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Duke Sir GoldCrest, of Astral Winds, the Kingdom of Dragonspine,

”Let's get it going, boss!”
"The field is for fighting. If you want to talk, you should go to the mall."
"Lucas, before you edit my page again, please refer to this conversation here"


GoldCrest being awarded Knight of the Serpent. (Clan '09)


GoldCrest began his amtgard career at Dragon's Keep under DS (although it is now defunct ). GoldCrest has some great ideas on getting a new park up and running, you can check them out on the advice pages, under Starting your own Park. He was a founding member of Dragon's Keep, and later founder of Astral Winds.

He is presently playing in Mystic Springs, in the Celestial Kingdom.

He has bitchen Garb. Some of which was made for him by his lovely wife Dame Shelai.

His colors are maroon and gold. This is his heraldry:

Belted Family

Before GoldCrest was welcomed into the peerage he was Squire to Sir ElSpeth who was squire to Sir Alaeric.
GoldCrest has been proud to see two members of his beltline elevated to Knighthood; Sir Iago del Khahli and Sir Gorin.
Syntaury, Pyro Flamespitter and Murdoc presently serve as Squires to Sir GoldCrest.

Knighted Family Snapshot

Affiliated Groups

Astral Winds
Mystic Springs

Notable Accomplishments

Misc. Photos

Seen here (left) in Dragonspine regalia with Sir Gorin (center) and Sir Keluric at Darkshore 2009

Contact Info

[email protected]