V9: Combat Classes

From AmtWiki
This page is part of the Official Amtgard V9 Alpha-Playtest Rulebook.
  • The Amtwiki is the official home and primary source for Amtgard V9 Rules as of February 25, 2023.
  • These rules are currently in Open Alpha Playtest. See the Playtest Disclaimer for more details.
  • To learn more about Amtgard V9 Development, please visit Amtgard.com.
  • To view the current Amtgard V8 ruleset, please see the Amtgard V8 Rulebook.


Combat Classes


General Rules

Combat classes are designed for use in combat activities.

Playing an activity with combat classes will introduce special abilities and powerful effects into the game, including enchantments, healing, fireballs, and a slew of verbal magic, which allow players to affect each other at a distance without making physical contact.

Each combat class brings a unique set of abilities and equipment limitations to the battlefield. These classes are designed to be played alongside each other as part of a team or adventuring party. While each class offers a flexible playstyle, there will always be some classes that are better tailored to certain tasks than others. Take the time to read the playstyle summaries, talk with veteran players, and try a few out on the battlefield to help you find the class that is best suited for your preferred playstyle.

Players may change their combat class freely between activities. You can play Scout during your first game, switch to a Wizard for some roleplay, and then finish the day as a Paladin. You can choose to play each of these as the same character or change it up at your leisure. Since progression is tied to your ORK account, you can play any character as any class, up to the highest level you have unlocked in that class.

Class Identifier
Garb Bonus

Class Name

This is the name of the class.

The names used to describe the classes do not define how you must play and portray them. Your character and persona are defined through your actions, garb, and roleplay choices, not the name of the class or the abilities it gives you. The classes exist here in this form to support the execution of game mechanics; it is up to you to give them life, substance, and personality.

  • For example, you can choose to play the Barbarian class as a Samurai, or the Healer class as a Cultist. With a little flair and creativity, the Druid class makes an excellent Alchemist.

With that in mind, the class name listed in each class profile is the universal term all players must acknowledge regardless of whether they are playing that class with a stereotypical presentation or something different.

  • For example, someone playing Barbarian to represent a Samurai must still acknowledge that they are the Barbarian class and respond appropriately when they are identified as a Barbarian during gameplay.

Class Description

This briefly describes and explains the inspiration for the class in Amtgard, as well as provides some typical examples of the class in history and/or pop culture. While players are free to roleplay any class in any manner, you will find that the abilities and presentation are generally centered around the themes presented here.

Class Playstyle

This briefly explains the intended playstyle for the class by providing some keywords to crystallize their role on the battlefield. As with the class descriptions above, this text does not force a player to fight a certain way, nor does it prevent experimentation, however the equipment and abilities for each class are generally intended to support the playstyles expressed here.

Class Identifier

A class sash
This lists the visual indicator that is required to denote you are playing the class, usually a Sash. This identifier must be worn at all times during combat activities. A player without a class identifier can only play the Peasant class.

While not required, players are also encouraged to dress in thematic garb in addition to wearing the class-specific identifier.

Class Weapons

This will denote the weapon types available to the class. If the weapon types are presented as a list, players may freely switch between available weapon types over the course of the activity. If the player is required to ‘choose’ one or more options, then the choice must be locked in with the rest of class customization and cannot be changed during the course of the activity.

Class Shields

This will denote the shield sizes available to the class. If the shield size is presented as "up to X size", players may freely use any shield equal or smaller than that size and may switch between available shield sizes over the course of the activity. If the player is required to ‘choose’ one or more options, then the choice must be locked in with the rest of class customization and cannot be changed during the course of the activity.

Class Armor

This denotes the maximum armor point value the class may receive from Physical Armor. This limit is only applied after armor point totals are fully calculated and averaged.

Low Armor Compensation
Some classes may be offered compensation in the form of extra abilities whenever the player is wearing fewer armor points in each hit location than the total available to them. The compensation gained depends on the combined total of all armor points gained from physical armor across all locations.

  • Armor point totals are calculated and compensation is locked in at the start of the game. Players may choose to play with less total armor points than they are actually wearing in order to receive compensation, as long as it does not create a situation where two visually similar hit locations have different maximum armor values.
    • For instance, a player might choose to play with a reduced torso armor value in order to meet a 15pt threshold and get compensated; however if both their legs are similarly armored, they couldn't reduce one without also reducing the other.
  • Damage and enchantments during gameplay will not affect this compensation.
  • If physical armor must be added or removed mid-game, bonuses are recalculated between lives and the player should do their best to inform Rules Authorities and other players about the change.
  • For example, A Warrior player wearing 4 points on torso, 2 points on each arm, and 3 points on each leg would have 14pts total (4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 14) and thus gain +1 use of Shake It Off as compensation for wearing less armor than what is available to their class.
    Example Armor entry from Warrior.
    Armor May wear up to 6pts of physical armor in each hit location.

    May gain 🌶️Low-Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    - 21-30pts = No compensation.
    - 11-20pts = +1 use of Shake It Off
    - 0-10pts = +2 uses of Shake It Off


Garb Bonus

The Garb Bonus is a reward for players who wear garb and present a visual appearance that evokes the Heroic Fantasy theme of Amtgard.

There is no minimum amount of costume or covering required as long as the overall appearance is clearly costumed or decorated in some way beyond a normal mundane appearance. This can include prosthetics, tattoos, body paint, accessories, etc. in addition to traditional fantasy clothing and apparel.

The Garb Bonus is a game-by-game bonus, assessed and awarded at the discretion of the Game Organizer or an associated Rules Authority. The following points should be always considered when assessing players for the Garb Bonus:

  1. Players should be encouraged to garb appropriately for their local weather and climate conditions. Safety always comes first.
  2. Players must always adhere to applicable, real-world clothing regulations and decency laws.
  3. Modern Shoes, necessary medical gear, and relevant safety apparel may be worn without forfeiting the garb bonus as long as their quantity and/or design is not unreasonably obtrusive to the overall fantasy appearance, as determined by the Game Organizer for each activity. For example, sunglasses should be allowed but novelty "Happy New Year 2023" glasses should be rejected.

Basic Garb Bonus
An example of a player in basic garb. Click to view more examples in the Garb bonus gallery.

Requirements: Appropriately garbed "Top" and "Bottom" with no visible mundane garments.

  • "Top" refers to the area a T-shirt would cover. "Bottom" refers to the area that shorts would cover.
  • These areas do not need to be completely covered, they just need to be visually appropriate for the theme. A shirtless player or someone with a sleeveless tunic can still meet these requirements as long as their lack of coverage contributes to their overall garb look.
  • For monsters specifically, all garb worn must align with any additional monster garb requirements and reflect the specific monster being portrayed.

Reward: Choice of Magic Item from the Garb Bonus Curios list.

Superior Garb Bonus
An example of a player in superior garb. Click to view more examples in the Garb bonus gallery.

Requirements: Awarded by the Game Organizer in addition to the Basic Garb bonus for having a reasonable amount of additional garb or costuming above and beyond the basic requirements listed above. This includes but is not limited to: fantasy headwear, fantasy footwear, facepaint, prosthetics, accessories clearly visible from 20ft away, etc.

