. Can only purchase abilities with the đĄď¸tag. |
War Priest đ¨ Meta-Magics become Per-Life and Max: 4. May use up to Medium shields. Can only purchase abilities with the đ¨ tag. |
Necromancer đ Undead Minion becomes âť10 and Max: 5. Double your total uses of Expose Weakness, Lay Curse, Raise Dead, and Sever Spirit. Can only purchase abilities with the đ tag. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Wizard | ||||
Description | Wizards are offensive spellcasters that use a variety of powerful abilities to destroy or restrict their opponents. | |||
Playstyle | Damage, Ranged, Backline, Crowd Control, Evasive | |||
Class Identifier | ![]() | |||
Weapons |
| |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||
Level 1 | May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level. |
â | Archetype | Ability Name | Cost | Max | Frequency | Range | Type | ||
EXPERT Points Available = Your Level Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đ | đĽ | đŽ | Blessing Against Harm | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | Self | Enchantment | |
đ | đŽ | Coup De Grace | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đ | đŽ | Dragged Below | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť60 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đŽ | Firestorm | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť30 | Self | Verbal | |||
đĽ | Iceball | 2 | 2 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | |||
đ | Icy Blast | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đŽ | Pestilence | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť30 | Self | Verbal | |||
đĽ | đŽ | Phase Bolt | 2 | 2 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đĽ | đŽ | Sphere of Annihilation | 3 | 1 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đ | đŽ | Wounding | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
ADEPT Points Available = Your Level+1 Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
đ | đŽ | Dimensional Rift | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť30 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đĽ | đŽ | Fireball | 1 | 4 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đĽ | đŽ | Flight | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | Self | Verbal | ||
đ | Hold Person | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đĽ | đŽ | Lightning Bolt | 1 | 4 | 1 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đ | Mend | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |||
đ | đĽ | Release | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | ||
đ | đĽ | đŽ | Short Weapon | 1 | 1 | - | - | Equipment | |
đ | Suppress Aura | 1 | 4 | 1/Refresh âť20 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đĽ | đŽ | Suppression Bolt | 1 | 4 | 2 Ball | Strike | Spellball | ||
đ | đĽ | đŽ | Teleport | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť20 | 5ft (Any) | Verbal | |
NOVICE Points Available = Your Level+2 Unspent points at this tier are wasted.
| |||||||||
â | |||||||||
â | đĽ | Ambulant | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | ||
đ | đŽ | Banish | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đ | Break Concentration | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | |||
đĽ | Entangle | 1 | 2 | 2 Balls | Strike | Spellball | |||
đ | đŽ | Expose Weakness | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đ | đŽ | Extension | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | - | Meta-Magic | ||
đĽ | Force Bolt | 1 | - | 3 Balls | Strike | Spellball | |||
đĽ | đŽ | Ice Barrier | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | Self | Verbal | ||
đ | đŽ | Incinerate Armor | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đ | đĽ | đŽ | Innate | 1 | 4 | 2/Refresh âť10 | Self | Verbal | |
đ | đŽ | Lay Curse | 1 | - | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft | Verbal | ||
đ | đĽ | đŽ | Mana Harvest | 1 | 4 | 2/Life | Self | Verbal | |
đ | đĽ | đŽ | Meditate | 1 | 4 | 1/Life | Self | Verbal | |
đĽ | đŽ | Poison Bolt | 1 | 4 | 2 Balls | Strike | Spellball | ||
đ | Shove | 1 | 4 | 1/Life âť10 | 20ft (Other) | Verbal | |||
đ | đĽ | đŽ | Swift | 1 | - | 2/Refresh âť10 | Self | Meta-Magic |
â | |||
Archetypes If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype. If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype. |
Battlemage đ Gain Ambulant (Unlimited). Can only purchase abilities with the đ tag. |
Evoker đĽ Gain Elemental Barrage 1/Life âť10. Can only purchase abilities with the đĽ tag. |
Warlock đŽ Extension and Swift become Per-Life and Max: 4 instead. Can only purchase abilities with the đŽ tag. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | â = Included with Archetype | đşđťđĄď¸etc. = Archetype-relevant | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
Other Classes
â | ||||
Peasant | ||||
Description | Peasants are the common folk. They are not blessed with any noteworthy skills or abilities and must rely solely on their own hard work, wits, and ingenuity to survive each day. | |||
Playstyle | Melee, Challenge, No Abilities | |||
Class Identifier | None. Players without a class identifier can only play the Peasant class. | |||
Weapons | Choose one: Dagger, Short, Long, or Stab-Only Great. Cannot Dual Wield. | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
â | ||||
Customization | Peasants do not gain any combat abilities as they level up. |
General Rules
Leveling the Monster Class
The Monster class represents all monsters in the game. Anytime a player participates as a type of monster - whether itâs a goblin, a harpy, or even a dragon - they are playing as the Monster class.
Gaining levels in the Monster class grants the player benefits for each and every monster they play.
Monster Garb & Class Identifiers
The garb requirements and class identifiers for the monster class are slightly different than they are for the non-monster classes.
- đśď¸Monsters do not wear a class sash. In exchange for being able to access a wide variety of different playstyles under a singular class, monster players are held to a higher standard when it comes to their garb. Specifically, they are required to costume themselves appropriately so they are easily recognizable as the monster they are portraying. This does not have to be a perfect or realistic costume, rather it should clearly evoke the monster to the same degree that the colored sashes indicate the other classes.
- Each monster entry has a minimum expectation for garb, this is usually a mask or other stereotypical visual for that monster, such as fairy wings or a mermaid tail. If the player is wearing no other monster-specific garb, they should at least wear these items in a way that is easy to notice and identify.
- Being able to identify a monster at a glance is all that matters. If a playerâs monster costume is unmistakable as the intended monster, the minimum garb items are not necessary. For example, if Shawna wants to play a Skeleton, the minimum expectation is a skeleton mask. However if she decides to use face paint alongside skeleton-print clothing, then she does not need to wear a mask since it is clear what she is playing based on her chosen look.
- If a monster playerâs garb becomes altered or adjusted mid-activity in such a way that they can no longer be reasonably identified as their chosen monster, the Game Organizer or associated Rules Authority may require them to correct their garb or to participate as the Peasant class for the remainder of the activity.
- In places where mask-wearing is restricted or outright prohibited, Game Organizers and Rules Authorities are encouraged to allow reasonable alternatives to the minimum garb options for their monster players, such as allowing them to wear a mask as a belt-favor instead, until such a time that they can acquire a suitable maskless costume. Everyone involved should do their best to determine fair accommodations when necessary.
- Garb Bonus Curios are awarded to monsters in the same way as other classes except that all their garb must suit the monster being portrayed in addition to being appropriate for the heroic fantasy theme.
- A Note For Rules Authorities: When reviewing garb for non-humanoid monsters such as drakes and unicorns, remember that there is still a human player underneath and weâre not expecting them to fight on their hands and knees. Be reasonable and award the garb bonus in good faith in the same way you would other non-monster players.
- All players should do their best to avoid garb and costumes that may cause them to appear to be a monster class when they are not, and vice-versa. If there is any potential for confusion, actual monster players should be given preferred access to monstrous looks over non-monster players since that is an essential part of their class. When in doubt, players should simply present themselves before the activity to their peers and the Game Organizer so that everyone is on the same page and who is playing what.
- This rulebook includes profiles for twelve (12) Standard Battlegame Monsters. These standard monsters do not require any special permission to use and can be freely played anytime a player can play a combat class. Only these standard battlegame monsters are guaranteed to be accessible to monster players for any given activity.
- Non-standard monsters may still be designed for the battlegame category, however monster players wishing to play them must first receive case-by-case permission from the Game Organizer in order to do so. Non-standard monsters can often have custom abilities and effects that are not found in the Rules of Play. They may also be untested and unrefined, depending on their source, so organizers should use caution when allowing non-standard battlegame monsters in their activities.
- Adventure Monsters are not intended to be used as a regular battlegame monster or played as a PC in a roleplay activity. These profiles might have custom abilities and effects that are not found in the Rules of Play. They may also be untested and unrefined, depending on their source. With that in mind, these problems are often solved by the monster being focused more on playing a part and trying to create an enjoyable experience for their opponents instead of trying to âwinâ.
- Any monster not explicitly listed as a Battlegame Monster is an Adventure Monster.
- There are no Adventure Monster profiles in this rulebook, however they can be found in the Dor Un Avathar (Amtgardâs Monster Manual), as well as many of the homebrew compendiums and player-made monster collections.
- 16-25pts = No compensation.
- 6-15pts = +1 use of Ice Barrier
- 0-5pts = +1 use of Ice Barrier and Flight
- 1-10pts = No compensation.
- 0pts = +1 Pinning Arrow or Suppression Arrow.
- 1-5pts = No compensation.
- 0pts = +1 Poison Bolt
- 16-25pts = No compensation.
- 6-15pts = +2 Fireballs or +1 use of Elemental Barrage
- 0-5pts = +4 Fireballs or +2 uses of Elemental Barrage
- 1-10pts = No compensation.
- 0pts = +1 use of Blink
- 11-20pts = No compensation.
- 0-10pts = +1 use of Tracking
đśď¸Paragon Monsters
Developer Note: The following entry is the V9 Committeeâs vision for Paragon Monster symbolism. It is written to support the design and goals of the Monster class in Amtgard V9. It is included here for the sake of gathering feedback but should only be used if and when the Amtgard V9 ruleset is officially adopted.
The recommended symbol for Paragon Monster is a personalized, silver-trimmed garment, armor component, or piece of equipment depicting monster iconography (also in silver), such as imagery of paragonâs best known monster(s). Paragon monsters are further encouraged to add silver-trimmed elements to their monster garb as an additional way to show that this goblin or skeleton is more than meets the eye. Some ideal pieces include shoulder pads, tabards, and shields.
Note about Reserved Symbols: For obvious reasons, âsilver-trimmed garb, armor, and equipmentâ cannot be reserved wholesale; however monster players are encouraged to avoid wearing pieces that might suggest that they are paragons until such a time that they have earned that honor. This is not a hard rule, merely a courtesy, so as to avoid stifling creativity in monster garb design.
Monster Apprentices: Silver-trimmed belt favors are the reserved symbol for Apprentices. The symbol for an Apprentice Monster is a silver-trimmed belt favor with any two-color background, depicting monstrous iconography (usually matching their mentor and/or their own best known monsters).
Monster Categories
Monsters are divided into two broad categories: Battlegame Monsters and Adventure Monsters.
Battlegame Monsters
Battlegame Monsters are monsters intended to be used by players as part of everyday class battlegames and activities. They are designed and balanced for use alongside the other non-monster classes.
Click here to go to the list of Standard Battlegame Monsters.
Adventure Monsters
Adventure Monsters are monsters intended to be employed as NPCs by a Game Organizer in roleplay scenarios, quests, and other such activities. They are usually assigned directly to players by the Game Organizer as part of a larger story or scenario rather than being chosen by the player themselves.
Custom Monsters
The Dor Un Avathar and Game Organizer Guide has tips and guidance about designing and implementing custom Monsters for your activities.
Standard Battlegame Monsters
This section includes the profiles for the 12 Standard Battlegame Monsters. These 12 monsters do not require any special permission to use and can be freely played anytime a player can play a combat class. Only these standard battlegame monsters are guaranteed to be accessible to monster players for any given activity.
â | ||||
Entangling Mass | ||||
Description | Though they only seem to be heaps of rotting vegetation, unwary travelers pass by them only to be attacked and ingested for nutrients or left with a dreadful sickness. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I am a carnivorous plant-monster. I want to blend into my surroundings and then lash out to entrap my prey in vines and consume them. | |||
Playstyle | Crowd Control, Durable, Frontline, Melee | |||
Class Identifier | Plant-like Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as an entangling mass to other players. Other Suggestions include: ghillie suit, mass of leaves and/or vines | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Flail | |||
Shields | Buckler | |||
Armor | None. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Fairy | ||||
Description | Fairies are generally fun-loving pranksters. Their small stature and natural abilities allow them to get into all sorts of trouble. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to be fae. I want to be glittery and fly with wings. I want to play tricks and be mischievous while being hard to retaliate against. I am pretty harmless at the end of the day and might even help you if you play with me. | |||
Playstyle | Evasive, Crowd Control, Backline, Skirmisher, Ranged | |||
Class Identifier | Fairy Wings that can be seen from all sides, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Fairy to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Small Thrown | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Gargoyle | ||||
Description | Gargoyles are grotesque, stone-carved statues designed to frighten away evil spirits from cathedrals and castles. They are usually made of magically animated or transformed stone but often have animal or chimeric traits. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to be a monstrous ward against evil. I want to be gothic and scary. I want to be made of stone and able to turn into a statue. I want to fly. | |||
Playstyle | Durable, Frontline, Shield User, Melee, Evasive, Ranged | |||
Class Identifier | Stone-like Gargoyle Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Gargoyle to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Rock | |||
Shields | Any | |||
Armor | Up to 5pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
| |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Goblin | ||||
Description | Goblins are small, green-skinned humanoids that are usually mischievous but often malicious. As their most famous trait is physical frailty, they tend to move in groups for protection, stealing and hoarding anything shiny they can get their hands on. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to be a squirrely, comedic character with potential for treachery and shenanigans. I love shinies. Iâm not durable but Iâve got my wits and dozens of brothers and sisters to avenge me. | |||
Playstyle | Challenge, Melee, Bow User | |||
Class Identifier | Goblin Mask, Green Facepaint, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Goblin to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Small Thrown, Large Thrown, Bow | |||
Shields | Up to Small Shield | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Gorgon | ||||
Description | Gorgons are mythical creatures with hair made of living, venomous snakes and horrifying visages that turn those who behold them to stone. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I am a mythical snake-like humanoid. Anyone who approaches close enough to see my face will be turned to stone. I cast hexes and fire enchanted arrows. | |||
Playstyle | Bow User, Crowd Control, Ranged, Hybrid | |||
Class Identifier | Medusa Mask, Snake Hair, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Gorgon to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Flail, Bow | |||
Shields | Buckler | |||
Armor | Up to 2pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
| |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Harpy | ||||
Description | Harpies are avians of the worst temperament. Both their bodies and minds are only partially human and they consider all âno- wingsâ to be both expendable and tasty. While many are known for their potent hexes, those looking to secure a harpyâs aid often find it is they who are being used. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to be a bird-person. I want to fly around and harry my foes from afar. I want to invoke witch-like rituals and hexes. | |||
Playstyle | Skirmisher, Evasive, Crowd Control, Hybrid, Ranged | |||
Class Identifier | Bird Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Harpy to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Javelin | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | Up to 1pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
| |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Red Drake | ||||
Description | Drakes are lesser cousins to true dragons. They are smaller and not as powerful but much easier to train, so they are often used as guardians or beasts of war. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I am basically a feral dragon. I breathe fire and rampage through my foes with tooth, claw, and tail. My scaly hide protects me from harm and my strength overwhelms those before me. | |||
Playstyle | Damage, Frontline, Melee, Durable | |||
Class Identifier | Red Draconic Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a red drake to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Flail, Great, Reach | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | Up to 5pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
| |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Shroomkin | ||||
Description | Shroomkin are sentient humanoid mushrooms that come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Shroomkin love company but their contributions can vary from symbiotic to parasitic. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to wear a big mushroom cap. I want to reflect my specific type of mushroom. I want to have spores that affect friend and foe, either psychologically or physically. | |||
Playstyle | Hybrid, Support, Crowd Control, Shield User, Melee | |||
Class Identifier | Mushroom Cap or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Mushroom person to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Magic Staff | |||
Shields | Up to Medium | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Siren | ||||
Description | Sirens are half-fish, half-humanoid creatures known to lure travelers to their deaths via enthralling magic and enchanting voices. While they arenât always evil, their powers to ensorcel weak-willed minds is legendary. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to sing and lure my victims to a terrifying death. I want a trident. I want water-themed powers and perks. | |||
Playstyle | Crowd Control, Hybrid, Damage, Support, Melee | |||
Class Identifier | Iridescent Fish-Scale Mask, Mermaid Tail/Leggings, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Siren to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Javelin | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | Up to 2pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
| |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Skeleton | ||||
Description | Skeletons are the bones of deceased creatures returned to life, sometimes by their own spirit, sometimes by the will of another. They are unfazed by pain and the magic animating them can often allow them to reassemble over and over before they are finally put down for good. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to be undead. I want the perks that come with not needing the essentials of life. I want to keep coming back whenever I am killed. | |||
Playstyle | Frontline, Durable, Melee, Challenge, Bow User, Ranged | |||
Class Identifier | Skeleton mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Skeleton to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin | |||
Shields | Any | |||
Armor | Up to 6pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below. | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Unicorn | ||||
Description | The unicorn is one of the most famous mythical creatures: a horse with a spiraling horn erupting from its forehead. It is a creature of purity and it is sought out for its potent healing powers. Killing a unicorn is said to bring bad luck and grim tidings. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I am a rare, sacred, horse-like creature with a single horn and super-charged healing powers. I am majestic. I am kind and benevolent. My blessings are bestowed on pure souls and my death is lamented as a great tragedy. | |||
Playstyle | Support, Backline | |||
Class Identifier | Unicorn Mask and Horn or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Unicorn to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger. Cannot Dual Wield | |||
Shields | None | |||
Armor | None | |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
â | ||||
Werewolf | ||||
Description | Werewolves are individuals who can shapeshift (willingly or otherwise) into feral wolf-like monsters. Werewolves enjoy the primal nature of the hunt and are prone to succumbing to their more base instincts the longer they stay transformed. | |||
Roleplay Inspiration | I want to be wild and feral. I want to stalk my prey. I want to be a killing machine. I want to have wolf-perks. I want to transform. | |||
Playstyle | Front Line, Crowd Control, Damage, Melee, Bow User, Shield User | |||
Class Identifier | Werewolf Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Werewolf to other players. | |||
Weapons | Dagger, Short, Long, Large Thrown, Bow | |||
Shields | Up to Small | |||
Armor | Up to 4pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain đśď¸Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
| |||
Garb Bonus | Choice of Garb Bonus Curio. +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus. |
Monster Abilities You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive. Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay. |
⏠= Does not require Free Hand | âť = Rest Time | đśď¸ = Experimental Rule |
Abilities and Effects
General Rules
An ability is a game mechanic that allows a player to interact with the game in a way that is different from just swinging a sword. Abilities can be used to heal wounds, bestow boons, destroy equipment, freeze players solid, and much, much more!
Players typically gain access to abilities through their class, although abilities can also be granted by magic items or as part of the rules for a combat activity.
- Abilities are used to represent both physical feats and magical spells. As such, the terms "ability" and "spell" are interchangeable.
- Abilities must be cast to have an effect.
- Specific abilities are detailed in the Master List of Abilities.
- Refer to the other definitions in the Abilities and Effects section to learn more about the rules and terms relevant to abilities.
Below you will find an example of a simple ability profile. Some abilities may have additional rows for different effect categories and details unique to that ability, such as material components, prerequisites, reminders, etc.
Available to | â Assassin, Bard, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard |
Type | â Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | â20ft |
Incantation | â"I command thee to stop" x3 |
Status Effect | âTarget becomes Stopped for 30s. |
Casting (How to use Abilities)
All abilities follow the same basic rules for casting, whether they are evoking a physical feat or a magical spell. As such, the following terms are interchangeable when referring to how abilities are used:
- "user" and "caster"
- "using" and "casting"

In order to use or "cast" an ability, you must complete the following steps. If any part of this process is interrupted, performed incorrectly, or if an effect suddenly prevents you from casting, the casting attempt fails and no effects will occur. If you wish to attempt to cast the ability again, you must restart from the beginning.
- Speak Loud and Clear: All spoken components must be said loud and clear enough to be heard and understood within 50ft or by the target, whichever is closer. If the target is closer than 20ft, the casting must still be heard and understood clearly out to at least 20ft.
- Mispronunciation, improper wording, omitting words, insufficient volume, or a gap of more than two seconds between words will interrupt casting.
- Remember that battlefields can be chaotic and each player will process sensations differently. Casters and their targets should act in good faith when determining what is loud or clear enough. When in doubt, refer to the Battlefield Etiquette.
- Donât Move Your Feet: You must not move your feed while casting. Casting is immediately interrupted if you move your feet in any significant way. Minor movements, such as adjusting your balance, will not interrupt casting. Some effects can allow abilities to be cast while moving.
- Have a Free Hand: You must have a Free Hand for the duration of your cast. Casting is immediately interrupted if you no longer have a Free Hand. Abilities marked with ⏠do not require a free hand.
- Identify the Target: When casting a verbal or enchantment ability on another player, you must clearly point and state their name or a unique descriptor that precisely identifies them.
- Ideal descriptors include class-name, clothing, and/or carried items.
- Insensitive or derogatory nicknames/descriptors are not acceptable.
- Pointing can be done with weapons or items in hand. It does not need to be your Free Hand.
- Pointing is only required while you are identifying the target. The pointing does not need to be maintained throughout the cast.
- You are responsible for making your best effort to convey your intended target fairly and in good faith via a combination of both spoken word and pointing/gesturing.
- Strike-based abilities such as Spellballs, do not require a target since the target is defined by striking them.
- Say the Ability-Specific Incantation: Speak the unique, ability-specific lines listed in the Incantation section of the ability description.
- End with the target in Range and Line of Sight: The target must be in Range and Line of Sight at the moment the incantation is complete. If so, the ability will impart its effects on to the target. If not, the ability fails and has no effect.
- The Ability is Expended: One use of the ability is expended as soon as the incantation is finished, even if the target is immune, resistant, out of range, out of line-of-sight, or otherwise unaffected by the ability.
- Make any Necessary Choices: If the effect requires a choice, that choice must be made and declared as soon as casting is completed.
- To save time, either the caster or the target can make the choice for non-offensive abilities, although the caster has final say in the event of a disagreement.
A Chant is an audible component required to maintain effects listed as 'Chant Effects'.
- A chant effect begins as soon as the ability is cast, and continues to impart its effects as long as the caster remains chanting.
- A player can only maintain one Chant at a time.
- Players may chant while moving. The words of a chant must be repeated continuously with no more than five (5) seconds between each repetition. Chants must be able to be heard and understood up to 50ft away.
- The chant portion of an ability is a declaration, not an incantation. If a player becomes unable to cast or speak, they are still able to maintain chants that were in effect beforehand unless the effect also prevents chanting specifically, such as Frozen.
- Chants end automatically if the caster begins casting an ability or stops maintaining the chant. Some chant effects may have additional conditions that will also force the end of the chant, or exceptions that allow the chanter to use certain abilities without ending their chant.
