Order of the Garber
The Order of the Garber is an award given for making Garb for oneself or others. A ladder award.
Excerpt from the Amtgard ROP: Award Standards
Suggested Criteria
Order of the Garber

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Garber (Master Garber)
Given by: Monarch, Regent (to 10th), Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke/Duchess (to 7th), Baron(ess) (to 4th)
Given for: Making nice garb for others, flag construction, making superior garb for oneself, court, fighting garb that is not armor such as monster garb and class garb, color including hats, masks, gauntlets, cloaks, boots, pouches, etc., needle work. The very finest of Amtgard garb unquestionably improves the atmosphere of the game. No other art contributes more to the appearance of a battle game, and thusly to the feel of the game itself. As much attention as a rumble with boffers may attract, having every participant at least partially garbed is bound to attract even more attention, and more of the positive kind. Included as well would be some forms of armor that would be eligible for garber credits based solely on beauty. It may be that armor is made which is not of sufficiently sturdy materials or construction to earn Owls, but is glorious and should be awarded as garb. The following are for the minimum qualifications to get that number of Garbers.
Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt favor: Violet belt favors with a Black border and diagonal mark
across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.
SUGGESTED criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, suggested. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.
Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)
1st For garbing themselves done happily and successfully.
2nd through 3rd Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 1st Garber. For the clothing of new members of the populace happily and successfully. May also be given for a novice attempt in their first resident garbing competition that resulted in a placement in the top three in any category and achieving the minimum required scores.
4th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 2nd through 3rd Garber. For the clothing of several new members of the populace happily and successfully. May also be given for placing 1st through 3rd in three or more categories and achieving the minimum required scores in their first garbing competition.
5th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 4th Garber. For the clothing of a high number members of the populace or equivalent non- competitive work done happily and successfully. May also be given for placing 1st-3rd overall in their first Resident Grand Duchy, Duchy or Barony garbing competition only where they entered the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.
6th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 5th Garber. For the clothing of all a Baronial level quest's characters or equivalent non- competitive work done happily and successfully. May also be given for placing 3rd in their resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and 3rd overall in the garbing categories of their Resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy Qualifications only where they entered the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.
7th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 6th Garber. For the clothing of a high number of members of the populace and self, all of a Ducal level quest's characters, or equivalent non-competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament. May also be given for placing 2nd in their resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and 2nd in the overall garbing categories and achieving the minimum required scores in their Resident Kingdom or Grand Duchy Qualifications only where both were entered with the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.
8th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 7th Garber. For the successful clothing of a high number of members of the populace and self, all of a Grand Ducal level quest's characters or equivalent non- competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament or gifts for visiting monarchs. May also be given for placing 1st overall in resident Kingdom Garbing Competitions and 1st overall in the Garbing category of their resident Kingdom Qualifications only where both were entered with the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.
9th Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 8th Garber. For the successful clothing of a high number of members of the populace and self, all of a Kingdom level quest's characters or equivalent non- competitive work such as accessories for the winners of a tournament or gifts for visiting monarchs. May also be given for placing 1st in two resident Kingdom Garbing Competition and placing 1st overall in the Garbing category in one resident Kingdom Qualifications only where both were entered with the minimum number of required categories and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.
10th+ Must have fulfilled the criteria for their 9th Garber. One set of incredibly recreated garb for either their household or other members of the populace that unquestionably improves the atmosphere of the game. May also be given for placing 1st in two additional resident Kingdom Garbing Competitions and placing 1st overall in either two additional Resident Kingdom or three additional Grand Duchy Qualifications only where they entered the minimum number of required categories, achieving the minimum required scores and fulfilling the criteria for their 9th Garber. At the discretion of the Monarch all can be traded in for placing 1st overall in one Inter- kingdom Olympiad where all the categories were entered and achieving the minimum required scores. There must be such a requirement set for this award to mean anything.
Masterhood - granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Masters Garbers to decide if additional criteria is required.
Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Garber.
Orders and Awards |
Select the "M" link to see information about the Order Masterhood for that Order. Orders: CrownM ⋅ DragonM ⋅ Flame ⋅ GarberM ⋅ GriffonM ⋅ HydraM ⋅ JoviousM ⋅ LionM ⋅ MaskM ⋅ OwlM ⋅ RoseM ⋅ SmithM ⋅ Walker of the Middle ⋅ WarriorM ⋅ BattleM ⋅ Zodiac Knighthoods: Crown ⋅ Flame ⋅ Serpent ⋅ Sword ⋅ Battle |