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Baron Sir Thalenanthalus Ulric Tannon, of Granite Spyre, Kingdom of the Wetlands

Thalen sm.gif
"Thalen Tannon"
Home Park Granite Spyre
Kingdom Kingdom of the Wetlands
Year Started 1991
Noble Title Baron
Belt Status Knight of the Serpent

”Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem.” -What man is a man who does not make the world better?



Thalen Tannon first started playing Amtgard in Turris Lunae, in the Celestial Kingdom in the fall of 1991. During his time in the CK, he was a member of the War Dancers and The Darkjesters (Zodiac's bastard 13th child). He played vigorously until 1998 when he moved to the Kingdom of the Wetlands.

Once in the Wetlands, real life slowed him down somewhat. In spite of that, He's played in Granite Spire, the Mushroom Shrine (where he served as Ducal Chancellor), and Mordengaard. While he's a well rounded artisan, He is most well known for his original Filks and in 2003 he was awarded a Master_Dragon for his singing and filking.

He stepped out of the game in 2006 to deal with some real life issues, but came back in 2008 with a renewed spirit. In 2009, he was squired under Saint O'Banion, and he won the Kingdom of the Wetlands DragonMaster Tournament of Reign XXVII. Working with Lord Squire Juju Hex Mojo, and Lady Squire Miss Kittah Rabbet he served as Sheriff for a year and assisted in the resurrection of Granite Spyre. He served as the Seneschal of Granite Spyre for most of 2010 and for the Summer/Fall of 2010 as the Regent of the Kingdom of the Wetlands. He was made a Knight of the Serpent and crowned King of the Wetlands for Reign XXX. He is the first Amtgarder to serve as Kingdom Regent, step down, get Knighted, and step up as King.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Dubbed Knight of the Serpent by Saint O'Banion, At Wetlands Coronation XXX
  • Dubbed Knight of the Serpent by Champion Shady in the Name and Authority of the Celestial Kingdom at the Tal Dagore Coronation I (Fo reals, yo)
  • Awarded Master Healer by King Margul III in June 2010
  • Declared a Hero of the Wetlands by King Kane, Dec. 2009.
  • Awarded the title of Baron by King Kane for local service, Dec. 2009.
  • Dragonmaster Reign XXVII - Given by Regent Dame Samara, August 2009
  • Awarded Master Dragon in 2003 By Warden Jearden Threetoes for his singing and songwriting.
  • Dubbed Knight of the Parrot by King Belgarin Nav Nox in Jul 1999 at Clan XIX.
  • Former squire of Dame Shanti Jorvik
  • Awarded Master Assassin by King Michael I in Feb 1994 at SW I (Then promptly tried to assassinate King Hulka).
  • Awarded title of Lord by King Michael I in Nov 1993.
  • Ducal Regent of Turris Lunae - May 1993-Nov 1993
  • Former squire of Sir Calvin_MacDruen





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