Effects are caused by strikes, abilities, and other gameplay mechanics.
- A player can be affected by multiple effects simultaneously.
- A source can impart more than one effect at a time.
- When a source imparts multiple effects at the same time, they are all applied simultaneously.
Effect Categories
All effects are divided into categories based on similar properties.
- Immediate Effects are completely resolved in the moment they occur with no additional actions or timers required.
- Examples include: damage, armor breaking, healing wounds, repairing equipment, etc.
- Immediate effects are always independent from one another, even though they are typically listed under a single header. They must be resisted or protected against individually.
- Status Effects last until an amount of time has elapsed, the player dies, or some other requirement is met.
- Players must declare the name or a brief summary of the effect if asked.
- If a status effect expires due to a timed duration ending, the player it affected must declare, "No longer [Effect or State that Ended]". This must be audible out to 20 feet.
- All the text under a status effect header is part of the same status effect. If one part of the status effect is removed, resisted, or otherwise ignored, the entire status effect is removed or ignored. A status effect cannot be broken into pieces of itself.
- Chant Effects last as long as the caster remains chanting. See âChantsâ for more info.
- All the text under a chant effect header is part of the same chant effect. If one part of the chant effect is removed, resisted, or otherwise ignored, the entire chant effect is removed or ignored. A chant effect cannot be broken into pieces of itself.
- Enchantment Effects last until it is willingly discarded or the player dies. See â Enchantmentsâ for more info.
- All the text under an enchantment effect header is part of the same enchantment effect. If one part of the enchantment effect is removed, resisted, or otherwise ignored, the entire enchantment effect is removed or ignored. An enchantment effect cannot be broken into pieces of itself.
- Trait Effects are active for the entire game and cannot be removed, disabled, or discarded. See â Traitsâ for more info.
- Secondary Effects are follow-up effects that are applied sometime after an initial effect, usually once some sort of condition or requirement is met.
- A player cannot willingly choose to be immune to, resist, or refuse secondary effects once the primary effects have been applied to them. Other effects that would prevent a player from being affected by something, such as Tracking or being Frozen, can still prevent secondary effects.
- Since secondary effects are still effects, they will also include a primary effect category listed in brackets, such as "Secondary Effect (Immediate)".
Enhanced Strikes
Enhanced Strikes are passive strike effects that impart extra damage and/or destruction on each successful strike.
- Enhanced strikes are passive; they do not require an incantation, and are not expended after use. The standard strike enhancements you will find in Amtgard are listed below. See the âStrike Enhancement Keywordsâ section for specific details about each one.
- When a melee strike is enhanced, the player must declare their enhancement(s) to their opponent immediately before or during the initial strike against them and periodically throughout the engagement when reasonable.
- If a player forgets to declare their Enhanced Strikes, their strikes will not impart the extra effects until they are declared.
- For weapons like Javelin and Great Weapons that can gain enhancements based on their construction and/or method of use, the user must do their best to ensure their opponent is not confused about which strikes are enhanced and which ones are not.
- Like all declarations, both sides must handle these interactions in good faith and not seek to deliberately obstruct or delay information to gain gameplay advantages.
- When a projectile is enhanced, the attacker is not required to declare their enhancements as they are treated as part of the overall effect of the projectile. The player may still wish to declare these enhancements to help the opponent administer the rules properly, but they are not required to do so in order to impart the enhanced effects.
Frequency / Uses
Each ability will have limited number of uses that can change based on class customization choices.
- A player expends a use of an ability when they complete the incantation, whether or not the ability was effective.
- When a player has 0 uses remaining, they can no longer use that ability until it is restored.
- Abilities can be restored in a variety of ways but can never be restored beyond the maximum number of uses available to the player for that activity.
- If a player gains new abilities over the course of an activity, these new abilities are treated independently from any existing copies that the player might already possess.
- For example, a player with Heal 1/Life gains Heal 2/Refresh somehow. Both frequency tracks would exist and the player could use either one to allow them to cast Heal.
- If the player has the ability to restore either of these abilities, they are restored independently of each other. Rest values are tied to each version and cannot be used to restore the other.
V8 Transition Notes:
- You do not need to completely expend the uses of an ability in order to restore them.
- You can restore abilities back up to the maximum amount you have available.
- Per Life (X/Life)
A playerâs per Life abilities are fully restored whenever they respawn. - Per Refresh (X/Refresh)
Per Refresh abilities do not restore themselves when respawning. They are only restored when the Game Organizer grants a Refresh. Amtgard classes have been designed around 0-1 refreshes per activity. - Unlimited
Unlimited abilities can be used as often as the player wants, as long as they meet any other prerequisites to use the ability. - Ball / Arrow (X Balls or X Arrows)
Abilities with a frequency of Balls or Arrows appear on abilities that require a Spellball or Specialty Arrow as a material component.- These abilities can be used as often as the player wants as long as they have the necessary ball or arrow on hand.
- Players may retrieve and reuse their Spellballs and Specialty Arrows any number of times.
- Players may only bring a number of Spellballs or Specialty Arrows into an activity equal to the maximum uses allowed to them. Likewise, a player may also only carry up to that amount at any given time, even if they are sharing with another player.
- âť Rest Value (âťXX)
See Resting.
An incantation is the unique, ability-specific lines that are required to be spoken as part of using an ability.
- An incantation listed as "I command thee to stop x3" requires the caster to say the words "I command thee to stop" three times in succession.
- Casters may freely switch the pronouns (my, thy, your, etc.) within incantations to make them appropriate to the situation.
- Incantations must be said loud and clear enough to be heard and understood within 50ft or by the target, whichever is closer. If the target is within 20ft, it must be heard and understood clearly out to 20ft.
- Mispronunciation, improper wording, omitting words, insufficient volume, or a gap of more than two seconds between words will interrupt the incantation.
- Battlefields can be chaotic and each player processes sensations differently. Casters and targets should act in good faith when determining what is loud or clear enough. When in doubt, refer to the Battlefield Etiquette.
Line of Sight
Line of Sight (LOS) is an imaginary line that extends from a playerâs eyes to a target.
- In order to use abilities, the caster must have at least a partial LOS to their target at the end of the incantation.
- Players cannot obscure themselves with their own carried items, but they can obscure other players.
- For example, a player can use their tower shield or cloak to block LOS to an ally.
- Unattended and Destroyed equipment does not block line of sight in-game, even if it is actually obscuring the target in real life. For example, a tower shield propped up against a tree would not obscure in-game LOS to someone hiding behind it, even if they are legitimately hidden from view in real life.
- Since Line of Sight is entirely subjective and nearly impossible to verify, players are expected to be honest and act in good faith when judging their own LOS.
See "Casting" to learn how line of sight plays a part in casting abilities.
Material Components
Material Components, also known as simply 'Materials', are physical objects that are required to use some abilities, such as a spellball or specialty arrows.
Material Components do not take up a Free Hand when using the ability they are associated with.
Meta-Magics are special abilities that modify the way other abilities are cast.
- Meta-Magics do not follow the typical casting process.
- To use a meta-magic, the caster must say the meta-magic incantation while casting the ability that they wish to modify. It must be said after the target is declared but before the incantation for the modified spell.
- Below is an example of someone casting Hold Person with the Extension meta-magic against a player named Robin.
- Meta-Magics are expended once their incantation is said, whether or not the modified spell is completed.
- Casters cannot use multiple meta-magics simultaneously on a single ability.
Name (Ability)
This is the name of the ability.
Ability names exist in this ruleset in a strict form to support the execution of game mechanics; however they do not define how players must play and portray them in in-character. With that in mind, the name listed here is the universal term all players must acknowledge regardless of whether they are playing the ability with a stereotypical presentation or something different.
Veera, out-of-character, asks "What spell is that again?"
Raj replies, also out-of-character: "Hold Person"
(Raj is not allowed to call the ability "Zombie Hands" since that is not the listed ability-name of the ability he used.)
Veera nods and then fulfills the effect of the ability by being Stopped. She also decides to roleplay along with Rajâs improvised theme, swatting at her legs and emoting as though zombie hands were restraining her.
(Players are not required to play along with anyoneâs alternate theming, however roleplaying cooperatively can allow everyone to experience their characters fantasies without writing hundreds of similar abilities with different names to fit various themes.)
Offensive / Non-Offensive
Each ability type is either offensive or non-offensive, with the exception of Verbals, which can be either.
- Non-Offensive abilities can be refused by their targets even if the ability is successfully cast. A refused ability has no effect but is still expended.
- Offensive abilities cannot be refused and will always impart their effects if cast successfully.
Below is a quick summary of each type for reference:
Offensive Ability Types
- Power Strikes
- Specialty Arrows
- Spellballs
- Verbals labelled as 'Verbal (Offensive)'
Non-Offensive Ability Types
- Enchantments
- Meta-Magic
- Traits
- Verbals labelled as 'Verbal (Non-Offensive)'
Other Details
The 'Other Details' section of an ability or effect is extra rules text that does not fit under any of the actual effect headers. This will typically include rules clarifications, or extra specifics about gameplay like mandatory declarations or special exceptions to the Casting rules such as being able to cast while moving or affect dead players.
Other Details are different from Reminders in that they are considered part of the actual rules text for the associated ability, whereas reminders are simply references to other rules.
Power Strikes
Power Strikes are special one-time melee attacks that will impart extra effects in addition to the regular effects of the melee strike.
- To use a Power Strike, it must be primed before attempting to strike a target.
- Power Strikes are primed by casting the ability while not actively swinging or attempting to strike.
- Once primed, the caster has two (2) seconds to strike a target or their equipment.
- If successful, the ability will impart its effects.
- If not, the Power Strike fails and has no effect, but is still expended.
- The caster can swing as many times as they want during the two second window, however the ability will impart its effects on the first successful strike.
- A primed Power Strike will cease to be primed if the player begins casting another ability.
- A player can only have one Power Strike primed at a time.
- If a Power Strike incantation is interrupted or otherwise fails, any ensuing strikes are treated as just normal strikes, as though the power strike was never attempted in the first place.
An ability that includes a prerequisite can only be used while its prerequisite condition is met.
- If the prerequisite involves a specific moment, such as killing a target, that ability may only be used once per triggering moment. For example, a player with Adrenaline may use it within 30s of killing an enemy. If they kill a single enemy, they may use it once. If they kill three enemies, they may use it three times.
Range indicates the maximum distance at which an ability can be successfully cast. Targets must be within this range at the completion of the incantation.
The different ranges are:
- 5ft / 20ft: Most abilities fall into one of these two ranges.
- They have a maximum range as indicated, in feet.
- This range is measured loosely from the core of the caster to the core of the target. Extending limbs will not bring you or your target closer together.
- Range measurements are inclusive. Being exactly 20ft away from a caster is IN range of a 20ft ability.
- Ranged casting should not require a third-party observer or measuring device to resolve. Players are expected to familiarize themselves with these distances to better judge ranges quickly mid-combat. When in doubt, just do your best, act in good faith.
- Abilities with 20ft ranges can be cast on anyone unless specifically indicated otherwise.
- Abilities with 5ft ranges will always include who it can target - in the form of (Other), (Any), or (Self).
- Abilities with a range of "5ft (Any)" can be cast on anyone.
- Abilities with a range of "5ft (Other)" can only be cast on other players. They cannot be cast on oneself.
- Self: Abilities with a range of "5ft (Self)" or just "Self" can only be cast on oneself.
- Strike: Abilities with a range of Strike require their target to be struck by a specific material component to impart its effects.
- Abilities with a range of Strike do not need to identify targets when casting.
- The strike can be made from any distance as long as it is a valid strike. For example, a spellball can affect a target 500ft away if the caster is able to throw it that far.
- The exact component required will be listed under the Material Components section of the ability.
- Unlimited: These abilities have no maximum range, however they typically have some sort of prerequisite or limit to restrict who they can actually target.
See "Casting" to learn how range plays a part in casting abilities.
Reminders are extra text intended to help players remember related rules that might affect the understanding of the ability or effect.
- Reminder text should never be interpreted as the text for rule itself; players should always reference the full text of rule being referenced this way.
- For example, many abilities that grant a resistance will have a reminder note that the resistance is optional; however the exact rules text for how resistances are optional can be found in the rules for Resistance itself.
- All players have access to the Rest ability at all times.
- Abilities and effects with a Rest value (indicated by the âť symbol) can be restored with Rest.
- The Rest value of an ability or effect indicates how long, in seconds, it takes to restore the ability or effect by Resting.
- Players can also rest at their base for additional effects such as restoring wounds and equipment.
Specialty Arrows
Specialty Arrows are color-coded arrows (or crossbow bolts) that will impart extra effects in addition to the regular effects of an arrow.
- To use a specialty arrow, the player must cast it immediately before or during the firing motion.
- Properly cast and fired specialty arrows will impart their effects on anything they hit with a valid strike until they stop moving.
- Specialty arrows that are fired without being properly cast are entirely nullified and will have no effect whatsoever, even if the physical arrow strikes something.
- Specialty arrows must be fired alone.
- Specialty arrows use the âArrowâ frequency. See 'Frequency' for more details.
Spellballs are color-coded projectiles that can impart damage and other effects.
- To use a Spellball, it must be primed before being thrown at a target.
- Spellballs are primed by casting the ability while holding the physical ball in a Free Hand.
- Once primed, a spellball can be held indefinitely before throwing, however it will cease to be primed if the physical ball is no longer held by the caster (except while passing from one hand to another), if the caster begins casting another ability, or if the caster dies.
- A player can only have one Spellball primed at a time.
- Primed and thrown Spellballs will impart their effects on anything they hit with a valid strike until they stop moving.
- Spellballs that are thrown without being properly cast are entirely nullified and will have no effect whatsoever, even if the physical ball still strikes a target.
- Spellballs use the âBallâ frequency. See 'Frequency' for more details.
V8 Transition Note: Spellballs are projectile weapons and can be blocked with Missile Block and resisted by Blessing Against Projectiles or similar abilities.
Spellball Construction
- Spellballs have their own special construction requirements.
- Traits are passive abilities denoted with (T).
- Traits are automatically active at the start of the activity and do not need to be cast.
- Traits cannot be removed or discarded. However, while a player is dead, their trait effects become inactive and do not bestow any of their effects except those specifically stated to work while dead. When the player is returned to life, all their traits become active again.
Enchantments and Other Effects as Traits
There are instances where enchantments or other effects like Fragile may be granted to a player as a trait. In these cases, the ability type and effect category becomes "Trait" and it ceases to follow the rules for the previous type, instead following all the rules for traits as listed above.
Abilities will have one of the following types:
Details for each type can be found under its specific entry.
Verbal abilities deliver their effects by voice alone. They do not require any any material components or physical contact.
Effects from verbal abilities can be extremely varied. Each ability profile will indicate whether the particular verbal ability is Offensive or Non-Offensive.
Many abilities describe exactly what they do in their effect text. Some effects though are very common or would require too much space to define under each ability. In these cases, the effect lists only the name of the effect as a "keyword". The details of each keyword can be found below.
While there are many abilities in the game, their results are often quite similar; using the same keywords in different combinations and configurations. If you read through and familiarize yourself with these keywords, you will have a much easier time understanding the vast majority of abilities that may be used on you.
The following keywords are typically used in Status Effects.
A player who is Afraid of something cannot aggress against that thing and is forced to stay 20ft away unless they are unable to move or forced by some other effect. If an Afraid player is aggressed on by an enemy they are Afraid of, they may act as though they were not Afraid of them for the duration of the effect.
A Cursed player and their carried equipment cannot be affected by non-offensive effects that restore them unless the effect specifically removes Cursed.
Reminder: Restoration includes Heal, Mend, Release, Renew, Innate, Rest, and all other similar effects.
Flying players and their carried equipment:
- Cannot be affected by abilities and strikes that originate within 20ft.
- Cannot aggress.
- May move about the battlefield freely as long as they stay 20ft away from enemy bases and avoid obstructing combat or interactions between other players.
- May pick up equipment but cannot carry Game Items or interact with Game Objectives.
- Are not obstructed or affected by 'low' terrain such as water, lava, pit traps, etc. unless otherwise indicated by the Game Organizer. Real-life terrain, such as actual walls and pits, cannot be bypassed this way unless it is able to be done safely and approved by the organizer or associated rules authority.
- May not delay the game excessively, as judged by the Game Organizer or associated rules authority. For instance, a player may not use Flying to avoid being killed if they are the last player alive in a Mutual Annihilation battlegame.
V8 Transition Note: Becoming Stopped does not remove Flying from a player. They may continue Flying while unable to move.
A Fragile player dies the next time they are Wounded.
Frozen players and their carried equipment:
- Cannot be affected by anything except effects that remove status effects or those that can specifically affect Frozen players.
- May not act in game.
- May not carry Game Items or interact with Game Objectives.
- Must do their best to inform potential aggressors by declaring their Frozen state to avoid confusion on the battlefield.
Other players cannot intentionally use Frozen players to obstruct combat or interactions between them and other players.
Reminder: Players may always move and speak to make declarations, avoid real life hazardous situations, and call for real-life help or assistance. Actions taken this way should be done in good faith and not used to generate a gameplay advantage.
Insubstantial players and their carried equipment:
- Cannot be affected by anything except effects that remove status effects or can specifically affect Insubstantial players.
- Cannot affect other players or their equipment; however they may pick up their own equipment if they are able to get close enough.
- May not carry Game Items or interact with Game Objectives.
- Cannot use any abilities other than Rest and Innate.
- May continue Chants already in progress.
- Can only move as indicated by the effect that made them Insubstantial.
- Are not obstructed or affected by terrain such as walls, lava, pit traps, etc. unless otherwise indicated by the Game Organizer. Real-life terrain, such as actual walls and pits, cannot be bypassed this way unless it is able to be done safely and approved by the organizer or associated rules authority.
- Must do their best to inform potential aggressors by declaring their Insubstantial state to avoid confusion on the battlefield.
- Must avoid obstructing combat or interactions between other players. Likewise, other players cannot intentionally use Insubstantial players to obstruct combat or interactions between them and other players.
- May not delay the game excessively, as judged by the Game Organizer or associated rules authority. For instance, a player may not use Insubstantial to avoid being killed if they are the last player alive in a Mutual Annihilation battlegame.
Reminder: Players may always move and speak to make declarations, avoid real life hazardous situations, and call for real-life help or assistance. Actions taken this way should be done in good faith and not used to generate a gameplay advantage.
Invulnerable players and their carried equipment:
- Cannot be affected by anything other than the effect that made them Invulnerable.
- May speak freely but can otherwise only act as indicated by the effect that made them Invulnerable.
- May not carry Game Items or interact with Game Objectives.
- Are not obstructed or affected by terrain such as walls, lava, pit traps, etc. unless otherwise indicated by the Game Organizer. Real-life terrain, such as actual walls and pits, cannot be bypassed this way unless it is able to be done safely and approved by the organizer or associated rules authority.
- Must avoid obstructing combat or interactions between other players. Likewise, other players cannot intentionally use Invulnerable players to obstruct combat or interactions between them and other players.
- Must do their best to inform potential aggressors by declaring their Invulnerable state to avoid confusion on the battlefield.
- May not delay the game excessively, as judged by the Game Organizer or associated rules authority. For instance, a player may not use Invulnerable to avoid being killed if they are the last player alive in a Mutual Annihilation battlegame.
Reminder: Players may always move and speak to make declarations, avoid real life hazardous situations, and call for real-life help or assistance. Actions taken this way should be done in good faith and not used to generate a gameplay advantage.
A Severed player cannot be revived.
Status effects that grant Severed are not removed by death and cannot be removed except by respawning or effects that specifically remove Severed.
Shoved players are forced to move a certain distance in a specified direction.
- The distance and direction they are required to move is indicated by the effect itself.
- The effect ends when the target has moved the required distance away from their initial location.
- The effect will also end if the target becomes forced again by some other effect or reaches impassable and/or real life hazardous terrain that cannot be reasonably or safely bypassed while still moving away from the caster.
A Stopped player cannot move from their current location. They may rotate in place and otherwise act freely but their center of gravity must remain roughly over the point where they became Stopped.
Forced Movement VS Stopped
- If a Stopped player is affected by a forced movement effect that would send them directly to a specified destination (such as with Shove or Teleport) the player must move to complete the forced movement and then the player continue being Stopped in their new location.
- If a Stopped player is affected by an effect that would force or limit their movement without a specific destination (such as Blink, Fear, Reload, etc.) then the player will remain unable to move until the Stopped effect ends.
A Suppressed player is unable to cast abilities. They may continue Chants already in progress.
If a player becomes suppressed while casting, the casting is immediately interrupted.
Taunted players cannot aggress or cast abilities on anything other than what they are taunted by.
If a taunted player is aggressed on by an enemy, they become taunted by that enemy as well for the remainder of the effect.
Strike Enhancements
The following keywords are used for Enhanced Strikes.
Armor Breaking
When an Armor Breaking strike deals damage to armor in a location with 3 or fewer armor points remaining, that location loses all armor points instead of 1.
This enhancement can be declared as 'Armor Breaking' or just âBreakingâ.
Armor Destroying
When an Armor Destroying strike deals damage to armor in a location with any armor points remaining, that location loses all armor points instead of 1.
Ignores Armor
Strikes that ignore armor will affect the target as though they were not wearing armor. Any armor on the target is completely bypassed and unaffected by this strike.
Ignores Immunities & Resistances
Strikes and effects that ignore immunities and resistances will affect the target and their equipment as though they did not have any immunities or resistances. Any immunities and resistances on the target are completely bypassed and unaffected by this strike.
Reminder: This will not bypass Insubstantial, Frozen, Flying, Invulnerable, or under any other type of effect that says 'cannot be affected'. It only ignores protections specifically listed as "immune" or "resistant".
Shield Crushing
When a shield is struck by a Shield Crushing attack three times, that Shield is destroyed.
- These strikes do not need to originate from the same source, nor do they need to occur in rapid succession.
- Restoring a shield or preventing the destruction from this effect will also reset the amount of shield-crushing strikes required to destroy shield.
- Melee weapons can only apply Shield Crushing with slashes.
- This effect can be declared as 'Shield Crushing' or simply just âCrushingâ.
Shield Destroying
When a Shield is struck by a Shield Destroying attack, that shield is destroyed.
Siege strikes will instantly kill a player if it strikes them or their carried equipment, regardless of any immunities or resistances. In addition, all of the player's carried equipment is destroyed and all their armor points are reduced to zero.
- Unless otherwise designated by the Game Organizer, Siege attacks will affect the target and their equipment as though they did not have any immunities or resistances. Any immunities and resistances on the target are completely bypassed and unaffected by this attack.
