Thurg Ironfist

From AmtWiki

Tyrant Squire Thurg Ironfist of Dark Oasis,Defender of the Golden Plains

Thurg's Company Heraldry
Home Park Dark Oasis
Kingdom Golden Plains
Year Started 2006
Noble Title Defender
Belt Status Squire

"Time to get Radical"
"Southside Da Realest"
"Goddamn I love Franzia"

"I'm at a freind of a friend of a friend's house...I don't know how I got here"



Thurg Ironfist Started His Amtgard career at the Dark Oasis in 2006 under the name Arturius, he would not be seen again until 2009 and Later that year He Founded the fighting Company The Tribe of the Elk, consisting of Barbarians and Warriors. Later that year after disbanding The Tribe of the Elk, he formed The Legion of the Black Cross a fighting company based on squad tactics with a dark Templar feel. At the one year mark of being back in the game, he became the first elected Count of Dark Oasis. An Exceptional sword fighter who also likes to role play, he helps New and old players alike in game and out of game, also known for being a big drinker, often finds himself in odd situations, as his squire brother Cervantes, has found out. Will get naked at the drop of a hat, a fun loving barbarian, most of the time, unless you call him a saracen, then you should run.

Thurg's Heraldry

Some Fairly Well Known Facts:

  • Thurg is addicted to Franzia
  • Thurg once mated with a bear, to concieve his child and holy hier, Three Piece
  • Thurg once climbed Mount Vesuvius, then it erupted.
  • Thurg invented flight.
  • Thurg and Three Piece are known as the Bash bros.
  • Thurg fought the law, and Thurg won.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • First Elected Count of Dark Oasis - Spring, 2010
  • First Elected Duke of Dark Oasis - Spring, 2011
  • Master Barbarian - Awarded by Golden Plains August, 2010
  • Sluffed a Prius on the way home from a CK Coronation.
  • Santa Supreme- Cervantes annual Christmas gala 2010
  • Drunken iron man- Spring War 2011
  • Winner of Golden Plains Food Fight tourney 2011
  • Defender title given by Sir Otto, March 24th 2013

Positions Held

Additional Images

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Part of Thurg's belted Family.
Squire Otto, Sir Smiley, Squire Thurg, Sir Wretch, Sir Bearrug, Sir Kamal, Sir Anubis, Squire TB.

More Information
