Sea of Rhye
Smithfield, Va subgroup of the Kingdom of Goldenvale

Sea of Rhye has merged with Veles Harbour and is now called Harbour of Rhye
From 1999 to approximately 2007 The Barony of the Sea of Rhye was an active group populated primarily by a younger collection of attendees from the southside Virginia community. It was the host group for an event known as Gauntlet, the first of which was planned and orchestrated by Sir Iago. The "boys from SOR" fought well and with distinction at a number of events, though now most seem to have moved on from the LARP world. The group nearly died out at several times. Only through the dedication of a core group of individuals (2001-2004) did it remain active. Among those who deserve mention for their efforts are, Creton, Modin, Montag, Erimin, Avendark, and Jonathan Granger. Most of the offices of the Barony were held in some rotation by this group (longest serving among them being Erimin). Some controversy existed throughout this period as there were proposals to merge groups made several times, all of which were fruitless until the group reached its current iteration. It should go as a lesson to other groups that as long as a park or meeting place has a few dedicated members it can survive virtually anything.
The Barony colours are (were) blue and gold.
Companies represented:
Points of interest:
It is likely worth noting that Sir Haggis Hoestroker (as he was known at least) got his start playing at SOR under the fighting tutelage of Sir Darva Oakstake and Baronet Erimin. Though he obviously excelled beyond them both (certainly well past the prowess of any of the locals).
At one point there was an off shoot group known as Purgatory's Paradise (Newport News, Va)
The group was generally well received by the local community with a positive article published in the local town paper in 2002.
People pictures from a typical park day
Contacts and Directions
The Sea of Rhye met at Carrollton Nike Park in Smithfield, VA.