- This will not bypass Insubstantial, Frozen, Flying, Invulnerable, or under any other type of effect that says 'cannot be affected'. It only ignores protections specifically listed as "immune" or "resistant".
- This will not bypass Insubstantial, Frozen, Flying, Invulnerable, or under any other type of effect that says 'cannot be affected'. It only ignores protections specifically listed as "immune" or "resistant".
- There are no standard rulebook abilities that include the Siege keyword. Siege attacks will only be seen when they are implemented as a custom rule for special battles or roleplay activities; typically for Siege Weapons and powerful boss Monsters.
Weapon Destroying
When a Weapon is struck by a Weapon Destroying attack, that weapon is destroyed.
Wounds Kill
If a player is wounded by a Wounds Kill strike, they die.
Other Keywords
The following keywords are commonly used but do not fit into either of the above categories.
Strike-based effects with the Engulfing keyword will impart their effects even if attack strikes carried equipment such as a weapon or shield. This includes arrows stored in quivers, and other similarly carried projectiles.
V8 Transition Notes:
- Garb and other non-equipment objects count as invalid obstructions. Engulfing strikes will only affect the target if the attack would have continued to strike carried equipment or a hit location.
- The V8 âShield Drop Trickâ does not exist in V9. A shield in mid-air is an invalid obstruction and will not block attacks.
Forced Movement (Forced)
A player that is forced to move must move as indicated by the effect.
- Minimum Speed
- Players are not required to move any faster than they are comfortable but they must maintain at least a walking pace while completing this movement.
- Timing-wise, being forced to move will immediately interrupt and prevent any further casting that requires the caster to not move their feet.
- Forced Movement VS Terrain
- Players cannot be forced to move into or through real-life terrain that could be actually hazardous such as thick brush, rocky slopes, deep snow/mud, water, etc. In these instances, the player must move around the feature in good faith and in a way that makes the most sense when considering the spirit of the effect that is forcing them. If this is impossible, such as with a corner of the field boundary, the player should move as far as they can and they remain stationary. When in doubt, consult a Reeve to make an assessment on a case-by-case basis.
- Whether or not players can be forced into in-game terrain (lava, pits, etc.) is up to the Game Organizer. When disallowed, players should follow the rules outlined above.
- Forced Movement VS Stopped
- If a Stopped player is affected by a forced movement effect that would send them directly to a specific destination, such as Shove or Teleport, the player must move to complete the forced movement and then continue being Stopped in their new location.
- If a Stopped player is affected by an effect that would force or limit their movement without sending them to a specific destination, such as Blink, Fear, Reload, etc. the player will be unable to move as long as they are Stopped.
Immunity allows the bearer to protect themselves from the thing the player is immune to.
- When a player would be affected by something they are immune to, they may immediately declare "Immune!" or the name of the effect making them immune (i.e. "Missile Block!"). If they do, they are unaffected. If they do not, or choose not to, they will be affected as normal.
- Players may not use immunity against their own abilities or strikes.
- Immunity to a specific ability will protect against all effects from that ability.
- Immunity to an immediate effect, such as Armor Destroying, will only protect against that singular effect.
- Immunity to a State will protect against all text in an effect that includes that state.
- Example 1: A player that is immune to Insubstantial protects themselves from Banish. They would ignore both the Insubstantial state and the forced movement, since they are both part of the status effect that includes Insubstantial.
- Example 2: A player who is immune to Stopped protects themselves from Pinning Arrow. They would only ignore the status effect that includes Stopped, but not the immediate effects that include damage, weapon destroying, and armor breaking.
- The exact timing window for an immunity declaration should be judged in good faith on a case-by-case basis depending on the chaos of battle and the awareness of the would-be immune player. For example, if a player is focused on a melee exchange and they do not notice they have been struck by an attack from a 3rd party that they are immune to, they should be given the chance to declare their immunity once they have been made aware of it.
- If a player would be affected by multiple things faster than they can mentally register and react to, they only need to declare the immunity once to cover all the relevant effects. For example, if a player that is Immune to Stopped is struck by four Entangles back-to-back, they can just declare "Immune to Stopped" once and it will cover all the Entangles. They do not need to declare four times.
- In all cases, attackers should give their opponents a fair grace period to declare their immunities. Likewise, players with immunities themselves should do their best to make their declarations in a timely manner. All parties should avoid exploiting this moment for gameplay advantage.
Resistance offers a renewable one-time protection from the thing the player is resistant to.
- When a player would be affected by something they are resistant to, they may immediately declare "Resistant!" or the name of the effect making them resistant (i.e. "Aegis!"). If they do, they are unaffected and the resistance is expended. If they do not or choose not to, they will be affected as normal but retain the resistance to use at a later time.
- Players may not use resistances against their own abilities or strikes.
- Resistance to a specific ability will protect against all effect text from that ability.
- Resistance to an immediate effect, such as wounds, will only protect against that singular effect.
- Resistance to a State will protect against all text in an effect that includes that state.
- Example 1: A player that is resistant to Insubstantial protects themselves from Banish. They would ignore both the Insubstantial state and the forced movement, since they are both part of the status effect that includes Insubstantial.
- Example 2: A player who is resistant to Stopped protects themselves from Pinning Arrow. They would only ignore the status effect that includes Stopped, but not the immediate effects that include damage, weapon destroying, and armor breaking.
- Expending a resistance against a projectile will protect the player and their carried equipment from the relevant effects of that projectile until it stops moving.
- Expending a resistance does not remove the enchantment or effect that granted it. Expended resistances can be restored with effects like Renew and Rest. The rest time required to restore an expended resistance will be listed in the effect that granted it.
- The exact timing window for a resistance declaration should be judged in good faith on a case-by-case basis depending on the chaos of battle and the awareness of the would-be resistant player. For example, if a player is focused on a melee exchange and they do not notice they have been struck by an attack from a 3rd party that they are resistant to, they should be given the chance to declare their resistance once they have been made aware of it.
- In all cases, attackers should give their opponents a fair grace period to declare their resistances. Likewise, players with resistances themselves should do their best to make their declarations in a timely manner. All parties should avoid exploiting this moment for gameplay advantage.
In Amtgard, restoration happens whenever something is brought closer to its original condition. Many such effects specifically say restore in their effect text however restoration occurs whether or not it is explicitly mentioned, especially in regards to custom rules.
- Restore a wound - means the wound is removed.
- Restore a destroyed item - means that the item is no longer destroyed.
- Restore a point of armor - means refill player's armor points by 1, up to their maximum value.
- Restore an ability - means recovering the expended uses of an ability, up to the maximum available.
- Remove status effects - is a form of restoration.
- Reviving dead players - is a form of restoration.
- Beneficially modifying timers - is a form of restoration. This includes effects that modify status effect durations, rest timers, death counts, etc.
Effects that revive will restore a player to life without respawning.
When revived, a player is returned to life with their wounds restored, but their equipment, enchantments, and abilities remain in the same state they were before they died.
Magic Items
Items imbued with magic are a common part of fantasy stories. In Amtgard, magic items can be acquired in a variety of ways and will offer boons to the user beyond what they might normally have access to from their chosen class alone.
General Rules
Using Magic Items
- The Game Organizer determines which Magic Items, if any, are allowed in their activities. They may also impose additional restrictions as they see fit, such as a limited number of items per player.
- The effects of a magic item must be clearly defined when the item is bestowed to a player.
- If the magic item is not described in this rulebook, the user must carry a copy of their itemâs abilities and effects during any activity they wish to use the item.
- Abilities and effects granted by magic items behave as they would if the player had those abilities or effects naturally, except where noted below:
- Item-granted abilities cannot be modified or restored by archetypes. For example, a magic item that grants Shake It Off 2/Refresh cannot be restored by the Guardian or Juggernaut archetypes.
- If a class already has access to an ability granted by a magic item, the item-granted version does not share any symbols or tags, such as ⏠or đĄď¸. For example, a Warrior using an item that grants Safeguard 2/Refresh would need a free hand to cast it since this version does not have âŹ.
- Players must carry a physical representation (aka "Phys-Rep") of their Magic Item(s) in order to benefit from it.
- The Phys-Rep requirements for an item must be clearly defined when the item is bestowed to a player.
- Phys-Reps are equipment and must adhere to the Universal Equipment Requirements.
- Phys-Reps must be a unique item and cannot simultaneously be a weapon, shield, or any other type of equipment unless specifically required by the item itself, such as the Sword of Flame which is a magic sword.
- The Phys-Rep of a magic item is a Material Component for any abilities or effects it grants. It must be visibly carried in some fashion while casting its abilities or using the effects. If the player has access to the same abilities or effects by another method, the magic item is not required to use those versions.
- Multiple copies of the same magic item (such as potions) may all be represented by the same Phys-Rep. For example, three Potions of Healing can be represented by a single red potion bottle, but you would need a different bottle to represent a Potion of Mend.
- Phys-Rep requirements are not reserved visuals. Players may carry or wear non-magical items and accessories that look visually similar to magic items as long as it is not being used to derive a gameplay advantage.
Duration of Ownership
Each Magic Item is only useable for a specified period of time.
- The duration of ownership for a Magic Item must be clearly defined when the item is bestowed.
- When the duration has elapsed, the Magic Item can no longer be used. If a Phys-Reps was presented with the item, it should be returned to the authority that bestowed it.
- Magic Items without a specified ownership duration will automatically expire in six (6) months from when they are bestowed.
- Ownership of Magic Items may be rescinded by the authority that bestowed them at any time.
- Magic Items can only be used by their owners and cannot be transferred or traded without permission from specific individuals:
- A Game Organizer can grant permission for players to temporarily transfer magic items during their games; however, these transfers are reverted at the end of each activity. Permanent transfers require permission from the original authority who bestowed the item.
Acquiring Magic Items
There are three standard methods to acquire/distribute Magic Items:
- Garb Bonus Curios: The garb bonus allows eligible players to select a magic item from the list of Garb Bonus Curios.
- These items do not persist beyond the individual activity where the bonus was awarded.
- Each player may only carry and use a single Magic Item acquired through the Garb Bonus.
- Officers: All Kingdom and Park officers can create and/or distribute Magic Items unless otherwise indicated by their Kingdomâs Corpora or similar document.
- The ownership duration for items awarded this way cannot be longer than the awarding officerâs reign.
- The awarding officer and their peers are responsible for tracking which of these magic items are owned by whom.
- Magic Items bestowed by park officers only function within the park they were awarded. Likewise, magic items awarded by Kingdom officers only function within the parks of that Kingdom.
- Game Organizers: Game Organizers may create and/or distribute Magic Items for use during their own activities.
- These items only function during activities run by the associated organizer.
- By default, these items do not persist beyond the individual activity where they were bestowed, however an organizer may choose to extend their duration across multiple activities they are organizing. This is commonly used to enable a form of loot/reward system for connected activities such as a roleplay storyline. In these cases, the awarding organizer(s) are responsible for tracking which magic items are owned by whom.
Types of Magic Items
Magic Items are classified into one of three types: Trinkets, Talismans, and Relics.
- Trinkets are simple magic items that are not overly powerful and can be safely used in most battlegames.
- Examples include: a Potion of Healing, a Scroll of Mend, a Wand of Release, etc.
- Additional examples are presented here as Garb Bonus Curios.
- Talismans are mid-power magic items with meaningful effects that may require consideration before being allowed in some activities.
- Examples include: a Potion of Revitalization, a Scroll of Barkskin, a Wand of Fear, etc.
- Additional examples are presented here as Talismans of Renown.
- Relics are powerful magic items that require careful consideration before being allowed into any activity.
- Relics are unique unless indicated otherwise. There may only be one of each unique relic awarded per kingdom at a time.
- If a relic is bestowed with an alternate name (such as in honor of a community member), the item's uniqueness is still tied to the item it was before being renamed.
- If a relic is bestowed with an alternate name (such as in honor of a community member), the item's uniqueness is still tied to the item it was before being renamed.
- Some examples of traditional relics from Amtgard's past are presented here as Relics of Antiquity.
- Relics are unique unless indicated otherwise. There may only be one of each unique relic awarded per kingdom at a time.
Creating Magic Items
Check out the Game Organizer Guide to find tips and guidance for creating custom magic items.
Garb Bonus Curios
The items listed below are trinkets available to those who have earned the Garb Bonus.
Crafting Curio Phys-Reps
The goal of the Garb Bonus Curio is to encourage garb and garb accessories without restricting creative expression. As such:
- The color requirements are primarily aesthetic and not intended to be a visual indicator. They do not need to include the Color Blind Aids.
- There are no size requirements other than the curio being an appropriate item for a fantasy setting.
- Players should create their phys-reps in good faith and not seek a gameplay advantage from their construction or presentation.
- The Game Organizer or associated rules authorities for the activity have final say over what is or is not an acceptable phys-rep for a curio.
Curio of Aid | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly GREEN or has GREEN as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Release (Any) 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Friendship | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly BLUE or has BLUE as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Confidence (Other) 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Healing | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly RED or has RED as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Heal (Any) 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Hope | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly PURPLE or has PURPLE as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Safeguard (Other) 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Mending | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly BROWN or has BROWN as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Mend (Any) 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Perseverance | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly WHITE or has WHITE as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Shake It Off 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Power | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly YELLOW or has YELLOW as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Innate 2/Refresh. |
Profane Curio | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly MAGENTA or has MAGENTA as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Lay Curse 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Retrieval | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly ORANGE or has ORANGE as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Reload 2/Refresh. |
Sacred Curio | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly AQUAMARINE or has AQUAMARINE as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Renew (Any) 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Shadows | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly BLACK or has BLACK as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Pass Without Trace 2/Refresh. |
Curio of Spirit | |
Physical Representation | An appropriate fantasy item or curiosity that is predominantly GRAY or has GRAY as its focal point. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Banish 2/Refresh. |
Talismans of Renown
The talismans listed below are useful items that can be a boon to any quest or adventure.
Developer Note: This section will be filled with more examples after the new abilities are tested and in a more stable position.
The goal is to include example of talismans with the knowledge from V8 that folks may give these items more leeway for approval due to being in the rulebook itself (as opposed to homebrew items). To that end, we want to make sure the examples included here are things that wonât be too broken or disruptive if they come up a lot.
Relics of Antiquity
The magic items listed below represent relics of Amtgardâs legacy.
Developer Note: This section will be filled with more examples after the new abilities are tested and in a more stable position.
The goal is to include example of relics with the knowledge from V8 that folks may give these items more leeway for approval due to being in the rulebook itself (as opposed to homebrew items). To that end, we want to make sure the examples included here are things that wonât be too broken or disruptive if are used more commonly than completely custom relics.
The Homestone | |
Physical Representation | A polished stone sphere. |
Magic Item Effect | Bearer may use Reforge (Any) 1/Life âť10. |
The Phase Blade | |
Physical Representation | A Dagger with a gray or silver cover. Must be distinct in appearance and not easily confused with another weapon on the battlefield. |
Magic Item Effect | Strikes from this weapon Ignore Armor, Immunities, and Resistances. |
The Phoenix Hammer | |
Physical Representation | A Short weapon with predominantly displayed phoenix imagery. Must have at least 6" of Super Heavy Padding and be shaped like a hammer. Must be distinct in appearance and not easily confused with another weapon on the battlefield. |
Magic Item Effect | Strikes from this weapon are Armor Destroying and Shield Destroying. |
The Shield of Reflection | |
Physical Representation | A Medium Shield with a metallic or reflective cover. Must be distinct in appearance and not easily confused with another shield on the battlefield. |
Magic Item Effect | The shield cannot be destroyed by any means. Wielder is immune to engulfing effects that strike the shield. When the immunity is used, the engulfing effect is applied to the attacker instead. |
The Staff of Doomsday | |||||||||||||||||||||
Physical Representation | A Magic Staff with ominous runes and grotesque designs. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Magic Item Effect | This weapon is immune to destruction. The bearer gains the ability to cast Doomsday 1/Refresh (see below). | ||||||||||||||||||||
Other Details |
The Sword of Flame | |
Physical Representation | A Short weapon with a fiery cover. Must be distinct in appearance and not easily confused with another weapon on the battlefield. |
Magic Item Effect | This weapon is immune to destruction. Strikes from this weapon are Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing. |
Combat Activities
Combat Activities are games or scenarios where players are allowed to use combat to pursue their objective. Amtgard combat does not have a single primary game mode. Much like tabletop RPGs, this rulebook defines the mechanics by which players can engage with each other, but the specific games and scenarios wherein those mechanics are used is up to a Game Organizer to decide.
Since the variety of possible games is limited only by your imagination, this section describes the core mechanics and components of all combat activities, as well as providing some common example games.
After reading this section, you can learn more about designing, building, and balancing your own combat activities in the Game Organizer Guide.
Core Game Mechanics
Every combat activity must have the following core mechanics to ensure it can coexist with the rest of the Amtgard ruleset. These mechanics can be tweaked and adjusted to create an infinite number of different games.
The win condition(s) for the activity. This can be any identifiable moment.
Game Items
Game Items are physical objects that are often directly relevant to the game objective, although the Game Organizer can designate any object as a Game Item for their activity if they deem it necessary.
Game Items must be dropped immediately if the bearer becomes Dead, Frozen, Insubstantial, Invulnerable or otherwise unable to be interacted with.
Some activities may also require the Game Item to be held in a free hand, or for its location to always be public information, meaning it cannot be intentionally hidden and any players who know its location must declare it when asked.
Your Game Organizer will explain any specific rules for their Game Item(s) before the activity begins.
- The flags in a game of Capture the Flag
- The physical 'Heavy Object' for a game of Heavy Object
- The ball in Phoenix Ball
- The dog skull for Jugging
- Key storyline items in a quest
This will indicate how many teams the players must be split into, as well as any special instructions for they should be divided. Teams can also be a rotating feature where membership changes as the game progresses.
- Two Teams with an equal amount of players.
- Two Teams, and a neutral team that can help or hinder either team as they see fit.
- Two teams split evenly at the start but the first-dead player from the last round switches to the other team.
- The two most recent dead players respawn together as a new 2-player team.
- Free-for-All (every player for themselves)
- 1-on-1 duels
Life Limits
This indicates how many times players are allowed to return to life by respawning, if at all.
- A fixed number of lives per player
- A fixed number of lives per team (often called a Life Pool)
- Unlimited lives
Death Count / Respawn Condition
This is often referred to as the 'Death Count' whether or not there's an actual countdown. It will outline the conditions by which a dead player may return to life by respawning.
- X Seconds On-Death: Players must wait X seconds after dying before respawning. The exact timer is often adjusted in 15s increments to suit the number of players and overall flow of the game.
- Wave Respawn: Players in a designated Dead Zone respawn on pre-set cycles every X seconds on a shared clock.
- Rally Respawn: Players may only respawn together when X other teammates are dead and gathered in a designated Dead Zone. The exact number of players required to respawn is determined by the Game Organizer based on the needs of the game.
- Instant Respawn: Players may respawn immediately upon reaching a certain location or meeting a certain condition, such as touching a tree or moving 50' away from living enemies.
Respawn Points and the Dead Zone
The Respawn Point and Dead Zone are two integral parts of the cycle of life and death in Amtgard.
Respawn Point
This is the designated in-bounds location that dead players must go when they are able to return to life by respawning. When a playerâs death count or respawn condition is met, they simply move to their team's designated respawn point and loudly declare "Alive!" to respawn and return to life.
The Dead Zone
This is a designated out-of-bounds location where gameplay cannot occur. It is an out-of-the-way zone for dead players to hang out in while they wait to respawn. Some death counts or respawn conditions may require dead players to be in the Dead Zone before they can start counting or otherwise be eligible to return to life.
Even if the Dead Zone is not being used for respawn conditions, it will always be valuable as a place for dead players to wait so keep them away from active combat and allow both teams to easily see who is dead at a glance. For these reasons, it important to make sure Dead Zones are placed away from in-bounds areas such as bases and Respawn Points.
- Bases are a designated in-bounds location that some or all players may use as their starting area and rallying point.
- Some abilities will reference bases in their rules text, such as by requiring a player to return to their base, or only being usable while within their base.
V8 Transition Note: The ability to repair equipment at base has been rolled into the new Rest ability. - It is not recommended to have bases in close proximity to Dead Zones or respawn locations as bases can often be become cluttered with players when used as strongholds, resting points, or the last line of defense during a combat activity.
- Respawn Points in or around bases should be placed in such a way that respawning players are not able to come to life in the middle of active combat or in a position that would be seen as unfair or cheap.
- Dead Zones should always be placed in a distinctly separate location from bases or else it can become difficult to determine which players are alive defending the base and which players are dead.
- Respawn Points in or around bases should be placed in such a way that respawning players are not able to come to life in the middle of active combat or in a position that would be seen as unfair or cheap.
For game modes that allow players to use abilities, this will indicate the time or condition that allows players to restores the uses of their Per-Refresh abilities.
Refreshes are not required. Refreshes may be withheld entirely or offered more frequently to shape the dynamic of the game by increasing or decreasing the frequency of stronger abilities. More Refreshes equals more explosive, high-power games.
- As a rule of thumb, Amtgard classes have been designed around 0-1 refreshes per activity.
Game Modes
The Amtgard combat rules are designed to build upon each other in layers. Each layer of rules increases the complexity of the game while also increasing the breadth and depth of play.
The four (4) basic layers are:
- Ditch: Only uses the core combat rules.
- Militia: Core combat rules plus armor and projectiles.
- Full Class: Everything from militia plus classes and class abilities.
- Roleplay: Everything from full class plus roleplay abilities.
The Game Modes presented below represent some of the most common configurations of rules layers along with examples for each.
Duels & Tournaments
Duels are the most basic form of Amtgard combat. In this game mode, two players with battle each other in 1-on-1 combat. This mode typically uses only the Ditch rule layer. That means only the core combat rules. No armor, no projectiles, no siege weapons, no classes, and no roleplay abilities. Duels are often used to practice fundamental fighting skills such as strike placement, body positioning, and footwork; among others.
Kingdoms will often organize Fighting Tournaments where players can test their dueling prowess in a competitive setting for a chance to earn special accolades and achievements. Tournament fighting is one of two combat-focused paths to Knighthood.
Is Roleplay expected? Roleplay is rarely, if ever, expected in Duels and Tournaments.
The Ditch game mode, as the name implies, only uses Ditch layer rules. That means only the core combat rules. No armor, no projectiles, no siege weapons, no classes, and no roleplay abilities. Unlike Duels and Tournaments, Ditch games are fought with teams of players. Ditch games are a great way to ease new players into the game, as well as an excellent warm up or cool down activity.
Is Roleplay expected? Roleplay is rarely, if ever, expected in Ditch games.