Reward: The curio chosen for the basic garb bonus receives +1 use.

Note: There is no exact amount of extra garb or costuming required. Rather, this bonus should be awarded in good faith to those who have clearly made some effort to go above and beyond the basic garb bonus requirements outlined above.


Class Customization

Players have the ability to customize their class based on their current level in that class.

The Game Organizer decides when players are required to finalize class selection, as well as when to lock in any customization choices.

There are three types of class customization:

In addition, some classes may have access to Archetypes (see below).


Archetypes are special customization options that provide rare and powerful benefits in exchange for limiting class customization and/or additional drawbacks.

  • When present, archetypes may be chosen after achieving level 3 in the desired class.
  • A player can only choose to have one archetype at a time.
  • Archetypes cannot modify or restore abilities granted by enchantments and magic items. For example, a magic item or enchantment that grants Shake It Off cannot be restored by the Guardian or Juggernaut archetypes.


This customization method is used for melee and equipment-oriented classes.


  • At level 1, you will receive a preset list of abilities.
  • For levels 2-6, you will make picks from a list of rows and options within those rows. The higher level you are, the more picks you can make.
  • If you are level 3 or above, you may also choose an archetype that offers extra benefits in exchange for restricting your picks and possibly other drawbacks.

See below for a visual example with further details

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Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
Level 1 abilities
No Options - Gain everything here
Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
No Options - Gain everything here
No Options - Gain everything here
Option 1
Row C
Option 2
Row C
Option 3
Option 1
Row D
Option 2
Row D
Option 3
Option 1
Row E
Option 2
Row E
Option 3

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Row A and B are part of all 3 columns.
Archetype 1

Row A and B are part of every archetype
Archetype 2

Row A and B are part of every archetype
Archetype 3

Row A and B are part of every archetype


This is the customization method used for ranged and ability-focused classes.

You are given a number of customization points based on your level which can be used to purchase abilities from a tiered list (see example below). The list is divided into three tiers: Expert, Adept, and Novice. You will receive a number of Expert points equal to your level, and then LV+1 for Adept and LV+2 for Novice. Unspent points in a higher tier can be ‘dropped down’ and spent at lower tiers.

  • Cost is how many points you must spend to purchase the ability.
  • Max is the maximum amount of times you may purchase the ability.
    • Your total uses may be greater than this maximum if the ability grants multiple uses per purchase (see below).
  • Frequency is the frequency and amount of uses you receive for each purchase.
    • For example, if something is Cost: 1, Max: 4, and has a Frequency of 1/Life, you could spend 4 points to purchase it 4 times and your total amount of uses would be 4/Life.
    • As another example, if something is Cost: 1, Max: 3, and has a Frequency of 2/Life, you could spend 3 points to purchase it 3 times and your total amount of uses would be 6/Life because each purchase grants 2 uses.
  • The Archetype columns show which abilities are part of which Archetypes. The available Archetypes themselves are listed underneath the main list of options.
  • Range and Type are just providing quick references to the Range and Ability Type for the ability. They do not impact class customization.
Lv. 1 1 2 3
Lv. 2 2 3 4
Lv. 3 3 4 5
Lv. 4 4 5 6
Lv. 5 5 6 7
Lv. 6 6 7 8

See below for a visual example of the ability list with further details.

Archetype Ability Name Cost Max Frequency Range Type

Points Available
= Your Level

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
A B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment

Points Available
= Your Level+1

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.
A B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
A B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment

Points Available
= Your Level+2

Unspent points at this tier are wasted.
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A C Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B C Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A B Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment
B Example Name 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
A Example Name 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 5ft Other Enchantment

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype.
Archetype A

Gain Benefit

Suffer Drawback
Archetype B

Gain Benefit

Suffer Drawback
Archetype C

Gain Benefit

Suffer Drawback

Monster Selection

This customization method is exclusive to the Monster class. Instead of choosing specific abilities, you choose a preset monster from the list of Standard Battlegame Monsters in this rulebook or from a supplementary document (with permission from the Game Organizer. Each specific monster will have little, if any, customization options themselves, however some abilities will gain more uses based on your Monster level.

Symbols and Extra Notations ⬗ ♻ 🛡️ ✅

There are three types of symbols you may encounter during class customization:

  1. ⬗ This symbol is related to casting. See Free Hand requirements.
  2. ♻ This symbol is related to resting and restoring ability uses.
  3. 🛡️ This symbol and other emojis are related to archetypes or class-specific abilities.
  4. ✅ This symbol means that this class or archetype gains this ability for free.

V8 border axe hammer.png

Picks-System Classes

V8Art Anti-Paladin.png


Description Anti-Paladins are armored fighters who use dark magic to harm their enemies and control the flow of battle.
Playstyle Frontline, Hybrid, Melee, Shield User, Crowd Control, Damage, Durable
Class Identifier ColorCodeMagenta-231130.jpg Magenta Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin
Shields Any
Armor May wear up to 4pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 11-20pts = No compensation
- 0-10pts = +1 use of Fear

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A Immune to Afraid (T)

Fear 😱
2/Life ♻20
Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Steal Life Essence
2/Life ♻10

Dark Pact (Unlimited)
ROW C Poison Weapon (Self)
1/Life ♻10
ROW D Wounding 💀
1/Life ♻20
OR Curse Strike 😱
2/Life ♻20
OR Fireball 🔥
1 Ball
ROW E Raise Dead 💀
1/Life ♻20
OR Dying Breath 😱
OR Incinerate Armor 🔥
1/Life ♻10
ROW F Undead Minion 💀
2/Refresh ♻60
OR Cowardice
3/Refresh ♻30
OR Flame Blade (Self)

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.
Dark Revenant 💀

Whenever you use Dark Pact, you may declare and restore one 💀 ability instead of choosing one of the other options.

Weapons are limited to Dagger, Short, and Flail.

Dread Blade😱

Whenever you use Dark Pact, you may declare and restore one 😱 ability instead of choosing one of the other options.

Can only wield up to a Small shield.

Dragoon 🔥

Gain double uses from abilities with 🔥.

Flame Blade, if picked, gains ♻60.

Cannot wield Short or Long weapons.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Archer.png


Description Archers are long-range, bow-users that use precision shots and specialty arrows to strike down enemies and create advantages for their allies.
Playstyle Backline, Bow User, Damage, Evasive, Ranged, Shield User, Versatile
Class Identifier ColorCodeOrange-231130.jpg Orange Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Bow
Shields None
Armor May wear up to 2pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 1-10pts = No compensation.
- 0pts = Custom Quiver (1)

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A 🎯Reload 1/Life ♻20

Custom Quiver (3)
Choose (#) arrows in any combination of Destruction, Pinning, or Suppression Arrow. If a player has access to multiple instances of Custom Quiver, they may not have more than 5 of a single type of arrow.

Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Custom Quiver (3)
ROW C 🎯Phase Arrow
1 Arrow
ROW D 🎯Teleport (Self)
1/Life ♻20
OR Custom Quiver (2) OR Heal (Self)
1/Life ♻20
ROW E 🎯Ice Barrier
1/Life ♻20
OR Custom Quiver (2) OR Mend (Self)
1/Life ♻20
ROW F 🎯Phase Arrow
1 Arrow
OR Custom Quiver (2) OR May use a Buckler.

