Thor Tandræbe
Duke Sir Thor Tandræbe, Defender of the North
Iron Mountains Duchy, IM
"He is Thor, and you are Not."
Thor began his Amtgard career in the Northern Holdfast (a fledgling Shire in the Empire of the Iron Mountains at the time) in early 1995. After serving as Baron, as well as Duke of the NH, Thor eventually graduated to the position of Emperor of the Iron Mountains, where he was the first Monarch under the revised Iron Mountains Corpora, and the Floating Crown that resulted. Currently residing in the Iron Mountains (duchy), you can catch him swinging foam on the field on the weekends.
Affiliated Groups
Thor is a member of the Sacred Order of the Righteous Brotherhood of the Chosen, Holy Warriors of BoB the Unforgiving, and is one of few non-CK members of that fighting company today.
Belted Family
Dame Tawnee Darkfalcon
Sir Gilos Dawnhope (10/22/83)
Sir Asmund Heimdale Haroldson (4/28/84)
Sir Deth The Dire Hearted (7/14/84)
Sir Morluk the Merciless (12/10/83)
II. Sir Nashomi the Silver Wolf (10/22/83)
Sir Thanos Darkside (10/22/83)
Dame Lady Kalibria (5/4/85)
- Squire Astrean Andalsa
- Sir Naes
- Sir Scytale Sai Yuk
- Squire Blade
- Sir Scytale Sai Yuk
- Sir SkyWise
- Squire Wort
- Sir Therressa Willowtree
- Dame Mistress Wynd
- Dame Aylia Greenfire
- Dame Spice , inactive
- Squire Dagney , inactive
- Squire Misty Dawn , inactive
- Squire Larkin , inactive
- Squire Soliaqui aka Slinky, inactive
- Squire Clover
- Squire Luna Starbright
- Squire Blackthorn Caelich
- Page Tribble , inactive
- Squire Athalmea , inactive
- Squire Old Woman of the Woods
- Dame Mistress Wynd
- Sir Ke-She
- Sir Askar (Deceased)
- Squire Guinniver (Deceased)
- Sir Killashandra (Inactive)
- Squire Sweet Leaf (Inactive)
- Sir Snake Bite Grimwulff
- Dame Rose wyngarde
- Sir Ke-She
- Sir Rufus Grimwulff (Flame)(Serpent)(Crown)
- Sir Denah hap Tugruk (Flame)(Serpent)
- Sir Reynen D'Van (Serpent)
- Sir Mara Ibormieth (Serpent)
- Sir Cedric Einarsson (Flame)(Serpent) Transferred to and knighted in HFS
- Dame Kittah Tannon (Flame) (with several other Knights)
- Squire Lunara Stormcloak (2006)
- Squire Morrigan McCru (with Sir O'Banion)(inactive)
- Squire Amulette (inactive)
- Squire Nyx Tanner (with Sir O'Banion)
- Squire Thara (2014)
- Squire Triztal (2014)
- Squire Isaura Unloved (2015)
- Squire Jawa (2017) (with Sir Luke Wyngarde)
- Page Cap'n Huggs(inactive)
- Page Arilynne(inactive)
- Sir Denah hap Tugruk (Flame)(Serpent)
- Dame Alara (MIEKA)
- Sir Wanderer
- Squire Iridian (Deceased)
- Squire Caith (Inactive)
- Squire Shiva (Inactive) Aaross,
- Sir Aaross (Flame)
- Squire Reaper Forsaken (Inactive)
- Squire Raven Dracul
- Lady At Arms Lady Fael Succeed Sanguine Dracul of the Wetlands
- Man at Arms Kodiak Dracul
- Squire ShadowWeaver
- Crone at Arms Old Woman of the Woods
- Man at Arms Blake of the Sky
- Man at Arms Bob of the Wind
- Fayr Atlas Forgeborn (Knight of the Serpent 2024)
- Squire Zemya Ukus - also known as Snake Bite
- Squire Hobbes
- Man at Arms Damian Kilcannon
Sir Argon Darkwolf (Crown 1993)
Notable Accomplishments
Granted the title Knight of the Sword in June of 2000 by Emperor Jetara Starlemaine, Thor has held the position of Imperial Champion some 9 times, and Imperial Weaponmaster 7. He also holds the titles of Warmaster, and War Olympian. Thor is renown for his fighting skills, and most people consider him one of the top fighters in the game today.
- Awarded title of Knight of the Sword, June 2000 at Rakis by Emperor Jetara and Empress Trillyon of the Iron Mountains
- Awarded title of Guardian of the North by The Northern Holdfast, November 1998
- Awarded title of Defender by Emperor Belgarion - Iron Mountains, January 2000
- Awarded title of Duke by Emperor Cedric - Iron Mountains, January 2001
- Baron of the Northern Holdfast, October 1996 - April 1997
- Champion of the Iron Mountains, June 1999 - June 2000
- Emperor of the Iron Mountains, June 2000 - January 2001
- Defender of the IMD, February 2002 - August 2002
- Regent of IMD, February 2004 - August 2004
- For additional titles/awards/positions, see the
- Owner of the lowest legal ORK player ID: 2
- Only member of the Chosen jugging team to be red carded for excessive force during Spring war XV in 2008
- it's considered a tradition during Assassin Games to for people to Assassinate Thor, even though he's not part of the game, nor their assigned Target.
Additional Images
- Link to image 2
More Information
- Thor's Personal Website
- Thor's LiveJournal/MySpace