The Militia game mode is one layer of complexity up from Ditch. It allows Armor, Armor Breaking, Shield Crushing and basic projectiles, but not classes or roleplay rules.
Militia games are a great way to enjoy the physical combat rules, including armor and bows, without going too far into the intangible mechanics such as verbals, enchantments, and other special abilities.
Is Roleplay expected? Roleplay is rarely expected in Militia games.
Full-Class Battlegame
This game mode is the classic Amtgard experience. All combat-focused mechanics are used, including classes. Only the roleplay rules, which are non-combat oriented, are left out.
Full-Class games are the flagship activity for the Amtgard LARP and the most popular game mode by far. It offers the greatest combat depth and variety of participation styles, however this comes with the price of having a lot more rules for each player to track and process in real time. Since this game mode also includes intangible effects such as magic and enchantments, the honor of each player becomes crucial to ensuring everyone gets the fantasy combat experience they are expecting.
The Game Organizer Guide offers tips and guidance for easing new players into these more complex rules.
Is Roleplay expected? Roleplay is rarely expected in activities described as Full Class Battlegames. Scenario Battlegame is the term used when a Full-Class Battlegame intends to include roleplay.
Scenario Battlegame
This game mode sits on the cusp of using the full Amtgard ruleset. It represents activities that are still team-based and PVP in nature but want to include some roleplay elements without incorporating a complex storyline or social options. They use all the combat and class mechanics and may even dip into the non-combat roleplay abilities as well depending on how it might impact the activity.
Scenario battles often include NPCs, players who are not assigned to a team but representing some sort of monster or character that both teams can interact with.
Is Roleplay expected? Roleplay in scenario battles is encouraged but since this mode often combat-centric with little or no way to achieve victory without fighting, roleplay among PCs tends to be minimal. Typically, the NPCs will be the ones doing the majority of the roleplaying and other players will only roleplay when dealing with those specific NPCs, or by throwing in the occasional in-character quip when it won't affect their odds of victory.
Team Quest
This game mode is the first true use of all the gameplay rules. From core combat all the way to roleplay mechanics.
This mode involves teams of players, often called PCs, competing against each other to complete objectives that may include combat, social roleplay, puzzles, and other enjoyable activities alongside an overarching storyline. This game mode will often included more fleshed out NPCs for all groups to interact with.
Contrary to Adventure Quests, in Team Quests, each team is encouraged to thwart each otherâs efforts and PVP combat should still be expected.
Is Roleplay expected? Roleplay is expected in Team Quests. These activities will often require the completion of social encounters and other non-combat objectives; there is usually some form of storyline; and it may even be possible to participate without engaging in combat whatsoever.
Adventure Quest
This game mode uses all the gameplay mechanics and is similar to a Team Quest except that it expects all players (PCs) to be on the same team and generally work together to thwart the NPCs and complete a storyline objective.
This mode is closest to a classic tabletop RPG experience where the Game Organizer (also known as the Questmaster) has the most freedom to script NPCs and control the flow of the encounters so PCs get a high-quality, streamlined story experience.
Is Roleplay expected? Roleplay is expected in Adventure Quests. These activities will often require the completion of social encounters and other non-combat objectives; there is usually some form of storyline; and it may even be possible to participate without engaging in combat whatsoever.
Sandbox Roleplay
The Sandbox Roleplay game mode, also known as "Open Roleplay", puts a spin on the traditional gameplay mechanics by foregoing teams, storylines, and specific objectives to instead encourage players to roleplay freely among themselves, engaging in combat only if and when the need arises.
This mode allows all game rules including combat and classes but is typically used for feasts, courts, and other low-combat environments where the focus is primarily on social roleplay. This means Sandbox Roleplay is great for non-fighting participants as well as traditional combat-ready players.
Most importantly, it is uncommon for Sandbox Roleplay to have a dedicated Game Organizer, so players who wish to roleplay this way will simply congregate together and drop in/drop out at their leisure.
Is Roleplay expected? As the name implies, roleplay is expected in Sandbox Roleplay activities. With that in mind, the disorganized nature of sandbox roleplay means that not everyone in your immediate area will always be participating so you may find yourself occasionally interrupted by out-of-character matters or otherwise be forced to move your roleplay to an area that is less likely to be interupted.
Custom Rules and Accommodations
In order to encourage fun and enjoyable experiences, Game Organizers are allowed to modify the way the game is played or create new rules that are only in effect for their particular game or activity.
To give a better understanding of how custom rules and mechanics can be useful, consider the following:
- Game-Specific Balance: With the infinite variety of potential game modes and objectives, it is possible that some rules or abilities can end up being too dominant or impactful in a given activity. In these cases, it can be beneficial to modify or prohibit them altogether to preserve fairness, fun, and/or competitive integrity.
- Enhancing Flavor or Immersion: Custom mechanics can be used to present more immersive experiences beyond what is normally allowed, such as lava pits, breath attacks, weather effects, and more!
- Accessibility & Accommodation: Game Organizers and Rules Authorities are empowered and encouraged to create custom rules to help include those who may need accommodation in order to participate, whether due to an injury, disability, weather conditions, or any another reason.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Custom rules can quickly turn a game into something that doesn't feel like Amtgard anymore. All modifications should strive to be in line with the actual Amtgard V9 Rules of Play whenever possible and work to support the source rules rather than completely change the way the game is played. In all instances, custom rules and mechanics must be clearly explained to all participants before the game begins.
Amtgard seeks to be an inclusive, welcoming, and empowering experience for all players. Game Organizers and Rules Authorities are encouraged to make exceptions or special accommodations as necessary to foster this inclusive environment whenever possible.
Accommodations are intended to enable fair participation and should never been seen as something to be optimized or sought out for gameplay advantage. Rather, they are intended to cut through the red tape of the written rules and help our members participate more easily, comfortably, and sometimes even at all.
- Players with disabilities or injuries could be granted special rules to help offset their condition and make it easier to participate. A player with a speech impediment might be allowed to use pre-recorded lines to cast magic; a players with mobility issues could be allowed to respawn further up field instead of walking back to base after each death; a fragile bow-user might be stationed as an immobile turret with a cardboard target nearby that players can attack instead of them.
- Players fighting in the heat, cold, or other weather conditions could be allowed accommodations so they can properly dress for the climate. Players in extreme heat might be granted their armor points without wearing the physical pieces. Players in extreme cold might receive 'Look the Part' without wearing full garb so everyone can bundle up for winter.
Developer Note: Accommodations are not a substitute to ensuring one's own personal safety.
Such a responsibility always rests with the player themselves.
Non-Melee Participation (Light Pink Sash Rules)

Players may have reasons to want to avoid becoming involved in melee combat. These players are referred to as Non-Melee Participants.
- Light Pink Sashes are reserved to denote Non-Melee participants. If worn with another sash, they must cross in the opposite direction.
- Non-Melee participation is an accommodation, not a strategic option. Like any other accommodation, a player who wishes to participate in this manner must first speak to and receive permission from the Game Organizer.
- Before a game begins, the Game Organizer should introduce any non-melee participants and explain how the accommodation works so everyone is on the same page.
- Interactions between Regular and Non-Melee participants must be handled in good faith, first and foremost. The goal is to allow a player to participate without being struck in melee, in a way that does not warp gameplay around them. Regular players should be able to participate largely as normal aside from pulling their strikes against these individuals.
Gameplay Rules for Non-Melee Participants
- If you wish to participate as a Non-Melee participant, you must speak with the Game Organizer before entering the battle.
- You should not just throw on a Light Pink Sash and jump into the game without alerting anyone. The sash alone does not prevent you from being struck. The Game Organizer, Rules Authorities, and other players must be aware of your presence and the accommodation itself in order to conduct themselves accordingly.
- You should not just throw on a Light Pink Sash and jump into the game without alerting anyone. The sash alone does not prevent you from being struck. The Game Organizer, Rules Authorities, and other players must be aware of your presence and the accommodation itself in order to conduct themselves accordingly.
- Once in game, if you are approached by someone clearly intending to strike you in melee combat, you must immediately call yourself dead.
- If you are unaware of their presence, they may gently tap you with their weapon to get your attention.
- If you are unaware of their presence, they may gently tap you with their weapon to get your attention.
- You cannot engage in melee combat yourself.
- You cannot use use melee weapons, armor, or shields to attack or defend yourself, nor can you benefit from enchantment effects that grant protection from melee strikes.
- Once engaged at melee range, you cannot attempt to dodge, evade, or escape. If you want to run away, you must do so long before your opponent reaches you. If you are being chased by a melee attacker, you should act in good faith and call dead when they get decently close because the only other way to 'catch' you is going to be by striking you, which is what your sash says they cannot do.
- You can engage and be engaged by projectiles and verbal abilities.
- You may use weapons, armor, shields, and enchantments to defend against these attacks as normal.
- You may use projectile weapons and verbal abilities as normal.
- Players who wish to avoid projectile contact as well should speak with the Game Organizer for further accommodation.
- You cannot derive a gameplay advantage from this accommodation.
- You should never place yourself into situations or interact with others in such a way that would leverage your accommodation to gain an advantage that was not directly intended by the Game Organizer.
- You should never place yourself into situations or interact with others in such a way that would leverage your accommodation to gain an advantage that was not directly intended by the Game Organizer.
- Wearing the sash does not guarantee that you will not be struck in melee.
- Amtgard is a contact activity and participation is always at your own risk. Combat is chaotic and you should expect to be struck accidentally every now and then. In these situations, you must still follow the rules and take the effects of any accidental hits that may occur. That said, repeated or egregious offenses should be reported to a Reeve for investigation.
- Amtgard is a contact activity and participation is always at your own risk. Combat is chaotic and you should expect to be struck accidentally every now and then. In these situations, you must still follow the rules and take the effects of any accidental hits that may occur. That said, repeated or egregious offenses should be reported to a Reeve for investigation.
Tips for fighting AGAINST Non-Melee Players
- When entering the battlefield, take note of any Non-Melee participants so you can be aware of their accommodation if/when it becomes necessary to interact with them. The Game Organizer should point out these players and/or explain the accommodation to you whenever it is being used.
- Avoid striking them in melee, even in jest. If you want to attack them, simply enter melee range and present yourself so that you could strike them and they should call themselves dead. If they are unaware of your presence or intent, a gentle tap from your weapon should be all that is necessary.
- Non-Melee participants can be engaged with projectiles and verbal abilities as normal unless otherwise instructed by the Game Organizer.
Developer Note: Ultimately, the goal of the game is to have fun. While certain accommodations can alter "the meta" or disrupt competitive strategies, that aspect should not be considered more important than the overall enjoyment of all participants.
Since Accommodations will often be created on a case-by-case basis, they will not be perfect on first conception. Accommodations should be tweaked and adjusted to avoid disruptively powerful effects, and communities should be supportive, respectful and compassionate towards the Organizers, Rules Authorities, and affected players that are trying to make these accommodations work.
The Game Organizer Guide (GOG)
The Game Organizer Guide is a supplementary document for the Amtgard V9 ruleset that provides support and guidance for Game Organizers, Reeves, and players looking to design and run their own games and activities. There are no rules in this guide, only useful information, tips, and examples.
Once released, you will be able find it on the Amtgard website.
GOG STATUS UPDATE (January 2024)
Development of the Game Organizer Guide is on stand-by until after the July 2024 AICOM vote.
If you would like to support development of this document in the future, please reach out on Discord or send a messsage to v9@amtgard.com.
Rules Authorities
Rules Authorities are responsible for overseeing activities and help enforce rules and safety. Rules Authorities can be chosen individuals, volunteers, or even elected officers depending on the situation. For example, the Game Organizer will often act as an authority for their own game, and other players may volunteer to help reeve (referee) as well.
- At least one Rules Authority is required at each Amtgard function to administer Equipment Inspections.
- It is encouraged to have at least one active Rules Authority monitoring each combat activity, although it is not required unless the Game Organizer deems them necessary. That said, it is always beneficial to have a Reeve or two hanging around to help keep the games running smoothly, to answer questions, and help resolve conflicts.
The following entries detail some of the most common forms of Rules Authorities in Amtgard:
The most common rules authority is the Reeve. They are Amtgard's version of the modern Referee. You can identify a reeve by their vertical, black-and-white stripes (ala modern Referees), or straight, black-and-white checkerboard patterns. This will be displayed on a sash, a tabard, a banner, or a staff.
The responsibility of a Reeve is to oversee the execution of game rules and facilitate a safe and honorable space to maximize the enjoyment of the gameâs participants. This may require the Reeve to make calls that are unpopular with some individuals in order to allow the game to proceed smoothly. Reeves must remain fair and impartial in all of their calls, and apply the rules objectively, regardless of individual feelings on the subject.
Reeves have the power to resolve rules-related issues in the activities they are overseeing. If a snap decision is required, Reeves will do their best in the moment to make the call they believe is correct and consult the rulebook afterwards to confirm the ruling if necessary. Like any sporting activity, Reeves will occasionally make incorrect calls. These should be played as called in the moment out of respect for the position. Do not argue with the Reeve. If a Reeve demonstrates repeated or egregious mistakes, you can report it to a higher-ranked Authority and it may result in that Reeve losing their authority and status as a Reeve.
Reeves also have the power to alter the state of the game as needed to enforce the rules and resolve issues. For example, they can inflict or remove effects, states, wounds, ability uses, and even death; they can increase or reduce a death count or effect timer; they can add or remove players from the game, change the teams, and so on. Reeves abusing this power should be reported to the authority in charge of all Reeves, typically this is an officer position known as the Guildmaster of Reeves.
As a rule of thumb, whenever there is a rule or safety issue, on-field Reeves should be notified first as they will be best equipped to resolve the situation promptly in the moment.
How are Reeves Appointed?
Anyone can volunteer to help reeve Amtgard activities in the same way that anyone can volunteer to help referee a pick-up game of soccer. Similarly, the quality of Reeve will largely depend on the personal knowledge and experience of the player assuming that role.
For this reason, Kingdoms will often produce Reeve Tests which serve to assess the skill of potential Reeves. Due to the variety of mechanics and game modes, it is encouraged to assess the following skills independently as some aspiring Reeves may excel in one area over another.
- Basic Game Knowledge: Tests essential game knowledge which may include core concepts from the entire rulebook.
- Equipment Inspection Knowledge: Tests key concepts and required knowledge for Equipment Inspection.
- Tournament Knowledge: Tests Dueling and Tournament knowledge; the ability to reeve fast-paced 1-on-1 combat as well as the necessary traits required to officiate competitive, high-stakes bouts.
- Battlegame Knowledge: Tests the wide breadth of full-class battlegame knowledge as well as the ability to oversee team-based activities and the many different personalities, player types, and skill levels involved.
- Roleplay Knowledge: Tests roleplay knowledge and the unique skills required to moderate and support the more open and often improvised nature of these activities.
Head Reeve
The Head Reeve is a single person, often the Game Organizer, who has authority above the other reeves for a specific activity. The Head Reeve is a game-by-game position intended to help support the other reeves, resolve conflicts, and act as final arbitration for tougher decisions. Not all activities require someone specifically empowered as a Head Reeve, but in larger games with many novice reeves it can help to have the Game Organizer or a more experienced reeve around to oversee their conduct and ensure everything is running smoothly.
Game Organizer
The person responsible for organizing and overseeing a combat activity is called the Game Organizer. They decide the game mode, the objectives, and any other activity-specific rules for their game. They may also implement Custom Rules and Accommodations as they see fit.
More often than not, the Game Organizer will also be the Head Reeve.
Equipment Inspector
Equipment Inspectors are individuals who have been given authority to administer Equipment Inspections, which includes assessing weapons for safety, rating armor, and overseeing weapon competency assessments for first-time equipment use. These individuals are typically Reeves who have demonstrated the knowledge necessary to administer and adjudicate these tasks fairly.
Kingdom-Appointed Authorities
It is the responsibility of each independent Kingdom to ensure safety and integrity of play for all members participating in Amtgard activities within their jurisdiction. Kingdoms must include in their Corpora or community by-laws a method by which to appoint and empower individuals to oversee and enforce safety and rules-adherence during Amtgard functions. The exact duties, powers, and hierarchy of these players must be outlined within the aforementioned Kingdom document(s) and are independent from the Amtgard V9 Rules of Play.
Positions traditionally given rules-authority include:
- Monarch (by virtue of being responsible for the group as whole)
- Champion
- Guildmaster of Reeves
Best Practices for Resolving Issues
In a free-form game like Amtgard there are bound to be interactions and situations that come up that were not imagined or considered by the developers. It is understandably impossible for them to have accounted for every potential interpretation of the rules that may arise.
With that in mind, please consider the following as you apply the rules in this book during live gameplay. This section is especially useful for our Rules Authorities and Game Organizers who will often be required to make judgment calls on these matters.
- Amtgard requires cooperation, honor, and fair play from all participants. Keeping the tenets of the Honor System in mind is a solid first step towards untangling any situation you may come across.
- Imperfection and honest mistakes will inevitably occur. Human error should be expected and played through in good faith to the best of everyoneâs ability. Don't punish the occasional honest mistake, especially if everyone involved is going along with it.
- For Reeves: If an error involves a lack of knowledge, show compassion and offer the correct information. If not, offer a warning and encourage the player to self-regulate. Do your best to acknowledge and recognize them when they succeed at correcting themselves. If an issue becomes a recurring or egregious then further action should be taken to prevent it from spoiling the experience for others.
- Read the rules thoroughly and consider the bigger picture. The more familiar you are with the rules, the better equipped you will be to handle situations and interactions that are not explicitly covered. Rules may give one impression when read in a vacuum, but make sense when viewed within the larger context of the game. When possible, use the spirit of the rule to guide your interpretation of the letter of the rule.
- If a specific rule contradicts a general rule, the specific rule should be favored. Abilities, magic items, and custom rules may allow players to do things that the general rules say they cannot. When this occurs, these more specific rules should always be seen as exceptions regardless of whether or not it is explicitly addressed in the general rule.
- Use common sense and follow the guide of Safety, Fairness, Flow, and Fun when determining how to navigate an ambiguous situation.
- Safety of all members should always be the top priority.
- Fairness is about ensuring a decision in line with common sense and the spirit of the rule.
- Flow is about ensuring a decision is easy to execute and doesnât needlessly encumber gameplay.
- Fun is about considering a decision's effect on the overall enjoyment of all participants.
- Discourage confusion when possible, especially anything that could misrepresent one game mechanic for another, such as a sword that looks like a shield; a player casting a helpful spell at an enemy in an aggressive way to scare them; or someone pretending to be affected by a state to gain the element of surprise. Amtgard gameplay can often be very difficult to track even when everything is represented accurately, so deliberate deceit and misrepresentation of the mechanics of play should never be encouraged or supported by Rules Authorities
- The rules only do what they say they do. Even though the game mechanics are presented with engaging and thematic names, they do not have additional powers beyond what is explicitly stated within the rules. For example, the ability called Fireball cannot light up a room or set someone on fire. With that in mind, inside the bounds of a Roleplay activity this type of thematic extrapolation may be encouraged, but only with permission from the Roleplay Organizer.
- If a term is not defined anywhere in this rulebook, the most commonly accepted definition of the term should be applied. If multiple definitions exist, use the one that makes the most sense.
- Keep Calm. Be Kind. It is important to be self-aware and personally accountable. Both players and reeves must work to resolve issues calmly and kindly without becoming over-reactive, dismissive, or condescending. If you feel yourself getting frustrated, take a step back or excuse yourself until you can address the matter with a cool head.
Discussing Rules During Live Gameplay
Participants are never immune to combat or effects while discussing or clarifying rules with other players and/or Rules Authorities during live gameplay. It is important for Reeves and players to work cooperatively to resolve mid-game issues quickly and fairly without impacting the experience of others (such as by suddenly becoming immune to interaction).
In addition, even if a Reeve witnesses the complicated encounter, they won't always be able or available to help resolve it. Players are encouraged to keep this in mind and set their expectations accordingly. Mid-game adjudication is a privilege, not a right. It is best to engage Reeves while you are dead or between game rounds to help prevent issues from repeating rather than relying on them to make moment-to-moment calls. Our player-run system simply cannot guarantee that kind of instant, play-by-play, support.
You can help your local Reeves by reviewing the Best Practices and keeping them in mind when issues arise.
Master List of Abilities
This list includes every ability in the Amtgard V9 Rulebook.
Click into the ability-specific pages to see additional niche clarifications and trivia.
