Midnight Sun
A Shire of the Emerald Hills.

Midnight Sun moved to Audubon Park in Garland, Texas, we meet on Sundays around 2:00 p.m. and usually play until dark.
- Take I-635 east toward Garland and Mesquite.
- Exit Oates and and take a left (north) onto Oates.
- Turn right(east) on O'Banion.
- Go past the Waterpark. O'Banion will bend to the left and you will arrive at Audubon Park.
(Audubon Park 342 W Oates Rd, Garland, TX 75043) Google Map
About the Park
Monster Bash
In a tradition stretching back to the early years of the park, Midnight Sun hosts Monster Bash in late October annually. The rules change slightly every year (so always check), but typically players play their favorite non-quest, challenge rating 1-3 monsters from the Monster Manual.
We want outrageous monster garb and costumes, the wilder the better!
Even though it's a standard park day and not a camping event, we usually manage to wedge in several battlegames and sometimes a quest.
See also History of Midnight Sun 1990-1994
The original Midnight Sun was founded as a Barony in July of 1990 in Garland, Tx by a local group with a friend in The Celestial Kingdom that sent them a copy of the rulebook. It had a rocky history of with the Kingdom of The Emerald Hills, sometimes co-existing peacefully, other times embroiled in bitter controversy over the group's independence.
Over time, Midnight Sun waxed and waned, both receiving many members of the original Ironcloud and later contributing to the formation of a new Ironcloud. During the mid 90s the Duchy had a sub-group, the Shire of the Howling Winds, based on the locale of the University of Texas at Dallas. The Duchy of the Midnight Sun sought and received support from the Kingdom of Dragonspine and the Kingdom of the Golden Plains at various times, especially for the signing of major awards. Some within the Duchy sought Principality status, perhaps under an outlying kingdom, but the idea did not garner outside support and was eventually discarded.
In 1995, the Duchy, faced with mounting pressure from the Kingdom of The Emerald Hills, debated joining the Kingdom or remaining independent. The current Duke declared the Midnight Sun to be an Independent Kingdom, only to be pressured into resigning. The populace held a referendum, repudiated the Midnight Sun's brief existence as a Kingdom, and voted in favor of joining the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills. The group joined the Emerald Hills as the Grand Duchy of the Midnight Sun, and was allowed special privileges, such as being able to award higher level awards, and a guaranteed seat on the kingdom BOD. In 1996, as Kingdom Monarch, Squeak! undertook a standardization of the group corporas and rules clarifications that were in use, and thereafter the group was simply known as the Duchy of the Midnight Sun and followed the standard EH Corpora guidelines for a Duchy.
In the late 90s and and 2000s Midnight Sun grew to be a huge player in the Emerald Hills. When the Kingdom incorporated in 2000, 8 of the 9 signatories were members of MS. Since the Park joined the EH, there has never been a time where the BOD did not include a MS member, and frequently the BOD is comprised entirely of MS members. 9 EH monarchs have been MS members, as well as many other high officers. And over a dozen MS members have been Knighted.
In recent years the Midnight Sun's numbers declined, the group voluntarily downgraded to the status of a Shire and launched an effort to improve park attendance. As part of the effort to improve its numbers, MS has moved to a park with more amenities, just down O'Banion, with the hope of attracting new members. Then in 2014 after Galaness changed the park day to Sunday, the numbers began to climb back up. Members were bringing others to the game and the Shire of Midnight Sun was recognized as the Barony of Midnight Sun under Galaness. By continuing to achieve their dreams they are a Duchy once more.
Like a Phoenix
In 2012, Midnight Sun started what would become a remarkable rebirth. Darkangel and Alley Cat, fearing the death of the shire, sent out a message to some old friends to come out for one final game day. Those that came celebrated the once great park, and to their hosts' surprise, swore to save Midnight Sun.
Qintahr Woodhelven, Bloodmoon, Rogon, P'zazz and others would become the bases of a new population that struggled through a brutal summer and cold winter to keep their new home alive. Their vigilance became an inspiration and in time others would come to join them, including Galaness, Jerrod Kaine and the Kaine Household. Galaness stepped up to be Monarch that brutal summer and ruled for a year, helping to expand the new populace to once again gain it's barony status.
From near desolation, Midnight Sun rose to be the Emerald Hills’ “best kept secret”, as it’s focus on community and role-playing made it not only stand out but blossom into one of the kingdom’s largest and most stable groups.
Picture of the park on Feb 2015
Picture of the park on June 2016
Current Officers
- Monarch: Fletch Von Drach
- Regent: Vacant
- Prime Minister: Mommor Sommerska
- Champion : Drozzt
- Park GMR : Vacant
- Abraham Peasant
- Almond Joy
- Sir Bloodmoon
- Cannibus
- Chookie
- Doomkitty
- Dugan
- Flint AKA Thicc
- Galaness von Eichmann
- Jerrod Kaine
- Karen
- KodiaK
- Kyren Elasia
- Lerue d'mort
- Lucian ÞÓRIR
- Med
- Mommor Sommerska
- Murphy
- Nexus
- Petrus
- P'zazz
- Sir Qintahr Woodhelven
- Sir Rayel Greenholde
- Smithy
- Smoosh da Bard
- Thurg Ironfist
- Rex
- Rorek Silverlight
- Vanthys
Or check out the category:
Midnight Sun People
- History of the Midnight Sun Monarchy
Map of the lands of Midnight Sun
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