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Esquire Man-at-Arms Takaffi Cold-Water, of the Shire of The Riverlands, in the Rising Winds

”No matter how hard you try to honestly reflect a Native American, you just look racist.”



Takaffi Cold-Water is a Native American from the late 1200s, and is a predecessor to the eventual Chickasaw tribe of later centuries. He traveled north where he encountered vikings, and over a long journey found his way to medieval Europe. This journey earned him the nickname Cold-Water from Europeans.


The heraldry of the persona Takaffi utilizes an Indian Arrowhead as the Shield in lieu of the more common European shields, and showcases a Thunderbird.

Affiliated Groups

Temple of the Vanguard - Acolyte
House of Ogswald - Ogre
Linden's Brute Squad - Brute Ninja

Belted Family

Dame Linden (Flame 2005), (Crown 2007), (Serpent 2010)

Damn Alona Twotrees (Flame 2012)

Sir Bunch the Drunk (Flame 2022)

Eques Tye Dye (Flame 2015)

Dame Roslyn (Serpent 2015)

Ser Petra (Flame, 2017)

Sir Corwyn Lindenson (Serpent) 2022

Notable Accomplishments

Offices Held

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