Adaptive Blessing | |
Simple Summary | Adaptive Blessing: Incant "I enchant thee against <State>" x3 to grant the target a resistance to that state. (âť10) |
Available to | Healer, Paladin, Scout |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "I enchant thee against <State>" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains resistance to status effects that include the chosen state (âť10). |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare what they are resistant to and whether the resistance is active or not. |
Reminder |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Adrenaline | |
Simple Summary | Adrenaline: Incant "Adrenaline" within 30s of killing an enemy. Heal a wound, restore a per-life ability, or restore an enchantment-granted Resistance or Ability with âť20 or less. |
Available to | Barbarian, Monster (Entangling Mass) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range |
Incantation | "Adrenaline" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of killing an enemy. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Choose one at time of cast: |
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Aegis | |
Simple Summary | Aegis: Incant "May this aegis protect against all forms of attack" x3 and choose Shield or Weapon. The caster and their equipment are resistant to any single effect that strikes the chosen type of equipment. (âť10) |
Available to | Paladin |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "May this aegis protect against all forms of attack" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Choose one at time of cast: |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare which equipment is affected and whether the resistance is active or not. |
Reminder | Resistances are optional. The bearer does not need to expend them on the first applicable attack. |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Ambulant | |
Simple Summary | Ambulant: Incant "Ambulant" before casting another spell, and you can use it while moving. |
Available to | Bard, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard |
Type | Meta-Magic |
Incantation | "Ambulant" |
Effects | Meta-Magic Effect: The modified ability can be cast while moving. |
Other Details |
Amplify | |
Simple Summary | Amplify: Incant "My power amplifies thy voice" x3 to grant the bearer Extension 2/Refresh (âť10) |
Available to | Bard, Monster (Unicorn) |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "My power amplifies thy voice" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains Extension 2/Refresh âť10. |
Ancestral Armor | |
Simple Summary | Ancestral Armor: Incant "May this armor protect from all forms of harm" x3. Your armor is immune to Armor Breaking and Armor Destroying. Youâre immune to Engulfing effects that strike your armor in a location that still has armor points. If that strike would do damage (like a Lightning Bolt or Destruction Arrow) you still take basic damage. |
Available to | Warrior |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "May this armor protect from all forms of harm" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect:
Reminder | The armor will still receive basic damage from these strikes. |
V8 Transition Note: | No armor points are lost from Entangle and Iceball since they don't deal any damage normally. |
Ancestral Shield | |
Simple Summary | Ancestral Shield: Incant "This shield shall neither bend nor break" x3 to make your shield immune to destruction and you immune to any engulfing effects that strike it. (Except Sphere of Annihilation) |
Available to | Warrior |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "This shield shall neither bend nor break" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: |
Ancestral Weapon | |
Simple Summary | Ancestral Weapon: Incant "This weapon shall neither bend nor break" x3 to make your weapon immune to destruction and you immune to any engulfing effects that strike it. (Except Phase/Sphere of Annihilation) |
Available to | Warrior |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "This weapon shall neither bend nor break" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect:
Assassinate | |
Simple Summary | Assassinate: Incant "Assassinate" immediately after killing an enemy to Sever them. |
Available to | Assassin, Monster (Werewolf) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | Unlimited |
Incantation | "Assassinate" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used immediately after killing the target. |
Effects | Status Effect: The target is Severed until they respawn. |
Other Details |
Banish | |
Simple Summary | Banish: Incant "I banish thy ghostly form" x3 to make an insubstantial target return to base. |
Available to | Healer, Monk, Wizard, Curios |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "I banish thy ghostly form" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: If the target is not Insubstantial, this effect fails. If the target is Insubstantial, that status effect is replaced with the following: "Target becomes Insubstantial and is forced to move directly to their base. This effect ends when they reach their base or are at least 100ft away from all living enemies." |
Other Details | The previous Insubstantial effect is not returned if Banish is released or otherwise removed. |
Reminder | The victim must declare "No longer insubstantial" when the effect has ended. |
Barkskin | |
Simple Summary | Barkskin: Incant "May nature protect thee" x3 to grant the target a resistance to wounds. (âť10) Target also gets +1 to worn armor below 6pts. Can't wear alongside Stoneskin. |
Available to | Druid |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "May nature protect thee" x3 |
Prerequisites | Cannot be cast on a player already affected by Stoneskin. |
Effects | Enchantment Effect:
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare whether the resistance is active or not |
Reminder |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Berserk | |
Simple Summary | Berserk: Incant "Anger builds within thy veins" x3. Targetâs weapons become armor breaking and shield crushing. While within 20ft of an enemy, they canât move more than 20ft away unless forced by magic or unable to strike or reach that enemy. Bearer does not have to pursue enemies who run away. |
Available to | Bard, Barbarian, Druid, Monster (Shroomkin, Werewolf) |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "Anger builds within thy veins" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect:
Other Details | The bearer does not need to follow if the target moves away from the them. |
Blade Mastery | |
Simple Summary | Blade Mastery: You can use all Power Strike abilities (Curse, Suppression, Taunting, and Shove Strike) using a shared pool of uses, instead of tracking them individually. |
Available to | Warrior |
Type | Trait |
Effects | Trait Effect: Bearer may cast any Power Strike ability using a shared pool of uses, instead of tracking them individually. They may cast these abilities in any combination or order. For example, a player with a Blade Mastery 2/Life, may cast Curse Strike and then Suppression Strike; or two Shove Strikes; etc. |
Reminder | The Power Strike abilities are: Curse Strike, Suppressing Strike, Shove Strike, and Taunting Strike. |
Blessing Against Harm | |
Simple Summary | Blessing Against Harm: Incant "I enchant thee against all harm" x3 to grant the target a resistance against any effect or strike. (âť10) |
Available to | Druid, Healer, Paladin, Wizard |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "I enchant thee against all harm" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer and their carried equipment gain resistance to all effects from a single strike or ability (âť10). |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare whether the resistance is active or not |
Reminder | Resistances are optional. The bearer does not need to expend them on the first applicable attack. |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Blessing Against Projectiles | |
Simple Summary | Blessing Against Projectiles: Incant "I enchant thee against projectiles" x3 to grant the target a resistance against projectiles. (âť10) |
Available to | Healer |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft Other |
Incantation | "I enchant thee against projectiles" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer and their carried equipment gain resistance to projectiles (âť10). |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare what they are resistant to and whether the resistance is active or not. |
Reminder | Resistances are optional. The bearer does not need to expend them on the first applicable attack. |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Blessing Against Wounds | |
Simple Summary | Blessing Against Wounds: Incant "I enchant thee against wounds" x3 to grant the target a resistance against wounds. (âť10) |
Available to | Healer, Monster (Entangling Mass) |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "I enchant thee against wounds" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains resistance to wounds (âť10). |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare what they are resistant to and whether the resistance is active or not. |
Reminder | Resistances are optional. The bearer does not need to expend them on the first applicable attack. |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Blink | |
Simple Summary | Blink: Incant "I vanish from sight" to become Insubstantial and move anywhere within 50ft. To come back, incant "I return to the physical world" x2 while 10ft away from enemies. |
Available to | Assassin, Monster (Siren) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I vanish from sight" |
Effects | Status Effect: Caster becomes Insubstantial and may move around freely within 50ft of where this ability was initially cast. Caster can remove this effect from themselves anytime they are at least 10ft away from living enemies by declaring "I return to the physical world" x2 |
Other Details | đThis ability may be cast while moving. |
Blood and Thunder | |
Simple Summary | Blood and Thunder: Incant "My body courses with blood and thunder" x3 to gain a resistance to wounds and abilities that kill outright. (âť10) |
Available to | Barbarian |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "My body courses with blood and thunder" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains resistance to wounds and effects that kill outright (âť10). |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare what they are resistant to and whether the resistance is active or not. |
Reminder | Resistances are optional. The bearer does not need to expend them on the first applicable attack. |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Bravado | |
Simple Summary | Bravado: Incant "Bravado" after damaging an enemy that you've Taunted to restore Taunt, Taunting Strike, Confidence, or Innate. (Can only use once per taunted player.) |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Bravado" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of damaging an enemy that was taunted by the caster. This prerequisite can only be met once per Taunted opponent. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster declares and restores one use of either Taunt, Taunting Strike, Confidence, or Innate. |
Break Concentration | |
Simple Summary | Break Concentration: Incant "I command thee suppressed" to make the target Suppressed for 10 seconds. |
Available to | Bard, Monk, Wizard, Curios, Monster (Fairy) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "I command thee suppressed." |
Effects | Status Effect: Target is Suppressed for 10s. |
Choreograph | |
Simple Summary | Choreograph: Incant "My power guides thy feet" x3 to grant the bearer Ambulant 2/Refresh (âť10) |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "My power guides thy feet" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains Ambulant 2/Refresh âť10. |
Confidence | |
Simple Summary | Confidence: Incant "My power grants thee confidence" to restore a target's ability with a rest timer no greater than âť20. (If they are resting, add 20 seconds to their rest time.) This cannot restore Confidence. |
Available to | Bard, Curios, Monster (Unicorn) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "My power grants thee confidence" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Target declares and restores one use of a single ability with âť up to âť20. If they are Resting, they instead add 20 seconds towards the rest timer of a single ability. This cannot be used to restore or contribute rest time towards recovering other instances of Confidence. |
Other Details | Confidence can only restore or contribute time towards restoring abilities. It cannot affect resistances or other non-ability effects such as the Rest At Base options. |
Conviction | |
Simple Summary | Conviction: Incant "Conviction" within 30s of restoring an ally from an effect caused by an enemy. Restore a resistance or ability granted by an enchantment. |
Available to | Paladin |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Conviction" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of restoring another player from an effect caused by an enemy. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster is affected as per Renew. |
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Coup De Grace | |
Simple Summary | Coup De Grace: Incant "Succumb to thy wounds and die" x3 to kill a wounded target. |
Available to | Assassin, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Succumb to thy wounds and die" x3 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: If the target is wounded, they die. Otherwise, no effect. |
Cowardice | |
Simple Summary | Cowardice: Incant "Cower and be afraid of all" x3 to make the target Afraid of all players for 30s. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Barbarian, Bard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft (Other) |
Incantation | "Cower and be afraid of all" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Afraid of all living players for 30s. |
Cunning | |
Simple Summary | Cunning: Incant "Cunning" within 30s of killing an enemy. Restore a use of Blink, Pass Without Trace, Shadowstep, or Teleport. |
Available to | Assassin |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Cunning" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of killing an enemy. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster declares and restores one use of an Assassin ability marked with the đť tag. |
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Curse Strike | |
Simple Summary | Curse Strike: Incant "Power Strike Curse" and hit an enemy within 2s to Curse them for 30s. Engulfing. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Barbarian, Warrior |
Type | Power Strike |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | Melee Weapon |
Incantation | "Power Strike Curse" |
Effects | Status Effect: Target struck is Cursed for 30s. Engulfing. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Dark Pact | |
Simple Summary | Dark Pact: Incant "May this dark pact restore me" while you're not Severed. You become Severed and either heal a wound, mend a point of armor or piece of equipment, release yourself from an effect, or restore an enchantment-granted Resistance or Ability with âť20 or less. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "May this dark pact restore me" |
Prerequisites | Cannot be used while Severed. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Choose and declare one of the following:
Secondary Effect (Status): Caster becomes Severed until they respawn. |
Decoy | |
Simple Summary | Decoy: Incant "May this deception ensure a safe return" x3 to become resistant to any single strike or ability inflicted by an enemy. When you use this resistance, become Insubstantial and return to base, where you incant "I return to the physical world" x2 to end the effect. |
Available to | Assassin |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "May this deception ensure a safe return" x3 |
Effects |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare whether the resistance is active or not |
Reminder | Resistances are optional. The bearer does not need to expend them on the first applicable attack. |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Destruction Arrow | |
Simple Summary | Destruction Arrow: Incant "Destruction Arrow" immediately before firing a red arrow. Itâs Armor Destroying, Shield Destroying, and Wounds Kill. |
Available to | Archer |
Type | Specialty Arrow |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "Destruction Arrow" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Destroying, Shield Destroying, Weapon Destroying, Wounds Kill. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Discordia | |
Simple Summary | Discordia: Incant "My discordant melodies shall stymie my foes" x3 and chant "Discordia" to gain Suppress Aura (unlimited), which you can cast without interrupting the chant. If you take damage or aggress in any way other than casting the granted spell, this effect ends. |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "My discordant melodies shall stymie my foes" x3 |
Chant | "Discordia" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster gains Suppress Aura (Unlimited) and may cast it without interrupting this chant. This chant ends if the caster aggresses (other than casting Suppress Aura), takes damage, or stops chanting. |
Other Details |
Dimensional Rift | |
Simple Summary | Dimensional Rift: Incant "Aether consume thy ghostly form" x3. If the target is Insubstantial, they die |
Available to | Assassin, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Aether consume thy ghostly form" x3 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: If the target is Insubstantial, they die. Otherwise, no effect. |
Dragged Below | |
Simple Summary | Dragged Below: Incant "Death comes for thee from below" x3 to kill a Stopped target. |
Available to | Wizard, Monster (Siren) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Death comes for thee from below" x3 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: If the target is Stopped, they die. Otherwise, no effect. |
Dying Breath | |
Simple Summary | Dying Breath: Incant "I curse thee with my dying breath" immediately after dying to Curse the target for 30s. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Monster (Unicorn) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "I curse thee with my dying breath" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used immediately after dying. |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Cursed for 30s. |
Other Details | This ability can be used by a dead player. |
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Elemental Barrage | |
Simple Summary | Elemental Barrage: Incant "I am filled with the power of magic", and you can cast spellballs by saying their name and throwing them until you pick up a ball or cast a non-ball spell. |
Available to | Druid, Wizard, Monster (Red Drake) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I am filled with the power of magic" |
Effects | Status Effect: Caster may cast Spellballs by saying the name of the spellball immediately before or during the throwing motion instead of priming it with the listed incantation.
V8 Transition Note: | The alternate method of casting is still casting and can be prevented by suppression and other effects that prevent casting. |
Entangle | |
Simple Summary | Entangle: Incant "The power of earth is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a brown spellball. It deals no damage, but applies an engulfing Stopped effect for 30s. |
Available to | Assassin, Druid, Healer, Wizard, Monster (Entangling Mass) |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of earth is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Status Effect: Players struck are Stopped for 30s. Engulfing. |
Other Details | Strikes from this ball do not deal damage. |
Equipment (from Point Buy) | |
Simple Summary | Equipment from Point Buy: You're allowed to use the named equipment. |
Available to | Archer, Bard, Druid, Healer, Wizard |
Type | Trait |
Effects | Trait Effect: The bearer may wield the listed equipment.
Other Details | Example 1: Druids may purchase "Bow or Short Weapon". If they do, they must choose whether they want a bow, or a short weapon, they cannot have both. This decision must be made as part of customization choices. Example 2: Healers can purchase a Medium Shield. If they do, they can use Bucklers and Small Shields as well as Medium Shields. |
Expose Weakness | |
Simple Summary | Expose Weakness: Incant "Deadly flaws make thee fragile" x3 to make the target Fragile until they die. |
Available to | Healer, Scout, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Deadly flaws make thee fragile" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Fragile until this effect is removed. |
Extension | |
Simple Summary | Extension: Incant "Extension" before casting a spell with 20ft range, and the range of that spell becomes 50ft. |
Available to | Bard, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard, Monster (Siren) |
Type | Meta-Magic |
Incantation | "Extension" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used to modify abilities with a range of 20ft. |
Effects | Meta-Magic Effect: The modified ability can affect targets up to 50ft away. |
Fear | |
Simple Summary | Fear: Incant "Witness me and be afraid" x3 to make the target Afraid of you for 30s. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Bard, Monster (Gargoyle, Werewolf) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft (Other) |
Incantation | "Witness me and be afraid" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Afraid of the caster for 30s or until the caster dies. |
Feel No Pain | |
Simple Summary | Feel No Pain: Incant and continue to chant "Feel no pain" to avoid dying to wounds to your limbs. You can also use it immediately upon receiving a second limb wound to avoid dying. You may cast Adrenaline without interrupting this chant. |
Available to | Barbarian |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Feel No Pain" |
Chant | "Feel No Pain" |
Effects | Chant Effect:
Other Details | This ability can be used immediately upon receiving a second limb wound to avoid dying. |
Reminder |
Fireball | |
Simple Summary | Fireball: Incant "The power of flame is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a red spellball. Itâs Weapon, Shield, and Armor Destroying, and Wounds Kill. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Monk, Wizard, Monster (Red Drake) |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of flame is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Destroying, Shield Destroying, Weapon Destroying, Wounds Kill. |
Firestorm | |
Simple Summary | Firestorm: Incant "Burning flame I do entreat to summon forth a scorching heat" x3 and chant "Firestorm" to gain Incinerate Armor (unlimited), which you can cast without interrupting the chant. If you take damage or aggress in any way other than casting the granted spell, this effect ends. |
Available to | Druid, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Burning flame I do entreat to summon forth a scorching heat" x3 |
Chant | "Firestorm" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster gains Incinerate Armor (Unlimited) and may cast it without interrupting this chant. This chant ends if the caster aggresses (other than casting Incinerate Armor), takes damage, or stops chanting. |
Other Details |
Flame Blade | |
Simple Summary | Flame Blade: Incant "The element of flame shall infuse these weapons" x3. Your melee weapons are armor breaking, shield crushing, and indestructible. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "The element of flame shall infuse these weapons" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer's carried melee weapons are Armor Breaking, Shield Crushing, and Immune to destruction. |
Flight | |
Simple Summary | Flight: Incant "I take flight" x3 to become Flying. (Must chant "Flying", become immune to anything within 20ft of you.) Land by saying "I return to Solid Ground" x2 while 10ft away from living enemies. |
Available to | Druid, Monk, Wizard, Monster (Fairy, Gargoyle, Harpy) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I take flight" x3 |
Chant | "Flying" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster becomes Flying. They may end this effect by declaring "I return to solid ground" x2 while at their base or at least 10ft away from living enemies. This does not interrupt the chant.
Secondary Effect (Immediate): If the caster stops chanting willingly or by mistake, they immediately die. |
Other Details | The death from ending the chant only counts as âtaking a deathâ if it was done intentionally. The caster does not die if the chant is forcibly ended by a state such as Frozen. |
Force Bolt | |
Simple Summary | Force Bolt: Incant "The power of magic is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a blue spellball. Itâs Weapon Destroying and Armor Breaking. |
Available to | Druid, Wizard |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of magic is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Breaking, Weapon Destroying |
Giant Strength | |
Simple Summary | Giant Strength: "Your melee weapons are Armor Breaking. If they were already built to be Armor Breaking, theyâre also Shield Crushing." |
Available to | Barbarian, Druid, Monk, Wizard, Monster (Red Drake) |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "I enchant thee with the strength of giants" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect:
Other Details | Melee weapons that are already Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing do not receive any additional benefit. |
Gift of Air | |
Simple Summary | Gift of Air: Incant "I grant thee a gift of gusting air" x3 to grant the bearer Shove 2/Refresh. (âť10) |
Available to | Druid |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "I grant thee a gift of gusting air" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains Shove 2/Refresh âť10. |
Gift of Earth | |
Simple Summary | Gift of Earth: Incant "I grant thee a gift of enduring earth" x3 to grant the bearer Reforge 2/Refresh. (âť10) |
Available to | Druid |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "I grant thee a gift of enduring earth" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains Reforge 2/Refresh âť10. |
Gift of Fire | |
Simple Summary | Gift of Fire: Incant "I grant thee a gift of searing flame" x3 to grant the bearer Incinerate Armor 2/Refresh. (âť10) |
Available to | Druid |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "I grant thee a gift of searing flame" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains Incinerate Armor 2/Refresh âť10. |
Gift of Light | |
Simple Summary | Gift of Light: Incant "I grant thee a gift of sacred light" x3 to grant the bearer Unlimited Heal (Others) and Swift (Unlimited) which can only be used on Heal. |
Available to | Healer |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Any) |
Incantation | "I grant thee a gift of sacred light" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains unlimited Heal (Other) and unlimited Swift that can only be used on this Heal. |
Gift of Water | |
Simple Summary | Gift of Water: Incant "I grant thee a gift of flowing water" x3 to grant the bearer ⏠Shake it Off 2/Refresh. (âť10) |
Available to | Druid |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "I grant thee a gift of flowing water" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains âŹShake It Off 2/Refresh âť10. |
Harden | |
Simple Summary | Harden: Incant "This <shield/weapon> shall endure any blow" x3 to make either your shield or weapons indestructible (Except Phase/Sphere of Annihilation) |
Available to | Healer, Warrior |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "This <shield/weapon> shall endure any blow" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Choose one at time of cast: |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare which equipment is affected. |
Heal | |
Simple Summary | Heal: Incant "The white light of healing hath healed thee" x5 to remove target's wound |
Available to | Archer, Druid, Healer, Paladin, Monk, Scout, Curios, Monster (Shroomkin, Unicorn) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range |
Incantation | "The white light of healing hath healed thee" x5 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Target restores a wound. |
Hold Person | |
Simple Summary | Hold Person: Incant "I command thee to stop" x3 to make the target Stopped for 30s. |
Available to | Assassin, Bard, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard, Monster (Siren) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "I command thee to stop" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Stopped for 30s. |
Ice Barrier | |
Simple Summary | Ice Barrier: Incant "I shall not be harmed" to become Frozen for 10s. |
Available to | Druid, Healer, Wizard, Monster (Gargoyle) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I shall not be harmed" |
Effects | Status Effect: Caster becomes Frozen for 10s. |
Reminder | Caster must declare "No longer Frozen" at the conclusion of the effect. |
Iceball | |
Simple Summary | Iceball: Incant "The power of ice is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a white spellball. It deals no damage, but applies an engulfing Frozen effect for 30s. |
Available to | Druid, Healer, Wizard |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of ice is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Status Effect: Players struck are Frozen for 30s. Engulfing. |
Other Details | Strikes from this ball do not deal damage. |
Icy Blast | |
Simple Summary | Icy Blast: Incant "My power makes thee frozen" x3 to make the target Frozen for 30s |
Available to | Druid, Wizard, Monster (Gorgon) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "My power makes thee frozen" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Frozen for 30s. |
Incinerate Armor | |
Simple Summary | Incinerate Armor: Incant "Flame and fire damage thy armor" x3 to remove 1 point of armor from each hit location on the target. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Druid, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Flame and fire damage thy armor" x3 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: đśď¸ Target suffers 1 point of damage to their armor in each hit location.â |
V8 Transition Note: | Immunities and resistances extend to carried equipment. This means immunity/resistance to verbals will protect against this effect. |
Innate | |
Simple Summary | Innate: Incant âInnateâ to instantly recover an ability with âť10. You can use this while Resting or Insubstantial, unlike most incants. If you do it while Resting, you can add 10s towards longer Rest timers. |
Available to | Bard, Druid, Healer, Wizard, Monster (Shroomkin) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Innate" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster restores one use of a single ability with âť up to âť10. If the caster is Resting, they instead add 10 seconds towards the rest timer of a single ability. This cannot be used to restore or contribute rest time towards recovering Confidence. |
Other Details |
V8 Transition Note: | Innate is a verbal, not a meta-magic. |
Inner Fire | |
Simple Summary | Inner Fire: Incant "Inner Fire" within 30s of killing an enemy or taking damage. Restore a Power Strike. |
Available to | Monk |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Inner Fire" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of killing an enemy or taking damage from an enemy attack. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster declares and restores one use of a power strike. |
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Insight | |
Simple Summary | Insight: Incant "Insight" immediately after using a Resistance or making an enemy use one to restore one use of Prepared. |
Available to | Scout |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Insight" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of expending an enemy's resistance or resisting an enemy attack. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster restores one use of Prepared. |
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Inspired Soul | |
Simple Summary | Inspired Soul: Incant "A distant magic has no hold upon thy now inspired soul" x3 to grant the target a resistance against Verbals. (âť10) |
Available to | Bard, Healer, Monk |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft Other |
Incantation | "A distant magic has no hold upon thy now inspired soul" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains resistance to verbal abilities (âť10). |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare what they are resistant to and whether the resistance is active or not. |
Reminder | Resistances are optional. The bearer does not need to expend them on the first applicable attack. |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Lay Curse | |
Simple Summary | Lay Curse: Incant "Death lays a curse on thee" x3 to make the target Cursed for 30s |
Available to | Assassin, Healer, Wizard, Curios, Monster (Gorgon, Harpy) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Death lays a curse on thee" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Cursed for 30s. |
Lightning Bolt | |
Simple Summary | Lightning Bolt: Incant "The power of storms is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a yellow spellball. Itâs Weapon Destroying, Armor Breaking, and applies an engulfing Stopped effect for 30 seconds. |
Available to | Druid, Wizard |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of storms is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Breaking, Weapon Destroying.