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.

Picks with 🎯 grant double uses.

Any arrow acquired through Custom Quiver may be exchanged for 2 Poison Arrows each during class customization.

Cannot use Pinning Arrows.

Mystic Archer

May have up to 8 arrows of the same type using Custom Quiver.

Cannot use Short weapons.

May only wear up to 1pt of physical armor per hit location.


If Buckler is picked, may wield any size shield.

May wear up to 3pts of physical armor per hit location.

Cannot use Reload.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Assassin.png


Description Assassins are mobile, opportunistic fighters that excel at slipping in and out of enemy lines to take out targets with deadly efficiency.
Playstyle Bow User, Evasive, Melee, Ranged, Skirmisher, Versatile
Class Identifier ColorCodeBlack-231130.jpg Black Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Small Thrown, Large Thrown, Bow
Shields None
Armor May wear up to 3pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 6-15pts = No compensation
- 0-5pts = +1 use of Shadow Step 👻

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A Shadowstep 👻
2/Life ♻10

Assassinate (Unlimited)

Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Blink 👻
1/Life ♻20

Cunning (Unlimited)

ROW C Poison Weapon (Self)
1/Life ♻10

Coup De Grace
1/Life ♻30

ROW D Poison Arrow & Poison Bolt
Any combination of 2 Arrows/Balls
OR Blink 👻
1/Life ♻20
OR Hold Person 🧨
1/Life ♻20
ROW E Pass Without Trace 👻
1/Life ♻20
OR Decoy
OR Dimensional Rift 🧨
1/Life ♻30
ROW F Suppressing Strike
1/Life ♻20
OR Teleport 👻
2/Life ♻20
OR Lay Curse🧨
2/Life ♻20

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.

If Poison Arrows/Balls are picked, it grants any combination of 6 instead of 2.

Poison Weapon, if picked, becomes Vorpal Blades 1/Life

Can only use Daggers, Bows, Poison Bolts, and Poison Arrows (Cannot use regular arrows).


👻 abilities become ♻10.

May use 👻 abilities on themselves while Insubstantial, replacing the existing insubstantial effect.

Cannot wear more than 1pt of armor in each location. Will still receive the extra ability from low armor compensation.


🧨 abilities become ♻10.

Hold Person, if picked, may be replaced with Entangle 1/Ball during class customization.

May wield a Buckler.

Cannot Dual Wield melee weapons.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Barbarian.png


Description Barbarians are relentless melee brawlers that use might and aggression to crush their opponents before them.
Playstyle Damage, Durable, Frontline, Melee, Shield User, Skirmisher
Class Identifier ColorCodeWhite-231115.jpg White Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin, Large Thrown, Rocks
Shields Up to Medium
Armor May wear up to 4pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 11-20pts = No compensation
- 0-10pts = +1 use of a picked per-life ability

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A Immune to Stopped (T)

Giant Strength (T)

Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Adrenaline (Unlimited)
ROW C Blood and Thunder
ROW D Feel No Pain
OR Shake It Off
OR Blood and Thunder
ROW E Curse Strike
OR Shove Strike
OR Suppressing Strike
ROW F Undying Will
OR +1 use of an already picked Power Strike OR Berserk (Any)

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.

Gain Berserk (Self) 1/Life

Undying Will, if chosen, becomes 1/Life.

Cannot use shields.


Shake It Off, if picked, becomes Unlimited.

Cannot receive enchantments from other players.


Blood and Thunder and Adrenaline become Range: 5ft (Any)

Cannot use projectiles.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Monk.png


Description Monks are mystic skirmishers that are hard to pin down. Their special arts allow them to support their allies and challenge sorcerous foes.
Playstyle Effective vs Abilities, Evasive, Melee, Ranged, Skirmisher, Support
Class Identifier ColorCodeGray-231130.jpg Gray Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Large Thrown
Shields None
Armor May wear up to 1pt Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 1-5pts = No compensation
- 0pts = +1 use of a picked per-life ability

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A Immune to Verbal abilities (T)

Missile Block (T)
Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Heal
2/Life ♻10
ROW C Transfer Life (Unlimited)
ROW D Taunting Strike
1/Life ♻20

Inner Fire (Unlimited)
OR Shove Strike
1/Life ♻20

Inner Fire (Unlimited)
OR Suppressing Strike
1/Life ♻20

Inner Fire (Unlimited)
ROW E +1 use of an already picked Power Strike OR Banish
1/Life ♻10
OR Shove 🔮
1/Life ♻10
ROW F Flight
1/Life ♻20
OR Rebuke
1/Life ♻10
OR Break Concentration 🔮
1/Life ♻10

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.
Eternal Challenger

Gain Fireball
1 Ball

Cannot use Large Thrown.


Gain Meditate

Cannot wear physical armor. May still gain Low Armor compensation.

Mage Hunter

Whenever you use Inner Fire, you may declare and restore one 🔮 ability instead of the normal effect.

Cannot use Reach and Pike weapons.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Paladin.png


Description Paladins are armored guardians that wield formidable equipment alongside sacred magic to support and protect their allies.
Playstyle Durable, Frontline, Hybrid, Melee, Shield User, Support
Class Identifier ColorCodeAquamarine-231130.jpg Aquamarine Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin
Shields Any
Armor May wear up to 5pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 16-25pts = No compensation
- 6-15pts = +1 use of Heal ✨ or Renew ✨
- 0-5pts = +1 use of Heal ✨ and Renew ✨

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A Immune to Afraid (T)

Heal 1/Life ♻10 ✨
Renew (Other) 1/Life ♻10 ✨

Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Aegis (Self)

Conviction (Unlimited)

ROW C Rebuke 🛡️
2/Life ♻10
ROW D Adaptive Blessing (Other)✨
OR Safeguard 🛡️
1/Life ♻10
OR Taunt ⚔️
2/Life ♻10
ROW E Resurrect
1/Life ♻20
OR Blessing Against Harm (Any)
OR Rally
ROW F Swift
1/Refresh ♻10
OR Shake It Off 🛡️
1/Life ♻10
OR Shove Strike ⚔️
2/Life ♻20

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.

Gain double uses of abilities with ✨.

Weapons are limited to Dagger, Short, and Flail.

Cannot wear more than 3 points of armor in any single location.


Whenever you use Conviction, you may declare and restore one 🛡️ ability instead of the normal effect.

Cannot bear enchantments that grant offensive abilities or strike enhancements (such as Armor Breaking).


Whenever you use Conviction, you may declare and restore one ⚔️ ability instead of the normal effect.

