Classes Made Easy

From AmtWiki
Classes have levels. Each level unlocks new abilities you can use. Your level in a class is determined by the number of times you have signed in as that class before. See ‘Credits and Levels’ for more information.

Except for Traits, all abilities require an Incantation in order to be activated. That’s just a short audible sentence that announces to everybody what is going on.

All classes also have a list of weapons and armor they can use regardless of level. Available equipment, along with any additional restrictions or limitations, is listed in the class description.

Classes are grouped into two broad categories:

Magic users have access to a broad array of Magical abilities, which are listed along with their class description. Fighting classes have fewer, but more focused, abilities to go along with their expanded equipment availability.

Abilities for martial classes are listed like this: Name [Frequency] ([Category]) ([Notes])

Name: The name of the ability.
Uses: How often the ability can be used. Possible options are:

Unlimited: This ability may be used any number of times.
‘X’/Life: This ability may be used X number of times each life. Each time you respawn you have a fresh set of these ‘per life’ abilities.
‘X’/Refresh: This ability may be used X number of times per Refresh. You start the game with a full set of these ‘per Refresh’ abilities, but they are only refilled when a Reeve announces a Refresh.
Charge: May be used in conjunction with per life or per Refresh, or on its own. Charge abilities can be used any number of times, but must be Charged after the initial uses are expended. See the definition of Charge under the section 'Abilities, States, and Special Effects Defined' for a full explanation of how Charge works.
Not listed: This ability isn’t a cast ability.

Category: What kind of ability it is. Possible options are:

(T): for Trait: This is an always-on ability which cannot be removed from the bearer in any way and never requires an Incantation of any sort to start and does not require an Enchantment Strip or count towards the bearer’s Enchantment limit.
(ex): for Extraordinary: This ability is not Magical in nature. It could represent poison from a vial or using a piece of twine to fix a broken arrow. An ability listed as (ex) which is defined as being an Enchantment in its ability definition generally behaves as an Enchantment but does not count towards the limit of Enchantments that may be worn by a player. See the definition of Enchantment under the section 'Abilities, States, and Special Effects Defined' for more information.
(m): for Magical: This Ability is Magical in nature. If the definition of this ability lists it as an Enchantment then it follows all the rules for Enchantments and counts towards the limit of Enchantments that may be worn by a player.
Notes: Anything non-standard about the ability. Typical examples might be Ambulant or Persistent.
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V8 Rulebook
Introduction · V8 Made Easy · Organization · Role-playing · Combat Rules · Armor · Weapons · Weapon Types, Shields, and Equipment · Equipment Checking · Magic Items · Battlegames · Classes · Magic, Abilities, States and Special Effects · Magic and Abilities · Rules Revision Process · Common Misconceptions · Award Standards · Kingdom Boundaries & Park Sponsorship · Annexure