Status Effect: Players struck are Stopped for 30s. Engulfing. |
Mana Harvest | |
Simple Summary | Mana Harvest: Incant "Return to me my fleeting power to aid me in my darkest hour" within 30s of wounding an enemy with a spellball, casting a verbal with âť20 or more on an enemy, or restoring an ally from an effect caused by an enemy. Restore one âť10 ability. |
Available to | Druid, Healer, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Return to me my fleeting power, to aid me in my darkest hour" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of doing one of the following:
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster declares and restores one use of a âť10 ability. |
Reminder |
Meditate | |
Simple Summary | Meditate: Incant "Out of battle, I pause to meditate" to begin Resting at double-time. (Resting at Base does not benefit) |
Available to | Druid, Healer, Monk, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Out of battle, I pause to meditate" |
Effects | Status Effect: Caster is affected as per Rest and may count their rest at double-time. |
Other Details |
Mend | |
Simple Summary | Mend: Incant "I make this item whole again" x5 to mend a broken or damaged weapon or shield, or restore one point of armor to a hit location. |
Available to | Archer, Bard, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard, Curios, Monster (Shroomkin) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Any) |
Incantation | "I make this item whole again" x5 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Choose one at the time of cast:
Other Details | Caster may hold the item to be affected without taking up a free hand. |
V8 Transition Note: | Mend targets the player, not the item being restored. |
Missile Block | |
Simple Summary | Missile Block: You can block all projectiles with your hands and weapons with no ill effects. (Except Phase/Sphere of Annihilation) |
Available to | Monk |
Type | Trait |
Effects | Trait Effect: Bearer and their carried equipment are immune to all effects of any projectile they block with their hands, wielded melee weapons, or wielded shield. Once blocked, the bearer and their carried equipment are immune to further strikes from that projectile until it stops moving. |
V8 Transition Note: |
Mulch | |
Simple Summary | Mulch: Incant "Mulch" within 30s of killing an enemy or witnessing an ally bearing one of your enchantments kills an enemy within 50ft of you - restore a use of a âť10 ability. |
Available to | Druid, Monster (Shroomkin) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Mulch". |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of killing an enemy or witnessing an ally bearing one of your enchantments kill an enemy within 50ft. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster restores one use of a âť10 ability. |
Reminder |
Pass Without Trace | |
Simple Summary | Pass Without Trace: Incant "I pass without trace" to become Invulnerable - you must return to base. |
Available to | Archer, Assassin, Druid, Scout, Curios |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I pass without trace" |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Invulnerable and is forced to move directly to their Base. They may end this effect any time they are at least 100ft away from living enemies by declaring "I return to the physical world" x2. This effect also ends if they reach their base. |
Other Details | đThis ability can be cast while moving. |
Pestilence | |
Simple Summary | Pestilence: Incant "Illness seep, sickness creep, a vile plague for death to reap" x3 and chant "Pestilence" to gain Expose Weakness (unlimited), which you can cast without interrupting the chant. If you take damage or aggress in any way other than casting the granted spell, this effect ends. |
Available to | Wizard, Monster (Harpy) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Illness seep, sickness creep, a vile plague for death to reap" x3 |
Chant | "Pestilence" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster gains Expose Weakness (Unlimited) and may cast it without interrupting this chant. This chant ends if the caster aggresses (other than casting Expose Weakness), takes damage, or stops chanting. |
Other Details |
Phase Arrow | |
Simple Summary | Phase Arrow: Incant "Phase Arrow" immediately before firing a grey arrow. It ignores all enchantments and armor. |
Available to | Archer |
Type | Specialty Arrow |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "Phase Arrow" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Weapon Destroying, Ignores Armor, Ignores Immunities & Resistances. |
Other Details |
Phase Bolt | |
Simple Summary | Phase Bolt: Incant "The power of sorcery is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a grey spellball. Itâs Weapon Destroying and Armor Breaking, and ignores all enchantments and armor. |
Available to | Wizard |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of sorcery is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Weapon Destroying, Ignores Armor, Ignores Immunities & Resistances. |
Other Details | This cannot harm players that are Insubstantial, Frozen, Invulnerable, or any other type of 'cannot be affected' that does not use the term 'immune' or 'resistant' |
Phoenix Tears | |
Simple Summary | Phoenix Tears: Incant "May the tears of the phoenix wash over thee" x5. If the target is dead, they are revived. They and their carried equipment are fully restored, and they become severed. (They do not regain Innate, Confidence, Revitalize, or other uses of Phoenix Tears) |
Available to | Healer, Monster (Unicorn) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "May the tears of the phoenix wash over thee" x5 |
Prerequisites | Cannot affect players who are Severed. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Target is affected by all of the following, in order:
Secondary Effect (Status): If the target is successfully affected by any of the above, they become Severed until they respawn. |
Other Details | This ability can affect dead players. |
Pinning Arrow | |
Simple Summary | Pinning Arrow: Incant "Pinning Arrow" immediately before firing a yellow arrow. It applies an engulfing Stopped effect for 30s. |
Available to | Archer, Scout, Monster (Gorgon) |
Type | Specialty Arrow |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "Pinning Arrow" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Breaking, Weapon Destroying.
Status Effect: Players struck are Stopped for 30s. Engulfing. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Poison Arrow | |
Simple Summary | Poison Arrow: Incant "Poison Arrow" immediately before firing a green arrow. It is Wounds Kill. |
Available to | Archer, Assassin, Monster (Gorgon) |
Type | Specialty Arrow |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "Poison Arrow" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Breaking, Weapon Destroying, Wounds Kill. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Poison Bolt | |
Simple Summary | Poison Bolt: Incant "The power of poison is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a green spellball. Itâs Weapon Destroying, Armor Breaking, and Wounds Kill. |
Available to | Assassin, Wizard, Monster (Harpy) |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of poison is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Breaking, Weapon Destroying, Wounds Kill. |
Poison Weapon | |
Simple Summary | Poison Weapon: Incant "I coat these weapons with a deadly poison" x2. The next wound you deal is Wounds Kill. This effect can be restored with âť10 |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Assassin, Druid, Monster (Shroomkin) |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "I coat these weapons with a deadly poison" x2 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: The next wound caused by the bearer in melee is Wounds Kill. This effect can be renewed, and restored with âť10. |
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must indicate whether the Wounds Kill effect is active or not. |
Prepared | |
Simple Summary | Prepared: All of your spells share one usage pool, equal to your level. |
Available to | Scout |
Type | Trait |
Effects | Trait Effect: Prepared allows the player to cast certain abilities using a shared pool of uses, instead of being tracked individually. They may cast these abilities in any combination or order. For example, a player with a Prepared 3/Life, as well as Heal (Prepared) and Mend (Prepared) can cast three heals, three mends, two heals and a mend, or two mends and a heal. |
Raise Dead | |
Simple Summary | Raise Dead: Incant "Rise and fight again" x5 to revive the target. Theyâre either cursed and suppressed until they die, or cursed and unable to use melee weapons until they die. This effect can only be released by death. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Healer, Monster (Harpy) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "Rise and fight again" x5 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Target is revived.
Secondary Effect: Choose one at the time of cast: |
Reminder | If a dead player moves more than 20ft from where they died, they become severed. |
Rally | |
Simple Summary | Rally: Incant "I have returned with aid" while you or an ally is respawning to cause you both to respawn. You become Severed. You can't use this if you took a death, or if either of you are respawning due to another use of Rally. |
Available to | Paladin, Monster (Goblin) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Any) |
Incantation | "I have returned with aid" |
Prerequisites | |
Effects | Immediate Effect:
Secondary Effect (Status): The caster becomes Severed until they respawn again. |
Other Details |
Rebuke | |
Simple Summary | Rally: Incant "By my power I make thee afraid" to make the target Afraid of you for 10s. |
Available to | Healer, Paladin, Monster (Harpy) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft (Other) |
Incantation | "By my power I make thee afraid" |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Afraid of the caster for 10s or until the caster dies. |
Reforge | |
Simple Summary | Reforge: Incant "I return this item to its former glory" x5 to mend a broken or damaged weapon or shield, restore one point of armor to each hit location, or fully repair one hit location. |
Available to | Druid, Warrior |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Any) |
Incantation | "I return this item to its former glory" x5 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Choose one at the time of cast: |
Other Details | Caster may hold the item to be affected without taking up a free hand. |
V8 Transition Note: | Reforge targets the player, not the item being restored. |
Release | |
Simple Summary | Release: Incant "From thy bindings thou art released" x5 to remove any number of status effects from the target other than Severed. |
Available to | Bard, Druid, Healer, Paladin, Scout, Wizard, Curios, Monster (Unicorn) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range |
Incantation | "From thy bindings thou art released" x5 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: The target's status is restored; any number of status effects are removed. |
Reminder | This cannot remove Severed and does not affect players who are Cursed. |
Reload | |
Simple Summary | Reload: Incant "Now I pause to go reload" x5 with no enemies within 10ft to become Invulnerable and go pick up your equipment. To end this, you must be 10ft away from living enemies and either at the location you entered Reload or at your Base, then incant "I return to the physical world." x2. |
Available to | Archer, Curios, Monster (Gorgon) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Now I pause to go Reload" x5 |
Prerequisites | Cannot be used while there is a living enemy within 10ft. |
Effects | Status Effect: Caster becomes Invulnerable and may move around to collect equipment that they own or have permission to collect.
Other Details |
Renew | |
Simple Summary | Renew: Incant "Thy boon and blessing shall be renewed" to restore someone's enchantment-granted Resistance or Ability with âť20 or less. |
Available to | Bard, Druid, Healer, Paladin, Curios, Monster (Unicorn) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range |
Incantation | "Thy boon and blessing shall be renewed" |
Prerequisites | Cannot be used while there are living enemies within 10ft. |
Effects | Immediate Effect:
Rest | |
Simple Summary | Rest: Incant âOut of battle I pause to restâ and wait for the number of seconds by the âť symbol to get back abilities or resistances as marked. Resting is interrupted if you get hit, move around, attack someone, or start casting another spell. |
Available to | Everyone. All players have access to the Rest ability at all times. |
Type | Verbal |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Out of battle I pause to rest" |
Effects | Status Effect:
Rest Anywhere: Rest at Base: |
Other Details |
Resurrect | |
Simple Summary | Resurrect: Incant "The white light of healing hath resurrected thee" x5 to Revive the target. They become Severed. |
Available to | Healer, Paladin |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "The white light of healing hath resurrected thee." x5 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Target is revived.
Secondary Effect (Status): If the target is revived, they become Severed until they respawn. |
Other Details | This ability can affect dead players. |
Reminder | If a dead player has moved more than 20ft from where they died, they are Severed. |
Revitalize | |
Simple Summary | Revitalize: Incant "I restore thee to thy full potency" to restore all of the target's per-life abilities except
Innate, Confidence, Phoenix Tears, and other instances of Revitalize. |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "I restore thee to thy full potency" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Target restores all uses of their per-life abilities except for the following:
Runic Armor | |
Simple Summary | Runic Armor: Incant "This armor shall not be overcome" x3 to make the bearer immune to any engulfing effects which strike their armor in a hit location with points remaining. |
Available to | Healer, Warrior |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "This armor shall not be overcome" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer is immune to engulfing effects that strike their armor in a hit location with at least 1 armor point remaining. |
Reminder | The armor will still takes damage as normal. |
V8 Transition Note: | No armor points are lost from Entangle and Iceball since they don't deal any damage normally. |
Safeguard | |
Simple Summary | Safeguard: Incant "Hide in the shadows and I shall protect thee" to make the target Insubstantial and Stopped. They can Incant "I return to the physical world" x2 to end the effect. |
Available to | Druid, Healer, Paladin, Scout, Warrior, Curios |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "Hide in the shadows and I shall protect thee" |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Insubstantial and Stopped. Target can end this effect at any time by declaring "I return to the physical world" x2. |
Reminder | Non-offensive abilities can be rejected by the recipient if they do not wish to take on the effects. |
Scavenge | |
Simple Summary | Scavenge: Incant "Scavenge" within 30s of killing an enemy. Mend a broken shield, weapon, or point of armor. |
Available to | Warrior |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "Scavenge" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used within 30s of killing an enemy. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Choose one at time of cast:
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Sever Spirit | |
Simple Summary | Sever Spirit: Incant "Death severs thy spirit" to Sever a dead player. |
Available to | Healer |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Death severs thy spirit" |
Effects | Status Effect: If the target is dead, they become Severed until they respawn. Otherwise, no effect. |
Other Details | This ability can target and affect dead players. |
Shadow Step | |
Simple Summary | Shadow Step: Incant "I step into the shadows" to become Insubstantial and Stopped. Incant "I return to the physical world" x2 to end the effect. |
Available to | Assassin, Scout, Monster (Entangling Mass) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I step into the shadows" |
Effects | Status Effect: Caster becomes Insubstantial and Stopped. Caster can end this effect at any time by declaring "I return to the physical world" x2 |
Other Details | đThis ability can be cast while moving. |
Shake It Off | |
Simple Summary | Shake It Off: Incant "I shall overcome" while under an enemy effect. After 10s, you're released from any number of effects. You can use this no matter what, unless you're dead or cursed. |
Available to | Barbarian, Paladin, Warrior, Curios, Monster (Werewolf) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I shall overcome" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used while affected by an enemy status effect. |
Effects | Status Effect: After 10 seconds, the caster is affected as per Release. |
Other Details | This ability can be used regardless of ability to cast, and will affect the caster unless they are Invulnerable, Cursed, or Dead |
Shove | |
Simple Summary | Shove: Cast with "My power shoves thee" x3. Target must move 20ft further away from you. |
Available to | Bard, Druid, Healer, Monk, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft (Other) |
Incantation | "My power shoves thee" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target is Shoved 20ft directly away from the caster. |
Reminder | If the target becomes Stopped or otherwise unable to move while in transit, they must still complete the forced movement from Shove. |
V8 Transition Note: | Shove cannot be cast on oneself. |
Shove Strike | |
Simple Summary | Shove Strike: Incant "Power Strike Shove" and strike an enemy within 2s. Target struck is forced to move 20â further away. Engulfing. |
Available to | Barbarian, Paladin, Monk, Warrior |
Type | Power Strike |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | Melee Weapon |
Incantation | "Power Strike Shove" |
Effects | Status Effect: Target struck is Shoved 20ft directly away from the caster. Engulfing. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Silver Tongue | |
Simple Summary | Silver Tongue: Incant "My power quickens thy tongue" x3 to grant the bearer Swift 2/Refresh (âť10) |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "My power quickens thy tongue" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer gains Swift 2/Refresh âť10. |
Song of Battle | |
Simple Summary | Song of Battle: Incant "I sing a song of battle" and chant "Song of Battle". While you do, your melee weapons are armor breaking. |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I sing a song of battle" |
Chant | "Song of Battle" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster's wielded melee weapons are Armor Breaking. |
Song of Determination | |
Simple Summary | Song of Determination: Incant "I sing a song of determination" and chant "Song of Determination". While you do, you're immune to Afraid and Taunted. |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I sing a song of determination" |
Chant | "Song of Determination" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster is immune to Afraid and Taunted. |
Song of Freedom | |
Simple Summary | Song of Freedom: Incant "I sing a song of freedom" and chant "Song of Freedom". While you do, you're immune to Stopped and Frozen. |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I sing a song of freedom" |
Chant | "Song of Freedom" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster is immune to Stopped and Frozen. |
Song of Power | |
Simple Summary | Song of Power: Incant "I sing a song of power" and either chant "Song of Power" or perform. While you do, you Rest at double time, and players Resting near you also count at double-time. (Does not affect Confidence or Rest at Base). Ends if your Rest or chant are interrupted. |
Available to | Bard, Monster (Fairy, Siren) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I sing a song of power" |
Chant | "Song of Power" OR the caster may perform. |
Effects | Chant Effect:
Other Details |
Song of Survival | |
Simple Summary | Song of Survival: Incant "I sing a song of survival" and chant "Song of Survival" to become resistant to any single strike or ability inflicted by an enemy. When you use this resistance, become invulnerable and return to base, where you incant "I return to the physical world" x2 to end the effect. |
Available to | Bard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I sing a song of survival" |
Chant | "Song of Survival" |
Effects | Chant Effect: Caster is resistant to all effects from a single strike or ability inflicted by an enemy. Secondary Effect (Status): When the resistance is used, the caster becomes Invulnerable and forced to move directly to their base. They may end this effect anytime they are at least 100ft away from living enemies by declaring "I return to the physical world" x2. This effect also ends immediately if they reach their base. |
Other Details | The use of this ability is only expended when the resistance is used. |
Sphere of Annihilation | |
Simple Summary | Sphere of Annihilation: Incant "The power of void is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a black spellball. Itâs Weapon and Shield Destroying, Wounds Kill, and ignores armor, immunities, and enchantments. |
Available to | Wizard |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of void is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Ignores Armor, Ignores Immunities & Resistances, Shield Destroying, Weapon Destroying, Wounds Kill. |
Other Details | This cannot harm players that are Insubstantial, Frozen, Invulnerable, or any other type of 'cannot be affected' that does not use the term 'immune' or 'resistant' |
Steal Life Essence | |
Simple Summary | Steal Life Essence: Incant "Steal Life" immediately after killing an enemy. They become Severed, and you remove Severed from yourself. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | Unlimited |
Incantation | "Steal Life" |
Prerequisites | Can only be used immediately after killing an enemy. |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Severed until they respawn. Secondary Effect (Immediate): If the target was affected, remove any status effects that are making the caster Severed. |
Reminder | This can only be used once per triggering moment. |
Stoneskin | |
Simple Summary | Stoneskin: Incant "May nature protect thee from all forms of attack" x3 to grant the target a resistance to any single effect. (âť10) Target also gets +1 to all worn armor below 6pts. Can't wear alongside Barkskin. |
Available to | Druid |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "May nature protect thee from all forms of attack" x3 |
Prerequisites | Cannot be cast on a player already affected by Barkskin. |
Effects | Enchantment Effect:
Other Details | When declaring this enchantment, the bearer must declare whether the resistance is active or not |
Reminder |
V8 Transition Note: | This enchantment is not removed once the resistance is expended. The resistance can be restored by resting for the indicated time. |
Suppress Aura | |
Simple Summary | Suppress Aura: Incant "My power suppresses thine" x3 to make the target Suppressed for 30s |
Available to | Bard, Barbarian, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "My power suppresses thine" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target is Suppressed for 30s. |
Suppression Arrow | |
Simple Summary | Suppression Arrow: Incant "Suppression Arrow" immediately before firing a purple arrow. It applies an engulfing Suppressed effect for 30s. |
Available to | Archer, Scout, Monster (Gorgon) |
Type | Specialty Arrow |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "Suppression Arrow" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Breaking, Weapon Destroying.
Status Effect: Players struck are Suppressed for 30s. Engulfing. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Suppression Bolt | |
Simple Summary | Suppression Bolt: Incant "The power of suppression is mine to evoke" x2 to prime a purple spellball. Itâs Weapon Destroying and Armor Breaking. It applies an engulfing Suppressed effect for 30s. |
Available to | Wizard, Monster (Shroomkin) |
Type | Spellball |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | ![]() |
Incantation | "The power of suppression is mine to evoke" x2 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Damage, Armor Breaking, Weapon Destroying.
