Template:Current Events

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Revision as of 14:53, 14 May 2009 by (talk)

Every a chapter that has a contract on file has been added to a new category in the chapters section. Out of the 922 chapters that have been know to exist ever, only 226 have contracts on file. If you chapter isn't listed, you should look into getting one.

SKBC is being held this weekend inGeneva Hills Campground near Lancaster, Ohio.

Burning Lands

  • Discussions about the Clan CoM meeting are occurring on various forums.

Emerald Hills

  • Dreadmoor is trying to pick out their heraldry, more than 14 entries have been made.
  • Details Finders keep has been demoted to shire, this has raised some questions about the chapters status and abilities.
  • Sequoyah Thunder and Red Storm have both joined the Emerald hills. That brings every active chapter in Oklahoma under EH rule.

Celestial Kingdom

Golden Plains

  • Weaponsmaster tourney was held on April fifth; 1st place Warblade 41 pts, 2nd Place Moonshadow 34 pts, 3rd Place Zander 12 pts.

Iron Mountains

  • Rakis is coming up, with people from at least nine kingdoms planning to attend. Autocrat Grendel has planned a return to dune theme.
  • Weezicus is cooking the Bacon Explosion as part of the Principality of Olympus's Midreign Feast on Saturday, May 16th.
  • Querna Tema is holding its Spring Trials event this weekend, with two A&S competitions (one for throwing weapons and one for field garb), and two fighting tournaments (one archery and one scout themed) for further information go to www.amtgardrivermoor.org .



  • Siar Geata is exploring the possibility of having their own principality in the future. link



  • If you are planning on running for Monarch, Regent, or Champion I am now accepting declarations from now until May 31, 2009 at 12:00 am. So if you are wanting to declare I need to have your declaraion in writing or e-mail before mid-night on May 31, 2009. I will not accept any declarations after 12:00 am on May 31, 2009. I am going to try to have crown quals in the most centralized location for those of you who are on the fringes of the Kingdom. I am trying to have Crown Quals on or about the last weekend of June, 2009. For those of you who are running for kingdom Monarch or Regent you will need 8 arts and sciences entries along with passing the reeves and copora tests. Good Luck to all that choose to take on some responsibilities and give the "Old Schoolers" a break from office. So please everyone that is new and interested STEP UP and do your part for the Kingdom. Lets also make this the Best and most envied Kingdom in Amtgard. Thank You In Service prime Minister Sno Flake.


  • Mystic Seas has canceled their Ithra
  • An involved discussion takes place on the Blackspire list and Esam about whether Aristiri should be allowed access to kingdom funds again, after her theft of kingdom funds in 2004.
  • Savage Squire to Fodder is running for Kingdom Prime Minister, as well as Lady Anezka, and Lady Falcon, squire to Syr Darrian.
  • The Pac War Website is released.

Rising Winds

  • Today was an Althing at Western Gate. After checking out the issues from all sides, I made a decision that was hard, but I felt it was required and necessary. I must tell you all that I and Debain, our PM, suspended Tusocks for 6 months for using her position as event-o-crat to lie to and try to manipulate her security team into barring her estranged husband from attending our public NPO's event, thereby breaking our NPO charter and our BL Contract. This is after being told many times by our BoD that her mundane issues with her estranged husband could not be brought to Western Gate and that we were in no way responsible for policing her personal problems and to cease and desist. The park had questions that I answered to the best of my ability. I produced written evidence and it was examined. The park agreed that suspension was warranted. Directly afterwards, another member called for a permanent ban, citing that Tusocks has created a number of problems for our park previously. This motion was immediately seconded by yet another player and a vote was duly taken. The motion did pass 12 - 4 - Tusocks AKA Chase Wisner is banned from Western Gate by Althing decision. Tusocks had been urged to come to this Althing by me and speak in her defense. She did not. This banning can be overturned only by another Althing decision, however the suspension will remain in effect until October 14th (2009). The next scheduled Althing will be the first Sunday of June. In Service, Heartwynd Duchess of Western Gate

Crystal Groves

Desert Winds

  • The Kingdom is proud to announce the new Summer Reign Monarchy: King Marquis Duffer Cole and his Regent Viscount Master Squire Vexx Feria both from Desert Rose. Our new KGMR is Dame Sindari Elfstone of The River's End. Newly elected BOD members include Lord Sable (RE), Dame Sindari Elfstone (RE), and Sir Cedic Fitz Caliston (RE). The 4 Althing items on the ballot passed as well. Congratulations and best of luck on your upcoming reign. Coronation will be held at the Salt Wars VII court.
  • The Duchy of the Desert Rose had a dagger tourney 2 weekends ago where the winner got a magical dagger of bloodthirsty rage. The winner was MaA Eragon 'Mudskipper'. And last weekend a group went to Ryndon RV park to plant the grass seed in preparation for Dragon Blade Wars this coming August.
  • The Shire of Fal Dare had 11 people show up last Saturday, it was very rainy so they met up at Denny's and had a non fighting meeting. Hurray to the great numbers they are showing.
  • The Duchy of the River's End is gearing up for Salt Wars...many of our artisans are busily at work crafting for the annual fund raising auction held there each year. Our Duke Marquis Squire Ceowolf who is also one of the Autocrats has been testing out the battle games on the park to make sure they are ready for everyone. It has been great fun and helped with the excitement...you really don't want to miss this one! Reduced prepay rated of $25 dollars can be paid to your park PM or on line until May 10th. The menu is set and the list of meals look intriguing! With things like Trogdor's Unmentionables to be served for lunch on Friday by the Dragon Blade Mercenaries. A Pancake breakfast Saturday morning cooked up by the River's End House of Pancakes with help from our own Interkingdom House of Pancakes member Count Loptr the Flapjack Flipper.
  • COME ONE COME ALL TO SALT WARS VII - War of Secession May 14-17 all info at web site: http://www.saltwar.com/


This Template is updated every Wednesday, or sometimes Thursday. Older news can be found here, also see Upcoming Events.