Can only use up to small shields.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Scout.png


Description Scouts are versatile combatants that take advantage of a versatile skill set to improvise, adapt, and overcome any obstacle.
Playstyle Bow User, Evasive, Melee, Ranged, Shield User, Skirmisher, Support, Versatile
Class Identifier ColorCodeGreen-231130.jpg Green Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Great, Large Thrown, Bow
Shields Up to Small
Armor May wear up to 4pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 11-20pts = No compensation
- 0-10pts = +1 use of Prepared

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A Prepared (T)
Level/Life ♻20

Heal (Prepared), Release (Prepared)

Insight (Unlimited)

Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Adaptive Blessing (Self) (Prepared)
ROW C Tracking (Prepared)
ROW D Hold Person
OR Mend
OR Pinning Arrow
1 Arrow
ROW E Shadow Step
OR Suppressing Strike
OR Suppression Arrow
1 Arrow
ROW F Safeguard
OR Expose Weakness
OR Pass Without Trace

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.

Gain the following:
Extension (Prepared)
Ambulant (Prepared)
Swift (Prepared)

Cannot use great weapons.


Gain ⬗Barkskin (Self)(Prepared)

May wear up to two enchantments from other players and only one from themselves. Total limit is still two.

Cannot use projectiles.


Specialty Arrow picks grant 2 arrows instead of 1.

Gain Reload (Prepared)

Cannot use shields.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Warrior.png


Description Warriors are consummate fighters who use their martial skills and superior equipment to forge a powerful presence on the field.
Playstyle Damage, Durable, Equipment Focus, Frontline, Melee, Shield User
Class Identifier ColorCodePurple-231130.jpg Purple Sash
Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin
Shields Any
Armor May wear up to 6pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 21-30pts = No compensation
- 11-20pts = +1 use of Shake It Off
- 0-10pts = +2 uses of Shake It Off

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1

You always get these abilities when you play this class.
ROW A Scavenge (Unlimited)

Shake It Off
1/Life ♻10

Levels 2-6

For each level beyond 1, pick a row you have not already chosen and gain the abilities within.

If that row has multiple options, pick one of those options and gain everything from that option.
ROW B Harden (Self)
ROW C Taunt 🖤
2/Life ♻10
ROW D Safeguard 🖤
2/Life ♻20
OR Undying Will
3/Refresh ♻60
OR Taunting Strike
2/Life ♻20
ROW E Reforge 🖤
1/Life ♻20
OR Temper Armor (Self)
3/Refresh ♻30
OR Runic Armor (Self)
3/Refresh ♻30
ROW F Ancestral Shield (Self)
OR Ancestral Armor (Self)
OR Ancestral Weapon (Self)
3/Refresh ♻60

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you cannot make more than one pick from outside that archetype’s column. Rows A, B, and C are part of all 3 columns.
🖤 Ironheart

Whenever you use Scavenge, you may declare and restore one 🖤 ability instead of the normal effect.

Cannot use Reach, Pikes, or Javelin weapons.


Whenever you use Scavenge, you may declare and restore one use of Shake It Off, if picked, instead of the normal effect.

Shake It Off becomes ♻20 instead of ♻10.


Taunting Strike, if chosen, is replaced by Blade Mastery 2/Life ♻20

Whenever you use Scavenge, you may declare and restore one use of Blade Mastery instead of the normal effect.

Cannot use shields.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

Point-Buy Classes

V8Art Bard.png


Description Bards are dashing hybrid spellcasters that use martial bravado and verbal magic to inspire allies and hinder foes.
Playstyle Crowd Control, Hybrid, Melee, Shield User, Support, Versatile
Class Identifier ColorCodeBlue--231129.jpg Blue Sash
Shields Buckler
Armor May wear up to 2pts Physical Armor in each hit location.

May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
- 1-10pts = No compensation
- 0pts = +1 customization point at Novice tier

Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1 May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level.
Archetype Ability Name Cost Max Frequency Range Type

Points Available
= Your Level

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

🎺 Berserk 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
💃 🏴‍☠️ Cowardice 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 20ft (Other) Verbal
💃 🎺 Discordia 1 4 1/Life ♻30 Self Verbal
💃 🎺 Inspired Soul 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
💃 🎺 Revitalize 1 - 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Verbal
🏴‍☠️ Song of Battle 2 1 Unlimited Self Verbal
🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Song of Survival 1 2 1/Life ♻60 Self Verbal
🏴‍☠️ Suppressing Strike 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 Strike Power Strike

Points Available
= Your Level+1

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

💃 🏴‍☠️ Fear 1 2 1/Life ♻20 20ft (Other) Verbal
💃 Hold Person 1 2 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Mend 1 2 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
🎺 Silver Tongue 1 2 1/Life ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Small Shield 1 1 - - Equipment
🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Song of Determination 2 1 Unlimited Self Verbal
🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Song of Freedom 2 1 Unlimited Self Verbal
💃 🏴‍☠️ Suppress Aura 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 20ft Verbal

Points Available
= Your Level+2

Unspent points at this tier are wasted.

🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Ambulant 1 - 1/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
🎺 Amplify 1 2 1/Life ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
💃 🎺 Break Concentration 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
💃 🎺 Choreograph 1 2 1/Life ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Confidence 1 - 1/Refresh ♻10 5ft (Other) Verbal
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Extension 1 - 1/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Innate 1 4 1/Refresh ♻10 Self Verbal
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Release 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
💃 🎺 Renew 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Other) Verbal
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Shove 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft (Other) Verbal
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Song of Power 0 1 Unlimited Self Verbal
💃 🏴‍☠️ 🎺 Swift 1 - 1/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
💃 🏴‍☠️ Taunt 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
🏴‍☠️ Taunting Strike 1 4 2/Life ♻10 Strike Power Strike

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype.
Coryphée 💃

Gain Ambulant (Unlimited).

Can only purchase abilities with the 💃 tag.

Swashbuckler 🏴‍☠️

May dual-wield weapons and cast spells without a free hand.

Gain Bravado (Unlimited).

Can only purchase abilities with the 🏴‍☠️ tag.

Troubadour 🎺

Purchased uses of Renew are not expended when used on allies bearing your enchantments.

Can only purchase abilities with the 🎺 tag.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Druid.png


Description Druids are control mages and enchanters that specialize in bolstering their team’s armor and granting offensive boons.
Playstyle Bow User, Crowd Control, Damage, Ranged, Support
Class Identifier ColorCodeBrown-231130.jpg Brown Sash
Shields None
Armor None
Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1 May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level.
Archetype Ability Name Cost Max Frequency Range Type

Points Available
= Your Level

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

🗿 Berserk 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🍃 Blessing Against Harm 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 Self Enchantment
🗿 🍃 Bow or Short Weapon 2 1 - - Equipment
Firestorm 1 4 1/Life ♻30 Self Verbal
Iceball 2 2 1 Ball Strike Spellball
Icy Blast 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 20ft Verbal
🗿 🍃 Stoneskin 2 2 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 🍃 Temper Armor 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 🍃 Word of Mending 1 - 1/Refresh ♻30 5ft (Any) Verbal

Points Available
= Your Level+1

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

Flight 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 Self Verbal
🗿 🍃 Giant Strength 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 Gift of Air 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 🍃 Gift of Earth 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 Gift of Fire 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🍃 Hold Person 1 2 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal
🗿 Incinerate Armor 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
Lightning Bolt 1 2 1 Ball Strike Spellball
🍃 Pass Without Trace 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 Self Verbal
🗿 🍃 Poison Weapon 1 4 1/Life ♻20 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 Reforge 1 4 1/Life ♻20 5ft (Any) Verbal
🗿 🍃 Teleport 1 4 1/Life ♻20 5ft (Any) Verbal

Points Available
= Your Level+2

Unspent points at this tier are wasted.

