Burning Lands
The Kingdom of the Burning Lands

The Kingdom of the Burning Lands was the original Amtgard Chapter, founded in 1983 in El Paso, TX.
The chapter proper plays at Memorial Park.
This is where it all began, in 1983. Peter La Grue ran an ad in the local newspaper for "Attila The Hun's Birthday Bash ", a few people showed up from a local science fiction club including Tawnee Darkfalcon who later won the 1st Crown tournament to become the first Monarch. This chapter official took it's name as the Burning Lands on October 1st 1983.
Current Monarchy
- Monarch: King Kurse
- Regent: Squire Rika
- PM: Duke Sir Smiley
- Champion: Duchess Squire Astra Wanderingstar
- GMR: Dame Casio
- Rules Rep: Countess Dame Pheobe
- BoD President: Count Sir Reid - [email protected]
- CoM Senator: Saint Sylvie Muktuk
- GMK: Grand Duke Sir Kurse
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Players usually park in circle near a large porta-potty on Grant St. Amtgard is usually conducted between two stone bridges, which can be seen from the parking circle/top of a grassy knoll.
Additional information may be found by visiting Kingdom of the Burning Lands-The First Kingdom on Facebook.com Information there is accessible by selecting files and searching (ex:file search-Corpora)
See also
- Our people
- Our places
- Our Knights
- Our Courts
- The First Five Monarchs
- The First Three Years page
- Burning Lands Board of Directors
- Magical Mystery War
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Kingdoms and Principalities of Amtgard |
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- The Burning Lands Doesn't Suck by Randall