Award Standards

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The Amtgard Award Standards are the shared awards system that all Kingdoms adhere to.

Rules of Play: Appendix A

I. The Kingdoms of Amtgard recognize through binding action by the Circle of Monarchs, that all Ladder Awards leading to the bestowal of Knighthood shall be unified through an agreed framework and that no kingdom shall add to, remove, or modify the agreed upon requirements independently nor will any kingdom alter their individual corporas to contradict this agreement. The monarch retains the ability to bestow any award or honor as granted by their respective kingdom corpora. This agreement does not prevent officers from creating non-Ladder Awards that do not impact the line of Ladder Awards.

II. The Kingdoms of Amtgard resolve to remove definitions of the five orders of Knighthood (Flame, Crown, Serpent, Sword, Battle) as well as their associated Ladder awards and Masterhoods (Rose, Smith, Lion, Crown, Owl, Dragon, Garber, Warrior (Warlord), and Battle (Battlemaster)) from their respective corporas.

In addition:

a. Definitions of Ladder Awards, Ladder Masterhoods and Knighthoods shall not fall under the standard Rules Revision Process.
b. Changes to the definitions of Ladder Awards, Ladder Masterhoods and Knighthoods can only be made by ninety percent (90%) approval of the existing Kingdoms of Amtgard.
c. No kingdom may replace or supplement any other award for an existing Ladder Award, Ladder Masterhood, or Knighthood.


a. Knighthood: Below are the recommended criteria for becoming eligible for the five orders of Knighthood. Having these awards only grants eligibility and does not require that Knighthood be bestowed. Whereas Masterhood is recognition of skill, Knighthood is also recognition of character in addition to having skill equal to that of a Master. It is suggested that orders that reflect a player’s positive character (Griffin, Walker in the Middle, Jovious, Mask, etc.) be considered when determining any class of Knighthood.
1. Flame: A player may be eligible for Knight of the Flame after obtaining Masterhood in Rose, Smith, or Lion.
2. Crown: A player may be eligible for Knight of the Crown after obtaining Masterhood in Crown.
3. Serpent: A player may be eligible for Knight of the Serpent after obtaining Masterhood in Owl, Dragon, or Garber.
4. Sword: A player may be eligible for Knight of the Sword after obtaining the Masterhood title of Warlord.
5. Battle: A player may be eligible for Knight of Battle after obtaining the Masterhood title of Battlemaster.
b. Masterhood: Masterhoods are recognition of skill in a field of work. Meeting the criteria below does not automatically grant the associated Masterhood. Masterhoods are granted when a player has both the recommended requirements set forth herein and obvious expertise in their field.
1. Master Rose: A player may be eligible for earning the title of Master Rose upon earning their tenth Order of the Rose.
2. Master Smith: A player may be eligible for earning the title of Master Smith upon earning their tenth Order of the Smith.
3. Master Lion: A player may be eligible for earning the title of Master Lion upon earning their tenth Order of the Lion.
4. Master Crown: A player may be eligible for earning the title of Master Crown upon earning their tenth Order of the Crown.
5. Master Owl: A player may be eligible for earning the title of Master Owl upon earning their tenth Order of the Owl.
6. Master Dragon: A player may be eligible for earning the title of Master Dragon upon earning their tenth Order of the Dragon.
7. Master Garber: A player may be eligible for earning the title of Master Garber upon earning their tenth Order of the Garber.
8. Warlord: A player may be eligible for the Masterhood title of Warlord upon earning their tenth Order of the Warrior.
9. Battlemaster: A player may be eligible for the Masterhood title of Battlemaster upon earning their tenth Order of Battle.
c. Ladder Awards: Ladder Awards start out at zero and progress to tenth level. Attaining the next rung on the ladder should require a demonstrable level of ability beyond that required for the previous rung. This does not necessarily require bettering a player’s previous work so long as the work itself is sufficient to achieve the next rung. All levels must be earned consecutively. Monarchs have the discretion to award multiple levels of award to the same individual but all awards must be given in sequence.

Note: The examples given in each category are meant as only guidelines as to what might be the appropriate level of service for those levels.