🗿 🍃 Ambulant 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
🗿 🍃 Barkskin 1 4 1/Life ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 🍃 Entangle 1 4 2 Balls Strike Spellball
🗿 🍃 Extension 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
🗿 🍃 Gift of Water 1 4 1/Life ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🗿 🍃 Heal 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
🗿 Ice Barrier 1 4 1/Life ♻10 Self Verbal
🗿 🍃 Innate 1 4 2/Refresh ♻10 Self Verbal
🗿 🍃 Mana Harvest 1 4 2/Life Self Verbal
🗿 🍃 Meditate 1 4 1/Life Self Verbal
🗿 🍃 Mend 1 - 2/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
🗿 Poison Bolt 1 4 1 Ball Strike Spellball
🗿 🍃 Release 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
🗿 🍃 Renew 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Other) Verbal
🗿 🍃 Safeguard 1 4 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Other) Verbal
🍃 Shove 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft (Other) Verbal
🗿 🍃 Swift 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype.
Shaman 🗿

Purchased uses of Mend and Renew are not expended when used on allies bearing your enchantments.

Can only purchase abilities with the 🗿 tag.


Gain Elemental Barrage (Unlimited)

May not use a bow.

Can only purchase abilities with the⚡ tag.

Greenwarden 🍃

Gain Mulch (Unlimited).

Can only purchase abilities with the 🍃 tag.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Healer.png


Description Healers are team-oriented spellcasters with a variety of spells to support their allies and harm their foes.
Playstyle Backline, Crowd Control, Melee, Ranged, Shield User, Support
Class Identifier ColorCodeRed-231129.jpg Red Sash
Shields None
Armor None
Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1 May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level.
Archetype Ability Name Cost Max Frequency Range Type

Points Available
= Your Level

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

🛡️ Blessing Against Harm 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Any) Enchantment
🚨 💀 Gift of Light 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 5ft (Any) Enchantment
🚨 💀 Iceball 2 2 1 Ball Strike Spellball
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Medium Shield or Short 1 1 - - Equipment
🛡️ 🚨 Phoenix Tears 1 - 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 Runic Armor 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🚨 💀 Sever Spirit 1 2 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 Temper Armor 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment

Points Available
= Your Level+1

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

🛡️ 🚨 Blessing Against Projectiles 1 4 2/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
💀 Expose Weakness 1 2 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 Harden 1 4 2/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🚨 💀 Hold Person 1 2 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal
🛡️ Inspired Soul 1 4 2/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
💀 Lay Curse 1 4 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 Resurrect 1 - 1/Life ♻20 5ft (Other) Verbal
🛡️ 💀 Small Shield 2 1 - - Equipment
🛡️ 💀 Teleport 1 4 1/Life ♻20 5ft (Any) Verbal
💀 Undead Minion 1 2 1/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🛡️ 🚨 Ward 1 4 2/Refresh ♻60 5ft (Other) Enchantment

Points Available
= Your Level+2

Unspent points at this tier are wasted.

🛡️ Adaptive Blessing 2 - 1/Life ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Ambulant 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Banish 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 Blessing Against Wounds 1 - 2/Life ♻30 5ft (Other) Enchantment
🚨 💀 Entangle 1 4 1 Ball Strike Spellball
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Extension 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Heal 0 1 Unlimited 5ft (Any) Verbal
🛡️ 💀 Ice Barrier 1 4 1/Life ♻10 Self Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Innate 1 4 2/Refresh ♻10 Self Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Mana Harvest 1 4 2/Life Self Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Meditate 1 4 1/Life Self Verbal
🚨 💀 Mend 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
💀 Raise Dead 2 4 1/Life ♻20 5ft (Other) Verbal
🚨 💀 Rebuke 1 2 1/Life ♻10 20ft (Other) Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Release 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 Renew 1 - 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Other) Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 Safeguard 1 4 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Other) Verbal
💀 Shove 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft (Other) Verbal
🛡️ 🚨 💀 Swift 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype.
Warder 🛡️

Purchased uses of Release and Renew are not expended when used on allies bearing your enchantments.

Cannot wield Short or Flail weapons.

Can only purchase abilities with the 🛡️tag.

War Priest 🚨

Meta-Magics become Per-Life and Max: 4.

May use up to Medium shields.

Can only purchase abilities with the 🚨 tag.

Necromancer 💀

Undead Minion becomes ♻10 and Max: 5.

Double your total uses of Expose Weakness, Lay Curse, Raise Dead, and Sever Spirit.

Can only purchase abilities with the 💀 tag.

= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

V8Art Wizard.png


Description Wizards are offensive spellcasters that use a variety of powerful abilities to destroy or restrict their opponents.
Playstyle Damage, Ranged, Backline, Crowd Control, Evasive
Class Identifier ColorCodeYellow-231129.jpg Yellow Sash
Shields None
Armor None
Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Level 1 May spend customization points to purchase additional abilities from the list below. Points available are based on level.
Archetype Ability Name Cost Max Frequency Range Type

Points Available
= Your Level

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

👟 🔥 🔮 Blessing Against Harm 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 Self Enchantment
👟 🔮 Coup De Grace 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 20ft Verbal
👟 🔮 Dragged Below 1 4 1/Refresh ♻60 20ft Verbal
🔮 Firestorm 1 4 1/Life ♻30 Self Verbal
🔥 Iceball 2 2 1 Ball Strike Spellball
👟 Icy Blast 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 20ft Verbal
🔮 Pestilence 1 4 1/Life ♻30 Self Verbal
🔥 🔮 Phase Bolt 2 2 1 Ball Strike Spellball
🔥 🔮 Sphere of Annihilation 3 1 1 Ball Strike Spellball
👟 🔮 Wounding 1 4 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal

Points Available
= Your Level+1

Unspent points may be used at a lower tier.

👟 🔮 Dimensional Rift 1 4 1/Refresh ♻30 20ft Verbal
🔥 🔮 Fireball 1 4 1 Ball Strike Spellball
🔥 🔮 Flight 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 Self Verbal
👟 Hold Person 1 4 1/Life ♻20 20ft Verbal
🔥 🔮 Lightning Bolt 1 4 1 Ball Strike Spellball
👟 Mend 1 4 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
👟 🔥 Release 1 4 1/Life ♻10 5ft (Any) Verbal
👟 🔥 🔮 Short Weapon 1 1 - - Equipment
👟 Suppress Aura 1 4 1/Refresh ♻20 20ft Verbal
🔥 🔮 Suppression Bolt 1 4 2 Ball Strike Spellball
👟 🔥 🔮 Teleport 1 4 1/Life ♻20 5ft (Any) Verbal

Points Available
= Your Level+2

Unspent points at this tier are wasted.

