The Kingdom of the Wetlands
South Eastern Texas and West Lousiana
The Wetlands was founded in 1996 by members of the Mordengaard, Granite Spyre, and Stormwall parks, who included Sir Fnord Farthing, Sir Vaargard, Grand Duke Sir Morgan Ironwolf, Sir Lucas Wyngarde, Dame Fionnghal Nic Phaidin, Sir Topknot, and several others.
Grand Duke Sir Morgan Ironwolf was the first King of the Wetlands. For other members of the Monarchy and list of the courts of the Wetlands check out the WL Monarchy page.
Current Monarchy
- Monarch - Current: Lady Singalia,
- Regent - Current: Lord Allicross Vigil
- Champion - Current: Countess Kiara Everwhacks
- Prime Minister - Current: Baroness Azure Vigil
- GMoR - Current: Baronet Rollie
- GMoK - Current: Scarhart, KoSe
Reign Schedule
23 JUN, SUN Sun Fall Abbey KV
30 JUN, SUN Weaponmaster @ Ironwood
13 JUL, SAT Relic Quest
17 JUL, WED to 21 JUL, SUN The Gathering
28 JUL, SUN Ironwood (KV)
3 AUG, SAT Stormwall Beach Day
4 AUG, SUN Granite Spyre Visit, now with Phoenix Ball (KV)
10 AUG, SAT Wave’s End (KV)
13 AUG, TUE Glen’s Birthday.
18 AUG, SUN Three Rivers Sanctuary (KV)
24 AUG, SAT Crossways Park Midreign & New Player Welcome
8 SEP, SUN Mordengaard (KV)
13 SEP, FRI to 15 SEP, SUN Potential Midreign Date (Still TBD)
14 SEP, SAT Eclipse (KV)
18 SEP, WED to 22 SEP, SUN Keep on the Borderlands
29 SEP, SUN Briallo (KV)
13 OCT, SUN Bloodmarsh (KV)
20 OCT, SUN Fool’s Demise (KV)
4 NOV, MON Crossways Endreign (KV)
16 NOV, SAT Stormwall (KV)
Wetlands Events
Midreign -
Coronation - November 30 - December 2
- WL Monarchy
- Wetlands People
- Home Page
- Also visit our chapters, meet our citizens, dread our knights, learn about our history, meet the winners of our tourneys and peruse our monarchs.
- WL Atlas
Amtgard Chapters within the Kingdom of the Wetlands |
Eclipse · Fool's Demise · Gators Bight · Granite Spyre · Ironwood · Mordengaard · Stormwall · Sunfall Abbey · Wolfsbane · Wyvern's Keep |
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