1. Rose: Awarded for service to the club not necessarily related to an elected office. A first level Order of the Rose indicates a very minor service to the club such as picking up trash, while a tenth level Order of the Rose could be comparable to providing consistent, long-term service to the club.
2. Smith: Awarded for organizing and running battlegames, quests, workshops, demonstrations, and the like while not in office, or for running such events above and beyond the requirements of one’s office. A first level Order of the Smith might be awarded for running a good battlegame at park level. A tenth level Order of the Smith might be awarded for running a series of fun, immersive, and wellscripted battlegames or quests providing direction for an entire reign.
3. Lion: Awarded for going above and beyond the call of duty in the execution of an office, or for leadership outside of office while performing a service to Amtgard. A first level Order of the Lion might be awarded for organizing Fighter practices on off-Amtgard days. A tenth Order of the Lion might be awarded for running a series of demonstrations that increase attendance and ingratiates the club with the local community.
4. Crown: Awarded for serving with excellence in office from the local level to the kingdom level. A first level Order of the Crown might be for serving as a Shire Prime Minister and keeping all necessary records up to date. A tenth Order of the Crown might be awarded for serving as kingdom monarch and encourage your kingdom in such a way as to promote new player growth. This award may be stacked when given for a single term of office and groups are encouraged to do so.
5. Owl: Awarded for demonstrating ability in the construction sciences of Amtgard. Weapon construction, armor construction, furniture, shoes, belts, etc. A first level Order of the Owl could be awarded for constructing your first legal and functional sword. A tenth level Order of the Owl might be creating a full suit of decorated and articulated armor, or introducing critical new technologies and construction advancements that affect the group as a whole.
6. Dragon: Awarded for demonstrating ability in the arts of Amtgard. Performance, painting, sculpting, photography, cooking, banners, artistically focused garb, writing, acting, role-playing, etc. A first level Order of the Dragon might be awarded for doing a good reading of a non-original poetry piece. A tenth level Order of the Dragon might be awarded for writing and directing an excellent play for entertainment at a large event.
7. Garber: Awarded for the creation of garb: Tabards, pants, cloaks, gloves, sashes, pouches, etc. A first level Order of the Garber might be awarded for creating a simple, well-made pouch. A tenth level Order of the Garber might be awarded for making themed, elaborate and intricate garb for a group of people.
8. Warrior: Awarded for fighting prowess. Orders of the Warrior follow a regimented pattern for distribution:
i. A 1st Order is granted for winning three consecutive matches in any tournament format, for taking at least 3rd overall in a shire-level tournament, or for battlefield prowess.
ii. A 2nd Order is granted for winning five consecutive matches in any tournament format, for taking at least 2nd overall in a shire-level tournament, or for battlefield prowess.
iii. A 3rd Order is granted for winning seven consecutive matches in any tournament format, for winning a shire-level tournament, for taking at least 3rd overall in a barony-level tournament, or for battlefield prowess.
iv. A 4th level is granted for winning nine consecutive matches in any tournament format, for taking at least 2nd overall in a barony-level tournament, or for battlefield prowess.
v. A 5th level is granted for winning eleven consecutive matches in any tournament format, for winning a barony-level tournament, for taking at least 3rd overall in a duchy-level tournament, or for battlefield prowess.
vi. A 6th level is granted for winning thirteen consecutive matches in any tournament format, for placing at least 2nd overall in a duchy-level tournament, or for placing at least 3rd overall in a kingdom-level tournament.
vii. A 7th level is granted for winning fifteen consecutive matches in any tournament format, for winning a duchy-level tournament, or placing at least 2nd overall in a kingdom level tournament.
viii. An 8th level is granted for winning seventeen consecutive matches in any tournament format or for winning a major kingdom level tournament.
ix. A 9th is granted for winning nineteen consecutive matches in any tournament format or for winning a second major kingdom-level tournament.
x. A 10th is granted for winning twenty-one consecutive matches in any tournament format or for winning a third major kingdom-level tournament.
Note: Major kingdom-level tournament is defined as Weaponmaster, Warmaster (Crown Quals tournament), Olympiad, and/or an inter-kingdom event tournament, or other events as defined by the Kingdom Monarch. The level of competition and number of entrants in all tournaments must be considered before handing out Orders of the Warrior above seven. The difficulty of the tournament must warrant the level of order awarded.