🔥 Ambulant 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
👟 🔮 Banish 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
👟 Break Concentration 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
🔥 Entangle 1 2 2 Balls Strike Spellball
👟 🔮 Expose Weakness 1 - 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
👟 🔮 Extension 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 - Meta-Magic
🔥 Force Bolt 1 - 3 Balls Strike Spellball
🔥 🔮 Ice Barrier 1 4 1/Life ♻10 Self Verbal
👟 🔮 Incinerate Armor 1 - 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
👟 🔥 🔮 Innate 1 4 2/Refresh ♻10 Self Verbal
👟 🔮 Lay Curse 1 - 1/Life ♻10 20ft Verbal
👟 🔥 🔮 Mana Harvest 1 4 2/Life Self Verbal
👟 🔥 🔮 Meditate 1 4 1/Life Self Verbal
🔥 🔮 Poison Bolt 1 4 2 Balls Strike Spellball
👟 Shove 1 4 1/Life ♻10 20ft (Other) Verbal
👟 🔥 🔮 Swift 1 - 2/Refresh ♻10 Self Meta-Magic

If you are level 3 or above, you MAY choose to take an archetype.

If you do, you can only purchase abilities listed with as part of that archetype.
Battlemage 👟

Gain Ambulant (Unlimited).

Can only purchase abilities with the 👟 tag.
Evoker 🔥

Gain Elemental Barrage 1/Life ♻10.

Can only purchase abilities with the 🔥 tag.
Warlock 🔮

Extension and Swift become Per-Life and Max: 4 instead.

Can only purchase abilities with the 🔮 tag.
= Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time = Included with Archetype 🎺👻🛡️etc. = Archetype-relevant 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

Other Classes

V9Art Peasant.png


Description Peasants are the common folk. They are not blessed with any noteworthy skills or abilities and must rely solely on their own hard work, wits, and ingenuity to survive each day.
Playstyle Melee, Challenge, No Abilities
Class Identifier None. Players without a class identifier can only play the Peasant class.
Weapons Choose one: Dagger, Short, Long, or Stab-Only Great. Cannot Dual Wield.
Shields None
Armor None
Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
+1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
Customization Peasants do not gain any combat abilities as they level up.




General Rules

Leveling the Monster Class

The Monster class represents all monsters in the game. Anytime a player participates as a type of monster - whether it’s a goblin, a harpy, or even a dragon - they are playing as the Monster class.

Gaining levels in the Monster class grants the player benefits for each and every monster they play.

Monster Garb & Class Identifiers

The garb requirements and class identifiers for the monster class are slightly different than they are for the non-monster classes.

  1. 🌶️Monsters do not wear a class sash. In exchange for being able to access a wide variety of different playstyles under a singular class, monster players are held to a higher standard when it comes to their garb. Specifically, they are required to costume themselves appropriately so they are easily recognizable as the monster they are portraying. This does not have to be a perfect or realistic costume, rather it should clearly evoke the monster to the same degree that the colored sashes indicate the other classes.
    • Each monster entry has a minimum expectation for garb, this is usually a mask or other stereotypical visual for that monster, such as fairy wings or a mermaid tail. If the player is wearing no other monster-specific garb, they should at least wear these items in a way that is easy to notice and identify.
    • Being able to identify a monster at a glance is all that matters. If a player’s monster costume is unmistakable as the intended monster, the minimum garb items are not necessary. For example, if Shawna wants to play a Skeleton, the minimum expectation is a skeleton mask. However if she decides to use face paint alongside skeleton-print clothing, then she does not need to wear a mask since it is clear what she is playing based on her chosen look.
    • If a monster player’s garb becomes altered or adjusted mid-activity in such a way that they can no longer be reasonably identified as their chosen monster, the Game Organizer or associated Rules Authority may require them to correct their garb or to participate as the Peasant class for the remainder of the activity.
    • In places where mask-wearing is restricted or outright prohibited, Game Organizers and Rules Authorities are encouraged to allow reasonable alternatives to the minimum garb options for their monster players, such as allowing them to wear a mask as a belt-favor instead, until such a time that they can acquire a suitable maskless costume. Everyone involved should do their best to determine fair accommodations when necessary.
  2. Garb Bonus Curios are awarded to monsters in the same way as other classes except that all their garb must suit the monster being portrayed in addition to being appropriate for the heroic fantasy theme.
    • A Note For Rules Authorities: When reviewing garb for non-humanoid monsters such as drakes and unicorns, remember that there is still a human player underneath and we’re not expecting them to fight on their hands and knees. Be reasonable and award the garb bonus in good faith in the same way you would other non-monster players.
  3. All players should do their best to avoid garb and costumes that may cause them to appear to be a monster class when they are not, and vice-versa. If there is any potential for confusion, actual monster players should be given preferred access to monstrous looks over non-monster players since that is an essential part of their class. When in doubt, players should simply present themselves before the activity to their peers and the Game Organizer so that everyone is on the same page and who is playing what.
  4. 🌶️Paragon Monsters
    Developer Note: The following entry is the V9 Committee’s vision for Paragon Monster symbolism. It is written to support the design and goals of the Monster class in Amtgard V9. It is included here for the sake of gathering feedback but should only be used if and when the Amtgard V9 ruleset is officially adopted.

    The recommended symbol for Paragon Monster is a personalized, silver-trimmed garment, armor component, or piece of equipment depicting monster iconography (also in silver), such as imagery of paragon’s best known monster(s). Paragon monsters are further encouraged to add silver-trimmed elements to their monster garb as an additional way to show that this goblin or skeleton is more than meets the eye. Some ideal pieces include shoulder pads, tabards, and shields.

    Note about Reserved Symbols: For obvious reasons, “silver-trimmed garb, armor, and equipment” cannot be reserved wholesale; however monster players are encouraged to avoid wearing pieces that might suggest that they are paragons until such a time that they have earned that honor. This is not a hard rule, merely a courtesy, so as to avoid stifling creativity in monster garb design.

    Monster Apprentices: Silver-trimmed belt favors are the reserved symbol for Apprentices. The symbol for an Apprentice Monster is a silver-trimmed belt favor with any two-color background, depicting monstrous iconography (usually matching their mentor and/or their own best known monsters).

    Monster Categories

    Monsters are divided into two broad categories: Battlegame Monsters and Adventure Monsters.

    Battlegame Monsters

    Battlegame Monsters are monsters intended to be used by players as part of everyday class battlegames and activities. They are designed and balanced for use alongside the other non-monster classes.

    • This rulebook includes profiles for twelve (12) Standard Battlegame Monsters. These standard monsters do not require any special permission to use and can be freely played anytime a player can play a combat class. Only these standard battlegame monsters are guaranteed to be accessible to monster players for any given activity.
    • Non-standard monsters may still be designed for the battlegame category, however monster players wishing to play them must first receive case-by-case permission from the Game Organizer in order to do so. Non-standard monsters can often have custom abilities and effects that are not found in the Rules of Play. They may also be untested and unrefined, depending on their source, so organizers should use caution when allowing non-standard battlegame monsters in their activities.

    Click here to go to the list of Standard Battlegame Monsters.

    Adventure Monsters

    Adventure Monsters are monsters intended to be employed as NPCs by a Game Organizer in roleplay scenarios, quests, and other such activities. They are usually assigned directly to players by the Game Organizer as part of a larger story or scenario rather than being chosen by the player themselves.

