
From AmtWiki

Duke Sir Downfall, of the Inland Ocean, in the Kingdom of Blackspire

”I didn't need that arm, it was just slowing me down!”



Downfall joined Amtgard in 1996 as one of the first members of the Inland Ocean. While he is known for his loud and jovial demeanor on the ditching field, he is also one of the more well travelled politicians in the Northwest. Downfall has served in leadership positions in the Kingdom of the Mystic Seas, Duchy of the Shrouding Mists, and even his home of Inland Ocean. He was one of the original authors and architects of the Principality of the Northern Lights, as well as it's first Prince.

Some not so well known facts about Downfall:

  • According to Malek, Downfall is NOT not the stick jock he claims to be, but is really a complete flurb. He only breaks character to drink some Gatorade.
  • From 1998-2001 Downfall took part in a revitalization of Mystic Seas, bringing most of the Washington Amtgard chapters under a Northwest Kingdom.
  • Downfall is credited for the destruction of Rising Moon

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Downfall was originally a Man at Arms to Warlord Squire Sho Obsidian. He later became a Squire to Sir Talon Starchaser. While not a member of either belted line, both were important and meaningful parts of his Amtgard career.

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

Downfall 3.jpg

Downfall 2.jpg

More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website