9. Battle: An Order of Battle is awarded to players who have an understanding of tactics in class battlegaming and/or effectiveness as a player in class battlegaming. This order ranges from individual excellence in multiple classes in Amtgard to being able to command multiple small units and/or large teams. Below are examples of a 1st order through to Battlemaster title for the Order of Battle. These are recommendations, but not requirements. The criteria mentioned are not meant to be comprehensive, and they are meant to work in conjunction with each other and not as individual avenues towards masterhood/knighthood.
i. A 1st Order is granted for showing basic skill in class battlegaming.
Examples Include: Effective use of your abilities, or tactics that have a short term impact on games or class battlefield prowess. Recommended to be awarded at a shire or higher.
ii. A 2nd Order is granted for showing consistent basic skills in class battlegaming.
Examples Include: Consistent effective use of your abilities, or tactics that have a short term impact on games or class battlefield prowess. Recommended to be awarded at a shire or higher.
iii. A 3rd Order is granted for showing intermediate skills in class battlegaming.
Examples Include: Effective use of your abilities to successfully capture/defend an objective in class battlegames, leading a small unit effectively during a battlegame, or class battlefield prowess. Recommended to be awarded at a shire or higher.
iv. A 4th Order is granted for showing consistent intermediate skills in class battlegaming.
Examples Include: Consistent effective use of your abilities to successfully capture/defend objectives in class battlegames, leading a small unit consistently during battlegames, or class battlefield prowess. Recommended to be awarded at barony or higher.
v. A 5th Order is granted for showing advanced skills in class battlegaming.
Examples Include: Effective use of individual/team abilities to sway the momentum of a battle, effective use of individual abilities to successfully capture/defend multiple objectives, leading multiple small units or a large unit in class battlegames to victory. Recommended to be awarded at barony or higher.
vi. A 6th Order is granted for consistently showing advanced skills in class battlegaming.
Examples Include: Consistent effective use of individual/team abilities to sway the momentum of a battle, consistent effective use of individual abilities to successfully capture/defend multiple objectives, consistently leading multiple small units or a large unit in class battlegames to victory. Recommended to be awarded at barony or higher.
vii. A 7th Order is granted for showing individual or team strategy that has a game-changing effect in kingdom or duchy level class battlegaming.
Examples Include: Effective use of individual/team abilities to be a key component in victory or a major obstacle during defeat in a kingdom or duchy battlegame, leading a large unit or multiple small units to successfully win a Kingdom or duchy battlegame, victory in a Kingdom or duchy class battlegaming tournament.
viii. An 8th Order is granted for showing consistent individual or team strategy that has a game-changing effect in kingdom or duchy level class battlegaming.
Examples include: Consistent effective use of individual/team abilities to be a key component to victory or a major obstacle during defeat in kingdom or duchy battlegames, consistently leading a large unit or multiple small units to successfully win a Kingdom or duchy battlegame, a victory in a Kingdom or duchy class battlegaming tournament, or earning a Paragon.
ix. A 9th Order is granted for continued consistent individual or team strategy that has a game-changing effect in kingdom level class battlegaming.
Examples include: Consistent effective use of individual/team abilities to be a key component to victory or a major obstacle during defeat in a kingdom battlegame, consistently leading a large team (25+) or multiple small units to successfully win a Kingdom battlegame, victory in a Kingdom class battlegaming tournament, or earning a Paragon.
x. A 10th Order is granted for continued consistent individual or team strategy that has a game-changing effect in kingdom level class battlegaming.
Examples include: Consistent effective use of individual/team abilities to be a key component to victory or a major obstacle during defeat in a kingdom battlegame, consistently leading a large team (25+) or multiple small units to successfully win a Kingdom battlegame, victory in a Kingdom class battlegaming tournament, or earning a Paragon.

Notes: If Orders of Battle are given for paragons, eligible classes include the core 10 classes, Anti-paladin, Paladin, and Monster. It is suggested to have at least 1 caster class as a paragon.

If Orders of Battle are given for Class Battlegaming Tournaments, the player must heavily contribute to the victory in such a way that requires adequate skill. This does not necessarily mean 'number of kills' as being a highly aware, highly effective support role is of equal importance.

The suggested symbol for Orders of the Battle is a wand, arrow and sword.


V8 Rulebook
Introduction · V8 Made Easy · Organization · Role-playing · Combat Rules · Armor · Weapons · Weapon Types, Shields, and Equipment · Equipment Checking · Magic Items · Battlegames · Magic, Abilities, States and Special Effects · Classes · Magic and Abilities · Magic Items · Rules Revision Process · Award Standards · Kingdom Boundaries & Park Sponsorship · Annexure · Common Misconceptions