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Revision as of 03:20, 4 November 2024 by Benbookworm97 (talk | contribs) (Updated to V8.6.2 Sappy Two edition)

*8.6.2 Playtest* Updated as of November 3rd, 2024 *8.6.2 Playtest*

A brown mace and axe crossed on an orange field: a common heraldry for Barbarians

Barbarian is a core class that overwhelms the opponent with brute force.

From the Rulebook

The Chinese, from ancient periods onward, have considered everyone else to be barbarians, and oddly enough it is the Eastern tradition from India to China that gives us the image of civilization defending itself against the nomadic hordes of such peoples as the Tartars, White Huns, Seljuk Turks, and other steppe tribes.


Conan, Yellowbeard, Leif Eriksson, Attila theHun, Alaric the Vandal, the Voivode


Garb: White sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Rage 1/Refresh Charge x10 (ex) (Amb)
Armor: 3pts
Shields: Medium
Weapons: All Melee, Javelins, Rocks
May now take Enchantments

Class Abilities

Abilites By Level
Level Abilities
1st Immune to Subdual (T)

Immune to Command (T)
Berserk (T)

2nd Rage 1/Refresh Charge x10 (ex) (Ambulant)
3rd Adrenaline Unlimited (ex)
4th Rage 1/Refresh Charge x10 (ex) (Ambulant)
5th Brutal Strike 1/Life Charge x3 (ex) (Ambulant)
6th Blood and Thunder Unlimited (ex)

Optional – Pick one:
Raider (A)
Berserker (A)


T: Granted as Trait S: Sorcery R: Self
E: Bearer’s melee weapons are Armor Breaking.


T: Verbal S: Sorcery R: Self
I: “I am filled with rage!"
E: Caster is unaffected by Verbal magic and abilities and their weapons are Shield Crushing and Armor Breaking for seven seconds. Caster must chant this time out loud, as per Chanting; failure to count ends the effect.


T: Verbal S: Spirit R: Self
I: “Adrenaline”
E: Player heals a wound.
L: Kill Trigger.

Brutal Strike

T: Verbal S: Death R: Unlimited
I: “And stay down!”
E: Victim is Cursed. Victim is also Suppressed for 30 seconds.
L: Wound Trigger.
N: Brutal Strike targets the wounded or dead player and does not require verbal targeting.

Blood and Thunder

T: Verbal S: Spirit R: Self
I: “Blood and Thunder!”
E: Player gains Blessing Against Wounds (ex).
L: Kill Trigger
N: Player must still wear a white strip to denote Blessing Against Wounds.


T: Archetype S: Neutral
E: Player may choose to use Adrenaline for its usual effect or to instantly charge Brutal Strike. Brutal Strike becomes 3/Life Charge x3. Gain Harden (Self) 1/Life (ex).
L: May not wield Shields, and loses all instances of Rage.


T: Enchantment S: Protection R: Self
I: “I enchant thee with Harden” x3
M: White strip
E: Bearer's weapons or shield may only be destroyed or damaged by Magic Balls/Verbals which destroy objects e.g. Fireball or Pyrotechnics.
L: Will only affect either the weapons or the shield of the bearer, not both.


T: Archetype S: Neutral
E: Player may choose to use Adrenaline for its usual effect or to instantly charge Rage.
L: May not wear Armor, and loses all instances of Blood and Thunder.

Previous Versions:



See also

It is said that the class originated by the late Grimbold of the Burning Lands.

Amtgard Character Classes
Core Classes: Anti-Paladin · Archer · Assassin · Barbarian · Bard · Druid · Healer · Monk · Paladin · Scout · Warrior · Wizard

Non-Standard Classes: Monster · Peasant
Alternate Sign-ins: Color · Undeclared