Mystic Springs
From AmtWiki
A former Shire of the Celestial Kingdom, located in San Antonio, Texas.
Sheriff: Spike Eclipse
Regent: Rayvin
Clerk: Seryanna Heartwind
Champion: Omen
Members of Mystic Springs
Fun Little Details
- Mystic Springs has two Protectorate's: Talonfield & Pekannott Rois
- Converse were named the "Official Shoe of Mystic Springs" by Sylvanista
- Mystic Springs is also known as "The Hat Park"
Mystic Springs meets in San Pedro Park (1315 San Pedro Ave.), behind the San Pedro branch library, from 2:00pm until dark.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="29.446867" lon="-98.500811" zoom="16">29.446367, -98.500789Mystic Springs meeting place</googlemap>
The Mystic Springs Ditchfield
Mystic Springs AmtCard background