    • Adventure Monsters are not intended to be used as a regular battlegame monster or played as a PC in a roleplay activity. These profiles might have custom abilities and effects that are not found in the Rules of Play. They may also be untested and unrefined, depending on their source. With that in mind, these problems are often solved by the monster being focused more on playing a part and trying to create an enjoyable experience for their opponents instead of trying to “win”.
    • Any monster not explicitly listed as a Battlegame Monster is an Adventure Monster.
    • There are no Adventure Monster profiles in this rulebook, however they can be found in the Dor Un Avathar (Amtgard’s Monster Manual), as well as many of the homebrew compendiums and player-made monster collections.

    Custom Monsters

    The Dor Un Avathar and Game Organizer Guide has tips and guidance about designing and implementing custom Monsters for your activities.


    Standard Battlegame Monsters

    This section includes the profiles for the 12 Standard Battlegame Monsters. These 12 monsters do not require any special permission to use and can be freely played anytime a player can play a combat class. Only these standard battlegame monsters are guaranteed to be accessible to monster players for any given activity.

    Entangling Mass
    Description Though they only seem to be heaps of rotting vegetation, unwary travelers pass by them only to be attacked and ingested for nutrients or left with a dreadful sickness.
    Roleplay Inspiration I am a carnivorous plant-monster. I want to blend into my surroundings and then lash out to entrap my prey in vines and consume them.
    Playstyle Crowd Control, Durable, Frontline, Melee
    Class Identifier Plant-like Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as an entangling mass to other players. Other Suggestions include: ghillie suit, mass of leaves and/or vines
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Flail
    Shields Buckler
    Armor None.
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Amorphous - Blessing Against Wounds (Self) 1/Life
    Vines - Entangle - 1 Ball/Level
    Constrict - Suppressing Strike - Level/Life ♻20
    Supernatural Senses - Tracking - 1/Life ♻20
    Camouflage - Shadow Step - 1/Life ♻20
    Consume - Adrenaline - Unlimited
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Fairies are generally fun-loving pranksters. Their small stature and natural abilities allow them to get into all sorts of trouble.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to be fae. I want to be glittery and fly with wings. I want to play tricks and be mischievous while being hard to retaliate against. I am pretty harmless at the end of the day and might even help you if you play with me.
    Playstyle Evasive, Crowd Control, Backline, Skirmisher, Ranged
    Class Identifier Fairy Wings that can be seen from all sides, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Fairy to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Small Thrown
    Shields None
    Armor None
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Fae Glamour - Immune to Verbal Abilities (T)
    Tiny - Fragile (T)
    Distraction - Break Concentration - Level/Life ♻10
    Rude Gestures - Taunt - Level/Life ♻10
    Wings - Flight - Level/Life ♻20
    Dance of the Fae - Song of Power - Unlimited
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Gargoyles are grotesque, stone-carved statues designed to frighten away evil spirits from cathedrals and castles. They are usually made of magically animated or transformed stone but often have animal or chimeric traits.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to be a monstrous ward against evil. I want to be gothic and scary. I want to be made of stone and able to turn into a statue. I want to fly.
    Playstyle Durable, Frontline, Shield User, Melee, Evasive, Ranged
    Class Identifier Stone-like Gargoyle Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Gargoyle to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Rock
    Shields Any
    Armor Up to 5pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    • 16-25pts = No compensation.
    • 6-15pts = +1 use of Ice Barrier
    • 0-5pts = +1 use of Ice Barrier and Flight
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Enchanted Stone - Ward (Self) - 1/Life
    Grotesque - Fear - Level/Life ♻20
    Living Statue - Ice Barrier - 2/Life ♻10
    Wings - Flight - 1/Life ♻20
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Goblins are small, green-skinned humanoids that are usually mischievous but often malicious. As their most famous trait is physical frailty, they tend to move in groups for protection, stealing and hoarding anything shiny they can get their hands on.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to be a squirrely, comedic character with potential for treachery and shenanigans. I love shinies. I’m not durable but I’ve got my wits and dozens of brothers and sisters to avenge me.
    Playstyle Challenge, Melee, Bow User
    Class Identifier Goblin Mask, Green Facepaint, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Goblin to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Small Thrown, Large Thrown, Bow
    Shields Up to Small Shield
    Armor None
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Puny - Fragile - (T)
    Big Family - Rally - 1/Life
    🌶️Sheer Numbers (T)
    Goblins may always trigger Rally off the respawn of other Goblins. This ignores the usual restriction against chaining Rally.

    🌶️Show & Tell (T)
    Immediately before respawning, if the goblin player has a Garb Bonus Curio, they may choose to declare and exchange their current curio for another one from the Garb Bonus Curio list. Whether or not they choose to exchange, all ability uses on their curio are refreshed when they respawn.

