Upcoming Events
From AmtWiki
February February 23rd - 24th
- On Wednesday a story and photo essay on a local amtgard chapter, Stormwall will appear on the Houston Press website.
- Dragon's Tale in Robinson, IL Is raided by a chunk of visitors coming from Western Gate.
- Squire Trianna Allensworth is revealed as the Emerald Hills newest Kingdom Prime Minister Elect. She will takeing up the reigns from the former PM Tanara Stormcaller at Triple Mid.
- The Principality of Winter's Edge recently under new leadership discusses the possibility of starting up a jugging league.
- The duchy of Astral Winds has devised a new bonus for their populace retaining dues paid status. Free astral winds.net email addresses.
- Ladyhawk Longwing releases pictures of Kaiser Silvertip's visit to his chapter of Stormwall.
- Querna Tema in Omaha Nebraska holds their local Sword of Flame Quest.
- The Wetlands mourns the passing of Talyn's pet penguin Mr. FancyPants who was found dead after Feral's house warming party.
- Mystik Caverns takes a road trip to visit their Sister park under Winter's Edge Mystic Glade.
- The Kingdom of Blackspire will hold Kingdom Elections, Champions Tourney, Guildmaster Elections, and an Althing for Mystic Seas at Gabriel Park, in Portland, OR.
- In Kansas City, KS the Shire of Centerpoint will be holding their Midreign. Festivities include a slave auction Warskill and A&S Tourney.
- The Duchy of Crimson Moon in Lafayette, LA holds a quest.
- A chapter of Blackspire, located in City Beach Park, Oak Harbor Washington, Dark Harbor will reopen it's doors for the summer season.
- In Marcellus, New York the Barony of Haranshire will hold it's traditional community breakfast.
- The Duchy of Wolvenfang just outside of Sudbury, Ontario will hold Frostbite.
- Kingdom Crown Qualifications will be held in the Rising Winds at the Riverchase gymnasium in Indianapolis, IN.
- Mists of the Dawn plans a Trip to an event to be held by Crimson Circle at Grace Lutheran Church in Green Bay, WI called the Casbah Feast.
- The Principality of Desert Winds will hold their Midreign in conjunction with Rivers End Coronation Battle-games and activities held at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City Utah, during the day and Feast that night at the Castle of Chaos (final reservation pending). Also DW Prime Minister Elections will be held this day.
- Third Annual Amazon Tea party is held in Williamsport, Md. flyer
Febuary 29th to March 2 2008
- The Duchy of Western Gate in St Louis, Missouri holds their monthly Althing.
- Submissions for Emerald Hills Althing are due, as well as the finial day for submission of World Banner Wars Bids.
- The 3rd Triple Midreign and Olympiad is Held in Mexia, Texas. A joint event involving the Wetlands, Emerald Hills and Celestial Kingdom.
- Election of the new Prime minster of the Wetlands, and a Kingdom Althing.
- Frostlands in Oshkosh, WI will hold their Coronation.
- The kingdom of Dragonspine in Las Cruces, NM will hold a Banner Battle, with a hamburger lunch to precede.
- The Barony of The Dragon's Tale will be holding their Coronation feast on March 1st at Leverton park in Palestine, Il.
March 7, 8, 9 2008
- Ironwood, a chapter of the wetlands in Conroe, Texas will hold a Arts and Sciences competition.
- The Frostlands in Oshkosh, WI will hold a fighting tourney.
- In Memphis, TN Soul's Crossing an incipient shire of the Emerald Hills will hold their first large event. It will be a role playing camp out called the Elf Orc Wars.
- A freehold in Buffalo, New York called Twin Moons will hold it's Midreign Celebration.
- Cursed Prairie in East Peoria, IL will hold their Qualifications.
- GP Coronation Held at Camp Don Harrington, the price is 10$ a person.
- Emerald Hills Holds a Kingdom Allthing,
- The Robinson, Illinois chapter of the Rising Winds, Dragon's Tale with hold their Quals.
March 15th-16th
- Ironman II will be held at lower city park in Iowa City, Iowa.
- Western Gate Quals.
March 19th - 23rd
- The largest Amtgard event, Spring War:Academy of Wars, to be hosted by the Celestial Kingdom in Giddings, Texas.
- Veles Harbour with hold a one day free event called "Spartan Games" on the 22nd.
March 28th, 30th 2008
- Rising Winds holds it's 12th Coronation. Festivities include a night quest, Ironman Tourney, A Marvel vs. DC Battle, The Champion's Tourney, a Relic Quest, and Circle of local Monarchs.
- Emerald Hills Celebrates their 40th reign and their 20th year as a kingdom with a Birthday Bash , at Tanglewood Forest.
- Broken Citadel in Lampasses, Tx holds it's coronation and an Arts and Sciences Tourney.
- Crimson Circle, A chapter pledging Rising Winds is planning to hold a mini event called the Great Northern Battle at the Frostlands Park (Date unknown).
- Apr 5th - EH Monarchy Kings Point (Hurst, TX)
- April 6th Cursed Prairie in East Peoria, IL. will hold their Coronation.
- April 11th-13th Western Gate Coronation to be held at Forest Hills in Marthasville, MO.
- April 13th Ivory Tower Quals.
- April 19th - EH Monarchy Storm Grove (Ft. Smith, AK)
- April 25-27 Neverwinter will hold their Kingdom Midreign in Georgia.
- May 2nd-4th- Discord presents "Tortuga".
- May 3rd Althing submission required in the Emerald Hills.
- May 4th Wetlands Kingdom Quals
- May 4th - EH Monarchy Finders Keep (Wichita Falls, TX)
- May 8th -Beltane Nighthunter to be hosted by Mordengarrd.
- May 14th-18th Salt Wars DW
- May 16th - 18th Wetlands Coronation
- May 17th - EH Monarchy18th - Kingdom Allthing,
- May 23rd 26th -Great Eastern
- May 25th - EH Monarchy Souls Crossing (Memphis, TN)
- May 23th-26th Darkshore 2008 Will be held Mount Madonna County Park. Usually falling on Wavehaven's Midreign, this weekend campout is held on Memorial Day Weekend every year.
- Frostlands, A chapter of Rising Winds, is planning to hold a mini event called the Great Adventurers Challenge (Date unknown).
- June 7th -EH Kingdom Crown Quals - Midnight Sun
- June 8th -EH Kingdom Crown Quals - Eagleshire
- June 11th - 15th - Rakis -Iron Mountains
- June 14th - 15th -EH Crown Elections
- June 22-29th - Ragnarok a Dagorhir Event held in Cambridge, OH.
- June 27th - 29th - End Reign Kaiser Sir Morgan Ironwolf
- July 5th; Second Annual Bardic Bash will be held in the Wetlands. (Location?)
- Aug 8-10 The Rune Quest 3, a weekend-long quest and camping event, is held by Crimson Circle at Circle "R" Campground south of Oshkosh, WI.
- Aug 28th- 31st Piratical Sabbatical IV Navasota, TX Autocrated by Sir Feral.
- Aug. 29th-Sept 1. Battle Cry is held at the Geneva Hills Resort in Lancaster, OH.