Status Effect: Players struck are Suppressed for 30s. Engulfing. |
Suppressing Strike | |
Simple Summary | Suppressing Strike: Incant "Power strike suppress" and hit an enemy within 2s to Suppress them for 30s. Engulfing. |
Available to | Assassin, Barbarian, Bard, Monk, Scout, Warrior, Monster (Entangling Mass) |
Type | Power Strike |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | Melee Weapon |
Incantation | "Power Strike Suppress" |
Effects | Status Effect: Target struck is Suppressed for 30s. Engulfing. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Swift | |
Simple Summary | Swift: Incant "Swift" before casting a spell to cast it with only one repetition of the incant. |
Available to | Bard, Druid, Healer, Paladin, Wizard |
Type | Meta-Magic |
Incantation | "Swift" |
Prerequisites | Cannot be used to modify abilities with a range of 20ft. |
Effects | Meta-Magic Effect: The modified ability can be cast with only a single iteration of the incantation. For multi-line Incantations with no repetition, use the last line only. |
Taunt | |
Simple Summary | Taunt: Incant "I command thy attention" x3 to Taunt the target for 30s. |
Available to | Bard, Barbarian, Monk, Paladin, Warrior, Monster (Fairy, Siren) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "I command thy attention" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target is Taunted by the caster for 30s, or until the caster dies. |
Taunting Strike | |
Simple Summary | Taunting Strike: Incant "Power strike taunt" and hit an enemy within 2s to Taunt them for 30s. Engulfing. |
Available to | Bard, Monk, Warrior |
Type | Power Strike |
Range | Strike |
Material Components | Melee Weapon |
Incantation | "Power Strike Taunt" |
Effects | Status Effect: Target struck is Taunted by the caster for 30s or until the caster dies. Engulfing. |
Other Details | đ This ability can be cast while moving. |
Teleport | |
Simple Summary | Teleport: Incant "Travel through the aether" x3 to make the target insubstantial and move directly to a fixed location. They may exit by incanting "I return to the physical world" x2 at the destination. (Or along the path there as long as they are 10ft away from living enemies.) |
Available to | Archer, Assassin, Druid, Healer, Scout, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range |
Incantation | "Travel through the aether" x3 |
Effects | Status Effect: Target becomes Insubstantial and is forced to move directly to a destination chosen by the caster at the time of casting. Upon reaching the destination the target must end the effect by declaring "I return to the physical world" x2. The target may end this effect prematurely in the same way anytime they are at least 10ft away from all living enemies. |
Other Details | The destination must be a static, unmoving location that can be definitively known by the target at the time of casting. For example, if the chosen destination is "Behind that wizard", the target must be able to know exactly what that means before they start moving and the location will not change if the wizard moves away while the target is in transit. |
Temper Armor | |
Simple Summary | Temper Armor: Incant "I temper this armor to endure all blows" x3 to make the bearer's armor immune to Armor Breaking and Armor Destroying. |
Available to | Druid, Healer, Warrior |
Type | Enchantment |
Range |
Incantation | "I temper this armor to endure all blows" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer's armor is immune to Armor Breaking and Armor Destroying. |
Reminder | The armor will still receive basic damage from these strikes. |
Tracking | |
Simple Summary | Tracking: Incant "I track thee from the shadows" to force the target out of Insubstantial and prevent them from becoming Insubstantial for 10s. |
Available to | Scout, Monster (Entangling Mass, Werewolf) |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "I track thee from the shadows" |
Prerequisites | This ability can only be used on enemies. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Target loses any status effects making them Insubstantial. Status Effect: For 10s, the target cannot be affected by status effects that would make them Insubstantial. |
Other Details |
Transfer Life | |
Simple Summary | Transfer Life: Incant "I give thee life from my own" to Heal, Release, or Resurrect the target. You can't Resurrect if youâre Severed. If you Heal or Release, take a wound. If you Resurrect, both of you become Severed. |
Available to | Monk |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "I give thee life from my own" |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Choose one:
Secondary Effect (Immediate): If the target is affected, the caster suffers a wound to a hit location of their choice. Secondary Effect (Status): If a player was revived, the caster also becomes Severed until they respawn. |
Reminder | Secondary Effects cannot be resisted. |
Undead Minion | |
Simple Summary | Undead Minion: Incant "By the power of my will, arise my minion" x3. If the bearer was dead, they're revived. You can cast Raise Dead (Unlimited) on the bearer. The bearer does not become Severed for moving more than 20ft from they died, but can't be revived in any other way. Bearer is either Cursed and Suppressed or Cursed and cannot aggress with melee weapons. |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Healer, Monster (Shroomkin) |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft (Other) |
Incantation | "By the power of my will, arise my minion" x3 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: If the target is dead, they are first affected as per Raise Dead. Enchantment Effect: The caster of this enchantment gains Raise Dead (Unlimited) that can only be used on the bearer of this enchantment. The bearer does not become Severed for moving more than 20ft from where they died, but they can only be revived by the Raise Dead ability. |
Other Details |
Reminder | If the bearer is Severed, the bearer cannot be revived. |
Undying Will | |
Simple Summary | Undying Will: Incant "My will to live is undying" immediately after dying to revive yourself, become Insubstantial and Stopped for 10s, and become Severed. |
Available to | Barbarian, Monk, Warrior, Wizard, Monster (Skeleton) |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "My will to live is undying" |
Prerequisites | Must be cast immediately after dying. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: Caster is revived. Secondary Effect (Status):
Other Details | This ability can be used while dead and affect dead players. |
Reminder | Players cannot resist or be immune to secondary effects. |
Vorpal Blades | |
Simple Summary | Vorpal Blades: Incant "I enchant these weapons to slay all foes" x3 to make all of your melee attacks Wounds Kill |
Available to | Assassin |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | Self |
Incantation | "I enchant these weapons to slay all foes" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Bearer's carried melee weapons are Wounds Kill. |
Ward | |
Simple Summary | Ward: Incant "This <weapon/shield> shall not be overcome" x3 to make the target immune to any engulfing effect that strikes the chosen type of equipment. |
Available to | Healer, Monster (Gargoyle) |
Type | Enchantment |
Range | 5ft Other |
Incantation | "This <weapon/shield> shall not be overcome" x3 |
Effects | Enchantment Effect: Choose one at time of cast:: |
Reminder | The weapons/shield can still be destroyed as normal. |
Word of Mending | |
Simple Summary | Word of Mending: Incant "Spedoinkle" to repair everything the target is holding or wearing |
Available to | Druid |
Type | Verbal (Non-Offensive) |
Range | 5ft |
Incantation | "Spedoinkle" |
Prerequisites | Cannot be cast while within 10ft of a living enemy. |
Effects | Immediate Effect: All weapons and shields carried by the target are restored. All armor on the target is restored to full value. |
Wounding | |
Simple Summary | Wounding: Incant "Death strikes off thy <right/left> <arm/leg>" x3 to Wound the target's named limb |
Available to | Anti-Paladin, Wizard |
Type | Verbal (Offensive) |
Range | 20ft |
Incantation | "Death strikes off thy <right/left> <arm/leg>" x3 |
Effects | Immediate Effect: If the target has no other wounds, the designated limb is wounded. If the target is already wounded, this ability has no effect. |
The following are the various appendices to the Amtgard Rules of Play
Equipment Inspection Guide
Equipment Inspection
Each piece of equipment must pass an inspection before its use each day to ensure the Universal Equipment Requirements of safety, durability, recognizability, and any other type-specific construction standards are met.
Guidance for Equipment Inspectors can be found in the Equipment Inspection Guide. The following information is the essential knowledge that all players should have:
- Equipment is inspected by an Equipment Inspector. Since equipment inspection is mandatory, this task is often a listed responsibility of one or more Officer positions, traditionally the Champion and/or Guildmaster of Reeves.
- All inspectors are highly encouraged to follow the Equipment Inspection Guide.
- All weapon inspections must include volunteer-assisted Hit Testing.
- Equipment that does not pass inspection cannot be used in combat. Using uninspected or unapproved equipment on the battlefield is grounds for immediate suspension from play.
- Equipment may be reinspected throughout the day as necessary.
- New or inexperienced players wishing to use a weapon type they have never used before must also demonstrate Weapon Competency to ensure safe use on the battlefield. Players who demonstrate unsafe weapon use during this demonstration or at any point thereafter may have those weapon privileges revoked by a Rules Authority.
Items You Will Need
- A copy of the Amtgard V9 Rules of Play
- A tape measure (minimum 12ft)
- 2.5â and 2â inner diameter rings (or equivalent templates)
- A Draw Weight Scale or Luggage Scale
- Designated areas to place passed, failed, and unchecked equipment.
- Colored Cloth or Flagging tape to directly mark equipment that has passed and/or failed, if desired.
- Hit-Test Volunteers (At least one other person)
- Either you or your volunteer must be willing to be struck and shot to assess weapon safety.
- Either you or your must volunteer be able to safely use a bow and/or crossbow.
General Guidelines
- Equipment must be inspected in an unbiased manner. If you feel you canât assess something objectively, ask someone else to help.
- Equipment should be inspected in an efficient and orderly manner. Try to memorize the rules or create cheat sheets to speed up the process. Inspection becomes much more efficient the more you can commit to memory. That said, donât hesitate to create cheat sheets, reference the rulebook directly, or even ask another player for help if youâre unsure about something. Never make blind guesses during inspections.
- Donât damage or destroy equipment to during an inspection. When inspecting foam, use the pads of the fingers or the palm of the hand. Donât dig in with nails or fingertips.
- Donât be afraid to get a second opinion, especially for items that you feel are on the edge of passing or failing.
Hit Testing Guidelines
All weapons must pass a Hit Test prior to their first use, and periodically thereafter. Hit Tests help inspectors assess how it feels to be struck by the weapon in a controlled environment before it is allowed to be used in the uncontrolled chaos of an normal battle.
- A good benchmark for Hit Test failure is if there is significant residual pain for at least ten seconds after impact, or if a volunteer refuses to be struck by that weapon again.
- Low-strength hit tests should always be painless and comfortable.
- Medium-strength hit tests should be your bar for normal combat. You should be able to imagine yourself and other players being stuck by this over and over without worry.
- Heavy-strength hit tests are your gauge for accidents and cases where adrenaline runs wild. These hits should rarely occur on the battlefield normally so it is acceptable for them to be not as comfortable as light or medium hits, however they should still be within the 10s pain threshold listed above.
- Be careful not to strike naturally sensitive areas such as the groin, kidneys, or sternum during the Hit Test. That said, you must still consider that these locations may be struck by the weapon during the course of typical combat and figure that into your assessment.
- Remember that any weapon being assessed is a weapon that is intended for use on the battlefield. If no one wants to be hit with it in a controlled situation, then it should not be allowed to strike players in the uncontrolled chaos of an normal battle.
- Rotate your Hit Test volunteers, figuratively and literally. After a while of being struck in the same location, any hit will start to feel painful. Have your volunteers take hits in different locations and bring in new volunteers when the previous ones need to take a break from being struck.
- If a Hit test fails, consider retesting it with another volunteer. If it fails a second time (or there are no willing volunteers), then you can confidently fail the weapon.
- Occasionally you will come across weapons that appear to be on the border between passable and not. You may not feel perfectly comfortable allowing the weapon, but you also don't feel completely right disallowing it either. If a second opinion is unable to help make a confident decision either way, the weapon should be flagged as a potential hazard in a way that can be referenced during the course of the day (You can use different colored marking tape, or even a logbook!). This way, should an issue or complaint arise in regard to a flagged weapon, it becomes an easy decision to immediately pull it from use.
Note: This should not be used as a license to allow actual hazardous weapons on field. Safety should still be your number one concern. Clearly hazardous or unsafe weapons should never be approved for use.
Step-by-Step Equipment Inspection Checklists
Melee Weapons
- Look at the weapon. Is it visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard? Is it easily recognizable as the type of weapon it is trying to be and not easily confused for something else? If you're unsure, show it to other players from 20ft away and ask what they think it is without any context.
- Measure the total length and all Padding proportions. Confirm the weapon classification and ensure all padding requirements are met. Ensure any substitutions for Stab-Only, Heavy Padding, or Super Heavy Padding are accurate. Reference the weapon construction section for specific details as necessary.
- Inspect each Striking Tip. Check the 2.5-inch rule. Check for stability and that the core cannot be felt. Ensure the foam is adequate enough to provide noticeable cushioning when used to stab a player. It is strongly recommended that weapons intended to regularly strike with a thrusting motion include greater cushioning than normal. Weapons designed for two-handed stabs, such as large pikes, may need even more padding than smaller, single-handed weapons.
- Using the pads of the fingers, move up and down the weapon checking for weak spots, excessive wear, or any indication that foam has been damaged or come loose.
- Assess all Incidental Padding. Ensure there are no unpadded areas that could reasonably come into contact another playing during combat. Inspect any padded areas covered with a non-abrasive coating (rubber, silicone, etc). It must not compromise the purpose of the padding, such as by making it too firm.
- Inspect the Non-Striking Tips. Check for stability. No core should be felt. Check the 2-inch rule.
- Make sure the cover is in good repair and foam is not exposed.
- Check to ensure that all strike-legal surfaces are clearly distinct from any non-striking surfaces.
- Assess the flex of the weapon. Flex is tested by holding the weapon low on the handle for maximum length and striking a shield or padded surface. Test with a light, medium, and reasonably heavy strike. A second person can estimate the flex.
- Perform Hit Test with a volunteer. Refer to the guidelines Hit Testing at the start of this section.
- For slashing weapons, test a slash against your own leg to assess impact. If acceptable, check against the back of a volunteer - assess a light and medium force swing. With permission from your volunteer, test a hard swing that could reasonably occur on field.
- Test a stab against your own thigh to assess impact. If acceptable, check against the back of a volunteer. Test one-handed, then one-hand with off-hand to stabilize, then two-handed. Assess light and medium force stabs for each method. With permission from your volunteer, test a hard two-handed stab that could reasonably occur on field. Make sure the tip does not deflect or fold over excessively when stabbing and always returns to its original position.
Flail-Specific Checks
Same as All Melee, with the following extra checks:
- Inspect the head. It should be entirely strike-legal and not contain a rigid core.
- Ensure no more than 0.5â of exposed rope/cloth between each foam segment along the chain.
- To check the required dimensions, put the handle between your legs and pull on the flail-head to gently stretch the chain portion taught. Have a second person help measure if necessary.
- Flails do not need to be Stab tested.
Madu-Specific Checks
Same as All Melee, with the following extra checks:
- Ensure any weapon segments are easily recognizable as weapons, and the shield portion is easily recognizable as a shield. The division between weapon and shield segments must be visually distinct.
- The weapon segments must be inspected as weapons and the shield portion must be inspected as a shield.
- Ensure the weapon and shield are securely affixed together in a way that is not dangerous or unwieldy.
- Inspect connection points between the weapon and shield for any indication that they might become separated by the forces placed upon them during combat.
- Ensure weapon segments are not extending outward from the face of the shield (or anything similar).
- Ensure there are no articulations or flail-like chains.
- Ensure the weapon segments are not mimicking, extending, or otherwise offering similar protective coverage to that of a shield. If this is a case, the offending segments will count as part of the shield, not a weapon, and should be inspected as such.
Javelin-Specific Checks
Same as All Melee, with the following extra checks:
- Ensure the core is straight with at most one Striking Tip at each end.
- Perform a Ranged Hit Test in addition to the Melee Hit Test. Refer to the Tips for Hit Testing at the start of this section.
- Throw against your own leg to assess impact. If acceptable, check against the back of a volunteer from 20â away - assess a light and medium force throw. With permission from your volunteer, test a strong throw that could reasonably occur on field. Consider how it would feel to be accidentally struck in the face with this weapon.
Contact Projectiles
- Look at the weapon. Is it visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard? Is it easily recognizable as the type of weapon it is trying to be and not easily confused for something else? If you're unsure, show it to other players from 20ft away and ask what they think it is without any context.
- Measure the total length and all Padding proportions. Confirm the weapon classification and ensure all padding requirements are met. Reference the weapon construction section for specific details as necessary.
- Using the pads of the fingers, move up and down the weapon checking for weak spots, excessive wear, or any indication that foam has been damaged or come loose.
- Confirm the center mass or structural core is appropriate for contact projectiles.
- Make sure the cover or cloth tape is in good repair and foam is not exposed. If cloth tape was used, make sure it is not curling, hardening, or otherwise becoming sharp or abrasive.
- Ensure any necessary Color Coding is appropriate. The necessary symbols should match the associated Color Code and be large and visible in relation to the item.
- Confirm the ownerâs name and ensure labels are present, easy to find, and readable.
- Use rings or templates to check the 2.5â rule across all surfaces and tips.
- Perform Hit Testing with a volunteer. Refer to the Tips for Hit Testing at the start of this section.
- Throw against your own leg to assess impact. If acceptable, check against the back of a volunteer from 20â away - assess a light and medium force throw. With permission from your volunteer, test a strong throw that could reasonably occur on field. Consider how it would feel to be accidentally struck in the face with this weapon.
Arrows & Bolts
When possible, arrow and bolt inspection should be aided by someone with knowledge and experience of safe arrow use and construction. Arrows and bolts are the most potentially dangerous aspect of our game and they should be treated as such during inspections.
- Before checking anything else, confirm with the owner that any real arrowheads or hunting tips have been removed. You must be 100% sure of this. If you believe there is any chance of a real arrowhead inside an arrow, you cannot allow it to be used in any way at an Amtgard function.
- Look at the arrow/bolt. Is it visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard? Is it easily recognizable as an arrow or bolt and not easily confused for something else? If you're unsure, show it to other players from 20ft away and ask what they think it is without any context.
- Measure the total length and all padding proportions. Confirm all construction requirements are met. Reference the weapon construction section for specific details as necessary.
- Arrow shafts longer than 28â must have a draw-stop around the shaft physically preventing drawing the arrow past 28".
- Ensure shafts are free of cracks, bends, or splits.
- Ensure the nock and any vanes/fletching present are in good repair. The orientation of vanes/fletchings (or the lack thereof) must not cause chaotic or unpredictable flight during Hit Testing.
- Ensure the head has an appropriate amount of comfort-grade foam and that it is dense enough to provide noticeable cushioning when used to strike a player. Check for degrading foam and ensure the core or blunt cannot be felt when pressing down against the face with an open palm.
- Ensure the head has the required amount of 2.5" circular cross-section, then check the 2.5-inch rule against the tip.
- Using the pads of the fingers, move around the face and sides of the head checking for weak spots, excessive wear, or any indication the foam has broken apart or come loose.
- Ensure that the arrow cannot damage eyes by gently pressing it against your own eye socket. If it feels safe, attempt to stab your own eye with a small amount of force to see how the foam reacts. Be careful not to injure yourself. It doesn't have to be pleasant but a safe arrow should not cause you to worry about damaging your eyeball. Imagine being shot in the eye by this arrow.
- Make sure the cover is in good repair and foam is not exposed.
- Ensure any necessary Color Coding is appropriate. The necessary symbols should match the associated Color Code and be large and visible in relation to the item. Arrows & Bolts without Color Coding should not be easily mistaken as having a Color Code.
- If any tape was used, make sure it is not curling, hardening, or otherwise becoming sharp or abrasive.
- Confirm the ownerâs name and ensure labels are present, easy to find, and readable.
- Inspect the head for stability. The head must not be able to move easily in relation to the arrow shaft. This movement includes but is not limited to: twisting without return, plunging up and down, wobbling from side to side, etc.
- If the head is modular (built separately from the shaft and attached afterwards), ensure that it is firmly affixed to the shaft and cannot twist out or become detached during combat.
- Perform Hit Testing with a volunteer and a competent archer. Refer to the Tips for Hit Testing at the start of this section.
- You may ask the owner to fire their own arrows or bolts.
- For arrows, use a bow that has a draw weight of 35lbs at a 28â draw if possible.
- For crossbows, use a crossbow that is rated at 450 inch-pounds if possible.
- Shoot at the back of a volunteer from a distance of 20â. The volunteer should not be able to see the arrows or bolts being fired. For safety, they should have one hand covering the back of the neck, and the other hand covering the kidneys.
- Check in with your volunteer after each shot. Do not fire again until they give a signal to do so.
- Watch for excessive bounce-back. Excessive bounce-back is the arrow or bolt hitting the volunteer and bouncing back 20â or more in any direction.
Bows & Crossbows
When possible, bow and crossbow inspection should be aided by someone with knowledge and experience with that type of weapon. Archery is the most potentially dangerous aspect of our game and it should be treated as such during inspections.
Bows and Crossbows must be strung before being brought to inspection. Equipment Inspectors are not responsible for stringing other playersâ bows or crossbows.
- Look at the bow or crossbow. Is it visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard? Is it easily recognizable as a bow or crossbow and not easily confused for something else? If you're unsure, show it to other players from 20ft away and ask what they think it is without any context.
- Check to ensure no cracks or excessive warping of limbs.
- Ensure there are no excessive protrusions, such as stabilizers.
- Vertical Bows must have a draw weight of 35lbs or less at a 28â draw.
- Crossbows are limited to no more than 450 inch-pounds.
- Look at the shield. Is it visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard? Is it easily recognizable as a shield and not easily confused for something else? If you're unsure, show it to other players from 20ft away and ask what they think it is without any context.
- Assess the size to confirm the size category. A shieldâs size is determined by the surface area of its largest silhouette, measured on a flat plane. It's height and width, when necessary, are based on the same silhouette. Reference the shield construction section for specific details.
- Due to the complexity of some shield shapes, some measurements may be unable to empirically confirm in a timely manner. In these cases, confer with the owner or crafter (if present) and make your best judgment. Ask if they have an equipment reference sheet, however this should never be required to get a shield approved.
- Ensure all rigid or sharp-edged hardware is rounded off or padded in such a way that there are no burs or snags which could damage objects or players. Hard edges may not be exposed on any surface which can reasonably come into contact with another player or their equipment.
- For shield sizes that require them, ensure there is a distinct handle. The handle should be securely fastened.
- Ensure any straps are secure and will not come loose during combat.
- Inspect any visible core for cracks, breaks, or splits.
- Confirm that it cannot bend excessively by attempting to bring opposite edges together.
- Check the face of the shield. Ensure padding is stable and attached. Padding should wrap around the rigid edges of the core, if present. It should be impossible to feel or directly strike the userâs hand from the front when being held in the intended method.
- Any curves or recesses in the shield should not be deeper than half its width.
- The face of the shield may not have open holes that penetrate its silhouette.
- Ensure the cover is opaque, durable, and in good repair. Any non-abrasive coating applied (rubber, silicone, etc.) must not compromise the purpose of the padding, such as by making it too firm.
- Perform Hit Testing using a volunteer.
- Have a volunteer hold the shield in the intended manner by its handle or straps.
- Slash the shield with light and medium strikes. Slash around the edges from different angles. With permission from your volunteer, test a few hard swings that could reasonably occur on the field.
- Stab the shield with light and medium stabs. Stab closer to the outer edges to see how it bends. With permission from your volunteer, test a few hard swings that could reasonably occur on field, especially those that could tilt the shield while it is being held.
- A shield should fail if the expected impacts from combat could easily cause injury to the wielder, such as a handle or strap that might force their arm or hand to twist dangerously, or a rigid piece of hardware that is at risk of tilting and striking the user in the face if the shield is struck in the right way.
This is a guide for safety inspection. See Rating Armor to determine armor point totals.
- Armor should be worn to be inspected.
- Look at the armor from 20ft away. Is it easily recognizable as Amtgard armor and not easily confused for something else? If you're unsure, show it to other players from 20ft away and ask what they think it is without any context.
- Keep looking at the armor from 20ft away. Is it visually suitable for the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard? Is any part obviously synthetic or mundane in appearance? If you're unsure, show it to other players from 20ft away and ask if they feel it's suitable or not. This can be a subjective assessment from park to park depending on the preferences of their player base.
- Armor that does not deform locally when struck must ensure all exposed corners are at least penny round (3/8â radius).
- Loose scales and similar components that move individually as part of piece that deforms locally do not need to be penny round.
- Rigid scales and similar components that are firmly affixed onto a shell must only be rounded if they protrude from the armor.
- Ensure there are no protruding edges. No spikes, thin ridges, sharp edges, burs or snags which could catch or damage equipment or players in the normal course of combat.
- Inspect Chainmail and other chain-linked pieces. Check for broken or separated links which could catch on equipment or players in the normal course of combat.
- Inspect surfaces, joints, and articulations for any risk of catching or pinching.
- Assess all plates and rigid surfaces to ensure they are not brittle or able to deform easily.
- Ensure gloves and gauntlets do not have any metal beyond the knuckles and are not at risk of injuring other players with accidental hand contact during combat.
Weapon Competency Assessments
New or inexperienced players wishing to use a weapon classification they have never used before must first demonstrate Weapon Competency to ensure safe performance on the battlefield. Players who demonstrate unsafe weapon use during this assessment or at any point thereafter may have those weapon privileges revoked by a Rules Authority.
Whenever possible, this inspection should be administered or aided by someone with knowledge and experience of the weapon in question, as appropriate. In particular, Archery and Weapons over 6ft are some of the most potentially dangerous aspects of our game and should be treated as such during competency assessments.
In the absence of a someone with experience, the following step-by-step guides will help an Equipment Inspector administer a basic competency check.
Step-By-Step Weapon Competency Checklists
Developer Note: This section is under construction.
Note About Unlisted Terms
If a term is not defined anywhere in this rulebook, the most commonly accepted definition of the term should be applied. If multiple definitions exist, use the one that makes the most sense. Anything with an existing definition elsewhere in this rulebook will have a link to the actual entry. Anything not listed elsewhere will be fully defined here.
Developer Note: This is a work in progress based on the terms and keywords that we believe players will want to reference. Feel free to suggest terms for inclusion on the Amtgard V9 Discord Server.
Dictionary Definition: (verb) - take action; do something.
In Amtgard, the term 'act' refers specifically to in-game actions.
