Hunter Scout

From AmtWiki
A yellow paw print on a green field: a common heraldry for Scouts

IMPORTANT NOTE: This Archetype is currently in playtest and is subject to change
Scout is a core class that utilizes both archery skills and wilderness lore.

From the Rulebook

Anyone who survives for any time in the wilds learns the lay of the land. Many Native Americans are rightly seen as good trackers or scouts, as were the mountain men who followed.


Strider, Hiawatha, George Washington, Little John, Lieutenant-General The Right Honourable The Baron Baden-Powell, Robin Hood, Paul Bunyan


Garb: Green sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Heal 1/Life (ex)
Armor: 3pts
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger, Short, Long, Heavy Thrown, Great, Javelin

Class Abilities

Abilites By Level
Level Abilities
1st Tracking 2/Life Charge x3 (ex) (Ambulant)

May use a bow so long as a shield is not wielded.

2nd Heal 1/Life (ex)
3rd Shadow Step 1/Life (ex)

Dispel Magic 1/Refresh Charge x5 (ex)

4th None Given
5th Hold Person 1/Life Charge x3 (m)
6th Adaptive Protection (self-only) 1/Life (ex)

Hunter (A)


T: Verbal S: Sorcery R: 20ft
I: “Tracking” x3
E: Target Insubstantial player immediately has their Insubstantial effect ended.


T: Verbal S: Spirit R: Touch
I: “The white light of healing hath healed thee” x5
E: Heal a Wound.

Shadow Step

T: Verbal S: Sorcery R: Self
I: “I Step Into the Shadows” x1
E: Player becomes Insubstantial.
N: Caster may end this Insubstantial state at any time by using the exit incantation for Insubstantial.

Dispel Magic

T: Verbal S: Sorcery R: 20’
I: “By my power I dispel that magic” x3
E: All Enchantments on target are removed.
N: Will always remove enchantments if successfully cast on a valid target, regardless of the player’s Traits, States, Immunities, Ongoing Effects, or Enchantments (except Sleight of Mind).

Hold Person

T: Verbal S: Command R: 20’
I: “I command thee to stop” x3
E: Target player becomes Stopped for 30 seconds.

Adaptive Protection

T: Enchantment S: Protection R: Self
I: “I enchant thee with this protection” x3
M: White strip
E: Bearer becomes Immune to one of the following Schools: Death, Flame, Subdual, Command, Sorcery. School is chosen at the time of casting.


T: Archetype S: Neutral
E: May wield Great Weapons and Javelins. Hold Person becomes 1/Life Charge x3.
L: May not wield Shields. Loses all instances of Release and Evolution.

Previous Versions:



See also

Amtgard Character Classes
Core Classes: Anti-Paladin · Archer · Assassin · Barbarian · Bard · Druid · Healer · Monk · Paladin · Scout · Warrior · Wizard

Non-Standard Classes: Monster · Peasant
Alternate Sign-ins: Color · Undeclared