    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Gorgons are mythical creatures with hair made of living, venomous snakes and horrifying visages that turn those who behold them to stone.
    Roleplay Inspiration I am a mythical snake-like humanoid. Anyone who approaches close enough to see my face will be turned to stone. I cast hexes and fire enchanted arrows.
    Playstyle Bow User, Crowd Control, Ranged, Hybrid
    Class Identifier Medusa Mask, Snake Hair, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Gorgon to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Flail, Bow
    Shields Buckler
    Armor Up to 2pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Petrifying Gaze - Icy Blast - Level/Refresh ♻30
    Curse of Ill Omen - Lay Curse - 1/Refresh ♻10
    Mystical Retrieval - Reload - 1/Life ♻20
    Enchanted Arrows - Poison Arrow - 1 Arrow/Level
    Enchanted Arrows - Pinning or Suppression Arrows - 1 Arrow/Level in any combination of Pinning or Suppression.
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Harpies are avians of the worst temperament. Both their bodies and minds are only partially human and they consider all ‘no- wings’ to be both expendable and tasty. While many are known for their potent hexes, those looking to secure a harpy’s aid often find it is they who are being used.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to be a bird-person. I want to fly around and harry my foes from afar. I want to invoke witch-like rituals and hexes.
    Playstyle Skirmisher, Evasive, Crowd Control, Hybrid, Ranged
    Class Identifier Bird Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Harpy to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Javelin
    Shields None
    Armor Up to 1pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Quills - Poison Bolt - 1 Ball/Level
    Dark Arts - Lay Curse - Level/Life ♻10
    Terrifying Screech - Rebuke - 1/Life ♻10
    Dark Arts - Raise Dead - 1/Life ♻20
    Wings - Flight - 1/Life ♻20
    Dark Arts - Pestilence - 1/Life ♻30
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Red Drake
    Description Drakes are lesser cousins to true dragons. They are smaller and not as powerful but much easier to train, so they are often used as guardians or beasts of war.
    Roleplay Inspiration I am basically a feral dragon. I breathe fire and rampage through my foes with tooth, claw, and tail. My scaly hide protects me from harm and my strength overwhelms those before me.
    Playstyle Damage, Frontline, Melee, Durable
    Class Identifier Red Draconic Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a red drake to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Flail, Great, Reach
    Shields None
    Armor Up to 5pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    • 16-25pts = No compensation.
    • 6-15pts = +2 Fireballs or +1 use of Elemental Barrage
    • 0-5pts = +4 Fireballs or +2 uses of Elemental Barrage
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Tooth and Claw - Giant Strength (T)
    Firebreathing - Fireball - 🌶️ 1 Ball/Level
    Firebreathing - Elemental Barrage - 2/Life ♻20
    🌶️Breath Weapon: Fireball (T)
    Red Drakes can only use their Fireballs while affected by Elemental Barrage. Further, the effect of their Elemental Barrage ends if they aggress with anything other than a Fireball.
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Shroomkin are sentient humanoid mushrooms that come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Shroomkin love company but their contributions can vary from symbiotic to parasitic.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to wear a big mushroom cap. I want to reflect my specific type of mushroom. I want to have spores that affect friend and foe, either psychologically or physically.
    Playstyle Hybrid, Support, Crowd Control, Shield User, Melee
    Class Identifier Mushroom Cap or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Mushroom person to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Magic Staff
    Shields Up to Medium
    Armor None
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Synthesize - Mulch - (Unlimited)
    Synthesize - Innate - Level/Life ♻10
    Bisporigera Spores - Suppression Bolt - 1 Ball/Level
    Deathcap Spores - Poison Weapon (Other) - 1/Refresh ♻20
    Psilocybe Spores - Berserk (Other) - 1/Refresh ♻30
    Cordyceps Spores - Undead Minion (Other) - 1/Refresh ♻30
    Chaga Powder - Heal (Any) - 1/Life ♻10
    Mycelium - Mend (Any) - 1/Life ♻10
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Sirens are half-fish, half-humanoid creatures known to lure travelers to their deaths via enthralling magic and enchanting voices. While they aren’t always evil, their powers to ensorcel weak-willed minds is legendary.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to sing and lure my victims to a terrifying death. I want a trident. I want water-themed powers and perks.
    Playstyle Crowd Control, Hybrid, Damage, Support, Melee
    Class Identifier Iridescent Fish-Scale Mask, Mermaid Tail/Leggings, or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Siren to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Javelin
    Shields None
    Armor Up to 2pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    • 1-10pts = No compensation.
    • 0pts = +1 use of Blink
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Alluring Song - Taunt - Level/Life ♻10
    Voice on the Wind - Extension - Level/Refresh ♻10
    Mesmerize - Hold Person - 2/Life ♻10
    Dive Deep - Blink - 1/Life ♻20
    Drown - Dragged Below - 1/Life ♻30
    Serenade - Song of Power - Unlimited
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Skeletons are the bones of deceased creatures returned to life, sometimes by their own spirit, sometimes by the will of another. They are unfazed by pain and the magic animating them can often allow them to reassemble over and over before they are finally put down for good.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to be undead. I want the perks that come with not needing the essentials of life. I want to keep coming back whenever I am killed.
    Playstyle Frontline, Durable, Melee, Challenge, Bow User, Ranged
    Class Identifier Skeleton mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Skeleton to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Flail, Great, Reach, Pike, Javelin
    Shields Any
    Armor Up to 6pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    • 21-30pts = No compensation.
    • 11-20pts = +1 use of Undying Will
    • 1-10pts = +2 uses of Undying Will OR may use a Bow
    • 0pts = +3 uses of Undying Will OR may use a Bow
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Decaying - Cursed While Alive (T)
    Reassemble - Undying Will - Level/Life 🌶️🌶️🌶️
    🌶️Undead (T)
    Player is not Severed by their own Undying Will. Players cannot use Undying Will if they die during or within 10 seconds of exiting the Insubstantial status from Undying Will.
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description The unicorn is one of the most famous mythical creatures: a horse with a spiraling horn erupting from its forehead. It is a creature of purity and it is sought out for its potent healing powers. Killing a unicorn is said to bring bad luck and grim tidings.
    Roleplay Inspiration I am a rare, sacred, horse-like creature with a single horn and super-charged healing powers. I am majestic. I am kind and benevolent. My blessings are bestowed on pure souls and my death is lamented as a great tragedy.
    Playstyle Support, Backline
    Class Identifier Unicorn Mask and Horn or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Unicorn to other players.
    Weapons Dagger. Cannot Dual Wield
    Shields None
    Armor None
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Restorative Power - Heal (Other) - Unlimited
    Restorative Power - Release (Other) - Level/Life ♻10
    Restorative Power - Renew (Other) - Level/Life ♻10
    Inspiring Presence - Confidence (Other) - 3/Refresh ♻10
    Imbue with Power - Amplify (Other) - 1/Life ♻30
    Sacred Beast - Dying Breath - 1/Life
    True Resurrection - Phoenix Tears - 1/Life
    🌶️Noble Sacrifice (T)
    Caster dies (immediate secondary effect) upon casting Phoenix Tears. Dying Breath cannot be used when killed this way.
    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

    Description Werewolves are individuals who can shapeshift (willingly or otherwise) into feral wolf-like monsters. Werewolves enjoy the primal nature of the hunt and are prone to succumbing to their more base instincts the longer they stay transformed.
    Roleplay Inspiration I want to be wild and feral. I want to stalk my prey. I want to be a killing machine. I want to have wolf-perks. I want to transform.
    Playstyle Front Line, Crowd Control, Damage, Melee, Bow User, Shield User
    Class Identifier Werewolf Mask or otherwise be clearly identifiable as a Werewolf to other players.
    Weapons Dagger, Short, Long, Large Thrown, Bow
    Shields Up to Small
    Armor Up to 4pts Physical Armor per hit location. May gain 🌶️Low Armor Compensation as indicated below.
    • 11-20pts = No compensation.
    • 0-10pts = +1 use of Tracking
    Garb Bonus Choice of Garb Bonus Curio.
    +1 use if Superior Garb Bonus.
    Monster Abilities

    You always get these abilities when you play this monster. Your monster level may increase the amount of uses you receive.

    Text in italics represents flavor suggestions for the associated abilities. They have no functional impact on gameplay.
    Lycanthropy - Berserk (Self) - 1/Life ♻10
    Heightened Senses - Tracking 1/Life ♻10
    Terrifying Rampage - Fear Level/Refresh ♻10
    Relentless - Shake It Off Level/Refresh ♻10
    Devour - Assassinate Level/Refresh ♻10
    🌶️Beast Within (T)
    Rest, Shields, Large Thrown, and Bow cannot be used while Berserk. Fear, Shake It Off, and Assassinate can only be used while Berserk.

    Note: The player must clearly look like a werewolf at all times, not just when they are Berserk. If a player wishes to have two different looks, they should both be visibly understood as a werewolf, just in different degrees of transformation.

    = Does not require Free Hand = Rest Time 🌶️ = Experimental Rule

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    Credits and Levels · Combat Classes · Non-Combat Classes
    Amtgard V9 Rulebook
    Playtest Disclaimer · Introduction · Getting Started · Garb · Honor System · Safety · Core Combat Rules · Equipment · Classes · Abilities and Effects · Magic Items · Combat Activities · Rules Authorities
    Appendix: Equipment Inspection Guide · Master List of Abilities · Glossary