If a player is unable to act, they are unable to do anything in-game. This includes but is not limited to:
- Moving from their current location
- Physically moving their body in any way
- Speaking
- Casting
- Chanting
Players may always make declarations regardless of their ability to act. They may also move and speak freely for out-of-game purposes, such as for safety reasons. Actions taken this way should be done in good faith and not used to generate a gameplay advantage.
When used in the context of gameplay, Affecting something means successfully imparting an in-game mechanic onto something else, such as a Wound, a State, or even an instance of Shield Crush.
Blocking, parrying, evading, or otherwise being immune to an effect will not count as being affected, however triggering Resistances and other limited forms of protection do count as being affected because the interaction is still imparting some kind of change.
Provoking physical movement and/or mind games do not count for the purposes of 'Affect'. A player that is intimidated by their opponent does not count as being affected. A player that dodges or successfully runs away from an ability does not count as being affected.
Amtgard Function
A catch-all term for Amtgard gatherings, regardless of size or purpose.
Amtgard International (AI)
Amtgard International is the overall governing body of Amtgard. You can learn more about them on the official Amtgard website: https://www.amtgard.com
An Apprentice is a player who is under mentorship from a Paragon. Apprentices may wear a Silver-Trimmed Belt Favor in the color of the associated class.
Only people playing the Archer class are referred to as Archers in Amtgard. For the sake of ambiguity, a player using a bow in any context is referred to as a Bow-User.
A player has aggressed against another player if they do one or more of the following:
- Target that player with an offensive verbal ability (regardless of completion).
- Strike that player or their carried equipment.
- This does not apply if that player intercepted an attack intended for someone else.
- This does not apply if that player intercepted an attack intended for someone else.
- Clearly commit to an attempt to strike that player, as judged in good faith by the player receiving the attack.
- This is intended to cover instances where a deliberate attack was made but missed; however it also extends to obvious feints that could have been real strike attempts.
An At-Arms is a player who is under mentorship from a Knight or Noble. Pages may wear a Black Belt with Silver Trim to signify their position.
At-Arms can also be referred to as: Man-At-Arms, Woman-At-Arms, Comrade-at-Arms, Sword-at-Arms, Shieldmaiden, Shield Brother, or other similar terms.
Authorities are players within the game that have the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience within a certain realm of the rules. The common Amtgard authorities include Rules and Safety Authorities and Officers.
A boffer is a common term used to describe a foam-padded weapon used for full speed LARP combat. Latex-coated weapons are not considered Boffers.
See Carried.
Circle of Monarchs (AICOM/COM)
A council of leaders. In Amtgard, the Amtgard International Circle of Monarchs (AICOM) is composed of the Monarchs of each Kingdom. Within each Kingdom, a Circle of Monarchs includes the Monarchs of each park therein.
See Classes
Code of Conduct (COC)
See Code of Conduct
Color Code
See Color Code
Comfort-Grade Foam
See Padding
Contact Projectiles
This refers to an optional portion of a Melee Weapon at the juncture of the blade and handle designed to deflect blows and protect the hand from injury. In Amtgard V9, crossguards follow the rules for Multi-Ended Weapons.
A Shield or Madu which has been struck by a Shield Crushing effect but is not yet destroyed.
See Magic Items.
A strike or effect deals damage if:
- A wound is caused
- Armor points are removed
- The victim uses a resistance to prevent either of the above
If the victim is Immune to, or cannot be affected by the effect, such as via Insubstantial, damage is not dealt to that player.
Death Count
See Death Count
Declarations are mandatory spoken statements used to inform other players about the state of the game. All forms of required communication other than casting should be treated as a declaration and follow the rules listed below.
- The goal of a declaration is to be prompt and ensure other players understand what is being declared.
- Declarations are not incantations. Unless specifically noted, precise wording is not required as long as the relevant players understand what is being conveyed. With that in mind, players should act in good faith when it comes to mispronunciations or potentially misleading declarations.
- Declarations do not interrupt chants, incantations, or other game mechanics that require speech; however all timing rules for those mechanics must still be adhered to.
- For example, you cannot have a gap of more than 2 seconds if you declare something in the middle of an incantation.
- Declarations do not count as speaking in-game and will not trigger roleplay effects that are sound activated.
- For example, a player declaring that they are Frozen should not wake the sleeping dragon.
- Players are always allowed to make declarations regardless of their in-game ability to speak. They may also make physical gestures to aid with this communication, regardless of their in-game ability to act. This should all be done in good faith. Players should not use these rules as a means to gain a gameplay advantage in a situation where they could not otherwise speak and/or move.
- For example, a Frozen player can make a shivering motion and shout âFrozen!â despite not being allowed to speak or act in-game; however they cannot shout 'Frozen' in different tones as a way to warn their team about an impending flank attack.
- Declarations must be loud and clear enough to be heard and understood within 50ft or by the specific players that need to hear it, whichever is closer. If a declaration is just a general proclamation, such as declaring 'Alive!" when Respawning, it must be heard and understood clearly out to 20ft.
- Players may openly request other participants to declare certain types of information. That information should be provided as soon as is reasonable and both sides of this exchange must act in good faith and avoid exploiting the exchange for gameplay advantage.
- Players may request declarations for anything that is explicitly public information. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Armor coverage and maximum armor point values for each location
- Wounds
- Enchantments on the player and/or a brief summary of their effects
- A brief summary or effect description for any visual indicators on a player.
- Status effects
- The effects of any Chants a player is maintaining.
- Strike Enhancements
- Destroyed equipment
- Immunities and Resistances
- Class and level
- Whether they are Alive or Dead
- "What does that do?" (Asking a caster or attacker for information about something they just did to you.)
- The following information is private information. It can be requested however players are only obligated to answer when asked by the Reeves and Rules Authorities for the activity in question::
- Armor points remaining on damaged hit locations
- How many shield-crushing strikes a shield has already received.
- Class customization choices and spell lists
- Ability maximums and how many uses are remaining.
- Time remaining on status effects
- Rest counts
- Death counts
- Players may request declarations for anything that is explicitly public information. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- When declaring variable effects that had a choice, the player must declare the chosen choice or a summary of its effects.
- For example, declaring your enchantment as simply âAdaptive Blessingâ is not sufficient because it does not convey the choice. âAdaptive Blessing Stoppedâ or âResistant to Stoppedâ would be sufficient.
- Due to the chaos of live combat, declarations can often be difficult to enact and even harder to regulate. Therefore, it is important for participants to set their expectations accordingly and do their best to help convey information as fairly and effectively as possible.
Destroyed / Destruction
See Destroyed
Draw Length
Draw length is the measurement from the deepest part of the bow grip to the nock groove when at full draw.
Draw Weight
âDraw weightâ means the amount of force needed to pull a bowstring to full draw. This is commonly called the bow's poundage.
Calculating Draw Weight on a Vertical Bow
- Vertical bows measure draw weight in pounds.
- The simplest way to measure a bowâs draw weight is to use a scale that can hook onto the bowstring. Several bow draw weight scales are available that are designed for this purpose.
- Using a measuring device to draw the bowstring may make your draw shorter. Ensure you are bringing the bow to a 28â draw length.
- You can use a sufficiently long arrow and mark the 28â draw point on it so when taking measurements in the future, you can use this ârulerâ arrow to save time.
Calculating Draw Weight on a Crossbow
- Crossbow draw weight is measured in Inch-pounds and requires a few extra steps compared to vertical bows.
- Inch-pounds are calculated by multiplying draw weight (see above) by the power stroke.
- Power stroke is the length between the crossbow's string in the rearmost (cocked) position and its resting (uncocked) position, measured in inches. It very roughly equates to draw length in a vertical bow.
450 Inch-Pound Quick-Reference Chart
Below is a mathless way to determine if your crossbow is legal for use in Amtgard combat. Consult the chart below and find your crossbow's power stroke. If your draw weight is equal or less than the associated value, it is legal. If it is greater, then the crossbow cannot be used.
If Power Stroke is... | Then Your Max Draw Weight is... |
6 | 75.0 |
6.5 | 69.2 |
7 | 64.3 |
7.5 | 60.0 |
8 | 56.3 |
8.5 | 52.9 |
9 | 50.0 |
9.5 | 47.4 |
10 | 45.0 |
10.5 | 42.9 |
11 | 40.9 |
11.5 | 39.1 |
12 | 37.5 |
12.5 | 36.0 |
13 | 34.6 |
13.5 | 33.3 |
14 | 32.1 |
14.5 | 31.0 |
15 | 30 |
15.5 | 29 |
16 | 28.1 |
16.5 | 27.3 |
17 | 26.5 |
17.5 | 25.7 |
18 | 25.0 |
18.5 | 24.3 |
19 | 23.7 |
19.5 | 23.1 |
20 | 22.5 |
Dual Wield (Weapons)
A player is dual wielding weapons if they are wielding two melee weapons, one in each hand.
See Effect
Playtest rules listed as with a đśď¸ are 'Experimental' and represent more extreme or 'spicy' concepts that we feel can be better judged through actual playtesting. Due to this unknown, these rules will be under close examination and are are more likely than other playtest rules to be changed quickly or removed entirely if feedback and playtest results are unsatisfactory.
Flat Blade
A Flat Blade is a common term used to describe a weapon that is made with only one or two striking edges instead of being Strike-Legal throughout its entire circumference.
See Padding
Forced Movement
Forced Movement occurs whenever a player is required to move by some sort of in-game effect. Abilities such as Shove and Teleport are examples of Forced Movement.
Free Hand
See Held
Game Item
This term usually refers to a portable game objective or another object that is important to the current activity. Some abilities may behave differently, or not at all, while a Game Item is being carried.
Gameplay refers to any in-game action or effect that occurs in an activity or as part some other Amtgard experience.
- Running, jumping, attacking, casting, talking to team-mates, etc. are all examples of gameplay.
- Strikes, abilities, terrain effects, boundaries, and all custom rules are also part of gameplay.
- Answering your phone, hydrating, talking to out-of-game spectators, etc. are not considered part of gameplay.
Gameplay Advantage
A player gains a Gameplay Advantage whenever they improve their situation or otherwise put themselves into a favorable or superior position compared to their opponents.
If a player is instructed to avoid gaining a gameplay advantage due to X, it means that the player should not capitalize any opportunities presented by X. This typically relates to the Honor System and often deals with the expected etiquette of LARP interactions.
A common term for an invalid strike. Often used to refer to one of the following:
- Brief contact that is neither percussive nor stops or noticeably deflects.
- A melee or projectile stab which fails to strike with the tip but instead brushes against a victim with the side and barely deflects, if at all, instead of impacting cleanly.
Amtgard defines 'Half-draw' as when the bowstring is at the midway point between its natural resting point and full draw.
See Nullfied.
The term 'Healed' is a commonly used term to refer to the removal of wounds. It does not mandate the use of the Heal spell.
Heavy Padding
See Strike-Legal
Another term for 'Strike'.
Hit Locations
See Hit Locations
Hit Test
A Hit Test is part of the Equipment Inspection requirements. It involves a player being physically hit with a weapon in a controlled environment to determine if it is safe and comfortable enough to be allowed on the battlefield.
Hold (Safety Call)
See Hold
Hold (in hand)
See Held
The term 'Illegal' is used within Amtgard to describe something that is not in line with the rules of the game. Usually this refers to a piece of equipment but it can also refer to maneuvers or behaviors.
When an ability or mechanic uses the term âimmediatelyâ it means as soon as reasonably possible, handled fairly and in good faith.
- For beneficial effects, such as resistances, the player must use or declare the effect within a reasonable window of âimmediatelyâ or forfeit the benefit.
- For harmful effects, if the victim cannot realistically apply the effect immediately due to physical momentum or personal processing times, they must do their best to not derive any gameplay advantage from the delayed effect.
Invalid Obstructions
If you're roleplaying, you're in-character.
When you're in-character, everything you say and do is said and done as your character, to be interpreted by other characters within the roleplay experience.
When you are no longer roleplaying this way, you are out-of-character.
Pertaining to game information and game mechanics. Team communication, strategy, damage, abilities, etc.
See Knighthood
See New To Larp And Boffer Combat?
The term 'Legal' is used within Amtgard to describe something that is in line with the rules of the game. Usually this refers to a piece of equipment but it can also refer to maneuvers or behaviors.
Line of Sight
See Line of Sight
Loaner Gear
This term is used to refer to pieces of equipment or garb that are intended to be lent out to players for the day. There is no guarantee that loaner gear will be available at any given event or function so it is best to inquire with your local park to determine what is available.
Magic Switching
Magic Switching is a term used across many Boffer LARPs to describe a player passing their weapon or equipment from one hand to another upon being wounded instead of dropping the equipment to the ground first.
Magic Switching is allowed in Amtgard. You will never be required to drop your equipment during Amtgard combat.
When used without any additional context, the term 'Move' in Amtgard refers to directional movement across an area, such as by walking, running, crawling, etc. For example, if a player is not allowed to move, they can still shift their physical limbs and fight, they just cannot change their physical position on the battlefield.
If an effect intends to restrict a different type of movement, it will call it out directly such as "Player may not move their arms." In these instances, the player is prevented from physically moving the specified parts.
Remember, players are always allowed to move and speak if necessary to ensure their own safety, regardless of any effects that would otherwise restrict them from doing so.
Non-Player Character (NPC)
This term is used to refer to participants in an activity that is experiencing it from role of the 'supporting cast', such as quest-givers and monstrous creatures. This term is most often used in Roleplay activities alongside its opposite term, "Player Character (PC)", which represents the participants who are the actual 'players' or 'main characters'.
For a video game analogy, PCs are characters controlled by humans and NPCs are characters controlled by the game. Since Amtgard is live action, both PCs and NPCs need to be portrayed by actual people and the distinction purely exists to highlight who the experience is focusing on.
PCs are almost always portrayed as a character chosen by that player. NPCs are typically special characters designed and scripted specifically for the activity.
Non-Striking Surfaces
A non-striking surface is a surface on a weapon that cannot be used to strike with. Non-Striking Surfaces must be visually distinct from Striking Surfaces.
Non-striking surfaces include: Incidental Padding, Non-Striking Tips, and Handles.
Something that is nullified or renders harmless is considered to have no further effect on gameplay. It cannot cause damage nor impart any other kind of effect. Attacks that are nullified are only nullified for that instance of the attack, additional attacks from the same source are not nullified forever. For example, if a Monk nullifies an arrow, that arrow can still be retrieved and used again as normal.
Offensive (Ability)
'Omni' is a common term used to describe a weapon that has Strike-Legal padding on all sides of the core. It has omnidirectional padding.
Ongoing Effect
Open Hand
Open Hand is used as a synonym for Free Hand.
When you are not roleplaying, you are out-of-character. Everything you say and do is from the perspective of the real, mundane world, not as actions within a roleplay scenario. You are being yourself, not embodying a fictional character.
When you are start roleplaying, you become in-character.
Pertaining to things unrelated to the game or activity. âDo you want to get food laterâ, âI hurt my armâ, etc..
Also includes support staff, Reeves, and spectators that are present but not actively participating.
For the vast majority of game mechanics, the owner of a physical item is the person who has ownership of it in real life, outside of Amtgard. Any rules that are refer to in-character ownership will be obvious or explicitly worded as such.
All Projectile Weapons must have their owner's name clearly labelled on the item.
See Padding
A Page is a player who is under mentorship from a Knight or Noble. Pages may wear a Yellow Belt to signify their position.
See Paragon
Phys-Rep (Physical Representation)
This term is used to describe the real world item being used to represent something in-character, such as a small bottle of glitter being used to represent a Potion of Healing.
The term "Phys-Rep" most commonly applies to Magic Items.
Player Character (PC)
This term is used to refer to any participant in an activity that is experiencing it in the role of a 'player' or 'main character'. This term is most often used in Roleplay activities alongside its opposite term, "Non-Player Character (NPC)", which represents participants who are playing the 'supporting cast', such as quest-givers and monstrous creatures.
For a video game analogy, PCs are characters controlled by humans and NPCs are characters controlled by the game. Since Amtgard is live action, both PCs and NPCs need to be portrayed by actual people and the distinction purely exists to highlight who the experience is focusing on.
PCs are almost always portrayed as a character chosen by that player. NPCs are typically special characters designed and scripted specifically for the activity.
Player Versus Environment (PVE)
A PVE activity is an activity where the players (aka PCs) are all on the same team or otherwise not expected to fight each other to achieve victory. Instead, they are pitted against Non-Player Characters (NPCs) who are scripted supporting characters and monsters. These NPCs are typically not looking to win, rather their goal is to provide an immersive and exciting challenge for the PCs to overcome as they adventure through whatever story that is being presented. The alternative to PVE is Player Versus Player (PVP).
Player Versus Player (PVP)
A PVP activity is an activity where there are multiple teams of players (aka PCs) who are required or otherwise encouraged to fight each other to achieve victory. The alternative to PVP is Player Versus Environment (PVE).
The Non-Striking Tip just below the handle of a melee weapon is called the pommel.
Certain strike-based abilities need to be cast before the actual attack can be made. This is called "priming".
See Spellballs and Power Strikes for more details.
See Reeve
See Magic Items.
Repair is a term commonly used to refer to the restoration of equipment such as weapons and armor, usually via the Mend spell or some similar effect.
A multi-purpose word that deals with players returning to life using the Respawn mechanics.
- When used as a verb, it refers to the act of Respawning.
- "Hey guys, our Death Count is finished, let's go Respawn!"
- "Hey guys, our Death Count is finished, let's go Respawn!"
- When used as a noun, it is often shorthand for 'Respawn Point'.
- "Does anyone know where the Respawn is for this game?"
'Restore' is a general term used to refer to when something is returned or otherwise brought closer to its original state.
- Restoring Wounds means that the wounds are removed.
- A destroyed weapon that is restored is no longer destroyed.
- An effect that restores 2 points of armor will increase a player's current armor point value by 2, up to their maximum value.
- An effect that restores 1 use of an ability will grant another use of that ability, up to the maximum available.
- And so on.
ROP (Rules of Play)
The term 'ROP' refers to the Amtgard Rules of Play.
For Amtgard V9, it is this document.
For other editions of Amtgard, visit Amtgard.com or search elsewhere on the wiki.
Rules Representative (RR)
Rules Representatives are appointed members from each Kingdom that act as ambassadors for their populace in official rules-change discussions.
Rules Representative Organizer (RRO)
The RRO is the person in charge of coordinating and overseeing the Rules Representatives, ensuring they are contributing to the various official rules-change discussions and safeguarding the integrity of the process.
Rules As Intended (RAI)
This term is a lesser-used synonym for Spirit of the Rules.
Rules As Spoken (RAS)
This refers to a way in which the rules text may be interpreted. In this case, RAS means considering how one player might verbally explain a rule to another player from memory without the use of the rulebook.
If a player learns something via Rules As Spoken then they may not have received all the nuance and little details that are essential for true understanding.
Rules As Written (RAW)
This refers to a way in which the rules text may be interpreted. In this case, RAW means interpreting the rules exactly how they are written in the document, including any technicalities and counter-intuitive exploits that may allow. There is no consideration made for thematics or the intentions of the author.
Safety-Grade Foam
See Padding
A strike with the edge of a weapon.
Spirit of the Rules
Considering the "Spirit of the Rules" is to consider the real meaning or intention of a rule, even if the way it is written does not properly express it.
While the goal is to present all rules in such a way that their written form conveys their intended form, sometimes differing player interpretations can cause confusion. This is most often true when you begin to consider the very many ways that rules can interact with one another.
While it is usually fairly simple to speculate about what the Spirit of a Rule is, the only way to know for sure is to ask the developers.
A Squire is a player who is under mentorship from a Knight. Squires may wear a Red Belt to signify their position.
Stabbing Projectiles
The term is almost exclusively used to refer to an extra bit of loose material sticking out from the back of a Spellball to help make it visually distinct from a Small Thrown. Streamers are also referred to as 'tails'.
A thrusting strike with the tip of a weapon.
See States
The common term used in this book to describe hitting another player with a weapon. See Striking Your Opponent.
Strike Legal
See Strike-Legal
Striking Surfaces
This refers to the surface portion of any Strike-Legal weapon; the physical surface that will impact a player.
Super Heavy Padding
See Strike-Legal
Tails (Spellball Construction)
See 'Streamers'.
See Magic Items.
See Casting
In Amtgard, âTerrainâ refers to the physical features of a tract of land or structure, whether real or imaginary.
Imaginary terrain features, such as lava pits or the walls of a magical maze, are outlined or physically denoted in some way by the Game Organizer. Their specific rules and what they obstruct will be made known by the organizer before the activity starts.
Real terrain is actual physical terrain. It will naturally obstruct movement, attacks, and/or line of sight by actually preventing those things from occurring in real life. Game Organizers may place further rules on real terrain, such as preventing players from moving or attacking through dense foliage or rivers, even if it would be physically possible for someone to do it.
See Magic Items.
See Unattended
The dictionary defines 'Use' as: `To employ something as a means of accomplishing a purpose or achieving a result.`
This is a common sense term. When equipment is involved, it usually means wielding or wearing it, as appropriate. When abilities are involved, it usually means casting or otherwise expending the effect.
If this term is presented ambiguously anywhere in this rulebook, please reach out to the Amtgard V9 Team or your local Rules Representative so we can correct it.
Amtgard uses the term 'version' to refer to it's major rules editions. Version 9 will be the 9th Edition of the Amtgard Rules of Play.
If an object must be visible, it must be able to be easily seen and identified by other players and unlikely to become confused as, or obscured by, other garb or equipment (such as shields) for significant periods of time during the course of gameplay. It does not necessarily need to be in line of sight at all times.
Visibility should be handled in good faith by both the bearer and observers.
Examples of things that ARE considered visible:
- A Curio that is being worn as an amulet, hanging on top of the player's shirt.
- A CTF flag held in a sword hand and allowed to dangle.
Examples of things that are NOT considered visible:
- A Curio stored in a pouch.
- A CTF flag being held on the inside of a shield.
Walking Pace
The speed at which a person usually walks.
In Amtgard, this term is usually presented as `Slow Walking Pace`, which means a pace that a reasonable observer would define as 'slower than usual'.
Developer Note: ''Trying to exactly define a particular method or velocity for what constitutes a 'walking pace' is not realistic nor does it take into account the diverse ways that we may physically move around the battlefield, let alone the biological differences between players that affect what is 'normal'.As such, when interacting with rules that call for a 'walking pace', it is integral that players use common sense and act in good faith. We can all imagine what slow walking looks like. Don't try to exploit it. If you're ever in doubt, walk slower.
We appreciate your cooperation.''
See Wielded
See Worn
See Wounds