Lost Hills
A Shire of the Kingdom of Rivermoor, located in Sioux City, IA.

Originally founded as Gehenna Plains by Shin and Taraka. In the fall of 2004, after seeing a demo put on by Querna Tema at a gaming convention, Shin was dedicated to starting a group in Sioux City. For the next several weeks Gehenna Plains existed only in Taraka's back yard and a handful of other places as they struggled to find like minded people to join up. After gathering a handful of players they semi-officially moved to Ravine Park. Around that same time, a player from QT by the name of Hitorimono moved here and was employed at a video game store. After working together for a while one of his coworkers, Zael, approached him about his joining a game called Amtgard. The two separate groups merged immediately and Gehenna Plains continue to grow eventually becoming a barony. The name Gehenna Plains was decided, ; Gehenna is the term for Hell in Jewish lore. Instead of being a spiritual realm, it is a physical city on Earth known for swelteringly hot summers, bitterly cold winters, foul tempered people everywhere and a putrid inescapable stench permeating throughout. It was concluded that if that didn't describe Sioux City to a tee, nothing did.
In 2021 the chapter self demoted to shire and changed the name to Lost Hills.
- Calypso Jamadhar
- Dryope
- Lucretio
- Malachai
- Micheal Sandstorm
- Mistral
- Octavia Knite
- Pitmounth
- Purple GP
- Raku
- Slarty
- Taraka
- Tayla
- Tselina McConnahay
- Azrael
- Dakar
- Eonte
- Selrahc
- Short Round
- Tigger
- Trillian
- Vaude
Prime Minister
Fighting Class Guildmasters
- Anti-Paladin Guildmaster: Unoccupied
- Archer Guildmaster: Eonte
- Assassin Guildmaster: Selrahc
- Barbarian Guildmaster: Dakar
- Bard Guildmaster: Selrahc
- Druid Guildmaster: Unoccupied
- Healer Guildmaster: Tselina
- Monk Guildmaster: Unoccupied
- Monster Guildmaster: Selrahc
- Paladin Guildmaster: Unoccupied
- Scout Guildmaster: Slarty
- Warrior Guildmaster: Slarty
- Wizard Guildmaster: Malachai
Contacts and Directions
We meet at Riverside Park by the yellow building.
Sioux City, Iowa. Sundays at 1:30 PM.
For information on other chapters in Amtgard look here
Amtgard Chapters within the Empire of Rivermoor |
Adari Vaal Keep • Crimson Plains • Everlyn • Ivory Tower • Lost Hills • Northern Fields • Queens Landing • Querna Tema • Silver Riders |