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{{Current Events 2008}}
{{Current Events 2008}}

Latest revision as of 15:49, 6 October 2017

Monday 1st to Wednesday the 10th
Burning Lands

Emerald Hills

Celestial Kingdom

Golden Plains

  • Evermore Hollow's Corronation will be next saturday Dec. the 13. Plans have been made to move feast/court indoors if the weather gets too uncomfortable. Just come to park first and we'll take you to the optional location. Open intvitation to those of you from out of town, but could you please post on the forum you plan on attending, to let kita know how many to plan for. New officers are Baron- Ren, Regent- Lone Wolf, Champion- Anubis

Iron Mountains

  • December 13th - Principality of Olympus: Starmount Travel Day & Principality Yule Festival - Events include Cookies/Candies/Sweets & Non-Alcoholic Beverage A&S competition, Gift Exchange, and Competitive Gaming.
  • Dec 13 Imp Game Day at Darkmoon, DM (C Springs)
  • December 14 Christmas Quest and AnS Day, Ivory tower
  • Dec 14 also, Imp Game Day at Northern Holdfast, NH (Ft Collins)
  • His Most Great Majesty MOZZ and His Highness, but Slightly Less Great, Medryn cordially invite you all to come and celebrate Lurlinemas, and the passing of the throne in to the hands of His Highness Crown Prince Rafeki and his Regent Cruz. The Festivities will take place at the Brighton Rec Center, in the park where IMD used to play, on January 17th. Please note this is a change from the published schedule. Dinner will be served at 5:30 after a full day of fighting and fun.




  • DECEMBER 14th, Park Feast - Crimson Moon - Drew Park, 416 South Ryan Street, Lake Charles, LA


  • December 13, Neverwinter Quals
  • December 14 If you're planning on attending Kingdom CQ this Saturday in Brandon, FL, why not stay over and play Amtgard with Falling Fire and Never Winter's newest shire Red Dawn? We're combining effort this upcoming Sunday to host a Toys for Tots/Food Drive Tournament! For just a new unwrapped toy, two non-perishable food items or $5 you can enter the fighting tournament for a chance to win a custom piece of applique (roughly 8.5"x11", design picked by you, sewing done by me) to play on your next shield cover, tunic or maybe even a banner. Or, you just might walk away the new owner of a custom pair of leather braces by our very own Alona! Plus, if that's not enough you can expect plenty of ditching, possibly a game of Ring the Bell, and a fundraiser battlegame (also for charity). Bring extra $$, food items, or toys to buy yourself extra levels, extra magic, and who knows what else surprises! Toys will be donated to Toys for Tots, food to Metropolitan Ministries Food Bank, and all cash donations will be split as equally as possible between the two charities.


  • December 13th(Saturday)-NL Ithra @ Bucoda Gym-Pm Ballots go out
  • December 14th(Sunday)-NL relic Quest-Shoruding Mist

Rising Winds

  • Discord Website is released.
  • December 13 Phoenix Tears Midreign 1:30 Park officially begins. We will be meeting at Rochester Park (entering Rochester on route 29 from Springfield, turn at first Stop light inside Rochester. Follow road until you see the Rochester community park on your right, take road directly after the park to the right to find parking for our meeting. If you get to a stop light you went too far) King Thorvald will be on hand for the event.
  • December 14- Cursed Prairies Mid-reign King's Visit RW
  • Frostlands will hold a winter quest on the grey stoke property this weekend.

Crystal Groves

  • December - 13 Crofton Library 12-4:45 A&S Quals Solstice
  • Dec. 13 - (Saturday) Deadline for Subgroup Votes for Bandit Flats East Contact PM Katrina

Desert Winds

  • Desert Winds has a new Website.
  • Dec 13th. Merry Mid-Reign! quest battle, militia battle and feast Truevale
  • Desert Rose DragonMaster was to be this coming Saturday Dec. 13, but after conferring with Duke Duffer it has been decided that because of there being poor weather forecasted for this coming weekend, as well as the simple fact that the date arrived before most of us were prepared and conflicting holiday schedules DragonMaster will be held the first weekend in January the 3rd and Midreign will be January 17, 2009. I do realize that this is short notice for all of you and I do apologize for the inconvience to you if you were one of the few of us on the ball and ready for the A&S/Tourney this week. Hopefully things will be just as fun on the 3rd. - Tarean MacCrae


Burning Lands

Emerald Hills

Celestial Kingdom

  • Donations for the Auction to be held at the Toys for Tots Tourney next weekend continue to roll in.
  • Mystic Springs begins holding Arts and Sciences nights on Thursdays. Fighter Practices are on Wednesdays.
  • There will be a dungeon crawl this weekend At Traitor's Gate. Big dungeon crawl. Expect traps, nasties, and obstacles galore. Bring tons of adventuring gear. If you think it might be useful, bring it. In fact, bring someone else to carry it for you. Information and Items for the quest can be found or purchased in the RP Tavern "The Hangin Noose".

Golden Plains

Iron Mountains

  • Skrag and Raphael announce their intent to run for principality office, again.
  • Ivory Tower will hold an emergency althing for the removal of two of their officers Fang as Prime Minster and acting treasurer Squall. If either or both of these proposals pass, the floor will be opened to nominations for a week long period, with an election to fill the office to be held on Dec. 21.
  • The website for the next Rakis is released.
  • Dec 6 Imp Game Day at Crimson Dawn, CD (Canon City)



  • Yule Feast together with the Midreign of Savage Highlands is scheduled for December 13th or 14th.
  • Overall Results for Astral Winds Weaponmaser. (using the scoring mechanism outlined in the Corpora for Warmaster/Crown Quals which are passed on to Weaponmaster Tournament): 1st Place - Sir Gorin w/ 22 points, 2nd Place - Terak w/ 18 points, 3rd Place - Ryuta w/ 15 points.


  • Dec 5th-7th Wetlands Endreign



  • Behold, I bring you a feast. Saturday, December 6th, Inland Ocean will be featuring a modest feast. The menu, for your pleasure, is Hamburgers and Hotdogs. Potato salad and a vegetable tray. Vegetarian options will be boca burgers and dogs. Drinks featured are gatorade, hot cocoa, fruit punch, and water. A pleasant dessert will follow. Where possible, all ingredients will be displayed with the accompanying dish. However, any information on allergies would appreciated (youngfitzchivalry@gmail.com).
  • People of Mithril Hills and members of Blackspire, Due to the changing in the seasons, Mithril Hills meeting time has changed from Noon to 11:00am. This would put the first battle game around 11:30am. The change has been approved by our Duchess Christiana to better facilitate the increased time desired for its people. Thanks, Shyden
  • December 6th (Saturday)-Northern Lights Declarations close for Principality Prime Minister.
  • December 6th (saturday)-BS Toys for tots tourney-Iron Keep (Eugene, Or) The donations should be for children between the ages of 2 and 13. All toys must be unopened, and all clothes must be new. Help kids have a Christmas!

Rising Winds

Crystal Groves

  • Dec. 7 CGBOD Meeting
  • Final declarations for high office; Monarch Peace, Yoshi, for Consort Relisys and for Champion Tosc and Zamorak. We will be doing the Vote of Confidence for champion this upcoming sunday. In a VoC you aren't voting for either Zamorak OR Tosc. It is a yes/no vote on if you feel that Zamorak would make a good KD champion. And another yes/no vote on if you feel that Tosc would make a good KD champion.

Desert Winds

  • Dec 6th. Quest Battle, then a class on shield building (bring a saucier sled!) Truevale


January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008

See also Upcoming Events, Template:Current Events, Current Events