Principality of Olympus

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Revision as of 07:39, 12 December 2011 by (talk) (Updated to reflect the duchy of Olympus' withdrawl from principality. Updated history.)


Olympus Principality.JPG


The Principality of Olympus was founded on April 20th in 2008 out of the remains of the Rosetta Pact, along with its sister principality of Rivermoor. There was much controversy between the remaining chapters of the Rosetta Pact. The remaining chapters included North Haven, Starmount, and Mists of the Dawn. By populace vote, Olympus decided to invite Starmount and Mists of the Dawn to join them. Mists of the Dawn rejected Olympus' invitation because North Haven was not invited into the Principality. During that time, the newly reformed chapter of Three Rivers, now under a new name of Dark Shores, submitted their request to join the Principality and was met with a hearty approval. Before settling on a name the principality was known as tentively known as 'Steel Valley', with other choices such as 'God-Forsaken Wastelands of the North' and 'Stormwarden Plains' being the runners-up. On February 6th an althing brought Mists of the dawn into the principality. On December 11th 2011 the Duchy of Olymopus held and althing and voted to leave the principality. The principality presently has a newsletter called Mos Maiorum which is published a few times per reign.


Current Officers




Weezicus was elected the first Prime Minister at Starmount's Midreign on May 17th, 2008. The first elections for Monarch and Regent were held on July 19th, 2008 with Skrag and Sir Raphael running uncontested. Sir Garik won the Champion's Tournament, and Wolfstar was elected as Principality GMR.

Monarch Regent Champion Prime Minister Guildmaster of Reeves Guildmaster of Knights
Reign # 1: Sept 2008 - Feb 2009 Skrag Raphael Garik Weezicus Wolfstar N/A
Reign # 2: Feb 2009 - August 2009 Covus Helstaven Leon Boisgard Sir Raphael Weezicus / Bromos Wolfstar N/A
Reign# 3: Aug 2009 - Feb 14 2010 Aries Silvertree Demi Miago Bromos / Jager Raphael protem N/A
Reign# 4: Feb 2010 - Aug 2010 Aiden Rayhawk Scytale Jager / Jager Raphael N/A
Reign # 5: Aug 2010 - Feb 2011 Miago Garik Sir Raphael Jager / Rayhawk Broton N/A
Reign # 6: Feb 2011 - Aug 2011 Garik Covus Sir Raphael Rayhawk / Rayhawk Miago N/A
Reign # 7: Aug 2011 - Feb 2011 Broton Viollette Sir Raphael Rayhawk / Shaft Aiden N/A

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