V9: Getting Started

From AmtWiki
This page is part of the Official Amtgard V9 Alpha-Playtest Rulebook.
  • The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
  • These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
  • To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
  • To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.


Getting Started

Getting started with Amtgard is quick and easy. Here's some essential information for any new player.

Minimum Age for Combat

You must be at least fourteen (14) years of age to participate in Amtgard combat activities. Some restrictions apply.

For full details please visit the ' Age of Combatants' section.

Characters, Progession, and the ORK

Setting Up Your Account

On your first day, you will be asked to choose a name for your player account on Amtgard's Online Record Keeper (ORK). This account will be used to store all the progress and milestones you achieve throughout your Amtgard career. Most people will use the name of their 'Main' character, however your ORK account name can be whatever you like and changed at any time without affecting your progress.

Your ORK account will be set up for you automatically after you sign in to your first Amtgard function. After that point you can reach out to the officer responsible for ORK Updates (usually called the Prime Minister or Chancellor) and they can provide you with your login information.

Character Creation

In Amtgard, progress is tied to the player, not the character. All levels and achievements listed on your ORK account are player-specific and can be immediately applied any to new characters you create. You do not need to level up each character individually. Because of this, creating a new character in Amtgard is as easy as picking a name.

Unlike immersive LARPs, having a developed character is not required to participate in most Amtgard activities. With that in mind, even though most activities can be played out-of-character, members are still encouraged to build their garb and aesthetics around a particular character concept or fantasy that excites them.

Can my character be permanently killed? / Can I lose my progress?

No. Only you can decide when your character is gone for good and since all your progression is tied to your ORK account, killing off or retiring a character is purely a roleplay decision with no effect on your levels or achievements.

Theme and Setting


A Quest Begins...

The core theme of Amtgard is Heroic Fantasy.

Heroic fantasy is the name given to a subgenre of fantasy otherwise called "sword-and-sorcery". It is a story of action and adventure laid in a more or less imaginary world where magic works and modern science and technology have not yet been discovered. Such a story combines the color and dash of historical costume romance with the supernatural thrills of the weird, occult, or ghost story.

When done well, it provides the purest fun of fiction of any kind. It is escape fiction wherein one escapes clear out of the real world into one where all life is adventurous, all problems simple, and there's nothing that can't be solved with a good quest."

- Paraphrased excerpts from Heroic Fantasy on Wikipedia


The shared fantasy setting of Amtgard is limited to just a few details, the rest of which are left up to local communities and roleplay organizers.

  1. All Kingdoms and Parks exist in the same plane, called "Amtgard" or "Amtgardia". Historically-inspired themes and garb are allowed, however this world is distinctly not Earth so players should act accordingly.
  2. All Kingdoms and Parks are geographically arranged similar to how their real-life locations are arranged on planet Earth, often with similar topography, landmarks, and/or water features (rivers, coastlines, etc.)
  3. There are 12 constellations that can be seen in the night sky no matter where you are in the plane. The orientation of the stars is always the same but the names, imagery, and mythology attached to them may vary from region to region.
  4. Phoenixes are sacred creatures, though like the constellations the nature of this sanctity may vary from region to region.

What to Expect From Amtgard Roleplay

Amtgard has a wide variety of game modes and ways to participate. Only activities specifically designated as "Roleplay Activites" will ask players to be in-character and roleplay. All other activities happen out-of-character but participants are more than welcome to roleplay just for the fun of it, so long as they don't expect others to play along.

Social spaces and non-game areas are also out-of-character, however some players will use these spaces for Sandbox Roleplay.

Since roleplay only happens during roleplay activities, your personal Amtgard experience may vary based on the activity preferences of your local Kingdom and Park. There are groups that roleplay every chance they get and some that rarely, if ever, roleplay. Check with your nearest park to see what kinds of activities they like to run so you can prepare and set your expectations accordingly.

When you finally enter a roleplay activity, you will notice that Amtgard roleplay is free-form, decentralized, and often episodic. Amtgard does not have a single unified story connecting all Kingdoms. Instead, local communities each craft their own stories, maps, and regional lore independent of one another, much like different tabletop RPG groups.

Last but not least, there are no penalties for accidentally breaking immersion or speaking out-of-character during a roleplay activity, although you are obviously encouraged to avoid impacting the experience of those around you whenever possible. Amtgard roleplay is generally easygoing and the rare high-immersion activities will come with proper notice so you know what you're walking into.

Check out the Roleplay section to learn more.

What to Bring On Your First Day

It is totally acceptable to show up to your first day with nothing but the clothes on your back. Amtgard parks will often have a small collection of basic loaner equipment and sometimes even garb (costumes) that new players can borrow during the day until they are able to craft or acquire their own. While there is no guarantee that these will be always be available, many of our members will often be more than happy to lend a new player some of their own equipment for the day.

That said, if you want to come prepared, connect with your park ahead of time to see what is available and/or check out the Garb and Equipment sections to learn more about building or buying your own costume, weapons, shields, and armor for Amtgard combat!

Who is Responsible for Helping New Players?

When you attend an Amtgard event or function for the first time, introduce yourself as a new player and ask to speak to one of the local Officers in charge of the group who's event you are attending. They will be best suited to help you learn the ropes or point you towards another capable member who can assist. Be honest about how much you know (or don't know) about LARP and Boffer Combat and you'll find yourself primed and ready for your first battle in no time!

Officers are also the best people to speak to if you have any other questions, issues, or complaints that you would like addressed.

Choose Your Own Adventure!

Amtgard is more than just a combat LARP. It's a vibrant community that offers a multiple of ways to participate whether your weapon of choice is a sword, a needle, a pen, or even a spreadsheet!

Now that you've finished with this section, follow these links to explore the various facets of Amtgard:

Getting Started
The ORK · Character Creation · Theme and Setting · What to Expect From Roleplay
What to Bring on Your First Day · Who is Responsible for Helping New Players?
Amtgard V9 Rulebook
Playtest Disclaimer · Introduction · Getting Started · Garb · Honor System · Safety · Core Combat Rules · Equipment · Classes · Abilities and Effects · Magic Items · Combat Activities · Rules Authorities
Appendix: Equipment Inspection Guide · Master List of Abilities · Glossary