Order of the Lion

From AmtWiki

The Order of the Lion is an award given for Leadership in and out of Office. A ladder award.

The first Order of the Lion was given on April 16th 1983 to Nashomi. Tawnee on Lions and Warriors

Excerpt from the Amtgard ROP: Award Standards

Lion: Awarded for going above and beyond the call of duty in the execution of an office, or for leadership outside of office while performing a service to Amtgard. A first level Order of the Lion might be awarded for organizing Fighter practices on off-Amtgard days. A tenth Order of the Lion might be awarded for running a series of demonstrations that increase attendance and ingratiates the club with the local community.

Suggested criteria

Written by an unknown Wetlands Author

Template created by Alona Twotrees

Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Lion

Given by: the Crown - Monarch, Regent (to 9th), Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke (to 7th), Baron (to 4th)

Given for: excellence in statecraft and/or leadership. Such acts include but are not necessarily limited to: founding new chapters, aiding in and/or leading the recognition of an "official" chapter, aiding in and/or leading the elevation of an existing group's status, aiding and/or leading arbitration of intergroup disputes. THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL AWARD AND PROVINCIAL LEADERS ARE STRONGLY URGED TO CONSULT WITH THE CROWN BEFORE BESTOWING THIS AWARD.

Limitations: None, however a minimum of 10 of this order are needed to qualify for Masterhood.

Belt Favor: Peach belt favor with a brown border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

An order of the lion given by Peter LeGrue to Nashomi

SUGGESTED criteria: All criteria listed here are just that, suggested. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.

Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)

1st through 2nd Someone who has successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

3rd Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 1st-2nd Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

4th through 5th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 3rd Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

6th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 4th-5th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their resident Kingdom, Principality, Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

7th through 8th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 6th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in their Kingdom, Principality, Duchy, Barony or Shire that warrants the attention of the Crown.

9th Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 7th-8th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in an Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their resident Kingdom.

10th+ Someone who has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and has achieved the criteria for the 9th Lion and has a record of superior statecraft/leadership and successfully displayed statecraft/leadership talents in an Inter-Kingdom event sponsored by their resident Kingdom.

Masterhood - granted once all the criteria has been fulfilled and the Monarch feels that nothing else is required. In the instance where awards have been garnered from another Chapter it will be up to the discretion of the Monarch with input from the Wetland Master Lions to decide if additional criteria is required.

Note: The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve more orders of the Lion.

Orders and Awards
Select the "M" link to see information about the Order Masterhood for that Order.
Orders: CrownMDragonMFlameGarberMGriffonMHydraMJoviousMLionMMaskMOwlMRoseMSmithMWalker of the MiddleWarriorMBattleMZodiac
Knighthoods: CrownFlameSerpentSwordBattle