V9: Class Customization

From AmtWiki
This page is part of the Official Amtgard V9 Alpha-Playtest Rulebook.
  • The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
  • These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
  • To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
  • To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.


Class Customization

Players have the ability to customize their class based on their current level in that class.

The Game Organizer decides when players are required to finalize class selection, as well as when to lock in any customization choices.

There are three types of class customization:

In addition, some classes may have access to Archetypes (see below).


Archetypes are special customization options that provide rare and powerful benefits in exchange for limiting class customization and/or additional drawbacks.

  • When present, archetypes may be chosen after achieving level 3 in the desired class.
  • A player can only choose to have one archetype at a time.
  • Archetypes cannot modify or restore abilities granted by enchantments and magic items. For example, a magic item or enchantment that grants Shake It Off cannot be restored by the Guardian or Juggernaut archetypes.


This customization method is used for melee and equipment-oriented classes.


  • At level 1, you will receive a preset list of abilities.
  • For levels 2-6, you will make picks from a list of rows and options within those rows. The higher level you are, the more picks you can make.
  • If you are level 3 or above, you may also choose an archetype that offers extra benefits in exchange for restricting your picks and possibly other drawbacks.

See below for a visual example with further details

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Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
Level 1 abilities
No Options - Gain everything here
Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
No Options - Gain everything here
No Options - Gain everything here
Option 1
Row C
Option 2
Row C
Option 3
Option 1
Row D
Option 2
Row D
Option 3
Option 1
Row E
Option 2
Row E
Option 3

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Row A and B are part of all 3 columns.
Archetype 1

Row A and B are part of every archetype
Archetype 2

Row A and B are part of every archetype
Archetype 3

Row A and B are part of every archetype


This is the customization method used for ranged and ability-focused classes.

You are given a number of customization points based on your level which can be used to purchase abilities from a tiered list (see example below). The list is divided into three tiers: Expert, Adept, and Novice. You will receive a number of Expert points equal to your level, and then LV+1 for Adept and LV+2 for Novice. Unspent points in a higher tier can be ‘dropped down’ and spent at lower tiers.

  • Cost is how many points you must spend to purchase the ability.
  • Max is the maximum amount of times you may purchase the ability.
    • Your total uses may be greater than this maximum if the ability grants multiple uses per purchase (see below).
  • Frequency is the frequency and amount of uses you receive for each purchase.
    • For example, if something is Cost: 1, Max: 4, and has a Frequency of 1/Life, you could spend 4 points to purchase it 4 times and your total amount of uses would be 4/Life.
    • As another example, if something is Cost: 1, Max: 3, and has a Frequency of 2/Life, you could spend 3 points to purchase it 3 times and your total amount of uses would be 6/Life because each purchase grants 2 uses.
  • The Archetype columns show which abilities are part of which Archetypes. The available Archetypes themselves are listed underneath the main list of options.
  • Range and Type are just providing quick references to the Range and Ability Type for the ability. They do not impact class customization.
Lv. 1 1 2 3
Lv. 2 2 3 4
Lv. 3 3 4 5
Lv. 4 4 5 6
Lv. 5 5 6 7
Lv. 6 6 7 8

See below for a visual example of the ability list with further details.

Archetype Ability Name Cost Max Frequency Range Type

Points Available
= Your Level

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
A B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment

Points Available
= Your Level+1

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
A B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
A B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment

Points Available
= Your Level+2

Unspent points at this tier are wasted.
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A B Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype.
Archetype A

Gain Benefit

Suffer Drawback
Archetype B

Gain Benefit

Suffer Drawback
Archetype C

Gain Benefit

Suffer Drawback

Monster Selection

This customization method is exclusive to the Monster class. Instead of choosing specific abilities, you choose a preset monster from the list of Standard Battlegame Monsters in this rulebook or from a supplementary document (with permission from the Game Organizer. Each specific monster will have little, if any, customization options themselves, however some abilities will gain more uses based on your Monster level.

Symbols and Extra Notations ⬗ ♻ 🛡️ ✅

There are three types of symbols you may encounter during class customization:

  1. ⬗ This symbol is related to casting. See Free Hand requirements.
  2. ♻ This symbol is related to resting and restoring ability uses.
  3. 🛡️ This symbol and other emojis are related to archetypes or class-specific abilities.
  4. ✅ This symbol means that this class or archetype gains this ability for free.

V8 border axe hammer.png

General Rules (Combat Classes)
Anatomy of a Class Profile · Garb Bonus · Class Customization
Combat Classes
General Rules · Anti-Paladin · Archer · Assassin · Barbarian · Bard · Druid · Healer · Monk · Paladin · Peasant · Scout · Warrior · Wizard · Monster
Credits and Levels · Combat Classes · Non-Combat Classes
Amtgard V9 Rulebook
Playtest Disclaimer · Introduction · Getting Started · Garb · Honor System · Safety · Core Combat Rules · Equipment · Classes · Abilities and Effects · Magic Items · Combat Activities · Rules Authorities
Appendix: Equipment Inspection Guide · Master List of Abilities · Glossary